83 nice Testpositions (Long and big post).

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George Tsavdaris
Posts: 1627
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83 nice Testpositions (Long and big post).

Post by George Tsavdaris »

I wonder what Anthony Cozzie would say if he sees the results of a top engine on all these positions.
Would he still believe that current top engines more or less are close to play perfect Chess?
Perhaps in engine-human or engine-engine they are close to it, although i disagree in this too, but in solving testpositions they have many many things to learn more.....

Bg2!! wins!
[D]8/6p1/P1b1pp2/2p1p3/1k4P1/3PP3/1PK5/5B2 w - - 0 1

Avoid cxd5?! play Nf3
[D]r1bqk2r/ppp1ppbp/2n3p1/3p4/2PP1B2/2P1P3/P4PPP/R2QKBNR w KQkq - 0 1

Play f4!!
[D]4r1k1/pp4p1/6p1/3q1pP1/2rPp2P/1QPnP3/PP4K1/1R2BR2 b - - 0 1

Rd2!! wins.
[D]4k1rr/1R1R3p/8/8/8/2K5/7P/8 w k - 0 1

Only f5!! draws. All other moves lose.
[D]8/3R1P2/1ppP1p2/3r4/8/8/K4k2/8 b - - 0 1

[D]r2q1r2/1b2bpkp/p3p1p1/2ppP1P1/7R/1PN1BQR1/1PP2P1P/4K3 w - - 0 1

Play 1.Rb1! that draws. Other moves lose.
[D]1R6/8/8/5bp1/4p2k/8/B1p2PKP/8 w - - 0 1

Play Nxf7+!! draws.
[D]3k4/4pp2/n2n4/5BN1/3N4/b7/4K3/8 w - - 0 1

g8N+! wins!
[D]8/2B2pPb/7k/4K3/3p2P1/8/8/8 w - - 0 1

Rxa8! wins. Rxe4? draws.
[D]r5k1/7p/4p1pP/4P1P1/R3b3/8/7K/N7 w - - 0 1

Avoid Qa5? Play Qa3
[D]r1b2rk1/pp2bppp/4p3/1PPp4/1n3B2/2N1P3/q3BPPP/2RQ1RK1 b - - 0 1

[D]rn2k3/p4ppr/1p2p1n1/2ppP1Bp/q2P3P/P1P2QN1/2P2PP1/R4K1R w q - 0 1

Avoid O-O? Play Qc7 or Bf5.
[D]rqb1k2r/1p3p1p/p1n2Pp1/3Qb3/4N3/4B3/PP2B1P1/R4R1K b kq - 0 1

Avoid Kxh4?
[D]8/p7/5k2/pPp1p3/2P3Kb/8/8/3B4 w - - 0 1

[D]r3r3/p2n1pk1/2qpp2p/1p5n/3PN2p/1PPQ1P2/P1BB1P2/R6K w - - 0 1

Rxg7!! mate in 15
[D]6r1/2rp1kpp/2qQp3/p3Pp1P/1pP2P2/1P2KP2/P5R1/6R1 w - - 0 1

Nd4!! draws.
[D]7b/8/kq6/8/8/1N2R3/K2P4/8 w - - 0 1

[D]2r1r3/1b1n1pkp/1qnBp1p1/4P1N1/2R1B3/8/p2Q1PPP/3R2K1 w - - 0 1

Avoid Rxc2? Play Rf8
[D]r5k1/p4n1p/6p1/2qPp3/2p1P1Q1/8/1rB3PP/R4R1K b - - 0 1

Play Rxb2!!
[D]8/pR4pk/1b6/2p5/N1p5/8/PP1r2PP/6K1 b - - 0 1

Play Ne6!
[D]nqr3k1/3b1p2/p2p2pp/1p1Pp1N1/1P2P3/1B5P/P2Q1PP1/5RK1 w - - 0 1

Rf6! or Bxh7! wins outright.
[D]r1b1q1k1/1p2rppn/p3p2p/3pP2Q/3P4/K1PBN2P/PP4P1/R4R2 w - - 0 1

Play Kg3!
[D]2r2rk1/1bpR1p2/1pq1pQp1/p3P2p/P1PR3P/5N2/2P2PPK/8 w - - 0 1

Play Qxg6!!
[D]1r4r1/3q1npk/2b1pbnp/Rp1p4/1N1P3P/2PQ1pP1/1K3B2/5B1R w - - 0 1

Play 1.f6!! and then after 1...Bxh3 2.c7!! and then 3.Rd8! and 1-0
[D]2b1rk2/5p2/p1P5/2p2P2/2p5/7B/P7/2KR4 w - - 0 1

Avoid Kxb7? that draws and play Kd7!! that wins.
[D]r7/ppK2P1P/8/2P5/3k4/8/P7/8 w - - 0 1

Play 1...Ng4!! and after 2.Nxc7 2...f5!!
[D]r4rk1/bpp2pp1/p1np1n1p/3Np3/1PP5/P2PPNPq/1BQ2P1P/R4RK1 b - - 0 1

Avoid Nb4? that loses and play Rxc5! that draws.
[D]8/3bkp2/n7/1rN1P3/2R3P1/2R4K/2p5/8 b - - 0 1

Play Kh1!! that wins. Other moves draw.
[D]8/7p/5p2/6k1/8/6P1/5PPK/8 w - - 0 1

Re3!! wins! Other moves draw.
[D]4R3/3p4/KB1P3p/7P/8/p5pP/Pp3npb/1R3nkq w - - 0 1

Avoid O-O? Play Bxh6
[D]2kr1nr1/pbp1qp2/1p2pn1p/8/3Pp2Q/P1P3N1/2PBBPPP/R3K2R w KQ - 0 1

[D]2rr2k1/pp2b1pp/1nb1p3/5p2/1P1B4/P2BPP2/3NK1PP/R6R b - - 0 1

Bf1!! wins.
[D]r3r3/5p1p/pR3np1/1p1q4/kP6/P1Q2PPB/2P4P/1K6 w - - 0 1

1...Bc5!! and then 2...Bxd6!! wins.
[D]8/4R1p1/3P4/8/4pp2/PP3k2/2P2b2/1K6 b - - 0 1

Avoid Kd7? that loses and play Ke7 that draws.
[D]rnb1k2r/1p5p/p6Q/4p3/3qN3/8/PPP2R1P/2K5 w - - 0 1

Avoid Qxc8? that draws and play Qf6!! that wins.
[D]rnb4Q/1p5p/p1k5/4p3/4q3/8/PPPR3P/2K5 w - - 0 1

[D]r3r1k1/1p3pp1/p1bp1b1B/2q1n3/2PN4/1P5P/2BR1QP1/5RK1 w - - 0 1

Ka4!! wins, Ka5? draws and Kc5?? and other moves loses.
[D]8/5p2/1ppp4/1k6/5P2/7P/8/5K2 b - - 0 1

1.Bc7!! wins. After 1...Qc6 2.Rxf7!
[D]r1b1r1k1/1p1nnpp1/pq1Bp2p/8/4N3/6Q1/2PRB1PP/5R1K w - - 0 1

[D]6k1/1bq1bpp1/p6p/2p1pP2/1rP1P1P1/2NQ4/2P4P/K2RR3 b - - 0 1

1.Rxh5! wins outright. After 1...gxh5 2.Rb2->c3 black Rook has no escape.
[D]6k1/4pp1p/3p2p1/7n/p3P3/r4P2/P1PK2P1/1R5R w - - 0 1

[D]5b2/p2k1p2/P3pP1p/n2pP1p1/1p1P2P1/1P1KBN2/7P/8 w - - 0 1

Avoid Qd7? that draws and play Re1.
[D]4r2k/Q5pp/3pN3/1P1P1n2/P4P2/2r4q/6RP/3R2K1 w - - 0 1

Avoid Nxc4? and play Nxf7!
[D]1rqr2k1/pb3p2/n4b1p/3PN1p1/2pp4/P5P1/1PQB1PBP/2R1R1K1 w - - 0 1

Rxc5!! wins.
[D]2rr2k1/pp1q1bp1/4p2p/2npP3/5N1P/1Q4P1/PP3P2/1BRR2K1 w - - 0 1

Rd4! Other moves are inferior.
[D]r2r2k1/2b1qp1p/b1p3p1/p1p1p3/2P1P3/1PN1BP2/P1Q3PP/R2R2K1 b - - 0 1

[D]r1b1r1k1/p3qp1p/1ppp1npb/4n3/1PPBP3/2N2N1P/P1Q1BPP1/3RR1K1 w - - 0 1

Nf5! or Nxh5!
[D]r4rk1/1b1n1pb1/3p2p1/1p1Pq1Bp/2p1P3/2P2RNP/1PBQ2P1/5R1K w - - 0 1

f3! wins.
[D]3Rnk1r/5ppp/4p3/8/PN6/7P/1P2bPP1/6K1 w - - 0 1

h5! positional move.
[D]r2qk2r/pp3ppp/2p1pn2/4n3/1b6/3P2PP/PPPN1PB1/R1BQK2R b KQkq - 0 1

[D]rnbqnrk1/5ppp/pp1b4/3NpP2/P2N4/8/1PP1B1PP/R1BQ1R1K w - - 0 1

d5!! wins outright.
[D]rn1qk2r/pp3ppp/4b3/8/2pP1p2/B4N2/P3Q1PP/R4RK1 w kq - 0 1

[D]r3r1k1/pp1bp2p/1n2q1P1/6b1/1B2B3/5Q2/5PPP/1R3RK1 w - - 0 1

1.Bf6!! wins outright. After 1.Bf6 2.Qh6!! and then Rbd1->Rd4
[D]r1b1r1k1/p2q1ppp/np2n3/3p1NBQ/8/6PB/P4P1P/1R2R1K1 w - - 0 1

[D]r3k2r/4b2p/p1n3pN/1p1q1p2/5B2/3p1P2/PP4PP/2RQR2K w kq - 0 1

Nc4!! wins.
[D]2k3nr/1ppr1qpp/p4p2/3P3b/1b6/4BN1P/PP1N1PP1/2RQR1K1 w - - 0 1

Rxf3!! wins.
[D]5r2/1p4r1/3kp1b1/1Pp1p2p/2PpP3/q2B1PP1/3Q2K1/1R5R b - - 0 1

Qf7! wins.
[D]5r1k/1P4pp/3P1p2/4p3/1P5P/3q2P1/Q2b2K1/B3R3 w - - 0 1

Avoid gxh5? and play dxc4!
[D]2rq1rk1/pb3p1p/1p2pbp1/3p3R/2PP4/PP5R/1B3PPP/3Q1BK1 b - - 0 1

[D]r1b2rn1/1ppn3k/p4q1p/3P1p2/1p3Q2/1NNB4/P5PP/4RRK1 w - - 0 1

Nxb5!! and then Bxb5! win.
[D]8/4kpbn/p1p3p1/Pp2p2p/1P2Pn2/N1P1BP2/5P1P/5BK1 w - - 0 1

[D]2r2rk1/p1q1bpp1/1p6/n2R4/8/P4N2/1B2QPPP/5RK1 w - - 0 1

[D]r4rk1/1pp2ppp/8/p2q4/Q7/2P4P/PP2nP1K/RNB2R2 b - - 0 1

Avoid Nxe5? that draws and play g4 that wins.
[D]8/4k3/p2p2p1/P1pPn2p/1pP1P2P/1P1NK1P1/8/8 w - - 0 1

Avoid axb5? that loses and play Ke6 or Ke7 that draws.
[D]8/1p3p2/p4kpp/1PPp4/P7/7P/5K1P/8 b - - 0 1

[D]r3rnk1/3qbppp/1p2p1n1/pPppP2N/3P3P/2P2NP1/1P3PK1/R1BQR3 w - - 0 1

h6!! wins. Amazing!
[D]6k1/1p2q2p/5Qp1/3p2K1/3P1PP1/8/7P/8 b - - 0 1

[D]8/5R2/2p5/8/7P/1K2b3/P3kp2/8 w - - 0 1

[D]4kr2/5p1K/3p1Q2/1p4P1/4P3/1PP5/7b/8 w - - 0 1

[D]4kr2/5pK1/3p1Q2/1p4P1/4P3/1PP3b1/8/8 w - - 0 1

[D]3r1rk1/2p1qppp/p1n5/1p1bP1N1/3pNQ2/1P6/PP3PPP/2RR2K1 w - - 0 1

Rxf6! mate in 13
[D]7r/4p1k1/p3Pppp/1p6/3N1R2/3PQ2P/qr4b1/5RK1 w - - 0 1

Rg4!! wins.
[D]8/4K2p/6pr/5pk1/1pB2R2/p4PP1/8/8 w - - 0 1

Avoid Kxa2? that draws and play Kb2! that wins.
[D]8/3R1P2/1ppP1p2/3r4/8/K7/p4k2/8 w - - 0 1

1...Nc7!! wins! After 2.Qxc7 we have 2...Rc8!
One of the most amazing positions.
[D]q3nrk1/4bppp/3p4/r3nPP1/4P2P/NpQ1B3/1P4B1/1K1R3R b - - 0 1

OK this is damn difficult:
Kc6!! and draw. Other moves lose.
[D]8/8/7p/3KNN1k/2p4p/8/3P2p1/8 w - - 0 1

1.Nxh6! and after 1...c3 we have 2.Nf5!!
[D]r3qb1k/1b4p1/p2pr2p/3n4/Pnp1N1N1/6RP/1B3PP1/1B1QR1K1 w - - 0 1

Avoid Bxd5? that loses and play Bxf5! that draws.
[D]2b1r3/r2ppN2/4Bk2/1p1p1b2/pP1P4/2P3R1/PP3PP1/2K5 w - - 0 1

Nd6+!! draws. All other moves loses.
[D]2b1r3/r2ppN2/8/1p1p1k2/pP1P4/2P3R1/PP3PP1/2K5 w - - 0 1

Avoid Kd2? play Rc1
[D]2r1k2r/pp1qppbp/6p1/5b2/1nPP4/4PNB1/P4PPP/R2QKB1R w KQk - 0 1

Not exd5? or exf5? only Bb7!
[D]r1b2rk1/2q1bppp/p1npp3/1pnB1N2/4P1P1/2N1B3/PPP1QP1P/2KR2R1 b - - 0 1

1.h4! wins. 1.h4 Kh6 2.Nb5 3.g4 4.Rf2! 1-0
[D]8/Nprr1p1p/1n3Pp1/p2pP1k1/PbpP1R2/6P1/RP4NP/6K1 w - - 0 1

[D]r1q2rk1/p2bb2p/1p1p2p1/2pPp2n/2P1PpP1/3B1P2/PP2QR1P/R1B2NK1 b - - 0 1
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Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: 83 nice Testpositions (Long and big post).

Post by Vinvin »

Thanks for this new compilation, George !

There's main lines+variations for some positions and some other positions here :
http://home.scarlet.be/vincentlejeune/h ... -beta2.pgn
Posts: 5228
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Re: 83 nice Testpositions (Long and big post).

Post by Vinvin »

Are sure anout this one ?

[D]2r2rk1/p1q1bpp1/1p6/n2R4/8/P4N2/1B2QPPP/5RK1 w - - 0 1

The last time I checked it, there was some doubt...
Uri Blass
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Re: 83 nice Testpositions (Long and big post).

Post by Uri Blass »

I tested one engine that is not a top engine(private movei that is uisng hash for pruning) and it solved the first position in less than 10 minutes.

Edit:It seems that the second position is easy for many engines
I did not try more positions at the time of this post.

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George Tsavdaris
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Re: A small correction.....

Post by George Tsavdaris »

In the following position for the:
Avoid Kd7? that loses and play Ke7 that draws.
[D]rnb1k2r/1p5p/p6Q/4p3/3qN3/8/PPP2R1P/2K5 w - - 0 1

The position is wrong and the correct position is:
Avoid Kd7? that loses and play Ke7 that draws.
[D]rnb1k2Q/1p5p/p7/4p3/4q3/8/PPP2R1P/2K5 b - - 0 1
After his son's birth they've asked him:
"Is it a boy or girl?"
YES! He replied.....
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George Tsavdaris
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Re: 83 nice Testpositions (Long and big post).

Post by George Tsavdaris »

Uri Blass wrote:I tested one engine that is not a top engine(private movei that is uisng hash for pruning) and it solved the first position in less than 10 minutes.
Note that i don't claim engines have problems solving some of these.
I claim that the results of top engines in solving ALL of these, are bad results and are below 40% for a reasonable time of 10-20 minutes per position, something not good if we want to support that engines play near perfectly today.
So we can't support it, since computer Chess is not only engine-engine or human-engine games but only analysis of positions and there computer Chess engines have a long way to travel before they can be characterized perfect.....
After his son's birth they've asked him:
"Is it a boy or girl?"
YES! He replied.....
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George Tsavdaris
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Re: 83 nice Testpositions (Long and big post).

Post by George Tsavdaris »

Vinvin wrote:Are sure anout this one ?

[D]2r2rk1/p1q1bpp1/1p6/n2R4/8/P4N2/1B2QPPP/5RK1 w - - 0 1

The last time I checked it, there was some doubt...
Yes, silly me! :(

I had as a title of the game the "Bxg7!" but in the analysis i had that Rh5! was the best move and a forced win actually and Bxg7 was doubtful. So it is:
[D]2r2rk1/p1q1bpp1/1p6/n2R4/8/P4N2/1B2QPPP/5RK1 w - - 0 1

Thanks for the correction.....
After his son's birth they've asked him:
"Is it a boy or girl?"
YES! He replied.....
Marc MP

Re: 83 nice Testpositions (Long and big post).

Post by Marc MP »

This is Kasparov-Portisch from the begining of the 80's. Kasparov's move Bxg7 is brilliant from a human point of view (the follow up Ne5 isn't really easy to see), but probably not as good as Rh5! as you mention. I let Fruit 2.3.1 (Extend checks = true) running overnight with searchmoves Bxg7, Rh5 and MultiPV = 2. Here is Fruit's analysis:

Code: Select all

07:27:17.1  1.   Score: 1,33   depth: 20 Rh5 Qc2 Qxe7 Qxb2 Ne5 Rc1 g4 Rxf1+ Kxf1 Qb1+ Kg2 Qe4+ Kg3 Qb1 Rh8+ Kxh8 Qxf8+ Kh7 Qxf7 Qg1+ Kh3 Qc1 Qf5+ Kg8 Qe6+ Kh7 Qg6+ Kg8 Kg2 Qc5 Qe4 Qd6 ; 

07:27:18.1  1.   Score: 0,57   depth: 20 Bxg7 Kxg7 Ne5 Rfd8 Qg4+ Kf8 Qf5 f6 Nd7+ Rxd7 Rxd7 Qe5 Qh7 Rc7 Rdd1 Qc5 Qh8+ Kf7 Rd3 Bd6 Re1 Kg6 Qg8+ Rg7 Qe8+ Rf7 Rh3 Be5 Kf1 Qc4+ Re2 ;
Beside: Thank you for collecting the positions.
Dann Corbit
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Re: 83 nice Testpositions (Long and big post).

Post by Dann Corbit »

Code: Select all


Analysis from c:\epd\tough.epd   
Analyzing engine: Rybka v1.2.w32
8/8/2007 2:11:08 AM Level: 180 Seconds
  1) Bf1-g2             a6-a7    
  2) Ng1-f3, c4xd5      Ng1-f3  * 0 Seconds
  3) .. f5-f4, f5-f4, e4xe3  f5-f4   * 0 Seconds
  4) Rd7-d2             Rd7-d3   
  5) .. f6-f5           Rd5-a5   
  6) Qf3-f6, Ke1-f1     Qf3-f4   
  7) Rb8-b1             Rb8-h8   
  8) Ng5xf7             Nd4-c6   
  9) g7-g8N             Ke5-f6   
 10) Ra4xa8, Ra4xe4     Ra4xe4  * 0 Seconds
 11) .. Qa2-a3, Qa2-a5, Rc1-d4  Qa2-a3  * 111 Seconds
 12) Ng3-f5, Qf3-d3     Qf3-d3  * 29 Seconds
 13) .. Bc8-f5, Qb8-c7, 0-0  Qb8-c7  * 0 Seconds
 14) Kg4xh4(?), Kg4xh4(?)  Bd1-c2  * 26 Seconds
 15) Bd2xh6, Ne4xd6     Ra1-g1   
 16) Rg2xg7             Rg2xg7  * 17 Seconds
 17) Nb3-d4             Ka2-b1   
 18) Ng5xf7, Be4xc6, Be4xc6  Rc4-c2   
 19) .. Ra8-f8, Rb2xc2  Ra8-f8  * 54 Seconds
 20) .. Rd2xb2, c4-c3   Bb6-d8   
 21) Ng5-e6, Ng5-f3     Ng5-f3  * 1 Second
 22) Bd3xh7, Rf1-f6, Rf1-f4  b2-b3    
 23) Kh2-g3, Kh2-g3, c2-c3  Kh2-g3  * 2 Seconds
 24) Qd3xg6, h4-h5      h4-h5   * 0 Seconds
 25) f5-f6              c6-c7    
 26) Kc7-d7, Kc7xb7, Kc7-d7  Kc7xb7  * 1 Second
 27) .. Nf6-g4          Qh3-g4   
 28) .. Rb5xc5, Na6xc5, Rb5xc5  Na6xc5  * 3 Seconds
 29) Kh2-h1             Kh2-g1   
 30) Re8-e3             Ka6-b5   
 31) Bd2xh6, 0-0        0-0     * 0 Seconds
 32) .. e6-e5, Be7-f6, b7-b5  Nb6-d5   
 33) Bh3-f1             Bh3-f1  * 85 Seconds
 34) .. Bf2-c5          Bf2-h4   
 35) Kc1-e7, Qh6-f6, Kc1xe4  Qh6-f6  * 7 Seconds
 36) Qh8-f6, Qh8xc8     Qh8xc8  * 1 Second
 37) b3-b4, Bh6-e3      Bh6-e3  * 0 Seconds
 38) .. Kb5-a4, Kb5-c4  Kb5-a4  * 0 Seconds
 39) Bd6-c7             Bd6-e5   
 40) .. Bb7-d5, Qc7-a5  Qc7-a5  * 7 Seconds
 41) Rh1xh5             Rb1-b2   
 42) Nf3xg5, Kd3-c2     Kd3-c2  * 0 Seconds
 43) Qa7-d7(?), Rd1-e1(?)  Qa7-d7   
 44) Ne5xf7, Ne5-c6, Rc1-c6  Ne5xc4   
 45) Rc1xc5, Qb3-c2, Rc1-e4  Qb3-c2  * 1 Second
 46) .. Rd8-d4          Rd8-d4  * 33 Seconds
 47) c4-c5, Bd4xe5, Bd4xe5  c4-c5   * 7 Seconds
 48) Ng3-f5, Ng3xh5, Ng3-e2  Bg5-h6   
 49) f2-f3, a4-a5, Rd8-b8  f2-f3   * 0 Seconds
 50) .. h7-h5           h7-h5   * 107 Seconds
 51) f5-f6, Nd4-b3, Bc1-d7, Bc1-e3  Nd4-b3  * 0 Seconds
 52) d4-d5              Ra1-e1   
 53) Bb4-d2, g6xh7      Bb4-d2  * 0 Seconds
 54) Bg5-f6             Qh5-h4   
 55) Rc1xc6, Qd1-d2, b2-b4  Rc1xc6  * 1 Second
 56) Nd2-c4, Qd1-a4, Rc1xf3  Qd1-b3   
 57) .. Rf8xf3, Qa3-a8  Rf8xf3  * 27 Seconds
 58) Qa2-f7, Re1-b1     Qa2-f7  * 73 Seconds
 59) .. d5xc4, g6xh5    d5xc4   * 0 Seconds
 60) Re1-e6, Qf4xb4     Nc3-a4   
 61) Na3xb5, Bf1xb5     c3-c4    
 62) Bb2xg7, Nf3-e5     Rd5-h5   
 63) .. Ra8-a6, Ne2xc1, ...  Ne2xc1  * 1 Second
 64) g3-g4, Nd3xe5      g3-g4   * 0 Seconds
 65) .. Kf6-e6, Kf6-e7, a6xb5  Kf6-e6  * 0 Seconds
 66) Bc1-h6, d4xc5      Bc1-h6  * 7 Seconds
 67) .. h7-h6           h7-h6   * 19 Seconds
 68) Kb3-c2, Rf7xf2     a2-a4    
 69) Kh7-h6, Qf6-f5     Qf6-f1   
 70) c3-c4, Qf6-f5      Qf6-d8   
 71) Rc1xc6, Qf4-f5, Rc1xe4  Rc1xc6  * 61 Seconds
 72) Rf4xf6             Rf4xf6  * 2 Seconds
 73) Rf4-g4, Bc4-d5     Bc4-d5  * 0 Seconds
 74) Ka3-b2, Ka3xa2     Ka3xa2  * 1 Second
 75) .. Ne8-c7, Rd1-c7  Ne8-f6   
 76) Kd5-c6             Nf5-g7   
 77) Ng4xh6             Ng4xh6  * 20 Seconds
 78) Be6xf5, Be6xd5     Be6xd5  * 0 Seconds
 79) Nf7-d6             Nf7-h6   
 80) Ra1-c1, Ra1-c1     Ra1-c1  * 1 Second
 81) .. Bc8-b7, e6xf5   e6xd5    
 82) h2-h4, h2-h4       Rf4-f1   
 83) .. Bd7xg4, Nh5-f6, Bc1-d2  Nh5-f6  * 1 Second
46 of 83 matching moves
8/8/2007 6:21:18 AM, Total time: 4:10:09 AM Rated time: 2:02:46 = 7366 Seconds


Analysis from c:\epd\tough.epd   
Analyzing engine: Hiarcs11.2SPUCI
8/8/2007 2:11:08 AM Level: Blitz 10/5
  1) Bf1-g2             a6-a7    
  2) Ng1-f3, c4xd5      Ng1-f3  * 1 Second
  3) .. f5-f4, f5-f4, e4xe3  f5-f4   * 1 Second
  4) Rd7-d2             Rd7-e7   
  5) .. f6-f5           Rd5-a5   
  6) Qf3-f6, Ke1-f1     Be3-d2   
  7) Rb8-b1             Rb8-h8   
  8) Ng5xf7             Bf5-c2   
  9) g7-g8N             g7-g8N  * 96 Seconds
 10) Ra4xa8, Ra4xe4     Ra4xe4  * 1 Second
 11) .. Qa2-a3, Qa2-a5, Rc1-d4  Qa2-a3  * 26 Seconds
 12) Ng3-f5, Qf3-d3     Qf3-d3  * 1 Second
 13) .. Bc8-f5, Qb8-c7, 0-0  Qb8-c7  * 160 Seconds
 14) Kg4xh4(?), Kg4xh4(?)  Kg4xh4   
 15) Bd2xh6, Ne4xd6     Bd2xh6  * 65 Seconds
 16) Rg2xg7             Rg2xg7  * 1 Second
 17) Nb3-d4             Ka2-b1   
 18) Ng5xf7, Be4xc6, Be4xc6  Ng5xf7  * 1 Second
 19) .. Ra8-f8, Rb2xc2  Ra8-f8  * 1 Second
 20) .. Rd2xb2, c4-c3   Rd2xb2  * 11 Seconds
 21) Ng5-e6, Ng5-f3     Ng5-e6  * 2 Seconds
 22) Bd3xh7, Rf1-f6, Rf1-f4  b2-b3    
 23) Kh2-g3, Kh2-g3, c2-c3  Kh2-g3  * 2 Seconds
 24) Qd3xg6, h4-h5      h4-h5   * 1 Second
 25) f5-f6              c6-c7    
 26) Kc7-d7, Kc7xb7, Kc7-d7  Kc7-d6   
 27) .. Nf6-g4          Nf6-g4  * 12 Seconds
 28) .. Rb5xc5, Na6xc5, Rb5xc5  Na6xc5  * 1 Second
 29) Kh2-h1             Kh2-h1  * 25 Seconds
 30) Re8-e3             h3-h4    
 31) Bd2xh6, 0-0        0-0     * 1 Second
 32) .. e6-e5, Be7-f6, b7-b5  Nb6-d5   
 33) Bh3-f1             Bh3-f1  * 17 Seconds
 34) .. Bf2-c5          Bf2-c5  * 5 Seconds
 35) Kc1-e7, Qh6-f6, Kc1xe4  Qh6-g7   
 36) Qh8-f6, Qh8xc8     Qh8xc8  * 1 Second
 37) b3-b4, Bh6-e3      b3-b4   * 6 Seconds
 38) .. Kb5-a4, Kb5-c4  Kb5-c4  * 1 Second
 39) Bd6-c7             Bd6-c5   
 40) .. Bb7-d5, Qc7-a5  Bb7-d5  * 1 Second
 41) Rh1xh5             Rb1-a1   
 42) Nf3xg5, Kd3-c2     Kd3-c2  * 1 Second
 43) Qa7-d7(?), Rd1-e1(?)  Qa7-f7  * 36 Seconds
 44) Ne5xf7, Ne5-c6, Rc1-c6  Ne5xf7  * 4 Seconds
 45) Rc1xc5, Qb3-c2, Rc1-e4  Qb3-c2  * 79 Seconds
 46) .. Rd8-d4          Rd8xd1   
 47) c4-c5, Bd4xe5, Bd4xe5  c4-c5   * 21 Seconds
 48) Ng3-f5, Ng3xh5, Ng3-e2  Ng3-f5  * 161 Seconds
 49) f2-f3, a4-a5, Rd8-b8  f2-f3   * 1 Second
 50) .. h7-h5           0-0      
 51) f5-f6, Nd4-b3, Bc1-d7, Bc1-e3  f5-f6   * 1 Second
 52) d4-d5              d4-d5   * 38 Seconds
 53) Bb4-d2, g6xh7      Bb4-d2  * 2 Seconds
 54) Bg5-f6             Qh5-h4   
 55) Rc1xc6, Qd1-d2, b2-b4  Rc1xc6  * 1 Second
 56) Nd2-c4, Qd1-a4, Rc1xf3  g2-g4    
 57) .. Rf8xf3, Qa3-a8  Rf8xf3  * 10 Seconds
 58) Qa2-f7, Re1-b1     Qa2-f7  * 1 Second
 59) .. d5xc4, g6xh5    d5xc4   * 1 Second
 60) Re1-e6, Qf4xb4     Qf4xb4  * 1 Second
 61) Na3xb5, Bf1xb5     Na3xb5  * 121 Seconds
 62) Bb2xg7, Nf3-e5     Rd5-h5   
 63) .. Ra8-a6, Ne2xc1, ...  Qd5-d6   
 64) g3-g4, Nd3xe5      Nd3xe5  * 1 Second
 65) .. Kf6-e6, Kf6-e7, a6xb5  Kf6-e7  * 2 Seconds
 66) Bc1-h6, d4xc5      Bc1-h6  * 1 Second
 67) .. h7-h6           h7-h6   * 8 Seconds
 68) Kb3-c2, Rf7xf2     a2-a4    
 69) Kh7-h6, Qf6-f5     g5-g6    
 70) c3-c4, Qf6-f5      Kg7-h6   
 71) Rc1xc6, Qf4-f5, Rc1xe4  Ng5xh7   
 72) Rf4xf6             Rf4xf6  * 1 Second
 73) Rf4-g4, Bc4-d5     Bc4-d5  * 1 Second
 74) Ka3-b2, Ka3xa2     Ka3xa2  * 1 Second
 75) .. Ne8-c7, Rd1-c7  Ra5-a4   
 76) Kd5-c6             Nf5-g7   
 77) Ng4xh6             Bb2-d4   
 78) Be6xf5, Be6xd5     Be6xd5  * 2 Seconds
 79) Nf7-d6             Rg3-f3   
 80) Ra1-c1, Ra1-c1     Ke1-d2   
 81) .. Bc8-b7, e6xf5   e6xd5    
 82) h2-h4, h2-h4       h2-h4   * 23 Seconds
 83) .. Bd7xg4, Nh5-f6, Bc1-d2  Bd7xg4  * 1 Second
51 of 83 matching moves
8/8/2007 10:26:03 AM, Total time: 8:14:55 AM Rated time: 1:52:00 = 6720 Seconds
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George Tsavdaris
Posts: 1627
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:35 pm

Re: 83 nice Testpositions (Long and big post).

Post by George Tsavdaris »

Nice analysis.....

Here is the EPD with am(avoid move) and bm(best move) opcodes, and with an added position also:

8/6p1/P1b1pp2/2p1p3/1k4P1/3PP3/1PK5/5B2 w - - 0 1 bm Bg2;
r1bqk2r/ppp1ppbp/2n3p1/3p4/2PP1B2/2P1P3/P4PPP/R2QKBNR w KQkq - 0 1 am cxd5; bm Nf3;
4r1k1/pp4p1/6p1/3q1pP1/2rPp2P/1QPnP3/PP4K1/1R2BR2 b - - 0 1 bm f4;
4k1rr/1R1R3p/8/8/8/2K5/7P/8 w k - 0 1 bm Rd2;
8/3R1P2/1ppP1p2/3r4/8/8/K4k2/8 b - - 0 1 bm f5;
r2q1r2/1b2bpkp/p3p1p1/2ppP1P1/7R/1PN1BQR1/1PP2P1P/4K3 w - - 0 1 bm Qf6+;
4k3/p7/B1bB1pp1/4n3/p2KP3/8/6P1/8 w - - 0 1 am Bxe5;
1R6/8/8/5bp1/4p2k/8/B1p2PKP/8 w - - 0 1 bm Rb1;
3k4/4pp2/n2n4/5BN1/3N4/b7/4K3/8 w - - 0 1 bm Nxf7+;
8/2B2pPb/7k/4K3/3p2P1/8/8/8 w - - 0 1 bm g8N+;
r5k1/7p/4p1pP/4P1P1/R3b3/8/7K/N7 w - - 0 1 am Rxe4; bm Rxa8;
r1b2rk1/pp2bppp/4p3/1PPp4/1n3B2/2N1P3/q3BPPP/2RQ1RK1 b - - 0 1 am Qa5; bm Qa3;
rn2k3/p4ppr/1p2p1n1/2ppP1Bp/q2P3P/P1P2QN1/2P2PP1/R4K1R w q - 0 1 bm Nf5;
rqb1k2r/1p3p1p/p1n2Pp1/3Qb3/4N3/4B3/PP2B1P1/R4R1K b kq - 0 1 am O-O; bm Bf5 Qc7;
8/p7/5k2/pPp1p3/2P3Kb/8/8/3B4 w - - 0 1 am Kxh4;
r3r3/p2n1pk1/2qpp2p/1p5n/3PN2p/1PPQ1P2/P1BB1P2/R6K w - - 0 1 bm Bxh6+;
6r1/2rp1kpp/2qQp3/p3Pp1P/1pP2P2/1P2KP2/P5R1/6R1 w - - 0 1 bm Rxg7+;
7b/8/kq6/8/8/1N2R3/K2P4/8 w - - 0 1 bm Nd4;
2r1r3/1b1n1pkp/1qnBp1p1/4P1N1/2R1B3/8/p2Q1PPP/3R2K1 w - - 0 1 bm Nxf7;
r5k1/p4n1p/6p1/2qPp3/2p1P1Q1/8/1rB3PP/R4R1K b - - 0 1 am Rxc2; bm Rf8;
8/pR4pk/1b6/2p5/N1p5/8/PP1r2PP/6K1 b - - 0 1 bm Rxb2;
nqr3k1/3b1p2/p2p2pp/1p1Pp1N1/1P2P3/1B5P/P2Q1PP1/5RK1 w - - 0 1 bm Ne6;
r1b1q1k1/1p2rppn/p3p2p/3pP2Q/3P4/K1PBN2P/PP4P1/R4R2 w - - 0 1 bm Bxh7+ Rf6;
2r2rk1/1bpR1p2/1pq1pQp1/p3P2p/P1PR3P/5N2/2P2PPK/8 w - - 0 1 bm Kg3;
1r4r1/3q1npk/2b1pbnp/Rp1p4/1N1P3P/2PQ1pP1/1K3B2/5B1R w - - 0 1 bm Qxg6+;
2b1rk2/5p2/p1P5/2p2P2/2p5/7B/P7/2KR4 w - - 0 1 bm f6;
4rk2/5p2/p1P2P2/2p5/2p5/7b/P7/2KR4 w - - 0 2 bm c7;
r7/ppK2P1P/8/2P5/3k4/8/P7/8 w - - 0 1 am Kxb7; bm Kd7;
r4rk1/bpp2pp1/p1np1n1p/3Np3/1PP5/P2PPNPq/1BQ2P1P/R4RK1 b - - 0 1 bm Ng4;
r4rk1/bpN2pp1/p1np3p/4p3/1PP3n1/P2PPNPq/1BQ2P1P/R4RK1 b - - 0 2 bm f5;
8/3bkp2/n7/1rN1P3/2R3P1/2R4K/2p5/8 b - - 0 1 am Nb4; bm Rxc5;
8/7p/5p2/6k1/8/6P1/5PPK/8 w - - 0 1 bm Kh1;
4R3/3p4/KB1P3p/7P/8/p5pP/Pp3npb/1R3nkq w - - 0 1 bm Re3;
2kr1nr1/pbp1qp2/1p2pn1p/8/3Pp2Q/P1P3N1/2PBBPPP/R3K2R w KQ - 0 1 am O-O; bm Bxh6;
2rr2k1/pp2b1pp/1nb1p3/5p2/1P1B4/P2BPP2/3NK1PP/R6R b - - 0 1 bm e5;
r3r3/5p1p/pR3np1/1p1q4/kP6/P1Q2PPB/2P4P/1K6 w - - 0 1 am Be6; bm Bf1;
8/4R1p1/3P4/8/4pp2/PP3k2/2P2b2/1K6 b - - 0 1 bm Bc5;
8/6p1/3PR3/2b5/4pp2/PP3k2/2P5/1K6 b - - 0 2 bm Bxd6;
rnb1k2Q/1p5p/p7/4p3/4q3/8/PPP2R1P/2K5 b - - 0 1 am Kd7; bm Ke7;
rnb4Q/1p5p/p1k5/4p3/4q3/8/PPPR3P/2K5 w - - 0 1 am Qxc8+; bm Qf6;
r3r1k1/1p3pp1/p1bp1b1B/2q1n3/2PN4/1P5P/2BR1QP1/5RK1 w - - 0 1 bm b4;
8/5p2/1ppp4/1k6/5P2/7P/8/5K2 b - - 0 1 am Ka5 Kc5; bm Ka4;
r1b1r1k1/1p1nnpp1/pq1Bp2p/8/4N3/6Q1/2PRB1PP/5R1K w - - 0 1 bm Bc7;
6k1/1bq1bpp1/p6p/2p1pP2/1rP1P1P1/2NQ4/2P4P/K2RR3 b - - 0 1 bm Bd5;
6k1/4pp1p/3p2p1/7n/p3P3/r4P2/P1PK2P1/1R5R w - - 0 1 bm Rxh5;
5b2/p2k1p2/P3pP1p/n2pP1p1/1p1P2P1/1P1KBN2/7P/8 w - - 0 1 bm Nxg5;
4r2k/Q5pp/3pN3/1P1P1n2/P4P2/2r4q/6RP/3R2K1 w - - 0 1 am Qd7; bm Re1;
1rqr2k1/pb3p2/n4b1p/3PN1p1/2pp4/P5P1/1PQB1PBP/2R1R1K1 w - - 0 1 am Nxc4; bm Nxf7;
2rr2k1/pp1q1bp1/4p2p/2npP3/5N1P/1Q4P1/PP3P2/1BRR2K1 w - - 0 1 bm Rxc5;
r2r2k1/2b1qp1p/b1p3p1/p1p1p3/2P1P3/1PN1BP2/P1Q3PP/R2R2K1 b - - 0 1 bm Rd4;
r1b1r1k1/p3qp1p/1ppp1npb/4n3/1PPBP3/2N2N1P/P1Q1BPP1/3RR1K1 w - - 0 1 bm c5;
r4rk1/1b1n1pb1/3p2p1/1p1Pq1Bp/2p1P3/2P2RNP/1PBQ2P1/5R1K w - - 0 1 bm Nf5 Nxh5;
3Rnk1r/5ppp/4p3/8/PN6/7P/1P2bPP1/6K1 w - - 0 1 bm f3;
r2qk2r/pp3ppp/2p1pn2/4n3/1b6/3P2PP/PPPN1PB1/R1BQK2R b KQkq - 0 1 bm h5;
rnbqnrk1/5ppp/pp1b4/3NpP2/P2N4/8/1PP1B1PP/R1BQ1R1K w - - 0 1 bm f6;
rn1qk2r/pp3ppp/4b3/8/2pP1p2/B4N2/P3Q1PP/R4RK1 w kq - 0 1 bm d5;
r3r1k1/pp1bp2p/1n2q1P1/6b1/1B2B3/5Q2/5PPP/1R3RK1 w - - 0 1 bm Bd2;
r1b1r1k1/p2q1ppp/np2n3/3p1NBQ/8/6PB/P4P1P/1R2R1K1 w - - 0 1 bm Bf6;
r1b1r1k1/p2q1p1p/np2np2/3p1N1Q/8/6PB/P4P1P/1R2R1K1 w - - 0 2 bm Qh6;
r1b1r1k1/p2q1p1p/np2nBp1/3p1N1Q/8/6PB/P4P1P/1R2R1K1 w - - 0 2 bm Qh6;
r3k2r/4b2p/p1n3pN/1p1q1p2/5B2/3p1P2/PP4PP/2RQR2K w kq - 0 1 bm Rxc6;
2k3nr/1ppr1qpp/p4p2/3P3b/1b6/4BN1P/PP1N1PP1/2RQR1K1 w - - 0 1 bm Nc4;
5r2/1p4r1/3kp1b1/1Pp1p2p/2PpP3/q2B1PP1/3Q2K1/1R5R b - - 0 1 bm Rxf3;
5r1k/1P4pp/3P1p2/4p3/1P5P/3q2P1/Q2b2K1/B3R3 w - - 0 1 bm Qf7;
2rq1rk1/pb3p1p/1p2pbp1/3p3R/2PP4/PP5R/1B3PPP/3Q1BK1 b - - 0 1 am gxh5; bm dxc4;
r1b2rn1/1ppn3k/p4q1p/3P1p2/1p3Q2/1NNB4/P5PP/4RRK1 w - - 0 1 bm Re6;
8/4kpbn/p1p3p1/Pp2p2p/1P2Pn2/N1P1BP2/5P1P/5BK1 w - - 0 1 bm Nxb5;
2r2rk1/p1q1bpp1/1p6/n2R4/8/P4N2/1B2QPPP/5RK1 w - - 0 1 bm Rh5;
r4rk1/1pp2ppp/8/p2q4/Q7/2P4P/PP2nP1K/RNB2R2 b - - 0 1 bm Ra6;
8/4k3/p2p2p1/P1pPn2p/1pP1P2P/1P1NK1P1/8/8 w - - 0 1 am Nxe5; bm g4;
8/1p3p2/p4kpp/1PPp4/P7/7P/5K1P/8 b - - 0 1 am axb5; bm Ke6 Ke7;
r3rnk1/3qbppp/1p2p1n1/pPppP2N/3P3P/2P2NP1/1P3PK1/R1BQR3 w - - 0 1 bm Bh6;
6k1/1p2q2p/5Qp1/3p2K1/3P1PP1/8/7P/8 b - - 0 1 bm h6+;
8/5R2/2p5/8/7P/1K2b3/P3kp2/8 w - - 0 1 bm Kc2;
4kr2/5p1K/3p1Q2/1p4P1/4P3/1PP5/7b/8 w - - 0 1 bm Kh6;
4kr2/5pK1/3p1Q2/1p4P1/4P3/1PP3b1/8/8 w - - 0 1 bm c4;
3r1rk1/2p1qppp/p1n5/1p1bP1N1/3pNQ2/1P6/PP3PPP/2RR2K1 w - - 0 1 bm Rxc6;
7r/4p1k1/p3Pppp/1p6/3N1R2/3PQ2P/qr4b1/5RK1 w - - 0 1 bm Rxf6;
8/4K2p/6pr/5pk1/1pB2R2/p4PP1/8/8 w - - 0 1 bm Rg4;
8/3R1P2/1ppP1p2/3r4/8/K7/p4k2/8 w - - 0 1 am Kxa2; bm Kb2;
q3nrk1/4bppp/3p4/r3nPP1/4P2P/NpQ1B3/1P4B1/1K1R3R b - - 0 1 bm Nc7;
8/8/7p/3KNN1k/2p4p/8/3P2p1/8 w - - 0 1 bm Kc6;
r3qb1k/1b4p1/p2pr2p/3n4/Pnp1N1N1/6RP/1B3PP1/1B1QR1K1 w - - 0 1 bm Nxh6;
r3qb1k/1b4p1/p2pr2N/3n4/Pn2N3/2p3RP/1B3PP1/1B1QR1K1 w - - 0 2 bm Nf5;
2b1r3/r2ppN2/4Bk2/1p1p1b2/pP1P4/2P3R1/PP3PP1/2K5 w - - 0 1 am Bxd5; bm Bxf5;
2b1r3/r2ppN2/8/1p1p1k2/pP1P4/2P3R1/PP3PP1/2K5 w - - 0 1 bm Nd6+;
2r1k2r/pp1qppbp/6p1/5b2/1nPP4/4PNB1/P4PPP/R2QKB1R w KQk - 0 1 am Kd2; bm Rc1;
r1b2rk1/2q1bppp/p1npp3/1pnB1N2/4P1P1/2N1B3/PPP1QP1P/2KR2R1 b - - 0 1 am exd5 exf5; bm Bb7;
8/Nprr1p1p/1n3Pp1/p2pP1k1/PbpP1R2/6P1/RP4NP/6K1 w - - 0 1 bm h4;
r1q2rk1/p2bb2p/1p1p2p1/2pPp2n/2P1PpP1/3B1P2/PP2QR1P/R1B2NK1 b - - 0 1 bm Bxg4;
After his son's birth they've asked him:
"Is it a boy or girl?"
YES! He replied.....