Anand vs Topalov Game 9

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Re: Anand vs Topalov Game 9

Post by Houdini »

After 32.Ng5! black may be in some trouble here.
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Re: Anand vs Topalov Game 9

Post by Sven »

Stockfish 1.7.1-JA at depth 22:

[D]6k1/p4p1p/1p2B1p1/4n3/3q4/P4P1N/6PP/2R1R2K b - - 0 31[/D]

Code: Select all

 22	-0.76	230.9M	3:37.19	Nd3 Bxf7+ Kxf7 Red1 a5 Ng5+ Kf6 Ne4+ Kg7 h3 Qe3 Rc7+ Kh6 Rd7 Ne5 R7d5 Qe2 Nf6 Kg7 Ng4 Nxg4 fxg4 Kf6 g5+ Ke6 Rd6+ Ke5 R1d5+ Kf4 Rf6+ Kg3 Rf3+ Kh4 Kh2 Qe4 g3+ Kh5 g4+ Kh4
According to Stockfish Qxd4 was not optimal, SF preferred Nd3 instead with a drawish score. Same story for the previous Qa4 (SF preferred Qb2 with about zero score). But also a3 from Anand was not best according to SF, see my post above. Maybe the same applies to Topalov's move Qb4, as already pointed out by Robert.

Quite a tactical game where GMs and at least Stockfish seem to disagree heavily according to quick analysis results.


Re: Anand vs Topalov Game 9

Post by kingliveson »

Houdini wrote:After 32.Ng5! black may be in some trouble here.

[d]6k1/p6p/1p2p1p1/4n3/3q4/P4P1N/6PP/2R1R2K w - - 0 1

Analysis by IvanHoe 9.63b x64:

9.Ng5 Qd6 10.Red1 Nd3 11.Ne4 Qd4 12.Rc2 Qe5 13.h3 Nc5 14.Nxc5 bxc5 15.Rdc1 Qe3 16.Rc3 Qd2 17.Rxc5 Kf7 18.R5c2 Qe3 19.Rc3 Qd2 20.a4 Kf6 21.R1c2 Qd6 22.Rc6 Qd4 23.R2c4
+/- (1.08 !) Depth: 25 00:02:35 532mN
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Re: Anand vs Topalov Game 9

Post by michiguel »

Houdini wrote:After 32.Ng5! black may be in some trouble here.
Not so sure about "trouble", but yes, white has the upper hand. I think Topalov's Qb4 wasted the slight edge he had.

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Re: Anand vs Topalov Game 9

Post by AdminX »

Finally this knight returns to active duty after being sidelined for 19 moves!

[d]6k1/p6p/1p2p1p1/4n1N1/3q4/P4P2/6PP/2R1R2K b - - 0 32

Anand,V - Topalov,V, World Chess Championship 2010
6k1/p6p/1p2p1p1/4n1N1/3q4/P4P2/6PP/2R1R2K b - - 0 1

Analysis by Stockfish 1.7.1-16 JA 64bit:

32...Qd6 33.Rc8+ Kg7 34.Rec1 Qd2 35.R8c7+ Kg8 36.Ne4 Qb2 37.Nf6+ Kf8 38.Nxh7+ Ke8 39.Nf6+ Kf8 40.f4 Nf7 41.Nh7+ Kg8 42.Ng5 Nxg5 43.fxg5
+/= (0.64 --) Depth: 6 00:00:00 4kN
+- (1.65 --) Depth: 27 00:02:17 490mN
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Re: Anand vs Topalov Game 9

Post by AdminX »

[d]6k1/p6p/1p1qp1p1/4n1N1/8/P4P2/6PP/2R1R2K w - - 0 33
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Re: Anand vs Topalov Game 9

Post by AdminX »

Anand slips, he had better ... :cry:

[d]6k1/p6p/1p2p1p1/4n3/4N3/q4P2/6PP/2R1R2K w - - 0 34
Last edited by AdminX on Thu May 06, 2010 5:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions."
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Re: Anand vs Topalov Game 9

Post by kingliveson »

[d]6k1/p6p/1p1qp1p1/4n1N1/8/P4P2/6PP/2R1R2K w - - 0 1

Analysis by IvanHoe 9.63b x64:

10.Rc8+ Kg7 11.Rec1 Qd2 12.R8c7+ Kg8 13.Ne4 Qe3 14.Rd1 Nd3 15.Rd7 Ne5 16.Rxa7 Nd3 17.Rd7 Ne5 18.Rb7 Nf7 19.h3 h5 20.a4 Qa3 21.Re1 Qxa4 22.Rxb6 Qc4 23.Nf6+ Kg7 24.Rbxe6 Qb4 25.Rd1 Qc4 26.Nd5 Qc2
+- (1.56) Depth: 24 00:00:11 55749kN, tb=3371

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Re: Anand vs Topalov Game 9

Post by Paloma »

Yes, 33.Rc8 or maybe Nxe6

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Re: Anand vs Topalov Game 9

Post by Sven »

AdminX wrote:Anand slips, he had better ... :cry:
Agreed. Either Nxe6 or Rc8+ were proposed with a score about +1 by Stockfish, and the previous Ivanhoe proposal Red1 (now I see that Ivanhoe switched to Rc8) did get a good score, too, but after 33.Ne4 Qxa3 Stockfish only sees a 0.00:

Code: Select all

 22	0.00	78.7M	1:17.70	Rc8+ Kg7 Rc7+ Kh6 Nf6 Qa5 Rxh7+ Kg5 Ne4+ Kf5 Nd6+ Kf6 Ne4+ Kf5
So it seems that white has to repeat moves now to save the draw?
