Arasan test suite update - beta version

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Posts: 5235
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Arasan test suite update - beta3

Post by Vinvin »

jdart wrote:That is really interesting. I think though bm Rf2 is not a good test because engines can select that at shallow depth.

I am thinking about replacing that position with this one:

[d] rn2r1k1/p4pn1/1p2p3/qPppP1Q1/3P4/2P2N2/2P2PPP/1R3RK1 w - - bm Nh4; c0 "Oechslein-Oppermann, VWC9/pr 20 ICCF 2016";

This is tricky but not quite as tricky as the one you have been pounding on.

Timings for 3 runs with SF and SF-MF :

Stockfish_170417_x64_modern_matefinder: 16 sec, 24 sec and 24 sec
Stockfish_170417_x64_modern: 3m23s, 1m33s, 7m30s

Code: Select all

 26/39	00:08	 62 245k	7 747k	 0,00	1.c4 Qa2 2.cxd5 Nd7 3.dxe6 Qxe6 4.c3 a5 5.bxa6 Rxa6 6.Rfe1 Ra3 7.Qc1 Ra2 8.Qg5 Ra3
 27/39	00:10	 82 766k	7 794k	 0,00	1.c4 Qa2 2.cxd5 Nd7 3.dxe6 Qxe6 4.c3 a5 5.bxa6 Rxa6 6.Rfe1 Ra3 7.Qc1 Ra2 8.Qg5 Ra3
 28/39+	00:16	 130 070k	7 893k	+0,07	1.Nh4
 28/39+	00:18	 142 624k	7 909k	+0,14	1.Nh4
 28/47+	00:40	 333 326k	8 267k	+1,75	1.Nh4
 28/66	00:50	 417 798k	8 341k	+1,42	1.Nh4 Nd7 2.Rbd1 Qxb5 3.Rd3 Nf8 4.Rg3 Ng6 5.Nxg6 fxg6 6.Qxg6 Re7 7.Rh3 Rae8 8.f4 Rf7 9.g4 cxd4 10.Qh6 Kf8 11.f5 exf5 12.gxf5 Qxf1+ 13.Kxf1 Rxf5+ 14.Ke2 Rfxe5+ 15.Kd2 dxc3+ 16.Rxc3 R8e7 17.Kc1 R7e6 18.Qh7 Re7
 29/66+	00:54	 455 953k	8 354k	+1,49	1.Nh4
 29/66+	00:56	 473 992k	8 332k	+1,56	1.Nh4
 29/66+	01:25	 714 455k	8 318k	+2,32	1.Nh4

 23/40	00:04	 36 829k	8 269k	 0,00	1.c4 Nd7 2.cxd5 Qa2 3.dxe6 Qxe6 4.c3 f6 5.exf6 Nxf6 6.Qh4 Nf5 7.Qg5+ Ng7
 24/40	00:05	 42 469k	8 271k	 0,00	1.c4 Nd7 2.cxd5 Qa2 3.dxe6 Qxe6 4.c3 f6 5.exf6 Nxf6 6.Qh4 Nf5 7.Qg5+ Ng7
 25/40+	00:08	 70 731k	8 241k	+0,07	1.Qf4
 25/40+	00:09	 79 514k	8 177k	+0,14	1.Qf4
 25/40+	00:10	 88 894k	8 108k	+0,25	1.Qf4
 25/40-	00:11	 93 667k	8 110k	+0,16	1.Qf4 Qxc3
 25/43	00:12	 97 553k	8 099k	 0,00	1.Qf4 Qxc3 2.Ng5 Nf5 3.Qg4 Ng7 4.Rb3 Qxc2 5.Rh3 Qg6 6.Qh4 Qh5 7.Qxh5 Nxh5 8.Rxh5 Nd7 9.dxc5 bxc5 10.f4 Rab8 11.Ra1 Rb7 12.Nh7 Rxb5 13.Rxa7 Rb1+ 14.Kf2 Rb2+ 15.Kf3 Rd8 16.Rxd7 Rb3+ 17.Kf2 Rb2+ 18.Kf3
 26/46	00:15	 121 943k	8 047k	 0,00	1.Qf4 Qxc3 2.Ng5 Nf5 3.Qg4 Ng7 4.Rb3 Qxc2 5.Rh3 Qg6 6.Qh4 Qh5 7.Qxh5 Nxh5 8.Rxh5 Nd7 9.dxc5 bxc5 10.f4 Rab8 11.Ra1 Rb7 12.Nh7 Rxb5 13.Rxa7 Rb1+ 14.Kf2 Rb2+ 15.Kf3 Re7 16.Rxd7 Rb3+ 17.Kf2 Rb2+ 18.Kf3
 27/46	00:18	 151 069k	8 023k	 0,00	1.Qf4 Qxc3 2.Ng5 Nf5 3.Qg4 Ng7 4.Rb3 Qxc2 5.Rh3 Qg6 6.Qh4 Qh5 7.Qxh5 Nxh5 8.Rxh5 Nd7 9.dxc5 bxc5 10.f4 Rab8 11.Ra1 Rxb5 12.Rxa7 Rb1+ 13.Kf2 Re7 14.Nh7 Rb2+ 15.Kg1 Rb1+ 16.Kf2
 28/47+	00:24	 199 762k	8 005k	+0,07	1.Nh4
 28/47+	00:26	 211 266k	8 001k	+0,14	1.Nh4
 28/51+	00:56	 457 007k	8 151k	+2,37	1.Nh4
 28/63	00:58	 474 793k	8 172k	+2,36	1.Nh4 c4 2.f4 Qxc3 3.Rf3 Qxd4+ 4.Kh1 Qe4 5.Rg3 Qh7 6.f5 exf5 7.Nxf5 Nd7 8.Qf4 Re6 9.Rxg7+ Qxg7 10.Nxg7 Kxg7 11.Rd1 Nxe5 12.Rxd5 f6 13.Rd4 Rae8 14.Qg3+ Kf7 15.Qh3 Rg8 16.Qh5+ Kg7 17.Qf5 Kf7 18.Qh7+ Rg7 19.Qh5+ Ke7 20.Qh4 Kf7 21.Rd8 Re7 22.Qh5+ Ke6
 29/63-	00:58	 479 250k	8 175k	+2,29	1.Nh4 c4
 29/63-	00:58	 479 807k	8 175k	+2,22	1.Nh4 c4
 29/63-	00:58	 480 249k	8 176k	+2,11	1.Nh4 c4
 29/63	01:01	 506 927k	8 182k	+2,08	1.Nh4 c4 2.f4 Qxc3 3.Rf3 Qxd4+ 4.Kh1 Qe4 5.Rg3 Qh7 6.f5 exf5 7.Nxf5 Nd7 8.Qf4 Re6 9.Rxg7+ Qxg7 10.Nxg7 Kxg7 11.Rd1 Nxe5 12.Rxd5 f6 13.Rd4 Ree8 14.Rd1 Rad8 15.Rf1 Re6 16.Qg3+ Kf7 17.Qh3 Rd2 18.Qh7+ Ke8 19.Qg8+ Ke7 20.c3 Nf7 21.Qg7 Rde2 22.Kg1 Re1

 26/46	00:09	 79 191k	8 095k	 0,00	1.c4 Nd7 2.cxd5 Qa2 3.dxe6 Qxe6 4.c3 cxd4 5.cxd4 f6 6.exf6 Nxf6 7.Qh4 Nf5 8.Qg5+ Ng7
 27/46+	00:11	 90 583k	8 085k	+0,07	1.c4
 27/46-	00:15	 121 854k	8 019k	 0,00	1.c4 Qa2
 27/46	00:18	 147 439k	8 041k	 0,00	1.Qf4 Qxc3 2.Ng5 Nf5 3.Qg4 Ng7 4.Rb3 Qxc2 5.Rh3 Qg6 6.Qh4 Qh5 7.Qxh5 Nxh5 8.Rxh5 cxd4 9.f4 Nd7 10.Nxf7 Kxf7 11.Rh7+ Kg6 12.Rxd7 Kf5 13.Rf7+ Ke4 14.Re1+ Kd3 15.f5 exf5 16.e6 Kc4 17.Rc7+ Kxb5 18.Rb1+ Ka5 19.Ra1+ Kb5 20.Rb1+
 28/46+	00:24	 195 819k	8 029k	+0,07	1.Nh4
 28/46+	00:26	 212 365k	8 043k	+0,14	1.Nh4
 28/46+	00:41	 336 402k	8 068k	+1,75	1.Nh4
 28/46	00:52	 424 468k	8 138k	+1,95	1.Nh4 a6 2.Rbd1 c4 3.f4 Qxc3 4.f5 Qxc2 5.Ra1 Ra7 6.f6 Qh7 7.Ra3 Rc8 8.Rg3 Kf8 9.Ng6+ Qxg6 10.Qh4 Kg8 11.Rxg6 fxg6 12.fxg7 Rxg7 13.Rf3 Re8 14.Rh3 Kf7 15.Qf4+ Kg8 16.Qh6 Kf7 17.bxa6
 29/46+	01:00	 489 266k	8 119k	+2,02	1.Nh4
 29/46+	01:02	 510 143k	8 131k	+2,10	1.Nh4
 29/46+	01:07	 549 732k	8 092k	+2,36	1.Nh4
 29/47-	01:13	 594 584k	8 095k	+2,23	1.Nh4 c4
 29/47+	01:15	 611 085k	8 092k	+2,40	1.Nh4
 29/55+	01:26	 700 444k	8 098k	+2,77	1.Nh4
 29/60	01:31	 744 200k	8 110k	+2,95	1.Nh4 c4 2.f4 Qxc3 3.f5 Qxd4+ 4.Kh1 Qxe5 5.Rbe1 f6 6.Qg4 Nd7 7.Rxe5 Nxe5 8.Qg3 Rad8 9.fxe6 Rxe6 10.Nf5 Rd7 11.Nd4 Re8 12.Kg1 Kf7 13.Nc6 Ng6 14.Qg4 Rd6 15.Nxa7 f5 16.Nc6 Re4 17.Qg3 Ree6 18.h4 d4 19.h5 Nxh5 20.Rxf5+ Nf6 21.Qh3 Re1+ 22.Kf2
 30/60+	01:44	 856 184k	8 165k	+3,03	1.Nh4


Code: Select all

 31/67-	00:47	 415 170k	8 674k	+0,47	1.Qf4 Qxc3
 31/67+	00:48	 417 315k	8 675k	+0,69	1.Qf4
 31/67+	00:59	 514 103k	8 590k	+1,17	1.Qf4
 31/67	01:02	 535 116k	8 571k	+1,08	1.Qf4 Nd7 2.Ng5 Nf5 3.Qf3 Nf8 4.g4 Nh6 5.Ra1 Qxb5 6.Qf6 Ng6 7.Nxf7 Nxf7 8.Qxg6+ Kf8 9.Rae1 Ke7 10.Qf6+ Kd7 11.Qxf7+ Re7 12.Qg6 Qc4 13.Qd3 Qxd3 14.cxd3 cxd4 15.cxd4 a5 16.Rb1 Ra6 17.f3 a4 18.h4 a3 19.Kf2 a2 20.Ra1 Ra3 21.Ke3 Rh7 22.h5 Ra4 23.Kd2
 32/67+	01:10	 607 551k	8 561k	+1,16	1.Qf4
 32/67-	01:14	 639 772k	8 573k	+1,08	1.Qf4 Nd7
 32/67	01:18	 668 664k	8 571k	+1,04	1.Qf4 Nd7 2.Ng5 Nf5 3.Qf3 Nf8 4.g4 Nh6 5.Ra1 Qxb5 6.Qf6 Qe2 7.Qxh6 Qxc2 8.f4 Qg6 9.Qxg6+ Nxg6 10.f5 Nf8 11.Ra6 Re7 12.Rfa1 b5 13.Kf2 cxd4 14.cxd4 Rb7 15.fxe6 fxe6 16.Nxe6 Nxe6 17.Rxe6 b4 18.h4 b3 19.Ke3 b2 20.Rb1 a5 21.Rg6+ Kf7 22.h5 a4 23.e6+ Kf8
 33/67+	01:22	 703 329k	8 573k	+1,12	1.Qf4
 33/67-	01:25	 737 107k	8 578k	+1,04	1.Qf4 Nd7
 33/67+	01:27	 753 726k	8 584k	+1,12	1.Qf4
 33/67+	01:51	 969 946k	8 669k	+1,48	1.Qf4
 33/67-	02:19	 1 202 871k	8 622k	+1,31	1.Qf4 Nd7
 33/67	02:29	 1 294 974k	8 653k	+1,53	1.Qf4 Nd7 2.Ng5 Re7 3.Nh7 Kxh7 4.Qh4+ Kg8 5.Qxe7 Nf8 6.Qb7 Rd8 7.dxc5 bxc5 8.Ra1 Qxc3 9.Rxa7 Rd7 10.Qa8 Rxa7 11.Qxa7 Nf5 12.b6 Qxc2 13.Qc7 Nh4 14.Kh1 Qa4 15.Qxc5 Nd7 16.Qc8+ Kg7 17.b7 d4 18.Rg1 Ng6 19.Qxd7 Qxd7 20.b8Q Qd5 21.Qd6 Qxe5 22.Qxe5+ Nxe5 23.Rd1 Nc6 24.Kg1 Kg6 25.h4 Kf5 26.g3 Ke4
 34/67-	02:33	 1 329 265k	8 660k	+1,46	1.Qf4 Nd7
 34/67-	02:33	 1 329 865k	8 660k	+1,39	1.Qf4 Nd7
 34/67-	02:49	 1 474 353k	8 687k	+0,91	1.Qf4 Nd7
 34/67+	03:04	 1 602 116k	8 703k	+1,08	1.Qf4
 34/67+	03:23	 1 774 852k	8 729k	+1,45	1.Nh4
 34/68+	04:39	 2 473 522k	8 845k	+2,56	1.Nh4
 34/68	05:37	 3 007 632k	8 908k	+3,04	1.Nh4 Nd7 2.Rbd1 c4 3.f4 Qxc3 4.f5 f6 5.exf6 Nxf6 6.Qxf6 Qe3+ 7.Kh1 Rf8 8.Qg6 Qe4 9.Qg5 exf5 10.Ng6 Rfe8 11.Qh6 Qe6 12.h4 Qf6 13.Rf3 Re4 14.Qh8+ Kf7 15.Qxa8 Kxg6 16.Qxd5 Rxh4+ 17.Kg1 Ne6 18.Rg3+ Kh6 19.Rh3 Rxh3 20.gxh3 Ng5 21.Rf1 Ne6 22.Qxc4 Qxd4+ 23.Qxd4 Nxd4 24.c4 Ne2+ 25.Kf2 Nd4 26.Ke3

 29/38	00:08	 70 330k	8 476k	 0,00	1.c4 Qa2 2.cxd5 Nd7 3.dxe6 Qxe6 4.c3 f6 5.exf6 Nxf6 6.Qh4 Nf5 7.Qg5+ Ng7
 30/38	00:14	 118 287k	8 399k	 0,00	1.c4 Qa2 2.cxd5 Nd7 3.dxe6 Qxe6 4.c3 f6 5.exf6 Nxf6 6.Qh4 Nf5 7.Qg5+ Ng7
 31/38+	00:24	 210 878k	8 464k	+0,07	1.Qf4
 31/38+	00:29	 248 418k	8 495k	+0,14	1.Qf4
 31/43+	00:37	 319 836k	8 550k	+0,61	1.Qf4
 31/59	00:51	 441 344k	8 651k	+0,54	1.Qf4 Qxc3 2.Ng5 Rf8 3.Rb3 Qxc2 4.Rh3 Qg6 5.Qh4 Qh5 6.Qxh5 Nxh5 7.Rxh5 Nd7 8.dxc5 Nxc5 9.f4 a6 10.bxa6 Rxa6 11.f5 Re8 12.fxe6 fxe6 13.Rh6 Ra7 14.Rb1 Rb7 15.h4 b5 16.Rg6+ Rg7 17.Rxg7+ Kxg7 18.Rxb5 Nd3 19.Rb6 Nxe5 20.Nxe6+ Kf7 21.Nf4
 32/59+	00:55	 478 319k	8 684k	+0,62	1.Qf4
 32/59+	01:00	 525 265k	8 695k	+0,69	1.Qf4
 32/59-	01:01	 533 468k	8 697k	+0,62	1.Qf4 Qxc3
 32/59+	01:06	 583 443k	8 714k	+0,70	1.Qf4
 32/59+	01:33	 817 288k	8 757k	+0,91	1.Nh4
 32/59+	03:07	 1 653 894k	8 837k	+2,68	1.Nh4
 32/59	03:36	 1 918 300k	8 861k	+3,10	1.Nh4 Nd7 2.Rbd1 c4 3.f4 Qxc3 4.f5 f6 5.exf6 Nxf6 6.Qxf6 Qe3+ 7.Kh1 Rf8 8.Qg6 Qe4 9.f6 Qxg6 10.Nxg6 Nf5 11.Nxf8 Kxf8 12.Rf3 Kf7 13.g4 Nd6 14.Kg2 Rh8 15.Rb1 Rg8 16.h3 Nf5 17.Ra3 Kxf6 18.Rf1 Ke7 19.Rd1 Kf6 20.Kf3 Rh8 21.Rxa7 Rxh3+ 22.Kf4
 33/67+	04:04	 2 179 418k	8 905k	+3,18	1.Nh4
 33/67+	04:13	 2 262 025k	8 915k	+3,25	1.Nh4
 33/67+	04:50	 2 604 003k	8 957k	+3,72	1.Nh4
 33/67	05:02	 2 715 398k	8 966k	+3,73	1.Nh4 Nd7 2.Rbd1 c4 3.f4 Qxc3 4.f5 f6 5.exf6 Nxf6 6.Qxf6 Qe3+ 7.Kh1 Rf8 8.Qg6 Qe4 9.f6 Qxg6 10.Nxg6 Nf5 11.Nxf8 Rxf8 12.Rf3 Nd6 13.g4 Nxb5 14.h4 Nd6 15.Kg2 b5 16.g5 Rb8 17.Kg3 Nf5+ 18.Kg4 b4 19.h5 b3 20.cxb3 cxb3 21.g6 a5 22.Kg5 b2 23.Rb1 Nxd4 24.Ra3 Nf5 25.Rxa5

FEN: rn2r1k1/p4pn1/1p2p3/qPppP1Q1/3P4/2P2N2/2P2PPP/1R3RK1 w - - 0 1

 33/64	01:36	 857 646k	8 887k	+0,87	1.Qf4 Qxc3 2.Ng5 Nf5 3.Qg4 Ng7 4.Rb3 Qxc2 5.Rh3 Qg6 6.Qh4 Qh5 7.Qf4 Qg6 8.Nxf7 Nh5 9.Qh6 Qxh6 10.Nxh6+ Kh7 11.Rxh5 Kg6 12.Ng4 Kxh5 13.Nf6+ Kg6 14.Nxe8 Nd7 15.Nc7 Rc8 16.Nxe6 Kf5 17.Ng7+ Kg6 18.Ra1 cxd4 19.Ne6 d3 20.Nf4+ Kf5 21.Nxd3 Nxe5 22.Nxe5 Kxe5 23.h4 Rc7 24.Kf1 Rh7 25.g3 Kd4 26.Ke2 Kc4 27.Ke3 d4+ 28.Kd2 Rf7 29.f4 Rg7 30.h5 Rxg3 31.Rxa7
 34/64+	01:42	 913 358k	8 897k	+0,94	1.Qf4
 34/64+	01:49	 977 168k	8 908k	+1,01	1.Qf4
 34/64+	02:08	 1 144 227k	8 930k	+1,27	1.Qf4
 34/64-	02:22	 1 267 470k	8 921k	+1,15	1.Qf4 Nd7
 34/64	02:27	 1 313 324k	8 921k	+1,16	1.Qf4 Nd7 2.Ng5 Nf5 3.Qf3 Nf8 4.Ra1 Qxb5 5.g4 Nh6 6.Qf6 Qe2 7.Qxh6 Qxc2 8.f4 Qg6 9.Qxg6+ Nxg6 10.f5 Nf8 11.Ra6 cxd4 12.cxd4 Re7 13.Kf2 Rc8 14.Rfa1 Rcc7 15.h4 b5 16.Rb1 Rc2+ 17.Kg3 Rc3+ 18.Kf4 Rc4 19.Nf3 b4 20.h5 Rb7 21.Rb3 Nd7 22.Ke3 exf5 23.gxf5 Rbc7 24.Ra5 Kg7 25.Rxd5 Rc3+ 26.Rxc3 Rxc3+ 27.Ke4
 35/64-	02:31	 1 346 556k	8 916k	+1,08	1.Qf4 Nd7
 35/64+	02:56	 1 568 385k	8 910k	+1,16	1.Qf4
 35/64+	03:26	 1 855 831k	8 999k	+1,63	1.Qf4
 35/65-	03:39	 1 991 282k	9 062k	+1,46	1.Qf4 Nd7
 35/67+	03:48	 2 077 743k	9 102k	+1,68	1.Qf4
 35/67	04:06	 2 256 564k	9 170k	+1,72	1.Qf4 Qxc3 2.Ng5 Nf5 3.Qg4 Ng7 4.Rb3 Qxc2 5.Rh3 Qg6 6.Qh4 Qh5 7.Qf4 Qg6 8.Nxf7 Nh5 9.Qh6 Qxh6 10.Nxh6+ Kg7 11.Rxh5 Rh8 12.Rg5+ Kxh6 13.f4 Rf8 14.g4 cxd4 15.Rf3 Rxf4 16.Rh5+ Kg7 17.Rxf4 Nd7 18.h4 d3 19.Kf2 Rc8 20.Ra4 Rc7 21.Ke3 Nc5 22.Rg5+ Kh6 23.Rd4 Kh7 24.Rb4 Rb7 25.Rh5+ Kg6 26.Rb2 Rf7 27.Rg5+ Kh6
 36/67+	04:28	 2 488 306k	9 281k	+1,80	1.Qf4
 36/67-	04:36	 2 570 934k	9 295k	+1,72	1.Qf4 Nd7
 36/67+	04:41	 2 615 683k	9 308k	+1,80	1.Qf4
 36/67-	04:46	 2 672 349k	9 313k	+1,70	1.Qf4 Nd7
 36/67+	04:51	 2 713 298k	9 312k	+1,83	1.Qf4
 36/67-	04:55	 2 749 113k	9 316k	+1,66	1.Qf4 Nd7
 36/67	05:13	 2 915 790k	9 290k	+1,40	1.Qf4 Nd7 2.Ng5 Re7 3.Nh7 Kxh7 4.Qh4+ Kg8 5.Qxe7 Nf8 6.Qb7 Rd8 7.dxc5 bxc5 8.Ra1 Qxc3 9.Rxa7 Rd7 10.Qb8 Rxa7 11.Qxa7 Qc4 12.b6 Nf5 13.b7 Nh4 14.Qa3 Nd7 15.g3 Ng6 16.Qb2 Kg7 17.f4 Qe2 18.b8Q Qe3+ 19.Rf2 Nxb8 20.Qxb8 Qe1+ 21.Kg2 Qe4+ 22.Kf1 Qh1+ 23.Ke2 Qe4+ 24.Kd1 Ne7 25.Qb5 Qd4+ 26.Ke1 Qa1+ 27.Ke2 c4 28.Qc5 Nf5 29.Kf3 Qc3+ 30.Kg4 Ne3+ 31.Kg5 Qe1 32.Rf3 Nxc2
 37/67+	05:23	 3 000 240k	9 280k	+1,47	1.Qf4
 37/67+	05:28	 3 049 918k	9 290k	+1,54	1.Qf4
 37/67+	05:35	 3 120 042k	9 300k	+1,65	1.Qf4
 37/67-	05:39	 3 157 689k	9 308k	+1,56	1.Qf4 Nd7
 37/67-	06:17	 3 498 723k	9 269k	+1,07	1.Qf4 Nd7
 37/67+	07:30	 4 183 224k	9 292k	+1,29	1.Nh4
 37/67+	09:00	 5 000 867k	9 258k	+2,40	1.Nh4
 37/67	10:06	 5 635 737k	9 293k	+2,81	1.Nh4 Nd7 2.Rbd1 c4 3.f4 Qxc3 4.f5 f6 5.exf6 Nxf6 6.Qxf6 Qe3+ 7.Kh1 Rf8 8.Qg6 Qe4 9.f6 Qxg6 10.Nxg6 Nf5 11.Nxf8 Rxf8 12.Rf3 Nd6 13.Rg3+ Kh7 14.Rg7+ Kh8 15.Rxa7 Rxf6 16.g3 Rf2 17.Re7 Nxb5 18.Rxe6 Rxc2 19.Rxb6 Rb2 20.Rb7 Nc3 21.Rxb2 Nxd1 22.Rd2 Nc3 23.Kg2 Ne4 24.Rc2
 38/67+	10:29	 5 864 921k	9 310k	+2,88	1.Nh4
 38/67+	10:55	 6 110 332k	9 321k	+2,95	1.Nh4
 38/67+	11:53	 6 669 638k	9 347k	+3,21	1.Nh4
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Re: Arasan test suite update - beta3

Post by Paloma »

Hi Vincent,

can't find your Stockfish_170417_x64_modern_matefinder on the net

please give me a link
Posts: 5235
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Arasan test suite update - beta3

Post by Vinvin »

Paloma wrote:Hi Vincent,

can't find your Stockfish_170417_x64_modern_matefinder on the net

please give me a link
Hello !
I always use compilations from here :
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Re: Arasan test suite update - beta3

Post by MikeB »

jdart wrote:1r1rb1k1/5ppp/4p3/1p1p3P/1q2P2Q/pN3P2/PPP4P/1K1R2R1 w - - bm Rxg7+; id "arasan20.155"; c0 "Vescovi-Gschwendtner, Groningen op 1994 (Aemis Test Suite #30)";

r2q1r2/1b2bpkp/p3p1p1/2ppP1P1/7R/1PN1BQR1/1PP2P1P/4K3 w - - bm Qf6+; id "arasan20.132"; c0 "Asauskas-Malisauskas, Vilnius 2004";

These two are not new to this version of the test suite. They are known to be quite difficult but I believe the solutions are both correct. They were probably discussed here in the forum before.

[d]1r1rb1k1/5ppp/4p3/1p1p3P/1q2P2Q/pN3P2/PPP4P/1K1R2R1 w - - bm Rxg7+
I had to go in "searchmoves " mode ( only searching Rxg7 ) to get this output

Code: Select all

info depth 54 seldepth 108 multipv 1 score cp 1289 nodes 9785058388 nps 30209655 hashfull 999 tbhits 0 time 323905 pv g1g7 g8g7 h5h6 g7f8 h4f6 e8c6 c2c3 b4b3 a2b3 f8e8 d1g1 e8d7 f6f7 d7c8 f7e6 c6d7 e6a6 c8c7 a6a3 d5e4 a3c5 d7c6 g1g7 d8d7 c5e5 c7b7 g7d7 c6d7 e5e4 b7a6 e4h7 b8b7 h7e4 b7b8 h6h7 a6b6 e4d4 b6c6 h7h8q b8h8 d4h8 c6c7 h8e5 c7b7 e5d5 b7c7 d5c5 c7d8 c5f8 d8c7 f8f4 c7c8 f4e4 c8c7 e4h7 c7d6 h7g6 d6c7 g6g7 c7d8 g7g5 d8c7 g5f6 c7c8 f6f4 c8d8 f4b8 d8e7 b8c7 e7e6 c7f4 d7c6 f4h6 e6d7 h6h7 d7c8 h7g8 c8c7 g8g7 c7d8
normal search with an unreleased McBrain
[d]r2q1r2/1b2bpkp/p3p1p1/2ppP1P1/7R/1PN1BQR1/1PP2P1P/4K3 w - - bm Qf6+

Code: Select all

info depth 42 seldepth 83 multipv 1 score cp 81 nodes 1525038726 nps 20887507 hashfull 829 tbhits 0 time 73012 pv e3c5 e7c5
info depth 42 seldepth 83 multipv 1 score cp 74 nodes 1548065508 nps 20908784 hashfull 834 tbhits 0 time 74039 pv e3c5 e7c5
info depth 42 seldepth 83 multipv 1 score cp 63 nodes 1560574195 nps 20927921 hashfull 834 tbhits 0 time 74569 pv e3c5 e7c5
info depth 42 seldepth 83 multipv 1 score cp 72 nodes 1573034731 nps 20950890 hashfull 834 tbhits 0 time 75082 pv e3c5
info depth 42 seldepth 83 multipv 1 score cp 93 nodes 1682319850 nps 21098358 hashfull 843 tbhits 0 time 79737 pv f3f6
info depth 42 seldepth 83 multipv 1 score cp 121 nodes 1685607916 nps 21103072 hashfull 843 tbhits 0 time 79875 pv f3f6
info depth 42 seldepth 83 multipv 1 score cp 158 nodes 1689787742 nps 21109153 hashfull 843 tbhits 0 time 80050 pv f3f6
info depth 42 seldepth 83 multipv 1 score cp 206 nodes 1696319473 nps 21118726 hashfull 844 tbhits 0 time 80323 pv f3f6
info depth 42 seldepth 83 multipv 1 score cp 268 nodes 1703058863 nps 21125830 hashfull 844 tbhits 0 time 80615 pv f3f6
info depth 42 seldepth 83 multipv 1 score cp 347 nodes 1725167103 nps 21150825 hashfull 844 tbhits 0 time 81565 pv f3f6
info depth 42 seldepth 83 multipv 1 score cp 448 nodes 1874005792 nps 21275453 hashfull 857 tbhits 0 time 88083 pv f3f6
info depth 42 seldepth 83 multipv 1 score cp 576 nodes 2787624384 nps 22063066 hashfull 889 tbhits 0 time 126348 pv f3f6
info depth 42 seldepth 83 multipv 1 score cp 652 nodes 5712913717 nps 23377556 hashfull 936 tbhits 0 time 244376 pv f3f6 e7f6 g5f6 d8f6 e5f6 g7f6 e3g5 f6g7 g5h6 g7g8 h6f8 a8f8 c3a4 b7c6 a4c5 f8a8 g3c3 c6b5 c5b7 a8a7 c3c8 g8g7 b7c5 g6g5 h4g4 g7f6 c2c4 b5d7 c8g8 h7h6 h2h4 a6a5 h4g5 h6g5 e1d2 a7c7 c5d7 c7d7 d2c3 f6e5 g4g5 f7f5 g8a8 d5c4 b3c4 e5e4 a8a5 d7d3 c3c2 d3f3 g5g2 e4d4 c4c5 d4d5 c2d2 f3b3 g2g7 b3b2 d2c3 b2f2
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Re: Arasan test suite update - beta3

Post by MikeB »

jdart wrote:I have replaced a few more positions with some problems taken from Stefan Pohl's recent long-time control matches. I also fixed the missing check symbols noted by Dann Corbit.


Notable is this position (#197), which is moderately difficult (c4 is good, but g4 is better and was actually played in the game):

[d] b1r2r2/p6k/1p1q2pp/3pN2n/5p1P/1P3P2/P1PQ2P1/BK1RR3 w - -

c4 is good, g4 is better!

Code: Select all

info depth 38 seldepth 64 multipv 1 score cp 350 nodes 1341521929 nps 21921725 hashfull 802 tbhits 0 time 61196 pv c2c4 c8d8 a1c3 a7a5 d2c2 f8f5 e5g4 a5a4 c2e2 f5f7 e2e6 d6e6 e1e6 a4b3 a2b3 f7d7 e6b6 d5d4 g4e5 d7b7 d1d4 d8d4 c3d4 b7b6 d4b6 h5g7 b3b4 g7f5 b6d8 h7g7 b4b5 g7f8 e5g6 f8f7 g6f4 f5d6 b1c2 d6c4 c2c3 c4e5 c3b4 e5d7 f4e2 f7e6 d8c7 a8b7 c7f4 h6h5 f4g5 e6d6 e2g3 d7b6 g5f4 d6d5 f4e3 b6c4 e3a7 c4d6 g3h5 d6f5 a7f2 d5e6
info depth 39 seldepth 64 multipv 1 score cp 343 nodes 1413377682 nps 21931533 hashfull 814 tbhits 0 time 64445 pv c2c4 c8d8
info depth 39 seldepth 64 multipv 1 score cp 350 nodes 1431766837 nps 21933710 hashfull 817 tbhits 0 time 65277 pv c2c4
info depth 39 seldepth 64 multipv 1 score cp 343 nodes 1614730591 nps 21932420 hashfull 834 tbhits 0 time 73623 pv c2c4 c8c7
info depth 39 seldepth 64 multipv 1 score cp 352 nodes 1768350574 nps 21944734 hashfull 850 tbhits 0 time 80582 pv g2g4
info depth 39 seldepth 64 multipv 1 score cp 373 nodes 1820216719 nps 21960219 hashfull 858 tbhits 0 time 82887 pv g2g4
info depth 39 seldepth 64 multipv 1 score cp 401 nodes 1865001096 nps 21959532 hashfull 860 tbhits 0 time 84929 pv g2g4
info depth 39 seldepth 64 multipv 1 score cp 438 nodes 1915965498 nps 21964021 hashfull 865 tbhits 0 time 87232 pv g2g4
info depth 39 seldepth 64 multipv 1 score cp 486 nodes 2130434188 nps 21993849 hashfull 875 tbhits 0 time 96865 pv g2g4
info depth 39 seldepth 68 multipv 1 score cp 548 nodes 2475230242 nps 22056354 hashfull 892 tbhits 0 time 112223 pv g2g4
info depth 39 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 591 nodes 2858471044 nps 22151649 hashfull 902 tbhits 0 time 129041 pv g2g4 f4g3 e5g4 f8f4 e1e4 c8f8 a1e5 d6e7 e4f4 h5f4 e5f4 h6h5 g4e5 f8f5 f4g3 f5e5 g3e5 e7e5 d1e1 e5f6 d2g5 f6g5 h4g5 a8c6 e1e7 h7g8 e7e6 c6b5 e6g6 g8f7 g6h6 d5d4 f3f4 d4d3 c2d3 b5d3 b1b2 b6b5 b2c3 d3b1 h6h5 a7a5 h5h6 a5a4 h6f6 f7e7 c3b2 b1d3 b3a4 b5a4 f4f5 d3c4 f6h6 c4d3 h6e6 e7f7 e6d6 d3e2 d6d7 f7g8
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 598 nodes 2957264418 nps 22169562 hashfull 905 tbhits 0 time 133393 pv g2g4
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 590 nodes 2974984765 nps 22177546 hashfull 905 tbhits 0 time 134144 pv g2g4 f4g3
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 598 nodes 3017794759 nps 22195052 hashfull 905 tbhits 0 time 135967 pv g2g4
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 613 nodes 3183895705 nps 22229717 hashfull 912 tbhits 0 time 143227 pv g2g4
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 634 nodes 3514203090 nps 22327001 hashfull 918 tbhits 0 time 157397 pv g2g4
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 630 nodes 3550592384 nps 22331471 hashfull 918 tbhits 0 time 158995 pv g2g4 f4g3 e5g4 f8f4 e1e4 c8f8 a1e5 d6e6 e4f4 h5f4 e5f4 h6h5 g4e5 f8f5 f4g3 f5e5 g3e5 e6e5 d1e1 e5f6 d2g5 f6g5 h4g5 a8c6 e1e7 h7h8 e7e6 c6b5 e6g6 b5e8 g6e6 e8f7 e6d6 h8g7 f3f4 f7g6 d6d5 g6e4 d5e5 e4g2 e5e7 g7g6 e7e6 g6f5 e6f6 f5g4 g5g6 g2d5 f6d6 d5e4 g6g7 e4h7 d6d8 g4f5 d8h8 f5g6 g7g8q h7g8 h8g8 g6f7 g8g5 h5h4
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Re: Arasan test suite update - beta4

Post by jdart »

I replaced positions #194 and #197. Latest version here:

I am going to make this the official version unless there is some other problem discovered in the next week or so.

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Re: Arasan test suite update - beta4

Post by Ferdy »

jdart wrote:I replaced positions #194 and #197. Latest version here:

I am going to make this the official version unless there is some other problem discovered in the next week or so.

Stockfish 180417 64 POPCNT (2 threads, 2 minutes) PoorFish run on that two positions. The first one is interesting, Sf could not find it at warm-up, but was happy with the bm eventually.

Pos 1/2: rn2r1k1/p4pn1/1p2p3/qPppP1Q1/3P4/2P2N2/2P2PPP/1R3RK1 w - - bm Nh4; id "arasan20.194"; c0 "Oechslein-Oppermann, VWC9/pr 20 ICCF 2016";

[d]rn2r1k1/p4pn1/1p2p3/qPppP1Q1/3P4/2P2N2/2P2PPP/1R3RK1 w - -

Code: Select all

Position: 1/2
Pos: rn2r1k1/p4pn1/1p2p3/qPppP1Q1/3P4/2P2N2/2P2PPP/1R3RK1 w - - bm Nh4; id "aras
an20.194"; c0 "Oechslein-Oppermann, VWC9/pr 20 ICCF 2016";
Warm-up best move: c4, score: 0
Forcing best move: Nh4
After forcing best move, score: -262

Position: 2/2
Pos: 1rr5/5R2/6k1/3B2P1/1p2P1n1/1PpK4/8/R7 w - - bm Ra6+; id "arasan20.197"; c0
"Komodo 10.4 64-bit - Houdini 5 Pro x64-pext, Stefan Pohl 2017";
Warm-up best move: Ra6+, score: 302
Best move already found!
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Re: Arasan test suite update - beta4

Post by MikeB »

Ferdy wrote:
jdart wrote:I replaced positions #194 and #197. Latest version here:

I am going to make this the official version unless there is some other problem discovered in the next week or so.

Stockfish 180417 64 POPCNT (2 threads, 2 minutes) PoorFish run on that two positions. The first one is interesting, Sf could not find it at warm-up, but was happy with the bm eventually.

Pos 1/2: rn2r1k1/p4pn1/1p2p3/qPppP1Q1/3P4/2P2N2/2P2PPP/1R3RK1 w - - bm Nh4; id "arasan20.194"; c0 "Oechslein-Oppermann, VWC9/pr 20 ICCF 2016";

[d]rn2r1k1/p4pn1/1p2p3/qPppP1Q1/3P4/2P2N2/2P2PPP/1R3RK1 w - -

Code: Select all

Position: 1/2
Pos: rn2r1k1/p4pn1/1p2p3/qPppP1Q1/3P4/2P2N2/2P2PPP/1R3RK1 w - - bm Nh4; id "aras
an20.194"; c0 "Oechslein-Oppermann, VWC9/pr 20 ICCF 2016";
Warm-up best move: c4, score: 0
Forcing best move: Nh4
After forcing best move, score: -262

Position: 2/2
Pos: 1rr5/5R2/6k1/3B2P1/1p2P1n1/1PpK4/8/R7 w - - bm Ra6+; id "arasan20.197"; c0
"Komodo 10.4 64-bit - Houdini 5 Pro x64-pext, Stefan Pohl 2017";
Warm-up best move: Ra6+, score: 302
Best move already found!

on the first one, running on relatively decent hardware, latest yet to be released McBrain, with a tweak to search deeper and faster than dev SF finds NH4 in just over 3 minutes

Code: Select all

info depth 39 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 96 nodes 3825032326 nps 22967235 hashfull 999 tbhits 64840 time 166543 pv g5f4 b8d7 f3g5 e8e7 g5h7 g8h7 f4h4 h7g8 h4e7 d7f8 c3c4 f8g6 e7b7 a8f8 d4c5 b6c5 b1a1 a5d2 a1a7 g6f4 a7a8 g7h5 a8f8 g8f8 b7a8 f8g7 a8a3 d2c2 a3f3 f4e2 g1h1 c2c4 b5b6 e2d4 f3g4 g7h6 f1a1 c4c3 a1g1 c3b3 f2f4 h5g7 g4h3 b3h3 g2h3 g7f5 h1g2 d4c6 g2f2 c5c4 b6b7 d5d4 f2e2 h6h7 g1c1 f5e3
finds Nh4...
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 104 nodes 4551527232 nps 22947411 hashfull 999 tbhits 74580 time 198346 pv f3h4
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 111 nodes 4714509598 nps 22940759 hashfull 999 tbhits 75776 time 205508 pv f3h4
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 122 nodes 4820929954 nps 22946537 hashfull 999 tbhits 76074 time 210094 pv f3h4
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 137 nodes 5072051963 nps 22957940 hashfull 999 tbhits 78775 time 220928 pv f3h4
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 158 nodes 5266066701 nps 22974755 hashfull 999 tbhits 80686 time 229211 pv f3h4
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 186 nodes 5344842408 nps 22976019 hashfull 999 tbhits 80873 time 232627 pv f3h4
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 223 nodes 5524615047 nps 22983604 hashfull 999 tbhits 81591 time 240372 pv f3h4
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 272 nodes 6221343992 nps 22975301 hashfull 999 tbhits 88202 time 270784 pv f3h4
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 334 nodes 6880041514 nps 23007479 hashfull 999 tbhits 91778 time 299035 pv f3h4
info depth 40 seldepth 82 multipv 1 score cp 414 nodes 9043689953 nps 23184668 hashfull 999 tbhits 296947 time 390072 pv f3h4
info depth 40 seldepth 82 multipv 1 score cp 421 nodes 10354888904 nps 23253423 hashfull 999 tbhits 312278 time 445306 pv f3h4 b8d7 b1d1 c5c4 f2f4 a5c3 f4f5 f7f6 e5f6 d7f6 g5f6 c3e3 g1h1 e8f8 f6g6 e3e4 g6g3 f8f6 g3g5 a8f8 h4g6 e6f5 g6f8 f6f8 c2c3 e4c2 f1e1 c2c3 e1e7 f8f7 e7e3 c3b4 g5d8 b4f8 d8d5 f5f4 e3h3 f8e7 d5c4 g7f5 d1c1 g8g7 c4d5 e7f6 c1f1 f7e7 d5f3 f6g5 f3a8 f5h6 g2g3 f4f3 h3h4 e7f7 f1f3 g5c1 h1g2 c1c2 g2h3 f7f3 a8f3 c2f5 f3f5 h6f5 h4f4 f5d6 h3g4 g7g6 g4f3 d6b5
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Re: Arasan test suite update - beta4

Post by MikeB »

Ferdy wrote:
jdart wrote:I replaced positions #194 and #197. Latest version here:

I am going to make this the official version unless there is some other problem discovered in the next week or so.

Stockfish 180417 64 POPCNT (2 threads, 2 minutes) PoorFish run on that two positions. The first one is interesting, Sf could not find it at warm-up, but was happy with the bm eventually.

Pos 1/2: rn2r1k1/p4pn1/1p2p3/qPppP1Q1/3P4/2P2N2/2P2PPP/1R3RK1 w - - bm Nh4; id "arasan20.194"; c0 "Oechslein-Oppermann, VWC9/pr 20 ICCF 2016";

[d]rn2r1k1/p4pn1/1p2p3/qPppP1Q1/3P4/2P2N2/2P2PPP/1R3RK1 w - -

Code: Select all

Position: 1/2
Pos: rn2r1k1/p4pn1/1p2p3/qPppP1Q1/3P4/2P2N2/2P2PPP/1R3RK1 w - - bm Nh4; id "aras
an20.194"; c0 "Oechslein-Oppermann, VWC9/pr 20 ICCF 2016";
Warm-up best move: c4, score: 0
Forcing best move: Nh4
After forcing best move, score: -262

Position: 2/2
Pos: 1rr5/5R2/6k1/3B2P1/1p2P1n1/1PpK4/8/R7 w - - bm Ra6+; id "arasan20.197"; c0
"Komodo 10.4 64-bit - Houdini 5 Pro x64-pext, Stefan Pohl 2017";
Warm-up best move: Ra6+, score: 302
Best move already found!
and on the second position , as you noted, it finds Ra6 easily, in less than 2 seconds..
[d]1rr5/5R2/6k1/3B2P1/1p2P1n1/1PpK4/8/R7 w - -

Code: Select all

info depth 20 seldepth 36 multipv 1 score cp 0 nodes 22767255 nps 24143430 tbhits 110437 time 943 pv f7f4 c3c2 d5c4 g4e5 d3c2 e5c4 b3c4 c8c4 c2b2 c4c5 f4f6 g6g5 f6f2 g5g6 a1g1 c5g5 g1d1 b8e8 d1e1 g5e5 e1g1 e5g5 g1d1 g5c5 d1d6 g6g5 d6b6 e8e4 b6b7 g5g6
info depth 21 seldepth 54 multipv 1 score cp 186 nodes 35045950 nps 23987645 hashfull 106 tbhits 146129 time 1461 pv a1a6 g6g5 f7g7 g5f4 a6a1 c3c2 a1f1 f4g3 f1g1 g3f2 g1g4 c8c3 d3d4 c2c1n g4g2 f2e1 e4e5 c1e2 d4e4 e1d2 d5c4 c3e3 e4f5 b8f8 g7f7 f8f7 c4f7 d2c3 e5e6 e2d4 f5f6 e3f3 f6e5 f3e3 e5d6 d4b5 d6d7 e3d3 d7c8 d3e3 g2g5 b5d4 c8d7 d4e6 f7e6 c3b2 g5g6 b2c3
with a big score after 3 minutes
info depth 42 seldepth 95 multipv 1 score cp 639 nodes 4855400312 nps 26633536 hashfull 933 tbhits 33671026 time 182304 pv a1a6 g6g5 f7g7 g5f4 a6a1 c3c2 a1f1 f4g3 f1g1 g3f2 g1g4 c8c3 d3d4 c2c1n g4g2 f2e1 d5c4 b8d8 d4c5 c1d3 c5b6 d3e5 g7h7 e5c4 b3c4 e1f1 g2b2 f1g1 h7g7 g1f1 g7f7 f1g1 b2b4 d8b8 b6c5 b8c8 c5d4 c3c1 f7f5 c1d1 d4e3 d1e1 e3d3 e1d1 d3e2 d1a1 c4c5 c8h8 e2d3 h8h3 d3d4 a1d1 d4e5 d1c1 e5d5 g1g2 b4b2 g2g1 e4e5 h3c3 b2b5 g1h2 e5e6 c3d3 d5e4 c1c3 f5e5 d3e3 e4f5 e3f3 f5g5 f3g3 g5f6 c3c2 e5h5 h2g2 e6e7 g3g8 f6f7 g8e8 f7e8 c2c1
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Re: Arasan test suite update - beta version

Post by MikeB »

Eelco de Groot wrote:
Thanks. I am going to replace #190 with this one:
Pretty (and) tough!

[pgn][Event "GER/CM01F (GER)"]
[Site "ICCF"]
[Date "2014.09.25"]
[Round "-"]
[White "Felkel, Siegfried"]
[Black "Pavlícek, Miroslav"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2411"]
[BlackElo "2325"]

1.e4 {[%ccsnt 2014.09.09,23:34]} c5 {[%ccsnt 2014.09.10,00:00]}
2.Nf3 {[%ccsnt 2014.09.14,01:00]} Nc6 {[%ccsnt 2014.09.14,20:11]}
3.Nc3 {[%ccsnt 2014.09.24,15:12]} e5 {[%ccsnt 2014.09.25,17:35]}
4.Bc4 {[%ccsnt 2014.09.29,11:21]} Be7 {[%ccsnt 2014.09.29,11:48]}
5.d3 {[%ccsnt 2014.09.30,19:39]} d6 {[%ccsnt 2014.10.03,10:20]}
6.Nd2 {[%ccsnt 2014.10.06,19:07]} Nf6 {[%ccsnt 2014.10.06,20:28]}
7.Nf1 {[%ccsnt 2014.10.08,13:52]} Bg4 {[%ccsnt 2014.10.09,19:14]}
8.f3 {[%ccsnt 2014.10.15,09:32]} Be6 {[%ccsnt 2014.10.15,20:22]}
9.Ne3 {[%ccsnt 2014.10.17,09:16]} O-O {[%ccsnt 2014.10.18,20:42]}
10.O-O {[%ccsnt 2014.10.20,21:31]} Nh5 {[%ccsnt 2014.10.23,19:49]}
11.Ncd5 {[%ccsnt 2014.10.25,13:11]} h6 {[%ccsnt 2014.10.27,18:41]}
12.g3 {[%ccsnt 2014.10.30,08:50]} Nf6 {[%ccsnt 2014.11.07,20:35]}
13.c3 {[%ccsnt 2014.11.08,21:42]} Na5 {[%ccsnt 2014.11.12,15:18]}
14.Nxf6+ {[%ccsnt 2014.12.04,02:08]} Bxf6 {[%ccsnt 2014.12.04,08:36]}
15.Bd5 {[%ccsnt 2014.12.06,19:49]} Nc6 {[%ccsnt 2014.12.07,06:25]}
16.f4 {[%ccsnt 2014.12.07,14:06]} exf4 {[%ccsnt 2014.12.07,20:00]}
17.gxf4 {[%ccsnt 2014.12.08,02:08]} Ne7 {[%ccsnt 2014.12.08,07:45]}
18.Bb3 {[%ccsnt 2014.12.09,00:53]} a5 {[%ccsnt 2014.12.18,03:58]}
19.f5 {[%ccsnt 2015.01.01,18:57]} Bxb3 {[%ccsnt 2015.01.06,13:02]}
20.axb3 {[%ccsnt 2015.01.06,19:12]} Kh7 {[%ccsnt 2015.01.11,20:32]}
21.Qh5 {[%ccsnt 2015.01.12,09:52]} Ra6 {[%ccsnt 2015.01.27,01:22]}
22.Kh1 {[%ccsnt 2015.02.06,01:52]} d5 {[%ccsnt 2015.02.13,19:03]}
23.Ng4 {[%ccsnt 2015.02.15,10:20]} Ng8 {[%ccsnt 2015.02.16,13:09]}
24.e5 {[%ccsnt 2015.02.16,19:18]} Bg5 {[%ccsnt 2015.02.22,19:46]}
25.Bxg5 {[%ccsnt 2015.02.23,01:07]} Qxg5 {[%ccsnt 2015.02.24,04:46]}
26.Qh3 {[%ccsnt 2015.02.24,12:23]} g6 {[%ccsnt 2015.03.17,19:47]}
27.e6 {[%ccsnt 2015.03.18,08:34]} gxf5 {[%ccsnt 2015.03.24,18:11]}
28.Ne5 {[%ccsnt 2015.03.24,23:11]} Rxe6 {[%ccsnt 2015.03.29,17:12]}
29.Rxf5 {[%ccsnt 2015.03.30,10:17]} Qe7 {[%ccsnt 2015.04.13,20:15]}
30.Qg3 {[%ccsnt 2015.04.14,01:47]} Nf6 {[%ccsnt 2015.04.26,10:34]}
31.Raf1 {[%ccsnt 2015.04.26,22:47]} Rg8 {[%ccsnt 2015.05.10,10:47]}
32.Qh4 {[%ccsnt 2015.05.11,02:01]} Kg7 {[%ccsnt 2015.05.21,20:17]}
33.Qf4 {[%ccsnt 2015.05.22,07:40]} Qd6 {[%ccsnt 2015.05.30,15:41]}
34.d4 {[%ccsnt 2015.05.30,23:15]} cxd4 {[%ccsnt 2015.06.13,19:19]}
35.cxd4 {[%ccsnt 2015.06.14,12:17]}
pgn available from ICCF

[d]5rn1/1p3p1k/r5pp/p1ppPPq1/6N1/1PPP3Q/1P5P/R4R1K w - -

not too hard for the latest McBrain - less than 10 seconds..

Code: Select all

info depth 28 seldepth 55 multipv 1 score cp 143 nodes 182009574 nps 24303588 hashfull 419 tbhits 14822 time 7489 pv a1e1 g6f5 g4e3 g8e7 e3f5 a6g6 f5d6 b7b6 f1f2 g5g4 h3g4 g6g4 e1f1 g4g6 f2f7 f8f7 f1f7 g6g7 f7f6 g7g6 d6e8 g6f6 e5f6 e7g6 f6f7 g6f8 e8f6 h7g7 f6d5 f8d7 h1g2 g7f7 g2f3 f7e6 f3e4 e6d6 c3c4 d6e6 e4f4 h6h5 h2h3 h5h4 f4e4 d7f6 d5f6 e6f6
e6 found!
info depth 29 seldepth 55 multipv 1 score cp 150 nodes 215257358 nps 24350379 hashfull 466 tbhits 14980 time 8840 pv e5e6
info depth 29 seldepth 55 multipv 1 score cp 157 nodes 225408758 nps 24350087 hashfull 474 tbhits 15049 time 9257 pv e5e6
info depth 29 seldepth 55 multipv 1 score cp 168 nodes 235917782 nps 24356574 hashfull 484 tbhits 15107 time 9686 pv e5e6
info depth 29 seldepth 55 multipv 1 score cp 183 nodes 249866709 nps 24384376 hashfull 493 tbhits 15128 time 10247 pv e5e6
info depth 29 seldepth 55 multipv 1 score cp 204 nodes 277313052 nps 24422109 hashfull 519 tbhits 15292 time 11355 pv e5e6
info depth 29 seldepth 55 multipv 1 score cp 202 nodes 281907115 nps 24426576 hashfull 525 tbhits 15332 time 11541 pv e5e6 g6f5 g4e5 f7e6 f1g1 g5f6 e5d7 f6e7 d7f8 e7f8 h3g3 f8f7 g1g2 f5f4 g3g4 g8e7 a1g1 e7f5 g4f4 a6d6 f4e5 b7b6 g2g4 b6b5 c3c4 b5c4 b3c4 d5c4 d3c4 d6d2 g4g2 d2g2 g1g2 f5d4 e5e4 h7h8 g2g6 f7f1 g6g1 f1f3 e4f3 d4f3 g1g6 e6e5 g6c6 h8g7
... a solid +231 in less than 2 minutes...
info depth 42 seldepth 69 multipv 1 score cp 231 nodes 2911311639 nps 24818096 hashfull 901 tbhits 177822 time 117306 pv e5e6 g6f5 g4e5 f7e6 f1g1 g5f6 e5d7 f6e7 d7f8 e7f8 h3g3 f8f7 g1g2 g8f6 a1g1 b7b5 g3b8 a6a7 b8b5 e6e5 b5c5 a7d7 g2g7 f7g7 g1g7 h7g7 c5a5 f5f4 a5c5 f4f3 h1g1 e5e4 h2h3 g7f7 b3b4 f7e6 g1f2 d7g7 c5c8 e6f7 c8c7 f7f8 c7f4 g7g2 f2e3 f8e7 d3e4 d5e4 c3c4 g2e2 e3d4 f3f2 b4b5 e7e6 c4c5 e2b2