Nordlandia wrote:
I've tried adjusting the CPU number but without any effect
CPU restriction on Fairy Max & SjaakII?
SjaakII can only use one core. I had planned for it to support multiple cores, but I never got around to implementing that. Using a shared hash-table seems a popular way to do that these days, so I may go and look into that.
Note that it isn't a particularly strong program one way or the other.
Ferdy wrote:After some tries of moving a piece by a mouse, I am able to repeat the problem.
The problem would occur (perhaps not always) if you drag and drop the piece by mouse left click hold it and drag the piece to the destination. To avoid the problem, move the piece by mouse left click selecting the piece, then release it, then left click to the destination.
I have not been able to recreate the crash despite trying a lot of click-drag moving. Is there anything else you can tell me that would help to reproduce it?
Ferdy wrote:After some tries of moving a piece by a mouse, I am able to repeat the problem.
The problem would occur (perhaps not always) if you drag and drop the piece by mouse left click hold it and drag the piece to the destination. To avoid the problem, move the piece by mouse left click selecting the piece, then release it, then left click to the destination.
I have not been able to recreate the crash despite trying a lot of click-drag moving. Is there anything else you can tell me that would help to reproduce it?