Komodo 12.3 64-bit 4CPU Gauntlet for CCRL 40/40

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Graham Banks
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Komodo 12.3 64-bit 4CPU Gauntlet for CCRL 40/40

Post by Graham Banks »

gbanksnz at gmail.com
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Graham Banks
Posts: 41520
Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:52 am
Location: Auckland, NZ

Re: Komodo 12.3 64-bit 4CPU Gauntlet for CCRL 40/40

Post by Graham Banks »

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CCRL 40/40 Rating List - Custom engine selection
981277 games played by 2362 programs, run by 22 testers
Ponder off, General books (up to 12 moves), 3-4-5 piece EGTB
Time control: Equivalent to 40 moves in 40 minutes on Athlon 64 X2 4600+ (2.4 GHz), about 15 minutes on a modern Intel CPU.
Computed on February 9, 2019 with Bayeselo based on 981'277 games
Tested by CCRL team, 2005-2019, http://computerchess.org.uk/ccrl/4040/

Rank               Engine                Elo   +    -   Score  AvOp  Games
1 Komodo 11.3.1 64-bit 4CPU          3398  +20  -19  68.8% -128.2   838
  Komodo 12 64-bit 4CPU              3395  +17  -17  69.6% -127.0  1093
  Komodo 11.2 64-bit 4CPU            3392  +17  -17  67.9% -118.5  1078
  Komodo 11.01 64-bit 4CPU           3384  +28  -28  73.4% -156.2   416
  Komodo 12.3 64-bit 4CPU            3384  +24  -23  66.0% -101.2   544
  Komodo 10.4 64-bit 4CPU            3373  +20  -20  72.1% -140.7   791
  Komodo 10.3 64-bit 4CPU            3368  +21  -21  67.3% -115.2   698
  Komodo 10.1 64-bit 4CPU            3362  +19  -19  74.8% -164.0   938
  Komodo 10.2 64-bit 4CPU            3354  +23  -23  70.8% -136.6   618
  Komodo 10 64-bit 4CPU              3346  +23  -22  76.6% -172.9   700
  Komodo 9.42 64-bit 4CPU            3341  +21  -20  74.7% -158.7   777
  Komodo 9.2 64-bit 4CPU             3325  +17  -17  71.0% -134.8  1112
  Komodo 9.3 64-bit 4CPU             3323  +19  -19  71.4% -133.8   882
  Komodo 9.1 64-bit 4CPU             3309  +21  -21  71.3% -133.3   748
  Komodo 9 64-bit 4CPU               3308  +20  -20  70.4% -124.3   804
2 Komodo 12.3 MCTS 64-bit 4CPU       3293  +30  -30  51.6%   -9.4   322
  Komodo 8 64-bit 4CPU               3285  +16  -16  69.8% -127.0  1298
  Komodo 12.2.2 MCTS 64-bit 4CPU     3277  +23  -23  53.9%  -24.1   560
  Komodo 7a 64-bit 4CPU              3227  +18  -18  60.7%  -64.7   897
  Komodo TCEC 64-bit 4CPU            3220  +18  -18  62.4%  -78.2   885
  Komodo 6 64-bit 4CPU               3210  +17  -17  58.6%  -52.2  1065
  Komodo 5.1 64-bit 4CPU             3200  +20  -20  61.8%  -72.3   715
  Komodo 12.1.1 MCTS 64-bit 4CPU     3181  +17  -16  49.9%   -0.5  1142
gbanksnz at gmail.com