Stockfish 14 64-bit 4CPU Gauntlet for CCRL 40/15

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Graham Banks
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Stockfish 14 64-bit 4CPU Gauntlet for CCRL 40/15

Post by Graham Banks »

gbanksnz at
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Graham Banks
Posts: 41555
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Re: Stockfish 14 64-bit 4CPU Gauntlet for CCRL 40/15

Post by Graham Banks »

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CCRL 40/15 Rating List - Custom engine selection
1273298 games played by 2902 programs, run by 24 testers
Ponder off, General books (up to 12 moves), 3-4-5 piece EGTB
Time control: Equivalent to 40 moves in 15 minutes on an Intel i7-4770k.
Computed on August 28, 2021 with Bayeselo based on 1'273'298 games
Tested by CCRL team, 2005-2021,

Rank                 Engine                   Elo   +    -   Score  AvOp  Games
1 Stockfish 14 64-bit 4CPU                3550  +22  -22  69.0% -114.9   606
  Stockfish 13 64-bit 4CPU                3543  +17  -17  76.4% -173.1  1142
  Stockfish 2021-01-11 64-bit 4CPU        3543  +17  -17  74.5% -157.8  1088
  Stockfish 12 64-bit 4CPU                3513  +19  -19  71.8% -140.2   841
  Stockfish 2019-10-09 64-bit 4CPU        3487  +23  -23  74.7% -156.1   616
  Stockfish 11 64-bit 4CPU                3475  +20  -19  73.0% -143.1   840
  Stockfish 10 64-bit 4CPU                3459  +17  -16  73.4% -155.5  1227
  Stockfish 270918 64-bit 4CPU            3449  +28  -27  77.9% -188.9   457
  Stockfish 9 64-bit 4CPU                 3427  +15  -15  72.3% -152.6  1423
  Stockfish 8 64-bit 4CPU                 3375  +13  -14  65.1%  -96.8  1647
  Stockfish 7 64-bit 4CPU                 3323  +15  -15  67.0% -105.5  1304
  Stockfish 6 64-bit 4CPU                 3288  +14  -14  65.3%  -94.0  1542
  Stockfish 5 64-bit 4CPU                 3266  +15  -15  67.1% -105.6  1447
  Stockfish DD 64-bit 4CPU                3231  +17  -17  63.0%  -78.4  1032
  Stockfish 4 64-bit 4CPU                 3203  +16  -16  59.8%  -58.3  1122
  Stockfish 3 64-bit 4CPU                 3164  +21  -21  56.0%  -35.2   663
  Stockfish 2.2.2 64-bit 4CPU             3146  +16  -16  58.6%  -52.7  1185
  Stockfish 2.3.1 64-bit 4CPU             3140  +19  -19  55.4%  -33.4   846
  Stockfish 2.0.1 64-bit 4CPU             3124  +24  -24  56.4%  -40.8   514
  Stockfish 1.9.1 64-bit 4CPU             3115  +20  -20  57.3%  -51.1   750
  Stockfish 2.1.1 64-bit 4CPU             3110  +27  -27  54.7%  -29.2   406
  Stockfish 1.8 64-bit 4CPU               3106  +18  -18  60.1%  -69.5   946
  Stockfish 1.7.1 64-bit 4CPU             3101  +19  -18  60.4%  -67.8   882
  Stockfish 1.6.3 64-bit 4CPU             3035  +22  -22  57.5%  -50.0   651
  Stockfish 1.5.1 64-bit 4CPU             2967  +24  -25  53.7%  -23.0   495
  Stockfish 1.4 64-bit 4CPU               2946  +17  -17  54.2%  -29.1  1131
gbanksnz at