strelka in strategic opening test

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strelka in strategic opening test

Post by ozziejoe »

the openings are taken from " a strategic opening repertoire " by donaldson. The first results are from the the various closed sicilian reversed variations in the book.

Strelka is doing exceptionally well so far. It looks like it belongs in the same group as toga, shredder, glauring and naum.

Engine Score St
1: Strelka 31.0/55 ··········
2: 6.5/10 ===0=111=1
3: Glaurung-SMP-32bit 5.0/9 101=0101=
4: TogaII 4.0/9 0=010=101
5: Naum 3.5/9 0==10100=
6: Spike1.2 2.5/9 00=0001==
6: EngineShredder10UCI 2.5/9 =10000010

55 of 396 games played
Name of the tournament: Strelkaa
Site/ Country: HBS-HZMDN1S, Australia
Level: Tournament 60/4
Hardware: Dual Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7400 @ 2.16GHz with 2,048 MB Memory
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
PGN-File: C:\Program Files\Arena\Tournaments\Strelkaa.pgn
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