CCRL update (12th May 2007)

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Graham Banks
Posts: 43238
Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:52 am
Location: Auckland, NZ

CCRL update (12th May 2007)

Post by Graham Banks »

The May 12th update of the CCRL Rating Lists and Statistics is now available for viewing at:

The links to the various rating lists can be found just beneath the default Best Versions list.
For example there is a 32-bit Single CPU list.

Our standard testing is at 40 moves in 40 minutes repeating while our current blitz testing is at both 40 moves in 4 minutes repeating and 40 moves in 12 minutes repeating, all adjusted to the AMD64 X2 4600+ (2.4GHz).

Currently active testers in our team are:
Graham Banks, Ray Banks, Shaun Brewer, Kirill Kryukov, Dom Leste, Tom Logan, Andreas Schwartmann, Charles Smith, George Speight, Chris Taylor, Chuck Wilson, Gabor Szots and Martin Thoresen.

We remain on the lookout for more testers to help, so please contact one of us if you're interested.
You do not need to own any commercial engines as amateurs are also a big part of our testing.
An extra tester who could carry out 2CPU 64-bit and 32-bit testing at 40/40 time control would be a valuable asset to our team.

40/40 Notes

974 games were added to our 40/40 database this week, making a total of 58,449 games.
A big thanks to all testers as usual.

Many engines on our list have few games and in many cases their ratings are likely to fluctuate (markedly for some) until a lot more games are played. Therefore no conclusions should be drawn about their strength yet.
To illustrate this point, when an engine has 200 games played, the error margin is still approximately +/-40 ELO, after 500 games +-25 ELO, after 1000 games +-17 ELO and even after 2000 games there is a +-13 ELO error margin!
This of course highlights the importance of looking at other rating lists that are also available in order to draw comparisons and get a more accurate overall picture.

We are not testing Rybka 2.3 at 40/40, preferring to wait for the bugfixed Rybka 2.3.2 to be released.

4CPU Engines
3105 - Rybka 2.2 64-bit 4CPU
3044 - Zap!Chess Zanzibar 64-bit 4CPU
2981 - Hiarcs 11.1 4CPU
2954 - Naum 2.1 64-bit 4CPU
2944 - Loop 13.6 64-bit 4CPU
2930 - Deep Shredder 10 64-bit 4CPU
2925 - Deep Fritz 10 4CPU
2922 - Deep Junior 10 4CPU
2861 - Glaurung 1.2.1 64-bit 4CPU

2CPU Engines
3084 - Rybka 2.1 64-bit 2CPU
3052 - Rybka 2.2 64-bit 2CPU
3033 - Zap!Chess Zanzibar 64-bit 2CPU (only 78 games so far though)
2947 - Hiarcs 11.1 2CPU
2934 - Loop 13.6 64-bit 2CPU
2926 - Deep Fritz 10 2CPU (only 64 games so far though)
2914 - Naum 2.1 64-bit 2CPU
2899 - Deep Junior 10 2CPU
2895 - Deep Shredder 10 64-bit 2CPU
2818 - Glaurung 1.2.1 Avalanche 64-bit 2CPU
2743 - Deep Frenzee 3.0 64-bit 2CPU (only 56 games so far though)
2737 - Pharaon 3.5.1 32-bit 2CPU

Single CPU Engines
2999 - Rybka 2.2 64-bit
2911 - Hiarcs 11.1
2906 - Loop 13.6 32-bit (still only a handful of games and 64-bit not tested yet)
2905 - Zap!Chess Zanzibar 64-bit
2879 - Fritz 10
2872 - Shredder 10
2861 - Toga II 1.2.1a (not testing Toga II 1.3x4 yet due to egbb access bug)
2850 - Spike 1.2 Turin
2845 - Junior 10
2844 - Deep Sjeng 2.5 1CPU (only 68 games so far)
2844 - Naum 2.1 32-bit (64-bit not tested)
2839 - Fruit 2.2.1
2813 - Junior 10.1 (more games still required though)
2803 - Ktulu 8.0
2797 - SmarThink 1.00 64-bit (only 85 games though)
2790 - Chess Tiger 2007
2774 - Glaurung 1.2.1 Avalanche 32-bit
2768 - Glaurung 1.2.1 64-bit
2767 - Scorpio 1.84
2764 - CM9000 Enforcer
2762 - Chess Tiger 2007.1 (more games still required though)
2762 - CM10th Xperience
2758 - Scorpio 1.91
2756 - Alaric 704 (only 64 games so far though)
2741 - Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1
2739 - Petir 4.39 (only 30 games so far though)
2734 - CM10th Default
2730 - Ruffian 2.1.0
2729 - Delfi 5.1
2725 - Pro Deo 1.2
2724 - WildCat 7
2723 - Gandalf 6

CCRL Amateur Championship (32-bit 1CPU):
4th Season Division 1 - Spike claimed the crown. The Baron, Movei and Pseudo were relegated.

4th Season Division 2 - at the halfway stage, Alaric, Little Goliath, Ufim and Pharaon are vying for the three promotion spots. Amateur, Snitch and Gaia currently occupy the three relegation slots.

4th Season Division 3 - after 22 of the 30 rounds, Gosu, Djinn and Queen are just ahead of AnMon and Patzer in the battle for promotion. Tytan, Thor's Hammer and Typhoon are still struggling to avoid the drop.

4th Season Division 4 - after 14 of the 30 rounds. Diablo, Aice and Anechka are the top three. It's a real dogfight at the other end, but NanoSzachy, GreKo and Sage are the bottom three at present.

4th Season Division 5 - will start after the higher divisions are completed. The final field will be posted once a Qualifier has been run for the final three spots.

We have a number of tournaments in progress and most of these can be followed in our public forum.

Blitz Notes

The 40/4 is updated separately to 40/40 with the latest update able to be viewed here:

Multi-CPU Engines (both 4CPU and 2CPU)
3078 - Rybka 2.3.1 64-bit 2CPU
3021 - Zap!Chess Zanzibar 64-bit 4CPU
2993 - Hiarcs 11.1 4CPU
2946 - Deep Shredder 10 64-bit 4CPU
2943 - Deep Fritz 10 4CPU
2938 - Naum 2.1 64-bit 4CPU
2924 - LoopMP 12.32 2CPU
2916 - Deep Junior 10 4CPU
2901 - Loop 13.6 64-bit 2CPU
2859 - Glaurung 1.2.1 32-bit 4CPU
2754 - Pharaon 3.5.1 2CPU
2736 - Deep Frenzee 3.0 64-bit 2CPU

Single CPU Engines
3025 - Rybka 2.2 64-bit
2916 - Hiarcs 11.1
2909 - Loop 10.32f (Loop 13.6 only has a small number of games so far)
2872 - Toga II 1.3x4
2868 - Fritz 10
2855 - Shredder 10
2853 - Naum 2.1 64-bit
2850 - Fruit 2.2.1
2848 - Zap!Chess Zanzibar
2842 - Junior 10
2832 - Chess Tiger 2007.1
2828 - Spike 1.2 Turin
2827 - Strelka 1.0b (not enough games to be accurate as yet)
2821 - Ktulu 8.0
2819 - Junior 10.1
2808- Gambit Fruit 1.0b4
2761 - CM10th Paralyse
2756 - Glaurung 1.2.1 32-bit (higher than 64-bit!)
2750 - Scorpio 1.91
2748 - SmarThink 1.00 32-bit (still needs more gams, 64-bit untested)
2740 - Bright 0.1d
2720 - Delfi 5.1
2718 - Pro Deo 1.2
2817 - CM10th Default
2716 - Alaric 704
2713 - Slow Chess Blitz WV2.1
2702 - Gandalf 6

FRC Notes

Ray tests only those engines that can play FRC through the Shredder Classic GUI.
For FRC the best list to look at is the pure list, and the ratings there are:

2921 - Hiarcs 11.1
2905 - Shredder 10
2893 - Loop 10.32f
2859 - Spike 1.2 Turin
2858 - Fruit 2.2.1
2811 - Naum 2.1
2781 - Glaurung 1.2.1
2673 - Pharaon 3.5.1
2619 - Ufim 8.02
2607 - Movei 0.08.383
2478 - Hermann 1.9
2390 - Aice 0.99.2
2363 - Hamsters 0.2
2362 - Ayito 0.2.994

Stats/Presentation Notes

The LOS stats to the right hand side of each rating list are "likelihood of superiority" stats. They tell you the likelihood in percentage terms of each engine being superior to the engine directly below them.

All games are also available for download through the link given at the top of this post. They can be downloaded by engine or by month.
ELO ratings are now saved in all game databases for those engines that have 150 games or more.

A list of games played this week per engine can be found in the update thread in the CCRL public forum, accessible through the link given at the top of this post.