Sting Sf 12

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Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:02 pm

Sting Sf 12

Post by lech »

Next modifications, but one is very important and may not wait.
I closed all links to previous (11.x) versions.

It ends the main part of my project, thus now a longer break.

download: ...
Maybe, I can't be friendly, but let me be useful.
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:02 pm

Re: Sting Sf 12

Post by lech »

The "IQ" test is a very important part of my project (Sting) and doesn't contain middle-game tactical positions and technical endgames.
Here are positions dedicated to test so-called by me quasi-intelligent abilities of engines.
They show full spectrum of possible problems for clessic alpha-beta engines.

Set parameters: "threads" to 1 and "hash" to 1024 and clear hash before each of items.
Don't use such external tricks like: rule-50 changing, null-move disabling, "backward-forward" moves, special parameters and others.
MultiPV, tablebases and "Monte Carlo" are not welcome too.

Time to solve each of items should be 30 minutes for 1 000 000 nodes/second speed. It means 3 minutes for 10 000 000 nodes/second only. Of course, the going on last depth should not be broken.

The DRAW result means ZERO score or a missing gain.
The WIN result means the correct solution mainly and any gain.

[pgn] [Result "0"] [FEN "rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w - - "] 1. Bd7 [Result "1"] [FEN "7k/6rp/6pN/1r4P1/3B4/8/8/K7 b - - "] 1... Rxg5 [Result "2"] [FEN "1B1k4/3p4/1Kp5/PpP2p2/1PqP1P2/8/1P6/8 w - - "] 1. a6 {win} [Result "3"] [FEN "3N2r1/2K1p3/4Pk2/8/Bp5b/8/2P5/8 b - - "] 1... Bg3 2. Kd7 {or Kc8} Rxd8 [Result "4"] [FEN "8/7p/5P1k/1p5P/5p2/2p1p3/P1P1P1P1/1K3Nb1 w - - "] 1. Ng3 [Result "5"] [FEN "6q1/PpB5/k7/P6K/6n1/1P4p1/5p2/1B3N1N w - - "] 1. a8Q {or a8R win} [Result "6"] [FEN "6k1/6p1/4Rb1p/p7/rp2P1N1/2P3P1/1P5P/6K1 b - - "] 1... Bxc3 [Result "7"] [FEN "8/8/p2k1p2/1p1p3p/1P1P3p/P3NPP1/5K2/1b6 w - - "] 1. Ng2 [Result "8"] [FEN "2k5/p7/Pp1p1b2/1P1P1p2/2P2P1p/3K3P/5B2/8 w - - "] 1. c5 [Result "9"] [FEN "1n6/Pp1p1p1p/1P1P1P1P/4K3/2p5/p7/rpp1P3/qkb1R3 w - - "] 1. axb8N {win} [Result "10"] [FEN "1N4K1/1pp1p3/7k/2r3pP/p2pp1P1/P6N/8/2B5 w - - "] 1. Nc6 {draw} [Result "11"] [FEN "5K2/k4p1p/5p1p/1p3p2/bP6/1p6/1P5p/7B w - - "] 1. Ke8 {or Ke7 win} [Result "12"] [FEN "k1b5/1p1p1p1p/1PpPpP2/2B5/8/2p1p2P/2PbP3/3K4 w - - "] 1. Bd4 {win} [Result "13"] [FEN "8/8/8/8/1kB1q3/8/1PRb4/1K6 b - - "] 1... Qh1 2. Ka2 Qa8 3.Kb1 Qe4 {or other way to get the start position for white - win} [Result "14"] [FEN "8/2N4r/1p3pkp/8/5K1p/2P4N/P3Bn2/8 w - - "] 1. Bh5 [Result "15"] [FEN "4k1rr/1R1R3p/8/8/8/2K5/7P/8 w k - "] 1. Rd2 [Result "16"] [FEN "5k2/4bp2/2B3p1/1P4p1/3R4/3P2PP/2r2PK1/8 b - - "] 1... Rxf2 [Result "17"] [FEN "1b6/2p5/1kB5/1PN5/8/3K4/8/q7 w - - "] 1. Nb3 [Result "18"] [FEN "N7/8/2KQ2rp/6k1/3p3p/2p4P/4PP2/5N2 w - - "] 1. f4 [Result "19"] [FEN "2br4/r2pp3/8/1p1p1kN1/pP1P4/2P3R1/PP3PP1/2K5 w - - "] 1. Nf7 Re8 2. Nd6 [Result "20"] [FEN "8/8/4B3/6p1/7k/8/4pPKP/8 w - - "] 1. Bg4 [Result "21"] [FEN "r7/7k/5R2/p3p3/Pp1pPp2/1PpP1Pp1/K1P3P1/8 w - - "] 1. Kb1 Kg7 {or 1... Rh8 2. Rf8} 2. Rh6 [Result "22"] [FEN "1K3kB1/8/6p1/7R/8/4b3/8/6n1 w - - "] 1. Rh8 Kg7 2. Bh7 [Result "23"] [FEN "8/8/R7/1b4k1/5p2/1B3r2/7P/7K w - - "] 1. h4 Kxh4 2. Rh6 Kg5 3. Rh5 [Result "24"] [FEN "7Q/4p3/4p3/p1p1P3/Pp2P3/3Kp3/p1PbP3/kN6 w - - "] 1. Na3 bxa3 2. Qh1 Kb2 3. Qa1 Kxa1 4. c4 [Result "25"] [FEN "7r/K7/5k1n/p3p3/Pp1pPp1p/1PpP1PpP/2P3P1/N1RR1B2 b - - "] {win} [Result "26"] [FEN "q7/b1p5/kp1p4/p2PN3/PPP5/1K6/8/5B2 w - - "] 1. c5 Kb7 2. Ba6 {win} [Result "27"] [FEN "1k1n4/1p1b1p2/1Bp1pPp1/1PP1P3/8/6P1/8/1K6 w - - "] 1. Bc7 {win} [Result "28"] [FEN "4q1kr/p6p/1prQPppB/4n3/4P3/2P5/PP2B2P/R5K1 w - - "] 1. Qxe5 {win} [Result "29"] [FEN "q1b4n/1p1pKp2/1p1p1Pp1/1P1P2Pp/2P4P/8/7R/1N1k4 w - - "] 1. Ra2 {win} [Result "30"] [FEN "3k4/2pq3p/pp5R/4P3/P6P/2PN4/1PN3K1/8 w - - "] 1. Nd4 {win} [Result "31"] [FEN "8/7p/6pP/p4pP1/3BpP2/p1KpP3/pn1N4/k7 w - - "] 1. Bh8 {win} [Result "32"] [FEN "8/6p1/p7/rp1K2p1/kb3pP1/2p2p1b/P1Np1P2/3N2R1 w - - "] 1. Ke6 {or Ke4 win} [Result "33"] [FEN "B7/p1p5/k2p4/p3p3/P1Nb1p2/6p1/7p/4K3 w - - "] {Ke1->h3->c8 win} [Result "34"] [FEN "1qN5/b1pB4/1pP2k2/pP3P2/P1P5/8/8/K7 w - - "] {Ka1->h5->d8 win} [Result "35"] [FEN "8/3P3k/n2K3p/2p3n1/1b4N1/2p1p1P1/8/3B4 w - - "] 1. Nf6 {win} [Result "36"] [FEN "8/5K2/3p3p/3p3P/pp1P4/rkb1R3/p1p3P1/n1B2B2 w - - "] 1. Rd3 {win} [Result "37"] [FEN "6bn/p4p1k/rp3Pp1/rp2BBP1/1p6/pK6/P2P4/8 w - - "] 1. Bc8 {win} [Result "38"] [FEN "qn6/b1Kp3p/p1pB3p/p7/P1NkP3/2pP4/2B5/8 w - - "] 1. Bf4 {or Kc8 win} [Result "39"] [FEN "8/P7/4k3/8/5P2/4Bq2/5P2/5K2 b - - "] 1... Kf5 {win} [Result "40"] [FEN "8/6kP/1p6/p7/Pr6/K2B4/8/8 b - - "] {Rb4->h4 and next Kg7->e5 win} [Result "41"] [FEN "8/8/2b1N3/5p2/3B4/2K5/6kp/R7 w - - "] 1. Rh1 {win} [Result "42"] [FEN "8/8/4kpp1/3p1b2/p6P/2B5/6P1/6K1 b - - "] 1... Bh3 [Result "43"] [FEN "5rk1/5ppp/p1Q1p3/1R6/q7/4b1P1/P2RPP1P/6K1 w - - "] 1. Rd8 {win} [Result "44"] [FEN "r7/1b1r4/k1p1p1p1/1p1pPpPp/p1PP1P1P/PP1K4/8/4Q3 w - - "] 1. Qa5 [Result "45"] [FEN "3B4/1r2p3/r2p1p2/bkp1P1p1/1p1P1PPp/p1P4P/PPB1K3/8 w - - "] 1. Ba4 [Result "46"] [FEN "2k5/2p5/1q1p4/pPpPp1pp/N1P1Pp2/P4PbP/KQ4P1/8 w - - "] {avoid Nxb6} [Result "47"] [FEN "1r6/4k3/r2p2p1/2pR1p1p/2P1pP1P/pPK1P1P1/P7/1B6 b - - "] 1... Rxb3 [Result "48"] [FEN "8/5k2/6p1/4BP1p/6p1/p1p3PP/6P1/1n2K2R b K - "] 1... a2 2. fxg6 Kg8 [Result "49"] [FEN "8/3k1b1r/2p1p1p1/rpPpPpPp/p2P1P1P/P2K4/8/4B3 w - - "] 1. Bb4 [Result "50"] [FEN "7b/p1p1p3/P1PpPp2/2nP1kpr/5P1p/p3KBPP/P7/8 w - - "] 1. Be4 {draw} [Result "51"] [FEN "7r/p1p1p1pk/3pPp1p/2pP1PP1/P1P4P/1K6/P6B/8 w - - "] 1. g6 Kg8 2. a5 a6 3. Bxd6 cxd6 4. h5 {or 2. Bxd6 cxd6 3. h5 draw} [Result "52"] [FEN "8/1p1q1k2/1Pp5/p1Pp4/P2Pp1p1/4PpPp/1N3P1P/3B2K1 w - - "] 1. Bb3 Qc8 2. Nd1 Qa8 3. Bc4 [Result "53"] [FEN "8/8/2pk4/8/p1p3B1/PpP5/1P6/r1NK4 w - - "] 1. Bf5 Ra2 2. Nxa2 bxa2 3. Kc1 a1Q 4. Bb1 [Result "54"] [FEN "1R3b2/5ppQ/6Pp/6PP/R6P/P7/7K/2q1k3 w - - "] 1. Rb1 Qxb1 2. gxf7 [Result "55"] [FEN "Kn6/8/8/3R2PB/8/2p2NP1/1q6/2k5 w - - "] 1. Rd1 {draw} [Result "56"] [FEN "1B3B1B/2B5/p6B/8/8/8/8/1k1K4 w - - "] 1. Bce5 {win} [Result "57"] [FEN "4kr2/5p1K/3p1Q2/1p4P1/4P3/1PP5/7b/8 w - - "] 1. Kh6 {win} [Result "58"] [FEN "6R1/8/2pB3k/2P4p/5p1q/5P2/4P1K1/8 w - - "] 1. Bf8 {win} [Result "59"] [FEN "n2Bqk2/5p1p/Q4KP1/p7/8/8/8/8 w - - "] 1. Qc8 Kg8 2. Bc7 {win} [Result "60"] [FEN "8/5p2/8/8/p7/rpK4p/1p3ppr/bQ1N1bqk w - - "] 1. Kb4 {or Kd4 win} [Result "61"] [FEN "8/8/7p/3KNN1k/2p4p/8/3P2p1/8 w - - "] 1. Kc6 [Result "62"] [FEN "1R6/pPk1r3/2p5/K7/8/2B1b3/8/8 w - - "] 1. Ka6 [Result "63"] [FEN "8/p7/qkpN1p2/8/1B1P4/PP3K2/5P2/8 w - - "] 1. Ba5 {win} [Result "64"] [FEN "2N5/p7/P7/8/1KPp1p1p/3p1Bpp/3P2rq/R5bk w - - "] 1. Nb6 {win} [Result "65"] [FEN "5kN1/3p1q2/5P2/5PP1/2pK4/1p1R4/1P6/8 w - - "] 1. Rxb3 [Result "66"] [FEN "2b1rk2/5p2/p1P5/2p2P2/2p5/7B/P7/2KR4 w - - "] 1. f6 [Result "67"] [FEN "2r5/prkpR1p1/2p1ppK1/P1p1N1B1/P1P1P3/8/8/8 w - - "] 1. Bf4 [Result "68"] [FEN "rk1b4/p2p2p1/1P6/2R2P2/8/2K5/8/5B2 w - - "] 1. Rc8 [Result "69"] [FEN "3k4/4pp2/n2n4/5BN1/3N4/b7/4K3/8 w - - "] 1. Nxf7 {draw} [Result "70"] [FEN "4b3/8/1P6/3K4/6p1/5pP1/5P1B/7k w - -"] 1. b7 Bb5 2. b8R [Result "71"] [FEN "8/5pKN/5Pp1/5kP1/8/Bb6/8/7q w - - "] 1. Bc5 {or any move} Qxh7+ [Result "72"] [FEN "8/p5p1/1pP3p1/p5p1/k3p3/4p3/K7/8 w - - "] 1. c7 {win} [Result "73"] [FEN "q7/8/2p5/B2p2pp/5pp1/2N3k1/6P1/7K w - - "] 1. Ne4 Kh4 2. Ng3 fxg3 3. Bb6 [Result "74"] [FEN "q7/7R/k7/1p6/1p6/1P2B3/7K/8 w - - "] 1. Bd4 {win} [Result "75"] [FEN "1q1r3k/3P1pp1/ppBR1n1p/4Q2P/P4P2/8/5PK1/8 w - - "] 1. Rxf6 [Result "76"] [FEN "1r3q1k/2N2P1p/6pQ/4p3/7p/n6P/3B4/7K w - - "] 1. Qf4 [Result "77"] [FEN "5nr1/2Pp2pk/3Pp1p1/4P1P1/6P1/5K2/8/7n w - - "] 1. c8N {win} [Result "78"] [FEN "2K3k1/1p6/R3p1p1/1rB1P1P1/8/8/1Pb5/8 w - - "] 1. Rc6 [Result "79"] [FEN "4q3/2r1r2p/3P3P/1p6/kP6/Pp6/1P6/KB2R3 w - - "] 1. Rxe7 Qxe7 {or 1... Rxe7 2. dxe7} 2. dxc7 [Result "80"] [FEN "3k4/8/7p/2p1p1pP/1pPpPpP1/1P1P1P2/N7/2K5 w - - "] {Na2->h4 win} [Result "81"] [FEN "8/8/8/1k3p2/p1p1pPp1/PpPpP1Pp/1P1P3P/QNK2NRR w - -"] {win} [Result "82"] [FEN "4b1k1/P4pPp/1R3P1P/2r5/8/1P6/1K6/8 w - -"] 1. a8B [Result "83"] [FEN "4N2k/4PB1p/7P/B1p5/2P5/3q2Pp/1P3P1K/2r5 w - -"] 1. Bc3 Rxc3 2. Nc7 [Result "84"] [FEN "1k6/3p4/1B6/4Pp1p/1p5R/1p4p1/pP3n2/K6n w - -"] 1. Rxh1 Nxh1 2. e6 dxe6 3. Bc7 [Result "85"] [FEN "N3kb2/pq4p1/4B1P1/1p1P2B1/p7/3P4/2P5/2K5 w - -"] 1. Bf7 Kd7 2. Be6 Kd6 3. Bf4 Kc5 4. Be3 Kb4 5. Bd2 Ka3 6. Kb1 [Result "86"] [FEN "8/1B3b1p/7P/p2p4/P2pp1kp/Q7/1N1Pq2P/7K w - -"] 1. Qh3 [Result "87"] [FEN "1B2b2k/2N1qr2/4n2p/4p1PQ/1r2N3/1p6/7P/2KB4 w - -"] 1. Nd5 Rc4 2. Kb1 Rc1 3. Kb2 Rf2 4. Nf2 Rb1 5. Kb1 Qh7 6. g6 Bg6 7. Bc2 bxc2 8. Kc1 Bxh5 9. Be5 Ng7 10. Ne7 [Result "88"] [FEN "2k4N/Q1np4/2p2Bpp/1p1P4/pPP1p2P/P7/7q/1K6 w - -"] 1. Nf7 Qg3 2. Qxc7 [Result "89"] [FEN "8/4nk2/1p3p2/2rp2pp/1P1R1N1P/6P1/3KPP2/8 b - -"] {avoid 1... Rb5} [Result "90"] [FEN "5BK1/5p1N/5Pp1/6Pk/8/1b6/8/7q b - -"] 1... Qa8 2.Kg7 Qd5 {or Qg2 and next Qxg5} [Result "91"] [FEN "2b5/1pr4p/3bp1pk/1p6/1PpN2PP/K1P1n3/P3N1R1/3R4 w - -"] 1. Nxb5 Nxd1 2. Nd6 b5 3. g5 Kh5 4. Nxc8 Rxc8 5. Nf4 Kxh4 6. Ng6 [Result "92"] [FEN "8/1p1pNpbk/q2P4/p3p2K/PP2N3/4P1P1/3P4/8 w - -"] 1. b5 Qb6 2. Nc8 {win} [Result "93"] [FEN "1rr5/6pk/7p/8/8/7P/1Pb1RRPK/8 b - -"] {avoid Rxb2} [/pgn]

The authors of studies selected to the "IQ" test:


Blathy Otto - 2, 11, 12
Benko Pal - 15, 74
Hasek Josef - 21, 27
Gurvich Abram - 22
Kasparyan Genrikh - 23
Neghina Mihai - 26
Grasemann Herbert - 36
Popov Georgy & Hanyan Aleksei - 38 (part of study)
Rudolph William - 45
Troitzky Aleksei - 56
Reti Richard - 57
Matous Mario - 59
Behting Carl - 61
Klyatskin Mikhail - 65
Kubbel Karl - 68
Novomesky Daniel - 72
Lazard Frederic - 73
Marwitz Jan - 78
Lamford Paul - 81
Simkhovich Froim - 85

by other sources (

Solovyov Y. - 5
Babic M. - 8
Neghina Mihai - 10, 30, 83, 86, 88, 91
Simkhovich Froim - 19
Plaskett - 35
Hoch Yehuda & Aloni Hillel - 54
Troitzky Aleksei - 58
Smyslov Vasily - 66
Bondarenko F. & Kuznetsov A. - 67
Surya Sekhar Ganguly - 80
Aleksandr Stavrietsky - 87
A. Kazantsev - 92
Maybe, I can't be friendly, but let me be useful.
Posts: 3187
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:38 am
Full name: Peter Martan

Re: Sting Sf 12

Post by peter »

lech wrote: Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:23 am The "IQ" test is a very important part of my project (Sting) and doesn't contain middle-game tactical positions and technical endgames.
Here are positions dedicated to test so-called by me quasi-intelligent abilities of engines.
They show full spectrum of possible problems for clessic alpha-beta engines.

Set parameters: "threads" to 1 and "hash" to 1024 and clear hash before each of items.
Don't use such external tricks like: rule-50 changing, null-move disabling, "backward-forward" moves, special parameters and others.
MultiPV, tablebases and "Monte Carlo" are not welcome too.

Time to solve each of items should be 30 minutes for 1 000 000 nodes/second speed. It means 3 minutes for 10 000 000 nodes/second only. Of course, the going on last depth should not be broken.

The DRAW result means ZERO score or a missing gain.
The WIN result means the correct solution mainly and any gain.
Thanks again for all your work, Marek!
Dann Corbit
Posts: 12549
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Location: Redmond, WA USA

Re: Sting Sf 12

Post by Dann Corbit »

lech wrote: Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:22 am Next modifications, but one is very important and may not wait.
I closed all links to previous (11.x) versions.

It ends the main part of my project, thus now a longer break.

download: ...
I find sting to be extremely useful for analysis of difficult problems and compositions.
For some, it is the only engine that will solve them.
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
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Re: Sting Sf 12

Post by MikeB »

lech wrote: Thu Jan 10, 2019 8:22 am Next modifications, but one is very important and may not wait.
I closed all links to previous (11.x) versions.

It ends the main part of my project, thus now a longer break.

download: ...
A well deserved break - thank you very much for sharing Sting with us - it is a must have engine!
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:02 pm

Re: Sting Sf 12

Post by lech »

If you can see, I added an item "0" to the above "iq" test.
It seems to be an extremaly easy mate in 5 moves.
[pgn] [Result "0"] [FEN "rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w - - "] 1. Bd7 b4 2. Kf7 b3 3. Ke8 b2 4. Kd8 b1Q 5. Bxc7 {mate} [/pgn]
It means that if an engine is not able to solve this position, it has no sense to continue the test.

e.g. Stockfish 10; Hash = 1024M, threads = 1, tablebase = no
info depth 51 seldepth 66 multipv 1 score cp -33 nodes 2678300614 nps 857160 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 3124619 pv e6d5 b8c8 d5a8 c7c4 e5g7 c8c7 g7h6 c7b6 a8b7 b5b4 h6e3 b6b5 b7f3 c4c7 f3e2 b5a4 g6f5 c7e7 e2d1 a4a5 e3c5 e7c7 c5d6 c7c6 f5e5 c6c1 d1f3 b4b3 d6a3 c1c7 f3d1 c7c8 e5e4 c8e8 e4f4 e8b8 a3b2 a5a6 b2c3 b8b6 d1e2a6b7 e2f3 b7c8 c3b2 b6h6 f3e4 a7a5 f4e3 c8c7 e3d3 h6h3 d3c4 h3h4 b2e5 c7c8 c4d3 a5a4 e5b2 c8c7 e4f5 c7c6
Maybe, I can't be friendly, but let me be useful.
Dann Corbit
Posts: 12549
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:57 pm
Location: Redmond, WA USA

Re: Sting Sf 12

Post by Dann Corbit »

Some notes:
Most of your positions have non standard things in them.
In other words, chess engines and chess database systems cannot process them.
They are not legal as PGN or EPD.
I have made legal EPD records out of your data.
There are still some minor issues. For instance, chess engines and chess database systems will not have a method to check for a plan. So I left the plan data as comments.
Note also that there is already a test set called IQ, so I gave id names of Sting-IQ to the positions.

Code: Select all

1B1k4/3p4/1Kp5/PpP2p2/1PqP1P2/8/1P6/8 w - - bm a6; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.02";
1B2b2k/2N1qr2/4n2p/4p1PQ/1r2N3/1p6/7P/2KB4 w - - bm Nd5; c0 "continues Rc4 2. Kb1 Rc1 3. Kb2 Rf2 4. Nf2 Rb1 5. Kb1 Qh7 6. g6 Bg6 7. Bc2 bxc2 8. Kc1 Bxh5 9. Be5 Ng7 10. Ne7"; id "Sting-IQ.87";
1B3B1B/2B5/p6B/8/8/8/8/1k1K4 w - - bm Bce5; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.56";
1K3kB1/8/6p1/7R/8/4b3/8/6n1 w - - bm Rh8; c0 "continues Kg7 2. Bh7"; id "Sting-IQ.22";
1N4K1/1pp1p3/7k/2r3pP/p2pp1P1/P6N/8/2B5 w - - bm Nc6; c0 "draw"; id "Sting-IQ.10";
1R3b2/5ppQ/6Pp/6PP/R6P/P7/7K/2q1k3 w - - bm Rb1; c0 "continues Qxb1 2. gxf7"; id "Sting-IQ.54";
1R6/pPk1r3/2p5/K7/8/2B1b3/8/8 w - - bm Ka6; id "Sting-IQ.62";
1b6/2p5/1kB5/1PN5/8/3K4/8/q7 w - - bm Nb3; id "Sting-IQ.17";
1k1n4/1p1b1p2/1Bp1pPp1/1PP1P3/8/6P1/8/1K6 w - - bm Bc7+; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.27";
1k6/3p4/1B6/4Pp1p/1p5R/1p4p1/pP3n2/K6n w - - bm Rxh1; c0 "continues Nxh1 2. e6 dxe6 3. Bc7"; id "Sting-IQ.84";
1n6/Pp1p1p1p/1P1P1P1P/4K3/2p5/p7/rpp1P3/qkb1R3 w - - bm axb8=N; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.09";
1q1r3k/3P1pp1/ppBR1n1p/4Q2P/P4P2/8/5PK1/8 w - - bm Rxf6; id "Sting-IQ.75";
1qN5/b1pB4/1pP2k2/pP3P2/P1P5/8/8/K7 w - - c0 "{Ka1->h5->d8 win}"; id "Sting-IQ.34";
1r3q1k/2N2P1p/6pQ/4p3/7p/n6P/3B4/7K w - - bm Qf4; id "Sting-IQ.76";
1r6/4k3/r2p2p1/2pR1p1p/2P1pP1P/pPK1P1P1/P7/1B6 b - - bm Rxb3+; id "Sting-IQ.47";
1rr5/6pk/7p/8/8/7P/1Pb1RRPK/8 b - - am Rxb2; id "Sting-IQ.93";
2K3k1/1p6/R3p1p1/1rB1P1P1/8/8/1Pb5/8 w - - bm Rc6; id "Sting-IQ.78";
2N5/p7/P7/8/1KPp1p1p/3p1Bpp/3P2rq/R5bk w - - bm Nb6; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.64";
2b1rk2/5p2/p1P5/2p2P2/2p5/7B/P7/2KR4 w - - bm f6; id "Sting-IQ.66";
2b5/1pr4p/3bp1pk/1p6/1PpN2PP/K1P1n3/P3N1R1/3R4 w - - bm Nxb5; c0 "continues Nxd1 2. Nd6 b5 3. g5 Kh5 4. Nxc8 Rxc8 5. Nf4 Kxh4 6. Ng6"; id "Sting-IQ.91";
2br4/r2pp3/8/1p1p1kN1/pP1P4/2P3R1/PP3PP1/2K5 w - - bm Nf7; c0 "continues Re8 2. Nd6"; id "Sting-IQ.19";
2k4N/Q1np4/2p2Bpp/1p1P4/pPP1p2P/P7/7q/1K6 w - - bm Nf7; c0 "continues Qg3 2. Qxc7"; id "Sting-IQ.88";
2k5/2p5/1q1p4/pPpPp1pp/N1P1Pp2/P4PbP/KQ4P1/8 w - - am Nxb6+; id "Sting-IQ.46";
2k5/p7/Pp1p1b2/1P1P1p2/2P2P1p/3K3P/5B2/8 w - - bm c5; id "Sting-IQ.08";
2r5/prkpR1p1/2p1ppK1/P1p1N1B1/P1P1P3/8/8/8 w - - bm Bf4; id "Sting-IQ.67";
3B4/1r2p3/r2p1p2/bkp1P1p1/1p1P1PPp/p1P4P/PPB1K3/8 w - - bm Ba4+; id "Sting-IQ.45";
3N2r1/2K1p3/4Pk2/8/Bp5b/8/2P5/8 b - - bm Bg3+; c0 "continues 2. Kd7 {or Kc8} Rxd8"; id "Sting-IQ.03";
3k4/2pq3p/pp5R/4P3/P6P/2PN4/1PN3K1/8 w - - bm Nd4; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.30";
3k4/4pp2/n2n4/5BN1/3N4/b7/4K3/8 w - - bm Nxf7+; c0 "1/2-1/2"; id "Sting-IQ.69";
3k4/8/7p/2p1p1pP/1pPpPpP1/1P1P1P2/N7/2K5 w - - c0 "{Na2->h4 win}"; id "Sting-IQ.80";
4N2k/4PB1p/7P/B1p5/2P5/3q2Pp/1P3P1K/2r5 w - - bm Bc3+; c0 "continues Rxc3 2. Nc7"; id "Sting-IQ.83";
4b1k1/P4pPp/1R3P1P/2r5/8/1P6/1K6/8 w - - bm a8=B; id "Sting-IQ.82";
4b3/8/1P6/3K4/6p1/5pP1/5P1B/7k w - - bm b7; c0 "continues Bb5 2. b8=R"; id "Sting-IQ.70";
4k1rr/1R1R3p/8/8/8/2K5/7P/8 w k - bm Rd2; id "Sting-IQ.15";
4kr2/5p1K/3p1Q2/1p4P1/4P3/1PP5/7b/8 w - - bm Kh6; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.57";
4q1kr/p6p/1prQPppB/4n3/4P3/2P5/PP2B2P/R5K1 w - - bm Qxe5; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.28";
4q3/2r1r2p/3P3P/1p6/kP6/Pp6/1P6/KB2R3 w - - bm Rxe7; c0 "continues Qxe7 {or 1... Rxe7 2. dxe7} 2. dxc7"; id "Sting-IQ.79";
5BK1/5p1N/5Pp1/6Pk/8/1b6/8/7q b - - bm Qa8; c0 "continues 2.Kg7 Qd5 {or Qg2 and next Qxg5}"; id "Sting-IQ.90";
5K2/k4p1p/5p1p/1p3p2/bP6/1p6/1P5p/7B w - - bm Ke7 Ke8; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.11";
5k2/4bp2/2B3p1/1P4p1/3R4/3P2PP/2r2PK1/8 b - - bm Rxf2+; id "Sting-IQ.16";
5kN1/3p1q2/5P2/5PP1/2pK4/1p1R4/1P6/8 w - - bm Rxb3; id "Sting-IQ.65";
5nr1/2Pp2pk/3Pp1p1/4P1P1/6P1/5K2/8/7n w - - bm c8=N; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.77";
5rk1/5ppp/p1Q1p3/1R6/q7/4b1P1/P2RPP1P/6K1 w - - bm Rd8; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.43";
6R1/8/2pB3k/2P4p/5p1q/5P2/4P1K1/8 w - - bm Bf8+; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.58";
6bn/p4p1k/rp3Pp1/rp2BBP1/1p6/pK6/P2P4/8 w - - bm Bc8; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.37";
6k1/6p1/4Rb1p/p7/rp2P1N1/2P3P1/1P5P/6K1 b - - bm Bxc3; id "Sting-IQ.06";
6q1/PpB5/k7/P6K/6n1/1P4p1/5p2/1B3N1N w - - bm a8=Q+ a8=R+; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.05";
7Q/4p3/4p3/p1p1P3/Pp2P3/3Kp3/p1PbP3/kN6 w - - bm Na3; c0 "continues bxa3 2. Qh1 Kb2 3. Qa1 Kxa1 4. c4"; id "Sting-IQ.24";
7b/p1p1p3/P1PpPp2/2nP1kpr/5P1p/p3KBPP/P7/8 w - - bm Be4+; c0 "1/2-1/2"; id "Sting-IQ.50";
7k/6rp/6pN/1r4P1/3B4/8/8/K7 b - - bm Rxg5; id "Sting-IQ.01";
7r/K7/5k1n/p3p3/Pp1pPp1p/1PpP1PpP/2P3P1/N1RR1B2 b - - c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.25";
7r/p1p1p1pk/3pPp1p/2pP1PP1/P1P4P/1K6/P6B/8 w - - bm g6+; c0 "continues Kg8 2. a5 a6 3. Bxd6 cxd6 4. h5 {or 2. Bxd6 cxd6 3. h5 draw}"; id "Sting-IQ.51";
8/1B3b1p/7P/p2p4/P2pp1kp/Q7/1N1Pq2P/7K w - - bm Qh3+; id "Sting-IQ.86";
8/1p1pNpbk/q2P4/p3p2K/PP2N3/4P1P1/3P4/8 w - - bm b5; c0 "win for side to move"; c1 "continues Qb6 2. Nc8"; id "Sting-IQ.92";
8/1p1q1k2/1Pp5/p1Pp4/P2Pp1p1/4PpPp/1N3P1P/3B2K1 w - - bm Bb3; c0 "continues Qc8 2. Nd1 Qa8 3. Bc4"; id "Sting-IQ.52";
8/2N4r/1p3pkp/8/5K1p/2P4N/P3Bn2/8 w - - bm Bh5+; id "Sting-IQ.14";
8/3P3k/n2K3p/2p3n1/1b4N1/2p1p1P1/8/3B4 w - - bm Nf6+; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.35";
8/3k1b1r/2p1p1p1/rpPpPpPp/p2P1P1P/P2K4/8/4B3 w - - bm Bb4; id "Sting-IQ.49";
8/4nk2/1p3p2/2rp2pp/1P1R1N1P/6P1/3KPP2/8 b - - am Rb5; id "Sting-IQ.89";
8/5K2/3p3p/3p3P/pp1P4/rkb1R3/p1p3P1/n1B2B2 w - - bm Rd3; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.36";
8/5k2/6p1/4BP1p/6p1/p1p3PP/6P1/1n2K2R b K - bm a2; c0 "continues 2. fxg6 Kg8"; id "Sting-IQ.48";
8/5p2/8/8/p7/rpK4p/1p3ppr/bQ1N1bqk w - - bm Kb4 Kd4; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.60";
8/5pKN/5Pp1/5kP1/8/Bb6/8/7q w - - c0 "Bc5 {or any move} Qxh7+ 0-1"; id "Sting-IQ.71";
8/6kP/1p6/p7/Pr6/K2B4/8/8 b - - c0 "{Rb4->h4 and next Kg7->e5 win}"; id "Sting-IQ.40";
8/6p1/p7/rp1K2p1/kb3pP1/2p2p1b/P1Np1P2/3N2R1 w - - bm Ke4 Ke6; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.32";
8/7p/5P1k/1p5P/5p2/2p1p3/P1P1P1P1/1K3Nb1 w - - bm Ng3; id "Sting-IQ.04";
8/7p/6pP/p4pP1/3BpP2/p1KpP3/pn1N4/k7 w - - bm Bh8; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.31";
8/8/2b1N3/5p2/3B4/2K5/6kp/R7 w - - bm Rh1; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.41";
8/8/2pk4/8/p1p3B1/PpP5/1P6/r1NK4 w - - bm Bf5; c0 "continues Ra2 2. Nxa2 bxa2 3. Kc1 a1Q 4. Bb1"; id "Sting-IQ.53";
8/8/4B3/6p1/7k/8/4pPKP/8 w - - bm Bg4; id "Sting-IQ.20";
8/8/4kpp1/3p1b2/p6P/2B5/6P1/6K1 b - - bm Bh3; id "Sting-IQ.42";
8/8/7p/3KNN1k/2p4p/8/3P2p1/8 w - - bm Kc6; id "Sting-IQ.61";
8/8/8/1k3p2/p1p1pPp1/PpPpP1Pp/1P1P3P/QNK2NRR w - - c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.81";
8/8/8/8/1kB1q3/8/1PRb4/1K6 b - - bm Qh1+; c0 "continues 2. Ka2 Qa8 3.Kb1 Qe4 {or other way to get the start position for white - win}"; id "Sting-IQ.13";
8/8/R7/1b4k1/5p2/1B3r2/7P/7K w - - bm h4+; c0 "continues Kxh4 2. Rh6 Kg5 3. Rh5"; id "Sting-IQ.23";
8/8/p2k1p2/1p1p3p/1P1P3p/P3NPP1/5K2/1b6 w - - bm Ng2; id "Sting-IQ.07";
8/P7/4k3/8/5P2/4Bq2/5P2/5K2 b - - bm Kf5; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.39";
8/p5p1/1pP3p1/p5p1/k3p3/4p3/K7/8 w - - bm c7; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.72";
8/p7/qkpN1p2/8/1B1P4/PP3K2/5P2/8 w - - bm Ba5+; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.63";
B7/p1p5/k2p4/p3p3/P1Nb1p2/6p1/7p/4K3 w - - c0 "{Ke1->h3->c8 win}"; id "Sting-IQ.33";
Kn6/8/8/3R2PB/8/2p2NP1/1q6/2k5 w - - bm Rd1+; c0 "1/2-1/2"; id "Sting-IQ.55";
N3kb2/pq4p1/4B1P1/1p1P2B1/p7/3P4/2P5/2K5 w - - bm Bf7+; c0 "continues Kd7 2. Be6 Kd6 3. Bf4 Kc5 4. Be3 Kb4 5. Bd2 Ka3 6. Kb1"; id "Sting-IQ.85";
N7/8/2KQ2rp/6k1/3p3p/2p4P/4PP2/5N2 w - - bm f4+; id "Sting-IQ.18";
k1b5/1p1p1p1p/1PpPpP2/2B5/8/2p1p2P/2PbP3/3K4 w - - bm Bd4; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.12";
n2Bqk2/5p1p/Q4KP1/p7/8/8/8/8 w - - bm Qc8; c0 "win for side to move"; c1 "continues Kg8 2. Bc7"; id "Sting-IQ.59";
q1b4n/1p1pKp2/1p1p1Pp1/1P1P2Pp/2P4P/8/7R/1N1k4 w - - bm Ra2; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.29";
q7/7R/k7/1p6/1p6/1P2B3/7K/8 w - - bm Bd4; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.74";
q7/8/2p5/B2p2pp/5pp1/2N3k1/6P1/7K w - - bm Ne4+; c0 "continues Kh4 2. Ng3 fxg3 3. Bb6"; id "Sting-IQ.73";
q7/b1p5/kp1p4/p2PN3/PPP5/1K6/8/5B2 w - - bm c5+; c0 "win for side to move"; c1 "continues Kb7 2. Ba6"; id "Sting-IQ.26";
qn6/b1Kp3p/p1pB3p/p7/P1NkP3/2pP4/2B5/8 w - - bm Bf4 Kc8; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.38";
r7/1b1r4/k1p1p1p1/1p1pPpPp/p1PP1P1P/PP1K4/8/4Q3 w - - bm Qa5+; id "Sting-IQ.44";
r7/7k/5R2/p3p3/Pp1pPp2/1PpP1Pp1/K1P3P1/8 w - - bm Kb1; c0 "contines Kg7 {or 1... Rh8 2. Rf8} 2. Rh6"; id "Sting-IQ.21";
rk1b4/p2p2p1/1P6/2R2P2/8/2K5/8/5B2 w - - bm Rc8+; id "Sting-IQ.68";
rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w - - bm Bd7; id "Sting-IQ.00";
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:02 pm

Re: Sting Sf 12

Post by lech »

I don't like your EPD version and other words too. It is far of my idea.
For me, the "IQ" (not IQ) test has a very good name.
It is dedicated to authors of engines mainly, and to all who want to know ways of ELO and "IQ" abilities of engines rather maybe.
I explained what means for me the "IQ" abilities.
It is not a mechanical test and it is to help, and not to create some doubt rankings.
Sting proves that it is possible to solve many difficult questions but of course others may do it in a better way.
The "IQ" test can help them much. :D
Maybe, I can't be friendly, but let me be useful.
Posts: 4834
Joined: Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:15 pm
Location: Philippines

Re: Sting Sf 12

Post by Ferdy »

Dann Corbit wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:28 pm Some notes:
Most of your positions have non standard things in them.
In other words, chess engines and chess database systems cannot process them.
They are not legal as PGN or EPD.
I have made legal EPD records out of your data.
There are still some minor issues. For instance, chess engines and chess database systems will not have a method to check for a plan. So I left the plan data as comments.
Note also that there is already a test set called IQ, so I gave id names of Sting-IQ to the positions.

Code: Select all

1B1k4/3p4/1Kp5/PpP2p2/1PqP1P2/8/1P6/8 w - - bm a6; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.02";
1B2b2k/2N1qr2/4n2p/4p1PQ/1r2N3/1p6/7P/2KB4 w - - bm Nd5; c0 "continues Rc4 2. Kb1 Rc1 3. Kb2 Rf2 4. Nf2 Rb1 5. Kb1 Qh7 6. g6 Bg6 7. Bc2 bxc2 8. Kc1 Bxh5 9. Be5 Ng7 10. Ne7"; id "Sting-IQ.87";
1B3B1B/2B5/p6B/8/8/8/8/1k1K4 w - - bm Bce5; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.56";
1K3kB1/8/6p1/7R/8/4b3/8/6n1 w - - bm Rh8; c0 "continues Kg7 2. Bh7"; id "Sting-IQ.22";
1N4K1/1pp1p3/7k/2r3pP/p2pp1P1/P6N/8/2B5 w - - bm Nc6; c0 "draw"; id "Sting-IQ.10";
1R3b2/5ppQ/6Pp/6PP/R6P/P7/7K/2q1k3 w - - bm Rb1; c0 "continues Qxb1 2. gxf7"; id "Sting-IQ.54";
1R6/pPk1r3/2p5/K7/8/2B1b3/8/8 w - - bm Ka6; id "Sting-IQ.62";
1b6/2p5/1kB5/1PN5/8/3K4/8/q7 w - - bm Nb3; id "Sting-IQ.17";
1k1n4/1p1b1p2/1Bp1pPp1/1PP1P3/8/6P1/8/1K6 w - - bm Bc7+; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.27";
1k6/3p4/1B6/4Pp1p/1p5R/1p4p1/pP3n2/K6n w - - bm Rxh1; c0 "continues Nxh1 2. e6 dxe6 3. Bc7"; id "Sting-IQ.84";
1n6/Pp1p1p1p/1P1P1P1P/4K3/2p5/p7/rpp1P3/qkb1R3 w - - bm axb8=N; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.09";
1q1r3k/3P1pp1/ppBR1n1p/4Q2P/P4P2/8/5PK1/8 w - - bm Rxf6; id "Sting-IQ.75";
1qN5/b1pB4/1pP2k2/pP3P2/P1P5/8/8/K7 w - - c0 "{Ka1->h5->d8 win}"; id "Sting-IQ.34";
1r3q1k/2N2P1p/6pQ/4p3/7p/n6P/3B4/7K w - - bm Qf4; id "Sting-IQ.76";
1r6/4k3/r2p2p1/2pR1p1p/2P1pP1P/pPK1P1P1/P7/1B6 b - - bm Rxb3+; id "Sting-IQ.47";
1rr5/6pk/7p/8/8/7P/1Pb1RRPK/8 b - - am Rxb2; id "Sting-IQ.93";
2K3k1/1p6/R3p1p1/1rB1P1P1/8/8/1Pb5/8 w - - bm Rc6; id "Sting-IQ.78";
2N5/p7/P7/8/1KPp1p1p/3p1Bpp/3P2rq/R5bk w - - bm Nb6; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.64";
2b1rk2/5p2/p1P5/2p2P2/2p5/7B/P7/2KR4 w - - bm f6; id "Sting-IQ.66";
2b5/1pr4p/3bp1pk/1p6/1PpN2PP/K1P1n3/P3N1R1/3R4 w - - bm Nxb5; c0 "continues Nxd1 2. Nd6 b5 3. g5 Kh5 4. Nxc8 Rxc8 5. Nf4 Kxh4 6. Ng6"; id "Sting-IQ.91";
2br4/r2pp3/8/1p1p1kN1/pP1P4/2P3R1/PP3PP1/2K5 w - - bm Nf7; c0 "continues Re8 2. Nd6"; id "Sting-IQ.19";
2k4N/Q1np4/2p2Bpp/1p1P4/pPP1p2P/P7/7q/1K6 w - - bm Nf7; c0 "continues Qg3 2. Qxc7"; id "Sting-IQ.88";
2k5/2p5/1q1p4/pPpPp1pp/N1P1Pp2/P4PbP/KQ4P1/8 w - - am Nxb6+; id "Sting-IQ.46";
2k5/p7/Pp1p1b2/1P1P1p2/2P2P1p/3K3P/5B2/8 w - - bm c5; id "Sting-IQ.08";
2r5/prkpR1p1/2p1ppK1/P1p1N1B1/P1P1P3/8/8/8 w - - bm Bf4; id "Sting-IQ.67";
3B4/1r2p3/r2p1p2/bkp1P1p1/1p1P1PPp/p1P4P/PPB1K3/8 w - - bm Ba4+; id "Sting-IQ.45";
3N2r1/2K1p3/4Pk2/8/Bp5b/8/2P5/8 b - - bm Bg3+; c0 "continues 2. Kd7 {or Kc8} Rxd8"; id "Sting-IQ.03";
3k4/2pq3p/pp5R/4P3/P6P/2PN4/1PN3K1/8 w - - bm Nd4; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.30";
3k4/4pp2/n2n4/5BN1/3N4/b7/4K3/8 w - - bm Nxf7+; c0 "1/2-1/2"; id "Sting-IQ.69";
3k4/8/7p/2p1p1pP/1pPpPpP1/1P1P1P2/N7/2K5 w - - c0 "{Na2->h4 win}"; id "Sting-IQ.80";
4N2k/4PB1p/7P/B1p5/2P5/3q2Pp/1P3P1K/2r5 w - - bm Bc3+; c0 "continues Rxc3 2. Nc7"; id "Sting-IQ.83";
4b1k1/P4pPp/1R3P1P/2r5/8/1P6/1K6/8 w - - bm a8=B; id "Sting-IQ.82";
4b3/8/1P6/3K4/6p1/5pP1/5P1B/7k w - - bm b7; c0 "continues Bb5 2. b8=R"; id "Sting-IQ.70";
4k1rr/1R1R3p/8/8/8/2K5/7P/8 w k - bm Rd2; id "Sting-IQ.15";
4kr2/5p1K/3p1Q2/1p4P1/4P3/1PP5/7b/8 w - - bm Kh6; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.57";
4q1kr/p6p/1prQPppB/4n3/4P3/2P5/PP2B2P/R5K1 w - - bm Qxe5; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.28";
4q3/2r1r2p/3P3P/1p6/kP6/Pp6/1P6/KB2R3 w - - bm Rxe7; c0 "continues Qxe7 {or 1... Rxe7 2. dxe7} 2. dxc7"; id "Sting-IQ.79";
5BK1/5p1N/5Pp1/6Pk/8/1b6/8/7q b - - bm Qa8; c0 "continues 2.Kg7 Qd5 {or Qg2 and next Qxg5}"; id "Sting-IQ.90";
5K2/k4p1p/5p1p/1p3p2/bP6/1p6/1P5p/7B w - - bm Ke7 Ke8; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.11";
5k2/4bp2/2B3p1/1P4p1/3R4/3P2PP/2r2PK1/8 b - - bm Rxf2+; id "Sting-IQ.16";
5kN1/3p1q2/5P2/5PP1/2pK4/1p1R4/1P6/8 w - - bm Rxb3; id "Sting-IQ.65";
5nr1/2Pp2pk/3Pp1p1/4P1P1/6P1/5K2/8/7n w - - bm c8=N; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.77";
5rk1/5ppp/p1Q1p3/1R6/q7/4b1P1/P2RPP1P/6K1 w - - bm Rd8; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.43";
6R1/8/2pB3k/2P4p/5p1q/5P2/4P1K1/8 w - - bm Bf8+; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.58";
6bn/p4p1k/rp3Pp1/rp2BBP1/1p6/pK6/P2P4/8 w - - bm Bc8; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.37";
6k1/6p1/4Rb1p/p7/rp2P1N1/2P3P1/1P5P/6K1 b - - bm Bxc3; id "Sting-IQ.06";
6q1/PpB5/k7/P6K/6n1/1P4p1/5p2/1B3N1N w - - bm a8=Q+ a8=R+; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.05";
7Q/4p3/4p3/p1p1P3/Pp2P3/3Kp3/p1PbP3/kN6 w - - bm Na3; c0 "continues bxa3 2. Qh1 Kb2 3. Qa1 Kxa1 4. c4"; id "Sting-IQ.24";
7b/p1p1p3/P1PpPp2/2nP1kpr/5P1p/p3KBPP/P7/8 w - - bm Be4+; c0 "1/2-1/2"; id "Sting-IQ.50";
7k/6rp/6pN/1r4P1/3B4/8/8/K7 b - - bm Rxg5; id "Sting-IQ.01";
7r/K7/5k1n/p3p3/Pp1pPp1p/1PpP1PpP/2P3P1/N1RR1B2 b - - c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.25";
7r/p1p1p1pk/3pPp1p/2pP1PP1/P1P4P/1K6/P6B/8 w - - bm g6+; c0 "continues Kg8 2. a5 a6 3. Bxd6 cxd6 4. h5 {or 2. Bxd6 cxd6 3. h5 draw}"; id "Sting-IQ.51";
8/1B3b1p/7P/p2p4/P2pp1kp/Q7/1N1Pq2P/7K w - - bm Qh3+; id "Sting-IQ.86";
8/1p1pNpbk/q2P4/p3p2K/PP2N3/4P1P1/3P4/8 w - - bm b5; c0 "win for side to move"; c1 "continues Qb6 2. Nc8"; id "Sting-IQ.92";
8/1p1q1k2/1Pp5/p1Pp4/P2Pp1p1/4PpPp/1N3P1P/3B2K1 w - - bm Bb3; c0 "continues Qc8 2. Nd1 Qa8 3. Bc4"; id "Sting-IQ.52";
8/2N4r/1p3pkp/8/5K1p/2P4N/P3Bn2/8 w - - bm Bh5+; id "Sting-IQ.14";
8/3P3k/n2K3p/2p3n1/1b4N1/2p1p1P1/8/3B4 w - - bm Nf6+; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.35";
8/3k1b1r/2p1p1p1/rpPpPpPp/p2P1P1P/P2K4/8/4B3 w - - bm Bb4; id "Sting-IQ.49";
8/4nk2/1p3p2/2rp2pp/1P1R1N1P/6P1/3KPP2/8 b - - am Rb5; id "Sting-IQ.89";
8/5K2/3p3p/3p3P/pp1P4/rkb1R3/p1p3P1/n1B2B2 w - - bm Rd3; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.36";
8/5k2/6p1/4BP1p/6p1/p1p3PP/6P1/1n2K2R b K - bm a2; c0 "continues 2. fxg6 Kg8"; id "Sting-IQ.48";
8/5p2/8/8/p7/rpK4p/1p3ppr/bQ1N1bqk w - - bm Kb4 Kd4; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.60";
8/5pKN/5Pp1/5kP1/8/Bb6/8/7q w - - c0 "Bc5 {or any move} Qxh7+ 0-1"; id "Sting-IQ.71";
8/6kP/1p6/p7/Pr6/K2B4/8/8 b - - c0 "{Rb4->h4 and next Kg7->e5 win}"; id "Sting-IQ.40";
8/6p1/p7/rp1K2p1/kb3pP1/2p2p1b/P1Np1P2/3N2R1 w - - bm Ke4 Ke6; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.32";
8/7p/5P1k/1p5P/5p2/2p1p3/P1P1P1P1/1K3Nb1 w - - bm Ng3; id "Sting-IQ.04";
8/7p/6pP/p4pP1/3BpP2/p1KpP3/pn1N4/k7 w - - bm Bh8; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.31";
8/8/2b1N3/5p2/3B4/2K5/6kp/R7 w - - bm Rh1; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.41";
8/8/2pk4/8/p1p3B1/PpP5/1P6/r1NK4 w - - bm Bf5; c0 "continues Ra2 2. Nxa2 bxa2 3. Kc1 a1Q 4. Bb1"; id "Sting-IQ.53";
8/8/4B3/6p1/7k/8/4pPKP/8 w - - bm Bg4; id "Sting-IQ.20";
8/8/4kpp1/3p1b2/p6P/2B5/6P1/6K1 b - - bm Bh3; id "Sting-IQ.42";
8/8/7p/3KNN1k/2p4p/8/3P2p1/8 w - - bm Kc6; id "Sting-IQ.61";
8/8/8/1k3p2/p1p1pPp1/PpPpP1Pp/1P1P3P/QNK2NRR w - - c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.81";
8/8/8/8/1kB1q3/8/1PRb4/1K6 b - - bm Qh1+; c0 "continues 2. Ka2 Qa8 3.Kb1 Qe4 {or other way to get the start position for white - win}"; id "Sting-IQ.13";
8/8/R7/1b4k1/5p2/1B3r2/7P/7K w - - bm h4+; c0 "continues Kxh4 2. Rh6 Kg5 3. Rh5"; id "Sting-IQ.23";
8/8/p2k1p2/1p1p3p/1P1P3p/P3NPP1/5K2/1b6 w - - bm Ng2; id "Sting-IQ.07";
8/P7/4k3/8/5P2/4Bq2/5P2/5K2 b - - bm Kf5; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.39";
8/p5p1/1pP3p1/p5p1/k3p3/4p3/K7/8 w - - bm c7; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.72";
8/p7/qkpN1p2/8/1B1P4/PP3K2/5P2/8 w - - bm Ba5+; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.63";
B7/p1p5/k2p4/p3p3/P1Nb1p2/6p1/7p/4K3 w - - c0 "{Ke1->h3->c8 win}"; id "Sting-IQ.33";
Kn6/8/8/3R2PB/8/2p2NP1/1q6/2k5 w - - bm Rd1+; c0 "1/2-1/2"; id "Sting-IQ.55";
N3kb2/pq4p1/4B1P1/1p1P2B1/p7/3P4/2P5/2K5 w - - bm Bf7+; c0 "continues Kd7 2. Be6 Kd6 3. Bf4 Kc5 4. Be3 Kb4 5. Bd2 Ka3 6. Kb1"; id "Sting-IQ.85";
N7/8/2KQ2rp/6k1/3p3p/2p4P/4PP2/5N2 w - - bm f4+; id "Sting-IQ.18";
k1b5/1p1p1p1p/1PpPpP2/2B5/8/2p1p2P/2PbP3/3K4 w - - bm Bd4; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.12";
n2Bqk2/5p1p/Q4KP1/p7/8/8/8/8 w - - bm Qc8; c0 "win for side to move"; c1 "continues Kg8 2. Bc7"; id "Sting-IQ.59";
q1b4n/1p1pKp2/1p1p1Pp1/1P1P2Pp/2P4P/8/7R/1N1k4 w - - bm Ra2; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.29";
q7/7R/k7/1p6/1p6/1P2B3/7K/8 w - - bm Bd4; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.74";
q7/8/2p5/B2p2pp/5pp1/2N3k1/6P1/7K w - - bm Ne4+; c0 "continues Kh4 2. Ng3 fxg3 3. Bb6"; id "Sting-IQ.73";
q7/b1p5/kp1p4/p2PN3/PPP5/1K6/8/5B2 w - - bm c5+; c0 "win for side to move"; c1 "continues Kb7 2. Ba6"; id "Sting-IQ.26";
qn6/b1Kp3p/p1pB3p/p7/P1NkP3/2pP4/2B5/8 w - - bm Bf4 Kc8; c0 "win for side to move"; id "Sting-IQ.38";
r7/1b1r4/k1p1p1p1/1p1pPpPp/p1PP1P1P/PP1K4/8/4Q3 w - - bm Qa5+; id "Sting-IQ.44";
r7/7k/5R2/p3p3/Pp1pPp2/1PpP1Pp1/K1P3P1/8 w - - bm Kb1; c0 "contines Kg7 {or 1... Rh8 2. Rf8} 2. Rh6"; id "Sting-IQ.21";
rk1b4/p2p2p1/1P6/2R2P2/8/2K5/8/5B2 w - - bm Rc8+; id "Sting-IQ.68";
rk6/p1r3p1/P3B1Kp/1p2B3/8/8/8/8 w - - bm Bd7; id "Sting-IQ.00";
Test some engines with those epd's on i7 3.4Ghz processor, if there is win or draw in comment, both bm and score of engine must satisfy the epd. Win: score >= 500 cp. if draw, score <= 20 cp and score >= -20 cp. Positions without bm or am are not included in the test.

Code: Select all

INFO:Engine name: Arasan 21.1
INFO:Threads: 1, Hash (MB): 256, Time(s)/pos: 10.0

INFO:Test suite: sting_iq.epd
INFO:Total positions: 94
INFO:Positions without bm or am: 7
INFO:Positions tried: 87
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria: 42
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, both bm and result are satisfied: 1
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, only bm is satisfied: 6
INFO:Positions with result criteria but no bm or am: 6
INFO:score: 11/87 12.64%

Code: Select all

INFO:Engine name: Andscacs 0.95
INFO:Threads: 1, Hash (MB): 256, Time(s)/pos: 10.0

INFO:Test suite: sting_iq.epd
INFO:Total positions: 94
INFO:Positions without bm or am: 7
INFO:Positions tried: 87
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria: 42
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, both bm and result are satisfied: 0
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, only bm is satisfied: 11
INFO:Positions with result criteria but no bm or am: 6
INFO:score: 10/87 11.49%

Code: Select all

INFO:Engine name: CDrill 1800
INFO:Threads: 1, Hash (MB): 256, Time(s)/pos: 10.0

INFO:Test suite: sting_iq.epd
INFO:Total positions: 94
INFO:Positions without bm or am: 7
INFO:Positions tried: 87
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria: 42
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, both bm and result are satisfied: 0
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, only bm is satisfied: 10
INFO:Positions with result criteria but no bm or am: 6
INFO:score: 14/87 16.09%

Code: Select all

INFO:Engine name: Deuterium v2018.1.35.514
INFO:Threads: 1, Hash (MB): 256, Time(s)/pos: 10.0

INFO:Test suite: sting_iq.epd
INFO:Total positions: 94
INFO:Positions without bm or am: 7
INFO:Positions tried: 87
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria: 42
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, both bm and result are satisfied: 0
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, only bm is satisfied: 11
INFO:Positions with result criteria but no bm or am: 6
INFO:score: 9/87 10.34%

Code: Select all

INFO:Engine name: Stockfish 10
INFO:Threads: 1, Hash (MB): 256, Time(s)/pos: 10.0

INFO:Test suite: sting_iq.epd
INFO:Total positions: 94
INFO:Positions without bm or am: 7
INFO:Positions tried: 87
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria: 42
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, both bm and result are satisfied: 2
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, only bm is satisfied: 11
INFO:Positions with result criteria but no bm or am: 6
INFO:score: 11/87 12.64%

Code: Select all

INFO:Engine name: Lc0 v0.20.1 36092
INFO:Threads: 1, Hash (MB): 256, Time(s)/pos: 10.0

INFO:Test suite: sting_iq.epd
INFO:Total positions: 94
INFO:Positions without bm or am: 7
INFO:Positions tried: 87
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria: 42
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, both bm and result are satisfied: 1
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, only bm is satisfied: 8
INFO:Positions with result criteria but no bm or am: 6
INFO:score: 16/87 18.39%

Code: Select all

INFO:Engine name: Wasp 3.50
INFO:Threads: 1, Hash (MB): 256, Time(s)/pos: 10.0

INFO:Test suite: sting_iq.epd
INFO:Total positions: 94
INFO:Positions without bm or am: 7
INFO:Positions tried: 87
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria: 42
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, both bm and result are satisfied: 1
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, only bm is satisfied: 10
INFO:Positions with result criteria but no bm or am: 6
INFO:score: 11/87 12.64%

Code: Select all

INFO:Engine name: Sting 12
INFO:Threads: 1, Hash (MB): 256, Time(s)/pos: 10.0

INFO:Test suite: sting_iq.epd
INFO:Total positions: 94
INFO:Positions without bm or am: 7
INFO:Positions tried: 87
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria: 42
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, both bm and result are satisfied: 8
INFO:Positions with bm and result criteria, only bm is satisfied: 15
INFO:Positions with result criteria but no bm or am: 6
INFO:score: 35/87 40.23%