4th Amateur Championship Division 4 (after Round 15 of 30)

Discussion of computer chess matches and engine tournaments.

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Graham Banks
Posts: 43238
Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:52 am
Location: Auckland, NZ

4th Amateur Championship Division 4 (after Round 15 of 30)

Post by Graham Banks »


Opteron 185
Fritz 10 GUI
128mb hash each
3-4-5 piece tablebases
Ponder off
HS-10Moves.ctg book
40 moves in 38 minutes repeating (adapted for the CCRL 40/40)
30 rounds (2 cycles)
Run by Ray Banks
The top three engines will be promoted and the bottom three engines will be relegated.
Standings after Round 15

12.0 - Diablo 0.5.1
10.5 - Aice 0.99.2
9.0 - Anechka 0.08

8.5 - BugChess2 1.4.1
8.0 - Horizon 4.3
8.0 - KnightX 1.92
7.5 - Popochin 2.9
7.0 - EXchess 5.01b
7.0 - AliChess 4.08
7.0 - Deuterium
6.5 - Little Thought 1.00
6.5 - Ayito 0.2.994
6.5 - BBChess 1.10
5.5 - NanoSzachy 2.8
5.5 - GreKo 5.2.5
5.0 - Sage 2.2a

This tournament can be followed and the games downloaded from this link:
http://kd.lab.nig.ac.jp/chess/discussio ... php?t=2147