STS (v3.0) - Knight Outposts/Centralization/Repositioning

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STS (v3.0) - Knight Outposts/Centralization/Repositioning

Post by swami »

Chapter 3 Of the Strategic Test Suite: Knight Outposts, Centralization and Repositioning is now available for download.

* Consists of carefully selected 100 questionairres on Knight OutPosts/Centralization/Repositioning

* All of the questions in this test suite are selected by me and thoroughly verified by Dann Corbitt. Each question has been analysed by top engines for hours.

* All the answers carry similar traits:
  • (1) A Knight move to take control of the center or posit itself in the center. (Centralization)
    (2) A Knight move to step back and reposition itself to lead the different (or better) path. (Repositioning)
    (3) A Knight move to take control of the opponent's weak squares (Outposts)
I initially selected about 190 problems and sent them to Dann, of which 100 has passed criteria. Dann made the final selection and done all that analysis with the help of the engines.

Recommended time: Anywhere between 10 seconds - 2 minutes for each test.

Download it here: STS 3.0

Feel free to report the results from your engine/ favourite engine, suggestions are welcome.

Special Thanks to Pedro Castro, Allard Siemelink, Zach Wegner for the testing and correcting mistakes throughout the process. And Thanks to those who reported bugs and tested out the V 1.0 of the test suite called "Undermining", and v2.0 called "Open Files and Diagonals".

And Extra Special Thanks to Ulysses for creating the beautiful logo!

Test Suite Released time: 3rd of June, 2009
Swaminathan and Dann Corbit.
Posts: 718
Joined: Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:59 pm

Re: STS (v3.0) - Knight Outposts/Centralization/Repositionin

Post by MattieShoes »

In gradualtest format:

Code: Select all

1k2r2r/1bq2p2/pn4p1/3pP3/pbpN1P1p/4QN1B/1P4PP/2RR3K b - - bm Nd7 Bc5 Bc6 Be7; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.1"; c1 "10 8 2 7";
1q2bn2/6pk/2p1pr1p/2Q2p1P/1PP5/5N2/5PP1/4RBK1 w - - bm Ne5 Nd4 Ra1 b5; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.2"; c1 "10 8 6 9";
1r1q1rk1/1b1n1p1p/p2b1np1/3pN3/3P1P2/P1N5/3BB1PP/1R1Q1RK1 b - - bm Ne4 Bxa3 Nb6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.3"; c1 "10 6 6";
1r1r1bk1/1bq2p1p/pn2p1p1/2p1P3/5P2/P1NBB3/1P3QPP/R2R2K1 b - - bm Nd5 Ba8 Kg7 a5; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.4"; c1 "10 8 8 9";
1r1r2k1/5pp1/p2p4/1p2pnqp/1BP1Q3/PP1R2P1/5P1P/3R2K1 b - - bm Nd4 Qf6 bxc4 h4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.5"; c1 "10 5 3 3";
1r1r4/R3pk2/4n1p1/2p2p2/8/4B3/Pn2BPPP/5RK1 b - - bm Nd4 Nd3 c4 f4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.6"; c1 "10 1 4 9";
1r2k2r/pp2ppb1/2n2np1/7p/4P3/P3BB1P/1P1N1PP1/R2R2K1 b k - bm Nd7 Bh6 a6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.7"; c1 "10 6 6";
1r2qrk1/3bn3/pp1p3p/n1p1p1p1/P1P5/B1PP1NPP/2Q2PB1/1R2R1K1 w - - bm Nd2 Bc1 Qe2 Rb2; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.8"; c1 "10 6 9 2";
1r2r2k/2b2q1p/p4p2/3Pn2P/3N1N2/1P2R3/4Q3/1K1R4 w - - bm Nfe6 Ka1 Nf5 Qxa6 Rc3 h6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.9"; c1 "10 4 6 2 3 3";
1r3rk1/8/3p3p/p1qP2p1/R1b1P3/2Np1P2/1P1Q1RP1/6K1 w - - bm Nd1 Na2; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.10"; c1 "10 3";
1r6/1q2b1k1/pn1pb3/B1p1p1pp/2P1Pp2/NP3P1P/1R2Q1PN/6K1 b - - bm Nc8 Bg8 Kg8 Nd7; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.11"; c1 "10 8 8 4";
1r6/2qnrpk1/2pp1np1/pp2P3/4P3/PBN2Q2/1PPR1PP1/3R2K1 b - - bm Nxe5 Nxe4 Rxe5; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.12"; c1 "10 8 7";
1rr2qk1/3p1pp1/1pb2n1p/4p3/p1P1P2P/P1NQ1BP1/1P3PK1/2RR4 w - - bm Nb5 Kh2 Rc2; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.13"; c1 "10 5 7";
2b2rk1/1r1nbppp/4p3/1p2P3/p4P2/P1N1B3/BPP4P/R2R2K1 w - - bm Ne4 Rac1 Rd2 b4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.14"; c1 "10 1 3 3";
2b3n1/6kp/p1nB1pp1/8/1p2P1P1/4NP2/PP3K2/3B4 w - - bm Nd5 Ba4 Kg3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.15"; c1 "10 8 7";
2b5/2p1r2k/1pP2q1p/p2Pp3/4R3/1PN1Q2P/P2KP3/8 w - - bm Nb5 Kc1 Rc4 h4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.16"; c1 "10 7 8 9";
2k3r1/1b2bp2/2p2n2/ppn1p1Bp/2p1P2P/P4B2/1P1RN1P1/4K2R b K - bm Nd3+ Kc7 Ne6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.17"; c1 "10 9 9";
2r2r1k/p3ppbp/qpnp2pn/5P2/2P1PP2/P1N1BB2/1PQ3RP/3R2K1 w - - bm Nb5 Be2 Nd5 fxg6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.18"; c1 "10 8 9 8";
2r2rk1/4bpp1/p2pbn1p/Pp2p3/1Pq1P2N/2P4P/1BB2PP1/R2QR1K1 w - - bm Nf5 Bb1 Qe2 Qf3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.19"; c1 "10 5 5 5";
2r3k1/3q1pp1/ppr1p1np/4P3/P1nPQ3/5N1P/5PPK/RRB5 b - - bm Ne7 Qc7 Qd8; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.20"; c1 "10 9 8";
2r3k1/p1r1qpb1/1p2p1p1/nR2P3/P2B4/2P5/3NQPP1/R5K1 w - - bm Ne4 Nb3 f4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.21"; c1 "10 8 7";
2rq1rk1/1p2b1p1/pn2p3/2p1Pn2/2pP3p/5N1P/PPQ2BP1/1BRR2K1 b - - bm Nd5 Bg5 Qc7 Qe8; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.22"; c1 "10 6 6 6";
2rq1rk1/pb3p1p/1p1p2p1/4p3/1PPnP3/2N2P2/P2QB1PP/2RR2K1 w - - bm Nb5 Bd3 Kh1; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.23"; c1 "10 1 1";
2rq2k1/3nbppp/pprp1nb1/4p3/P1P1P3/1PN1BN1P/2Q1BPP1/R2R2K1 w - - bm Nh4 Ra2 Rab1 g3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.24"; c1 "10 5 6 6";
2rqr1k1/1p2bppp/p2p1n2/3P1P2/2Pp4/1P1B4/P3Q1PP/R1B2RK1 b - - bm Nd7 Qa5 h6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.25"; c1 "10 7 7";
2rr4/Bp3k1p/5pp1/8/2n3b1/P1N5/1PP2PPP/R1R3K1 w - - bm Ne4 Na4 f3 h3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.26"; c1 "10 9 9 9";
3R4/5pk1/2p4r/1p2p1p1/p3P1P1/P1P2P2/1P2B1K1/n7 b - - bm Nb3 Rf6 Rg6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.27"; c1 "10 9 9";
3q3r/2p2pk1/6p1/2p1p1Pn/1pBnP3/1P2BP1R/P5Q1/7K b - - bm Nf4 Qd7 c6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.28"; c1 "10 5 6";
3r1bk1/1rq2p2/2npb1p1/p3p2p/2P1P2P/1PN3P1/2N1QPBK/R2R4 w - - bm Nb5 Rdb1; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.29"; c1 "10 5";
3r1rk1/1p4bp/2qPp1p1/p3n3/P2BN3/1PN4P/2PR2P1/4Q1K1 w - - bm Nb5 Qe3 Qh4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.30"; c1 "10 5 8";
3r2k1/2q2ppp/p1p1bn2/1p2b1B1/4P3/1PN2B1P/P1Q2PP1/2R4K w - - bm Nd5; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.31"; c1 "10";
3r2k1/4qpn1/R2p3p/1Pp1p1p1/1rP1P1P1/6P1/3Q1P2/4RBK1 b - - bm Ne6 Kf8 Kh7 Rd7; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.32"; c1 "10 5 4 4";
3r4/2p2pk1/2q1n1p1/2p1p1Pn/1pB1P3/1P2BP2/P6R/4Q1K1 b - - bm Nd4 Kg8 Nhf4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.33"; c1 "10 8 8";
3r4/bp1r2pk/p3npqp/P2Np3/1PR1P2B/5Q1P/2P3P1/5R1K b - - bm Nd4 Bb8 Kh8; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.34"; c1 "10 4 3";
3r4/r1pb3p/1p4kB/2p3P1/4pP2/1P2NnKP/PR3R2/8 b - - bm Nd4 Bc8 Bf5 c4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.35"; c1 "10 2 2 2";
3rb1k1/4qpbp/1p2p1p1/1P3n2/Q1P2p2/2N2B1P/6PK/1NR2R2 b - - bm Ne3 Bd4 Rb8 Rc8; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.36"; c1 "10 3 7 6";
3rr1k1/1p3ppp/p1q2b2/P4P2/2P1p3/1P6/2N1Q1PP/4RR1K w - - bm Nb4 Ne3 Qh5 b4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.37"; c1 "10 9 9 2";
3rr1k1/pb1n1pp1/2q2b1p/2p5/2P1p2N/1P2B1P1/P1QR1PBP/3R2K1 b - - bm Ne5 Bxh4 Nf8 g6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.38"; c1 "10 7 7 7";
3rr3/p3b1kp/2p2pp1/1q1np3/4Q1PB/1NP5/PP3P1P/R2R2K1 b - - bm Nf4 Kf7 Qa6 a5; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.39"; c1 "10 3 2 4";
4b1nk/p1r1p1rp/Bpq5/n3Ppp1/8/5N1P/2P2BPQ/R3R1K1 w - - bm Nd4 Bd3 Rad1 e6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.40"; c1 "10 5 3 4";
4k2r/1r2np2/2q1p1p1/p2pP3/n1pP1PP1/1pP1NNK1/1P2Q3/R4R2 w k - bm Ng5 Qd2 Qg2 Rf2 Rh1; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.41"; c1 "10 3 3 4 4";
4n3/1p1b1pk1/2n5/rN4p1/1p1Np3/1B2P1P1/PP3PK1/2R5 b - - bm Ne5; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.42"; c1 "10";
4n3/1p1b1pk1/8/rNR1n1p1/1p1Np3/1B2P1P1/PP3PK1/8 b - - bm Nf3 Bxb5 f6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.43"; c1 "10 3 3";
4nk2/p4rr1/1pRp3b/1P1Pp2p/1P5P/2NBpP2/4R1P1/5K2 w - - bm Ne4 Kg1 Nd1 Rc8; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.44"; c1 "10 1 1 7";
4r1k1/2pbqp1p/1r3p2/pP1p4/8/P1QBPN2/3P1PPP/4K2R w K - bm Nd4 Qxc7 a4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.45"; c1 "10 6 4";
4r1k1/3q1pp1/3p1n2/rp2nP1p/3B1R2/2N5/2PQ2PP/4R1K1 w - - bm Ne4 Kh1 Rb1 h3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.46"; c1 "10 8 6 7";
4r1k1/3r2p1/b1q2n1p/p7/Pp2P2Q/1N2BP2/1PP4P/2R1R2K w - - bm Nd4 Nc5 Nxa5; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.47"; c1 "10 6 8";
4r3/1p3pk1/2p2n1p/2n1qP2/5bPQ/P3pB2/2R5/1R3N1K b - - bm Nfe4 Nd3 Nh7 Qd4 Rd8; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.48"; c1 "10 9 9 2 1";
4rrk1/p4pp1/1b1p3p/2pP4/6q1/5N2/PP3PPP/2RQ1R1K w - - bm Nd2 Kg1 Qd3 h3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.49"; c1 "10 7 2 7";
5k2/6p1/Bnp1p2p/5p2/3P1n2/2q2P2/7P/5RQK b - - bm Nbd5 Kf7 Kg8 g6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.50"; c1 "10 7 4 3";
5r1k/2p3q1/1p1npr2/pPn1N1pp/P1PN4/R4PPP/4Q1K1/3R4 w - - bm Ndc6 Kh1 Rb1 Rc1; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.51"; c1 "10 1 8 8";
5r2/2r2kp1/3n1p2/1p1Pp2p/p3P2P/PnP4R/1BB2KP1/4R3 b - - bm Nc4 Ke7 Rb8; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.52"; c1 "10 9 9";
5rk1/3nbp1p/2p1p3/2PpP1pN/3P2B1/q3PQ1P/6P1/5RK1 w - - bm Nf6+ Qf2 Qg3 h4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.53"; c1 "10 1 4 4";
5rk1/6pp/pn1qp1r1/1p2R3/2pP1P2/P1P2Q1P/5P2/2B1R2K b - - bm Nd5 Nd7 Qd7 Rgf6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.54"; c1 "10 9 9 9";
5rk1/pb1qbppp/1p6/n1rpP3/7P/2P2NP1/P3QPB1/R1BR2K1 w - - bm Nd4 Bb2 Bd2; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.55"; c1 "10 2 1";
6k1/3pbpp1/p3p2n/r3P2p/2rBNP2/2P3PP/P3R3/3R3K b - - bm Nf5 Rd5; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.56"; c1 "10 3";
6k1/p2b3n/1p2pn1q/3r1p2/5P1B/P5NR/1Q2B1P1/4K3 b - - bm Ng4 Qf8; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.57"; c1 "10 1";
7k/Rb4r1/3pPp1q/1pp2P2/3n2BP/4N1K1/1P3Q2/8 b - - bm Nc6 Kg8 Kh7 Qxe3+; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.58"; c1 "10 8 6 6";
8/1b5p/1p1rrkp1/p2p1p2/P2P3P/1R1B1N2/nP3PPK/3R4 w - - bm Ne5 Bb5 h5; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.59"; c1 "10 4 3";
8/1p2kp2/p3pn2/4n1p1/1P2P3/P1r1NB1P/5PPK/R7 b - - bm Ne8 Nxf3+ b5 b6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.60"; c1 "10 1 3 5";
8/1q6/3pn1k1/2p1p1p1/2P1P1Pp/1rBP1p1P/2Q2P2/R5K1 b - - bm Nf4 Kf7 Kg7; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.61"; c1 "10 4 2";
8/2k2p2/pr1pbpn1/2p5/2P1P1P1/2P1KP1p/7P/R2N1B2 b - - bm Ne5 Kd7 Rb3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.62"; c1 "10 5 5";
8/pB1b2k1/1p2pn2/5p2/5P1B/P7/3K1NPn/8 b - - bm Ne8 Bb5 Kg6 Nf1+; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.63"; c1 "10 8 7 8";
b1r2r1k/p2qp1bp/1p1pn1p1/8/1PP2P2/R1NBB3/P2Q2PP/5RK1 w - - bm Nb5 Be2 Kh1; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.64"; c1 "10 7 3";
b4q2/1r5k/3p4/1p1Pn2B/1PpQP3/2N4P/6P1/B5K1 w - - bm Nd1 Ne2 Qe3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.65"; c1 "10 6 4";
q3n3/2rp1ppk/2b4p/4p2P/p3P3/Pr2NBP1/1P1R1PK1/2R1Q3 w - - bm Nd5 Kg1 Qe2; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.66"; c1 "10 3 1";
r1b1k1nr/pp2p1bp/1q1p2p1/2pP4/2Pnp3/2NB1N1P/PP1B1PP1/R2QK2R w KQkq - bm Nxe4 Bxe4 Na4 Nxd4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.67"; c1 "10 3 7 7";
r1b2r1k/pp3pbp/3n4/4p3/2N4R/2N5/PP3PPP/R1B3K1 b - - bm Nf5 Bf6 Nxc4 Rd8; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.68"; c1 "10 2 3 2";
r1b2rk1/1pq1bppp/p2p4/P3p3/2N1n3/4B3/1PP1BPPP/R2QK2R w KQ - bm Nb6 O-O f3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.69"; c1 "10 9 9";
r1b2rk1/p2q2b1/1nppp1pp/5pN1/P2P1B2/Q5P1/1P2PPBP/R1R3K1 b - - bm Nd5 Bb7 hxg5; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.70"; c1 "10 3 7";
r1b2rk1/pp3pp1/2np2qp/b1p1p3/2P1P3/2NPB1P1/PP3PBP/R2Q1RK1 w - - bm Nd5 Qb3 Qc2 f4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.71"; c1 "10 1 1 3";
r1bq1rk1/ppp3bp/n2p1pp1/3P4/2P1Pp2/2N2N1P/PP2BPP1/R2QR1K1 w - - bm Nd4 Bf1 Qd2 Rc1; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.72"; c1 "10 9 4 8";
r1r3k1/pb3p1p/1pqBp1p1/4P3/3b4/2P2P2/PR1N2PP/2RQ3K w - - bm Ne4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.73"; c1 "10";
r2b2k1/2pr4/1pn1b1qp/3Np1p1/p1P1p3/1P2B1P1/PQ2PP1P/R2R2NK b - - bm Nd4 Bf5 a3 h5; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.74"; c1 "10 4 5 3";
r2br3/p2b1q1k/n2P2pp/1p1N1p2/4pP2/BP2Q1PN/P1R4P/3R2K1 w - - bm Nc7 Nf2 Qd4 Qe2; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.75"; c1 "10 3 2 2";
r2q1bk1/1p1brpp1/p1np1n1p/4p3/PN2P3/1QPP1N1P/B2B1PP1/R3R1K1 w - - bm Nd5 Be3 Qb2; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.76"; c1 "10 4 4";
r2q1k2/2p2pb1/p2n2rp/1p1RB1p1/8/2PQRN1P/P4PP1/6K1 w - - bm Nd4 Bxg7+ Re2 h4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.77"; c1 "10 2 3 6";
r2q1rk1/3nbpp1/p2p3p/8/1p1BP3/3B2Q1/PPP4P/2KR3R b - - bm Ne5 Bf6 Bg5+ g6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.78"; c1 "10 1 4 6";
r2q1rk1/pp1bp1bp/5np1/2pP1p2/8/2N2NP1/PP2PPBP/2RQ1RK1 w - - bm Ne5 Ng5 Qb3 e3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.79"; c1 "10 5 7 6";
r2q2kr/p3n3/1p1Bp1bp/3pP1pN/5PPn/3B3Q/2P2K2/1R5R w - - bm Nf6+ Bxg6 Rbg1; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.80"; c1 "10 3 2";
r2qk2r/1bpnnpbp/p2pp1p1/4P3/Pp1P1P2/2NBBN2/1PP3PP/R2Q1RK1 w kq - bm Ne4 Na2 Ne2 exd6; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.81"; c1 "10 2 2 8";
r2qr1k1/pp3ppp/2n2nb1/1P4B1/3p4/P2B1P2/2P1N1PP/R2Q1RK1 b - - bm Ne5 Na5 Ne7; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.82"; c1 "10 9 9";
r2r2k1/1bqn1pp1/1p1p1b1p/1B2n3/2P1P3/P1N1B3/1P1NQ1PP/4RR1K w - - bm Nd5 Bd4 Nb3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.83"; c1 "10 9 9";
r2r2k1/1p1n2q1/2ppbp2/6p1/2PBP2p/p1N2P2/Pb4PP/1R1RQBK1 b - - bm Ne5 Qf7 Qh7 h3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.84"; c1 "10 2 5 7";
r2rq3/pp1b3k/n2P1bpp/4pp2/8/BPN1Q1PN/P4P1P/2RR2K1 w - - bm Nd5 Bb2 Qd3 Qf3 f3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.85"; c1 "10 5 5 5 9";
r3r1k1/1b1nq2p/p2pNppQ/1ppP3n/P3P3/7P/1PB2PP1/R3RNK1 b - - bm Nf8 Ne5 Rec8; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.86"; c1 "10 4 6";
r3r1k1/1p1q2bp/1n1p2p1/1PpPpp1n/p3P3/R1NQBN1P/1PP2PP1/4R1K1 w - - bm Ng5 Qf1 Rd1 exf5; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.87"; c1 "10 7 8 7";
r3r1k1/3nbppp/p1q5/1pp1P2b/5B2/1P2QN2/1P1N1PPP/3RR1K1 w - - bm Ne4 Bg3 Rc1; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.88"; c1 "10 7 7";
r3r1k1/4bppp/pnq5/1pp1P2b/4NB2/1P2QN2/1P3PPP/3RR1K1 w - - bm Nd6 Bg3 Qc1; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.89"; c1 "10 4 5";
r3r2k/pp3pp1/1np4p/3p2q1/1P1P2b1/P1NBP3/2Q2PPP/R4RK1 w - - bm Ne2 Kh1; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.90"; c1 "10 4";
r3r3/2P4k/3Bbbqp/ppQ2pp1/4pPP1/1P6/P1R2N1P/3R2K1 w - - bm Nxe4 Qe3 Rcd2 Re2; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.91"; c1 "10 4 5 4";
r3rnk1/1bpq1pp1/p2p3p/1p1Pp1b1/P3P1P1/1BP1N1P1/1P3P2/R1BQR1K1 w - - bm Nf5 Bc2 Kg2 Kg2 Qe2; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.92"; c1 "10 3 4 9 3";
r4rk1/1b1q1ppp/pb1p1nn1/1pp1p3/1PP1P3/P2PNN1P/B2B1PP1/2RQR1K1 w - - bm Nf5 Bb1 Qb3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.93"; c1 "10 7 4";
r4rk1/1pq1bppp/1n2p3/p1n1P3/2PR4/2N1BN2/P3QPPP/1R4K1 w - - bm Nb5 Qd2 h4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.94"; c1 "10 5 9";
r4rk1/5p1p/p2qpnp1/1p2b3/3p4/3B1R2/PPQ3PP/R1BN3K b - - bm Nd7 Nd5 Nh5 Rac8 Rfc8; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.95"; c1 "10 7 5 1 1";
r4rk1/ppp3b1/3p1q1p/3Ppn2/P1P3n1/2NQ1N2/1P1B1PP1/R3R1K1 w - - bm Ne4 Nb5 Nh2 Ra3; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.96"; c1 "10 4 1 1";
r5r1/1pp2k1p/2bn4/2p3B1/p3pPP1/1P2N2P/P1P1R3/R5K1 b - - bm Nb5; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.97"; c1 "10";
r6k/pp3pp1/1n6/1pQp1q2/3PrN1p/P3P2P/5PP1/2R2RK1 w - - bm Nd3 Ne2 Qxb5 Rce1; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.98"; c1 "10 2 2 3";
r6r/1q1bbkp1/p1p1pn2/5p1p/N2Bp3/2Q3P1/PPP2PBP/R2R2K1 b - - bm Nd5 Rad8 h4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.99"; c1 "10 5 5";
rqr3k1/1p2bppp/3pn3/p3p1Pn/P3P3/1PNBBP2/1P1Q3P/2KR3R b - - bm Nd4 Nef4 Nhf4; id "STS: Knight Outposts/Repositioning/Centralization.100"; c1 "10 6 5";

Posts: 6640
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:21 am

Re: STS (v3.0) - Knight Outposts/Centralization/Repositionin

Post by swami »

Thanks, as always, Matt. Looking forward to the results from Moneypenny on this one. :wink:

I hope it fares better on this than it did in the previous two.
Terry McCracken
Posts: 16465
Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2007 4:16 am
Location: Canada

Re: STS (v3.0) - Knight Outposts/Centralization/Repositionin

Post by Terry McCracken »

swami wrote:Thanks, as always, Matt. Looking forward to the results from Moneypenny on this one. :wink:

I hope it fares better on this than it did in the previous two.
Are these positions taken from top GM play and are they annotated?
Posts: 6640
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:21 am

Re: STS (v3.0) - Knight Outposts/Centralization/Repositionin

Post by swami »

Terry McCracken wrote:
swami wrote:Thanks, as always, Matt. Looking forward to the results from Moneypenny on this one. :wink:

I hope it fares better on this than it did in the previous two.
Are these positions taken from top GM play and are they annotated?
Hi Terry, Some of the positions are taken from Top GM annotated games, and most of the others are taken from engine games from either Rybka, Deep Fritz, Shredder, Naum, Thinker and Zappa. All the positions have been given a green light by atleast 2 top engines agreeing simultaneously in Dann's tests- giving difference of signficant +0.25 - 0.50 between the 1st and the 2nd best move after nearly 6 hours of analysis for each position.

Most of them are strategical in nature, none of them are tactical as far as I know.
Posts: 20943
Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2006 7:30 pm
Location: Birmingham, AL

Re: STS (v3.0) - Knight Outposts/Centralization/Repositionin

Post by bob »

swami wrote:Chapter 3 Of the Strategic Test Suite: Knight Outposts, Centralization and Repositioning is now available for download.

* Consists of carefully selected 100 questionairres on Knight OutPosts/Centralization/Repositioning

* All of the questions in this test suite are selected by me and thoroughly verified by Dann Corbitt. Each question has been analysed by top engines for hours.

* All the answers carry similar traits:
  • (1) A Knight move to take control of the center or posit itself in the center. (Centralization)
    (2) A Knight move to step back and reposition itself to lead the different (or better) path. (Repositioning)
    (3) A Knight move to take control of the opponent's weak squares (Outposts)
I initially selected about 190 problems and sent them to Dann, of which 100 has passed criteria. Dann made the final selection and done all that analysis with the help of the engines.

Recommended time: Anywhere between 10 seconds - 2 minutes for each test.

Download it here: STS 3.0

Feel free to report the results from your engine/ favourite engine, suggestions are welcome.

Special Thanks to Pedro Castro, Allard Siemelink, Zach Wegner for the testing and correcting mistakes throughout the process. And Thanks to those who reported bugs and tested out the V 1.0 of the test suite called "Undermining", and v2.0 called "Open Files and Diagonals".

And Extra Special Thanks to Ulysses for creating the beautiful logo!

Test Suite Released time: 3rd of June, 2009
Swaminathan and Dann Corbit.
I ran a quick test with the following details:

10 seconds per move.

I told Crafty that if it produced the same (correct) move for 5 consecutive iterations, to consider this one done and move on to the next position. That speeds things up quite a bit although I can run without it if it matters.

Here's the results:

Code: Select all

total positions searched..........         100
number right......................          96
number wrong......................           4
percentage right..................          96
percentage wrong..................           4
total nodes searched..............  1430919140
average search depth..............         8.1
nodes per second..................    15638460
total time........................        1:31
Crafty missed #13 (chose Nd5), #17 (liked Ncxe4), #57 (likes Qg6), #93 (likes Nd5)

Ran it again at 30 secs/position, but had to keep correct move for 6 iterations before stopping. Got 97 out of 100. Picked up #93...
Last edited by bob on Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
Terry McCracken
Posts: 16465
Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2007 4:16 am
Location: Canada

Re: STS (v3.0) - Knight Outposts/Centralization/Repositionin

Post by Terry McCracken »

swami wrote:
Terry McCracken wrote:
swami wrote:Thanks, as always, Matt. Looking forward to the results from Moneypenny on this one. :wink:

I hope it fares better on this than it did in the previous two.
Are these positions taken from top GM play and are they annotated?
Hi Terry, Some of the positions are taken from Top GM annotated games, and most of the others are taken from engine games from either Rybka, Deep Fritz, Shredder, Naum, Thinker and Zappa. All the positions have been given a green light by atleast 2 top engines agreeing simultaneously in Dann's tests- giving difference of signficant +0.25 - 0.50 between the 1st and the 2nd best move after nearly 6 hours of analysis for each position.

Most of them are strategical in nature, none of them are tactical as far as I know.
Why I asked is Night play is the trickest and my favorite weapon!;)

The GM samples with annotation would be nice to look at and compare them to machine analysis as well as compare them to engine vs engine and how it corralates with GM play and analysis.
Dann Corbit
Posts: 12545
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:57 pm
Location: Redmond, WA USA

Re: STS (v3.0) - Knight Outposts/Centralization/Repositionin

Post by Dann Corbit »

bob wrote:
swami wrote:Chapter 3 Of the Strategic Test Suite: Knight Outposts, Centralization and Repositioning is now available for download.

* Consists of carefully selected 100 questionairres on Knight OutPosts/Centralization/Repositioning

* All of the questions in this test suite are selected by me and thoroughly verified by Dann Corbitt. Each question has been analysed by top engines for hours.

* All the answers carry similar traits:
  • (1) A Knight move to take control of the center or posit itself in the center. (Centralization)
    (2) A Knight move to step back and reposition itself to lead the different (or better) path. (Repositioning)
    (3) A Knight move to take control of the opponent's weak squares (Outposts)
I initially selected about 190 problems and sent them to Dann, of which 100 has passed criteria. Dann made the final selection and done all that analysis with the help of the engines.

Recommended time: Anywhere between 10 seconds - 2 minutes for each test.

Download it here: STS 3.0

Feel free to report the results from your engine/ favourite engine, suggestions are welcome.

Special Thanks to Pedro Castro, Allard Siemelink, Zach Wegner for the testing and correcting mistakes throughout the process. And Thanks to those who reported bugs and tested out the V 1.0 of the test suite called "Undermining", and v2.0 called "Open Files and Diagonals".

And Extra Special Thanks to Ulysses for creating the beautiful logo!

Test Suite Released time: 3rd of June, 2009
Swaminathan and Dann Corbit.
I ran a quick test with the following details:

10 seconds per move.

I told Crafty that if it produced the same (correct) move for 5 consecutive iterations, to consider this one done and move on to the next position. That speeds things up quite a bit although I can run without it if it matters.

Here's the results:

Code: Select all

total positions searched..........         100
number right......................          96
number wrong......................           4
percentage right..................          96
percentage wrong..................           4
total nodes searched..............  1430919140
average search depth..............         8.1
nodes per second..................    15638460
total time........................        1:31
Crafty missed #13 (chose Nd5), #17 (liked Ncxe4), #57 (likes Qg6), #93 (likes Nd5)

Ran it again at 30 secs/position, but had to keep correct move for 6 iterations before stopping. Got 97 out of 100. Picked up #93...
Crafty seems on par with Rybka for this test set.
It seems that Crafty has excellent knight understanding.
Posts: 6640
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:21 am

Re: STS (v3.0) - Knight Outposts/Centralization/Repositionin

Post by swami »

Dann Corbit wrote:Crafty seems on par with Rybka for this test set.
It seems that Crafty has excellent knight understanding.
Or Bob has an ultra-superior hardware at his disposal. Let me run to see how Crafty does on my Core2Quad...
Last edited by swami on Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 6640
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:21 am

Re: STS (v3.0) - Knight Outposts/Centralization/Repositionin

Post by swami »

bob wrote:
swami wrote:Chapter 3 Of the Strategic Test Suite: Knight Outposts, Centralization and Repositioning is now available for download.

* Consists of carefully selected 100 questionairres on Knight OutPosts/Centralization/Repositioning

* All of the questions in this test suite are selected by me and thoroughly verified by Dann Corbitt. Each question has been analysed by top engines for hours.

* All the answers carry similar traits:
  • (1) A Knight move to take control of the center or posit itself in the center. (Centralization)
    (2) A Knight move to step back and reposition itself to lead the different (or better) path. (Repositioning)
    (3) A Knight move to take control of the opponent's weak squares (Outposts)
I initially selected about 190 problems and sent them to Dann, of which 100 has passed criteria. Dann made the final selection and done all that analysis with the help of the engines.

Recommended time: Anywhere between 10 seconds - 2 minutes for each test.

Download it here: STS 3.0

Feel free to report the results from your engine/ favourite engine, suggestions are welcome.

Special Thanks to Pedro Castro, Allard Siemelink, Zach Wegner for the testing and correcting mistakes throughout the process. And Thanks to those who reported bugs and tested out the V 1.0 of the test suite called "Undermining", and v2.0 called "Open Files and Diagonals".

And Extra Special Thanks to Ulysses for creating the beautiful logo!

Test Suite Released time: 3rd of June, 2009
Swaminathan and Dann Corbit.
I ran a quick test with the following details:

10 seconds per move.

I told Crafty that if it produced the same (correct) move for 5 consecutive iterations, to consider this one done and move on to the next position. That speeds things up quite a bit although I can run without it if it matters.

Here's the results:

Code: Select all

total positions searched..........         100
number right......................          96
number wrong......................           4
percentage right..................          96
percentage wrong..................           4
total nodes searched..............  1430919140
average search depth..............         8.1
nodes per second..................    15638460
total time........................        1:31
Crafty missed #13 (chose Nd5), #17 (liked Ncxe4), #57 (likes Qg6), #93 (likes Nd5)

Ran it again at 30 secs/position, but had to keep correct move for 6 iterations before stopping. Got 97 out of 100. Picked up #93...
Thanks for the test run, Bob. That's very impressive result, may I know what hardware was used?