Why C++ instead of C#?

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R. Tomasi
Posts: 307
Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2021 4:08 pm
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Full name: Roland Tomasi

Re: Why C++ instead of C#?

Post by R. Tomasi »

pedrojdm2021 wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:49 am it can be a jagged array indexed by [ply][moveIndex]
and also remove that IEnumerators, just make an GenerateMoves function that fill up all the pseudo-legal moves in just one call
I agree, that should be one of the next steps. In my version the moves[count++]=new TMove(){...} could be replaced by something like move[count].member=... followed by count++. Also, the moves=new TMove[256] in the perft method could be replaced by something similar to what you suggest.
R. Tomasi
Posts: 307
Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2021 4:08 pm
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Full name: Roland Tomasi

Re: Why C++ instead of C#?

Post by R. Tomasi »

Opposed to what I would have guessed replacing the new TMove(){...} seems to be slower on my machine:

Code: Select all

QBB Perft in C#
Expected: 119060324 Computed: 119060324
5214 ms passed
22833 knps

Expected: 193690690 Computed: 193690690
7547 ms passed
25663 knps

Expected: 178633661 Computed: 178633661
9290 ms passed
19227 knps

Expected: 706045033 Computed: 706045033
28262 ms passed
24982 knps

Expected: 53392 Computed: 53392
2 ms passed
18750 knps

Expected: 164075551 Computed: 164075551
6771 ms passed
24230 knps
Corresponding qbb_perft.cs:

Code: Select all

 This perft implementation is based on QBBEngine by Fabio Gobbato and ported to C# by Thomas Jahn
 The purpose is to compare the speed differences of C# and C in chess-programming workload.

using System;
using System.Buffers.Binary;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

namespace QBB
    class qbb_perft
        const int WHITE = 0;
        const int BLACK = 8;

        /* define the move type, for example
           KING|CASTLE is a castle move
           PAWN|CAPTURE|EP is an enpassant move
           PAWN|PROMO|CAPTURE is a promotion with a capture */

        /* define the piece type: empty, pawn, knight, bishop, rook, queen, king */
        enum TPieceType : byte { EMPTY, PAWN, KNIGHT, BISHOP, ROOK, QUEEN, KING, PIECE_MASK = 0x07, CASTLE = 0x40, PROMO = 0x20, EP = 0x10, CAPTURE = 0x08 }

        /* move structure */
        struct TMove
            public TPieceType MoveType;
            public byte From;
            public byte To;
            public TPieceType Promotion;

        Board structure definition

        PM,P0,P1,P2 are the 4 bitboards that contain the whole board
        PM is the bitboard with the side to move pieces
        P0,P1 and P2: with these bitboards you can obtain every type of pieces and every pieces combinations.
        struct TBoard
            public ulong PM;
            public ulong P0;
            public ulong P1;
            public ulong P2;
            public byte CastleFlags; /* ..sl..SL  short long opponent SHORT LONG side to move */
            public byte EnPassant; /* enpassant column, =8 if not set */
            public byte STM; /* side to move */

        Into Game are saved all the positions from the last 50 move counter reset
        Position is the pointer to the last position of the game
        static TBoard[] Game = new TBoard[512];
        static int iPosition;
        private static ref TBoard Position => ref Game[iPosition];

        /* array of bitboards that contains all the knight destination for every square */
        static ulong[] KnightDest = {

        /* The same for the king */
        static ulong[] KingDest = {

        /* masks for finding the pawns that can capture with an enpassant (in move generation) */
        static ulong[] EnPassant = {

        /* masks for finding the pawns that can capture with an enpassant (in make move) */
        static ulong[] EnPassantM = {

        reverse a bitboard:
        A bitboard is an array of byte: Byte0,Byte1,Byte2,Byte3,Byte4,Byte5,Byte6,Byte7
        after this function the bitboard will be: Byte7,Byte6,Byte5,Byte4,Byte3,Byte2,Byte1,Byte0

        The board is saved always with the side to move in the low significant bits of the bitboard, so this function
        is used to change the side to move
        //#define RevBB(bb) (__builtin_bswap64(bb))
        public static ulong _RevBB(ulong bb)
            //Swap adjacent 32-bit blocks
            bb = (bb >> 32) | (bb << 32);
            //Swap adjacent 16-bit blocks
            bb = ((bb & 0xFFFF0000FFFF0000U) >> 16) | ((bb & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFU) << 16);
            //Swap adjacent 8-bit blocks
            bb = ((bb & 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00U) >> 8) | ((bb & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFU) << 8);
            return bb;

        public static ulong RevBB(ulong bb) => BinaryPrimitives.ReverseEndianness(bb);

        /* return the index of the most significant bit of the bitboard, bb must always be !=0 */
        //#define MSB(bb) (0x3F ^ __builtin_clzll(bb))
        public static ulong MSB(ulong bb) => 63 ^ Lzcnt.X64.LeadingZeroCount(bb);

        /* return the index of the least significant bit of the bitboard, bb must always be !=0 */
        //#define LSB(bb) (__builtin_ctzll(bb))
        public static ulong LSB(ulong bb) => Bmi1.X64.TrailingZeroCount(bb);

        /* extract the least significant bit of the bitboard */
        //#define ExtractLSB(bb) ((bb)&(-(bb)))
        public static ulong _ExtractLSB(ulong bb) => bb & (0 - bb);
        public static ulong ExtractLSB(ulong bb) => Bmi1.X64.ExtractLowestSetBit(bb);

        /* reset the least significant bit of bb */
        //#define ClearLSB(bb) ((bb)&((bb)-1))
        public static ulong _ClearLSB(ulong bb) => bb & (bb - 1);
        public static ulong ClearLSB(ulong bb) => Bmi1.X64.ResetLowestSetBit(bb);
        /* return the number of bits sets of a bitboard */
        //#define PopCount(bb) (__builtin_popcountll(bb))
        public static ulong PopCount(ulong bb) => Popcnt.X64.PopCount(bb);

        /* Macro to check and reset the castle rights:
           CastleSM: short castling side to move
           CastleLM: long castling side to move
           CastleSO: short castling opponent
           CastleLO: long castling opponent
        static bool CastleSM => (byte)(Position.CastleFlags & 0x02) != 0;
        static bool CastleLM => (byte)(Position.CastleFlags & 0x01) != 0;
        static bool CastleSO => (byte)(Position.CastleFlags & 0x20) != 0;
        static bool CastleLO => (byte)(Position.CastleFlags & 0x10) != 0;
        static void ResetCastleSM() => Position.CastleFlags &= 0xFD;
        static void ResetCastleLM() => Position.CastleFlags &= 0xFE;
        static void ResetCastleSO() => Position.CastleFlags &= 0xDF;
        static void ResetCastleLO() => Position.CastleFlags &= 0xEF;

        /* these Macros are used to calculate the bitboard of a particular kind of piece

           P2 P1 P0
            0  0  0    empty
            0  0  1    pawn
            0  1  0    knight
            0  1  1    bishop
            1  0  0    rook
            1  0  1    queen
            1  1  0    king
        static ulong Occupation => Position.P0 | Position.P1 | Position.P2; /* board occupation */
        static ulong Pawns => Position.P0 & ~Position.P1 & ~Position.P2; /* all the pawns on the board */
        static ulong Knights => ~Position.P0 & Position.P1 & ~Position.P2;
        static ulong Bishops => Position.P0 & Position.P1;
        static ulong Rooks => ~Position.P0 & ~Position.P1 & Position.P2;
        static ulong Queens => Position.P0 & Position.P2;
        static ulong Kings => Position.P1 & Position.P2; /* a bitboard with the 2 kings */
        static ulong SideToMove => Position.PM;
        static byte EnPass => Position.EnPassant;

        /* get the piece type giving the square */
        static ulong Piece(int sq) => ((Position.P2 >> sq) & 1) << 2 |
                                              ((Position.P1 >> sq) & 1) << 1 |
                                              ((Position.P0 >> sq) & 1);

        /* calculate the square related to the opponent */
        static int OppSq(int sp) => sp ^ 56;
        /* Absolute Square, we need this macro to return the move in long algebric notation  */
        static int AbsSq(int sq, int col) => col == WHITE ? sq : OppSq(sq);

        /* get the corresponding string to the given move  */
        static string MoveToStr(TMove move, byte tomove, bool capture = false)
            Span<char> promo = stackalloc[] { ' ', ' ', 'n', 'b', 'r', 'q' };
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(6);
            result.Append((char)('a' + AbsSq(move.From, tomove) % 8));
            result.Append((char)('1' + AbsSq(move.From, tomove) / 8));
            result.Append(capture ? 'x' : '_');
            result.Append((char)('a' + AbsSq(move.To, tomove) % 8));
            result.Append((char)('1' + AbsSq(move.To, tomove) / 8));
            return result.ToString();

        static void ChangeSide()
            Position.PM ^= Occupation; /* update the side to move pieces */
            Position.PM = RevBB(Position.PM);
            Position.P0 = RevBB(Position.P0);
            Position.P1 = RevBB(Position.P1);
            Position.P2 = RevBB(Position.P2);/* reverse the board */
            Position.CastleFlags = (byte)((Position.CastleFlags >> 4) | (Position.CastleFlags << 4));/* roll the castle rights */
            Position.STM ^= BLACK; /* change the side to move */

        private static ulong GenRook(int sq, ulong occupation)
            ulong piece = 1UL << sq;
            occupation ^= piece; /* remove the selected piece from the occupation */
            ulong piecesup = (0x0101010101010101UL << sq) & (occupation | 0xFF00000000000000UL); /* find the pieces up */
            ulong piecesdo = (0x8080808080808080UL >> (63 - sq)) & (occupation | 0x00000000000000FFUL); /* find the pieces down */
            ulong piecesri = (0x00000000000000FFUL << sq) & (occupation | 0x8080808080808080UL); /* find pieces on the right */
            ulong piecesle = (0xFF00000000000000UL >> (63 - sq)) & (occupation | 0x0101010101010101UL); /* find pieces on the left */
            return (((0x8080808080808080UL >> (63 - (int)LSB(piecesup))) & (0x0101010101010101UL << (int)MSB(piecesdo))) |
                         ((0xFF00000000000000UL >> (63 - (int)LSB(piecesri))) & (0x00000000000000FFUL << (int)MSB(piecesle)))) ^ piece;
            /* From every direction find the first piece and from that piece put a mask in the opposite direction.
               Put togheter all the 4 masks and remove the moving piece */

        private static ulong GenBishop(int sq, ulong occupation)
            /* it's the same as the rook */
            ulong piece = 1UL << sq;
            occupation ^= piece;
            ulong piecesup = (0x8040201008040201UL << sq) & (occupation | 0xFF80808080808080UL);
            ulong piecesdo = (0x8040201008040201UL >> (63 - sq)) & (occupation | 0x01010101010101FFUL);
            ulong piecesle = (0x8102040810204081UL << sq) & (occupation | 0xFF01010101010101UL);
            ulong piecesri = (0x8102040810204081UL >> (63 - sq)) & (occupation | 0x80808080808080FFUL);
            return (((0x8040201008040201UL >> (63 - (int)LSB(piecesup))) & (0x8040201008040201UL << (int)MSB(piecesdo))) |
                         ((0x8102040810204081UL >> (63 - (int)LSB(piecesle))) & (0x8102040810204081UL << (int)MSB(piecesri)))) ^ piece;

        /* return the bitboard with pieces of the same type */
        static ulong BBPieces(TPieceType piece)
            switch (piece) // find the bb with the pieces of the same type
                case TPieceType.PAWN: return Pawns;
                case TPieceType.KNIGHT: return Knights;
                case TPieceType.BISHOP: return Bishops;
                case TPieceType.ROOK: return Rooks;
                case TPieceType.QUEEN: return Queens;
                case TPieceType.KING: return Kings;
                default: return 0;

        /* return the bitboard with the destinations of a piece in a square (exept for pawns) */
        static ulong BBDestinations(TPieceType piece, int sq, ulong occupation)
            switch (piece) // generate the destination squares of the piece
                case TPieceType.KNIGHT: return KnightDest[sq];
                case TPieceType.BISHOP: return GenBishop(sq, occupation);
                case TPieceType.ROOK: return GenRook(sq, occupation);
                case TPieceType.QUEEN: return GenRook(sq, occupation) | GenBishop(sq, occupation);
                case TPieceType.KING: return KingDest[sq];
                default: return 0;

        /* try the move and see if the king is in check. If so return the attacking pieces, if not return 0 */
        private static bool Illegal(ref TMove move)
            ulong From = 1UL << move.From;
            ulong To = 1UL << move.To;
            ulong occupation = Occupation;
            ulong opposing = SideToMove ^ occupation;
            ulong king;
            int kingsq;
            ulong newoccupation = (occupation ^ From) | To;
            ulong newopposing = opposing & ~To;
            if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.PIECE_MASK) == TPieceType.KING)
                king = To;
                kingsq = move.To;
                king = Kings & SideToMove;
                kingsq = (int)LSB(king);
                if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.EP) != 0)
                    newopposing ^= To >> 8;
                    newoccupation ^= To >> 8;
            return (((KnightDest[kingsq] & Knights) |
                     (GenRook(kingsq, newoccupation) & (Rooks | Queens)) |
                     (GenBishop(kingsq, newoccupation) & (Bishops | Queens)) |
                     ((((king << 9) & 0xFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEUL) | ((king << 7) & 0x7F7F7F7F7F7F7F7FUL)) & Pawns) |
                     (KingDest[kingsq] & Kings)
                    ) & newopposing) != 0;

        private static void GenerateQuiets(ref TMove[] moves, ref int count)
            ulong occupation = Occupation;
            //TODO: this is a repeated pattern in the code, reuse don't repeat
            ulong opposing = SideToMove ^ occupation;

            // generate moves from king to knight
            for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.KING; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                // generate moves for every piece of the same type of the side to move
                for (ulong pieces = BBPieces(piece) & SideToMove; pieces != 0; pieces = ClearLSB(pieces))
                    int square = (int)LSB(pieces);
                    // for every destinations on a free square generate a move
                    for (ulong destinations = ~occupation & BBDestinations(piece, square, occupation); destinations != 0; destinations = ClearLSB(destinations))
                        moves[count].MoveType = piece;
                        moves[count].From = (byte)square;
                        moves[count].To = (byte)LSB(destinations);

            /* one pawns push */
            ulong push1 = (((Pawns & SideToMove) << 8) & ~occupation) & 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUL;
            for (ulong pieces = push1; pieces != 0; pieces = ClearLSB(pieces))
                ulong lsb = LSB(pieces);
                moves[count].MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN;
                moves[count].From = (byte)(lsb - 8);
                moves[count].To = (byte)lsb; //TODO: avoid calling LSB twice?

            /* double pawns pushes */
            ulong push2 = (push1 << 8) & ~occupation & 0x00000000FF000000UL;
            for (; push2 != 0; push2 = ClearLSB(push2))
                ulong lsb = LSB(push2);
                moves[count].MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN;
                moves[count].From = (byte)(lsb - 16);
                moves[count].To = (byte)lsb; //TODO: avoid calling LSB twice?

            /* check if long castling is possible */
            if (CastleLM && (occupation & 0x0EUL) == 0)
                ulong roo = ExtractLSB(0x1010101010101000UL & occupation); /* column e */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x0808080808080800UL & occupation); /*column d */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x0404040404040400UL & occupation); /*column c */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x00000000000000E0UL & occupation);  /* row 1 */
                ulong bis = ExtractLSB(0x0000000102040800UL & occupation); /*antidiag from e1/e8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000001020400UL & occupation); /*antidiag from d1/d8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000000010200UL & occupation); /*antidiag from c1/c8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000080402000UL & occupation); /*diag from e1/e8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000008040201000UL & occupation); /*diag from d1/d8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000804020100800UL & occupation); /*diag from c1/c8 */
                if ((((roo & (Rooks | Queens)) | (bis & (Bishops | Queens)) | (0x00000000003E7700UL & Knights) |
                (0x0000000000003E00UL & Pawns) | (Kings & 0x0000000000000600UL)) & opposing) == 0)
                /* check if c1/c8 d1/d8 e1/e8 are not attacked */
                    moves[count].MoveType = TPieceType.KING | TPieceType.CASTLE;
                    moves[count].From = 4;
                    moves[count].To = 2;

            /* check if short castling is possible */
            if (CastleSM && (occupation & 0x60UL) == 0)
                ulong roo = ExtractLSB(0x1010101010101000UL & occupation); /* column e */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x2020202020202000UL & occupation); /* column f */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x4040404040404000UL & occupation); /* column g */
                roo |= 1UL << (byte)MSB(0x000000000000000FUL & (occupation | 0x1UL));/* row 1 */
                ulong bis = ExtractLSB(0x0000000102040800UL & occupation); /* antidiag from e1/e8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000010204081000UL & occupation); /*antidiag from f1/f8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0001020408102000UL & occupation); /*antidiag from g1/g8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000080402000UL & occupation); /*diag from e1/e8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000000804000UL & occupation); /*diag from f1/f8 */
                bis |= 0x0000000000008000UL; /*diag from g1/g8 */
                if ((((roo & (Rooks | Queens)) | (bis & (Bishops | Queens)) | (0x0000000000F8DC00UL & Knights) |
                (0x000000000000F800UL & Pawns) | (Kings & 0x0000000000004000UL)) & opposing) == 0)
                /* check if e1/e8 f1/f8 g1/g8 are not attacked */
                    moves[count].MoveType = TPieceType.KING | TPieceType.CASTLE;
                    moves[count].From = 4;
                    moves[count].To = 6;

        private static void GenerateCapture(ref TMove[] moves, ref int count)
            ulong occupation = Occupation;
            ulong opposing = SideToMove ^ occupation;

            // generate moves from king to knight
            for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.KING; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                // generate moves for every piece of the same type of the side to move
                for (ulong pieces = BBPieces(piece) & SideToMove; pieces != 0; pieces = ClearLSB(pieces))
                    int square = (int)LSB(pieces);

                    // for every destinations on an opponent pieces generate a move
                    for (ulong destinations = opposing & BBDestinations(piece, square, occupation);
                        destinations != 0;
                        destinations = ClearLSB(destinations))
                        moves[count].MoveType = piece | TPieceType.CAPTURE;
                        moves[count].From = (byte)square;
                        moves[count].To = (byte)LSB(destinations);
                        //moves[count].Eval = (Piece(LSB(destinations)) << 4) | (KING - piece);

            ulong pawns = Pawns & SideToMove;
            /* Generate pawns right captures */
            for (ulong rpc = (pawns << 9) & 0x00FEFEFEFEFEFEFEUL & opposing; rpc != 0; rpc = ClearLSB(rpc))
                moves[count].MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.CAPTURE;
                moves[count].From = (byte)(LSB(rpc) - 9);
                moves[count].To = (byte)LSB(rpc);
                //moves[count].Eval = (Piece(LSB(captureri)) << 4) | (KING - PAWN);

            /* Generate pawns left captures */
            for (ulong lpc = (pawns << 7) & 0x007F7F7F7F7F7F7FUL & opposing; lpc != 0; lpc = ClearLSB(lpc))
                moves[count].MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.CAPTURE;
                moves[count].From = (byte)(LSB(lpc) - 7);
                moves[count].To = (byte)LSB(lpc);
                //moves[count].Eval = (Piece(LSB(capturele))<<4)|(KING-PAWN);

            /* Generate pawns promotions */
            if ((pawns & 0x00FF000000000000UL) != 0)
                /* promotions with left capture */
                for (ulong promo = (pawns << 9) & 0xFE00000000000000UL & opposing; promo != 0; promo = ClearLSB(promo))
                    for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.QUEEN; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                        moves[count].MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.PROMO | TPieceType.CAPTURE;
                        moves[count].From = (byte)(LSB(promo) - 9);
                        moves[count].To = (byte)LSB(promo);
                        moves[count].Promotion = piece;
                        //Eval = (piece<<4)|(KING-PAWN);

                /* promotions with right capture */
                for (ulong promo = (pawns << 7) & 0x7F00000000000000UL & opposing; promo != 0; promo = ClearLSB(promo))
                    for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.QUEEN; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                        moves[count].MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.PROMO | TPieceType.CAPTURE;
                        moves[count].From = (byte)(LSB(promo) - 7);
                        moves[count].To = (byte)LSB(promo);
                        moves[count].Promotion = piece;
                        //moves[count].Eval = (piece<<4)|(KING-PAWN);
                /* no capture promotions */
                for (ulong promo = ((pawns << 8) & ~occupation) & 0xFF00000000000000UL;
                    promo != 0;
                    promo = ClearLSB(promo))
                    for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.QUEEN; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                        moves[count].MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.PROMO;
                        moves[count].From = (byte)(LSB(promo) - 8);
                        moves[count].To = (byte)LSB(promo);
                        moves[count].Promotion = piece;
                        //moves[count].Eval = (piece<<4)|(KING-PAWN);

            if (EnPass != 8)
                for (ulong enpassant = pawns & EnPassant[EnPass]; enpassant != 0; enpassant = ClearLSB((enpassant)))
                    moves[count].MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.EP | TPieceType.PROMO;
                    moves[count].From = (byte)LSB(enpassant);
                    moves[count].To = (byte)(40 + EnPass);
                    //moves[count].Eval = (PAWN<<4)|(KING-PAWN);

        private static void Make(ref TMove move)
            Game[iPosition] = Game[iPosition - 1];
            ulong part = 1UL << move.From;
            ulong dest = 1UL << move.To;
            switch (move.MoveType & TPieceType.PIECE_MASK)
                case TPieceType.PAWN:
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.EP) != 0)
                    { /* EnPassant */
                        Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                        Position.P0 ^= part | dest;
                        Position.P0 ^= dest >> 8; //delete the captured pawn
                        Position.EnPassant = 8;
                        //TODO: move.IsCapture
                        if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                            /* Delete the captured piece */
                            Position.P0 &= ~dest;
                            Position.P1 &= ~dest;
                            Position.P2 &= ~dest;

                        if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.PROMO) != 0)
                            Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                            Position.P0 ^= part;
                            Position.P0 |= (ulong)((int)move.Promotion & 1) << move.To;
                            Position.P1 |= (ulong)(((int)move.Promotion >> 1) & 1) << move.To;
                            Position.P2 |= (ulong)((int)move.Promotion >> 2) << move.To;
                            Position.EnPassant = 8; /* clear enpassant */
                        else /* capture or push */
                            Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                            Position.P0 ^= part | dest;
                            Position.EnPassant = 8; /* clear enpassant */

                            if (move.To == move.From + 16 && (EnPassantM[move.To & 0x07] & Pawns & (SideToMove ^ Occupation)) != 0)
                                Position.EnPassant = (byte)(move.To & 0x07); /* save enpassant column */

                        if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                            if (CastleSO && move.To == 63) ResetCastleSO(); /* captured the opponent king side rook */
                            else if (CastleLO && move.To == 56) ResetCastleLO(); /* captured the opponent quuen side rook */
                case TPieceType.KNIGHT:
                case TPieceType.BISHOP:
                case TPieceType.ROOK:
                case TPieceType.QUEEN:
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                        /* Delete the captured piece */
                        Position.P0 &= ~dest;
                        Position.P1 &= ~dest;
                        Position.P2 &= ~dest;
                    Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                    //TODO: handle N, B, R & Q seperately?
                    Position.P0 ^= (((int)move.MoveType & 1) != 0) ? part | dest : 0;
                    Position.P1 ^= (((int)move.MoveType & 2) != 0) ? part | dest : 0;
                    Position.P2 ^= (((int)move.MoveType & 4) != 0) ? part | dest : 0;
                    Position.EnPassant = 8;
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.PIECE_MASK) == TPieceType.ROOK)
                        if (CastleSM && move.From == 7) ResetCastleSM(); //king side rook moved
                        else if (CastleLM && move.From == 0) ResetCastleLM(); // queen side rook moved
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                        if (CastleSO && move.To == 63) ResetCastleSO(); /* captured the opponent king side rook */
                        else if (CastleLO && move.To == 56) ResetCastleLO(); /* captured the opponent quuen side rook */
                case TPieceType.KING:
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                        /* Delete the captured piece */
                        Position.P0 &= ~dest;
                        Position.P1 &= ~dest;
                        Position.P2 &= ~dest;
                    Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                    Position.P1 ^= part | dest;
                    Position.P2 ^= part | dest;
                    if (CastleSM) ResetCastleSM(); /* update the castle rights */
                    if (CastleLM) ResetCastleLM();
                    Position.EnPassant = 8;
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                        if (CastleSO && move.To == 63) ResetCastleSO(); /* captured the opponent king side rook */
                        else if (CastleLO && move.To == 56) ResetCastleLO(); /* captured the opponent quuen side rook */
                    else if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CASTLE) != 0)
                        if (move.To == 6)
                            Position.PM ^= 0x00000000000000A0UL;
                            Position.P2 ^= 0x00000000000000A0UL;
                        } /* short castling */
                            Position.PM ^= 0x0000000000000009UL;
                            Position.P2 ^= 0x0000000000000009UL;
                        } /* long castling */

        private static void LoadPosition(string fen)
            /* Clear the board */
            ref TBoard pos = ref Position;
            pos.P0 = pos.P1 = pos.P2 = pos.PM = 0;
            pos.EnPassant = 8;
            pos.STM = WHITE;
            pos.CastleFlags = 0;

            /* translate the fen to the relative position */
            byte pieceside = WHITE;
            ulong piece = (ulong)TPieceType.PAWN;
            byte sidetomove = WHITE;
            int square = 0;
            int cursor;
            for (cursor = 0; fen[cursor] != ' '; cursor++)
                char cur = fen[cursor];
                if (cur >= '1' && cur <= '8')
                    square += cur - '0';
                else if (cur != '/')
                    int bit = OppSq(square);
                    if (cur == 'p') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.PAWN; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'n') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.KNIGHT; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'b') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.BISHOP; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'r') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.ROOK; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'q') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.QUEEN; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'k') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.KING; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'P') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.PAWN; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'N') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.KNIGHT; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'B') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.BISHOP; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'R') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.ROOK; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'Q') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.QUEEN; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'K') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.KING; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    pos.P0 |= (piece & 1) << bit; //001
                    pos.P1 |= ((piece >> 1) & 1) << bit; //010
                    pos.P2 |= (piece >> 2) << bit; //100
                    if (pieceside == WHITE)
                        pos.PM |= (1UL << bit);
                        piece |= BLACK;

            cursor++; /* read the side to move  */
            if (fen[cursor] == 'w')
                sidetomove = WHITE;
            else if (fen[cursor] == 'b')
                sidetomove = BLACK;
            cursor += 2;
            if (fen[cursor] != '-') /* read the castle rights */
                for (; fen[cursor] != ' '; cursor++)
                    char cur = fen[cursor];
                    if (cur == 'K') pos.CastleFlags |= 0x02;
                    else if (cur == 'Q') pos.CastleFlags |= 0x01;
                    else if (cur == 'k') pos.CastleFlags |= 0x20;
                    else if (cur == 'q') pos.CastleFlags |= 0x10;
            else cursor += 2;
            if (fen[cursor] != '-') /* read the enpassant column */
                pos.EnPassant = (byte)(fen[cursor] - 'a');
            if (sidetomove == BLACK)

        private static long Perft(int depth)
            long total = 0;
            TMove[] moves = new TMove[256];
            int count = 0;
            GenerateCapture(ref moves, ref count);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (Illegal(ref moves[i]))
                if (depth > 1)
                    Make(ref moves[i]);
                    total += Perft(depth - 1);

            count = 0;
            GenerateQuiets(ref moves, ref count);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (Illegal(ref moves[i]))
                if (depth > 1)
                    Make(ref moves[i]);
                    total += Perft(depth - 1);
            return total;

        private static void TestPerft(string fen, int depth, int expectedResult)
            long t0 = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            long count = Perft(depth);
            long t1 = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            Console.WriteLine($"Expected: {expectedResult} Computed: {count}");
            double dt = (t1 - t0) / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency;
            double ms = (1000 * dt);
            Console.WriteLine($"{(int)ms} ms passed");
            Console.WriteLine($"{(int)(count / ms)} knps");

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("QBB Perft in C#");
            TestPerft("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1", 6, 119060324); //Start Position
            TestPerft("r3k2r/p1ppqpb1/bn2pnp1/3PN3/1p2P3/2N2Q1p/PPPBBPPP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1", 5, 193690690);
            TestPerft("8/2p5/3p4/KP5r/1R3p1k/8/4P1P1/8 w - - 0 1", 7, 178633661);
            TestPerft("r3k2r/Pppp1ppp/1b3nbN/nP6/BBP1P3/q4N2/Pp1P2PP/R2Q1RK1 w kq - 0 1", 6, 706045033);
            TestPerft("rnbqkb1r/pp1p1ppp/2p5/4P3/2B5/8/PPP1NnPP/RNBQK2R w KQkq - 0 6", 3, 53392);
            TestPerft("r4rk1/1pp1qppp/p1np1n2/2b1p1B1/2B1P1b1/P1NP1N2/1PP1QPPP/R4RK1 w - - 0 10", 5, 164075551);

        //**** Debug Helpers not in the original C code

        private static void PrintPosition(TBoard pos)
            PrintBB(pos.PM, "PM");
            PrintBB(pos.P0, "P0");
            PrintBB(pos.P1, "P1");
            PrintBB(pos.P2, "P2");
            Console.WriteLine("- - - -");
            PrintBB(Pawns, "Pawns");
            PrintBB(Knights, "Knights");
            PrintBB(Bishops, "Bishops");
            PrintBB(Rooks, "Roosk");
            PrintBB(Queens, "Queens");
            PrintBB(Kings, "Kings");

            Console.WriteLine($"CastleFlags: {pos.CastleFlags}");  /* ..sl..SL  short long opponent SHORT LONG side to move */
            Console.WriteLine($"EnPassant column: {pos.EnPassant} (8 if not set)");
            Console.WriteLine($"SideToMove: {pos.STM}"); /* side to move */

        static void PrintBB(ulong bb, string label)
            if (label != null)
            Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString((long)bb, 16).PadLeft(16, '0'));
            byte[] bbBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(bb);
            foreach (byte bbByte in bbBytes)
                string line = Convert.ToString(bbByte, 2).PadLeft(8, '0');
                line = line.Replace('1', 'X');
                line = line.Replace('0', '.');
                var chars = line.ToCharArray();
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(' ', chars));

        private static long Divide(int depth)
            byte stm = Position.STM;
            long total = 0;
            TMove[] moves = new TMove[256];
            int count = 0;
            GenerateCapture(ref moves, ref count);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (Illegal(ref moves[i]))

                long nodes = 1;
                if (depth > 1)
                    Make(ref moves[i]);
                    nodes = Perft(depth - 1);
                total += nodes;
                Console.WriteLine($"  {MoveToStr(moves[i], stm, true)}:    {nodes:N0}");

            count = 0;
            GenerateQuiets(ref moves, ref count);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (Illegal(ref moves[i]))

                long nodes = 1;
                if (depth > 1)
                    Make(ref moves[i]);
                    nodes = Perft(depth - 1);
                total += nodes;
                Console.WriteLine($"  {MoveToStr(moves[i], stm)}:    {nodes:N0}");
            return total;
R. Tomasi
Posts: 307
Joined: Wed Sep 01, 2021 4:08 pm
Location: Germany
Full name: Roland Tomasi

Re: Why C++ instead of C#?

Post by R. Tomasi »

Using a pre-allocated jagged array gives a speed up:

Code: Select all

QBB Perft in C#
Expected: 119060324 Computed: 119060324
5114 ms passed
23280 knps

Expected: 193690690 Computed: 193690690
7124 ms passed
27186 knps

Expected: 178633661 Computed: 178633661
8181 ms passed
21833 knps

Expected: 706045033 Computed: 706045033
26912 ms passed
26234 knps

Expected: 53392 Computed: 53392
2 ms passed
21007 knps

Expected: 164075551 Computed: 164075551
6335 ms passed
25897 knps

Code: Select all

 This perft implementation is based on QBBEngine by Fabio Gobbato and ported to C# by Thomas Jahn
 The purpose is to compare the speed differences of C# and C in chess-programming workload.

using System;
using System.Buffers.Binary;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

namespace QBB
    class qbb_perft
        const int WHITE = 0;
        const int BLACK = 8;

        /* define the move type, for example
           KING|CASTLE is a castle move
           PAWN|CAPTURE|EP is an enpassant move
           PAWN|PROMO|CAPTURE is a promotion with a capture */

        /* define the piece type: empty, pawn, knight, bishop, rook, queen, king */
        enum TPieceType : byte { EMPTY, PAWN, KNIGHT, BISHOP, ROOK, QUEEN, KING, PIECE_MASK = 0x07, CASTLE = 0x40, PROMO = 0x20, EP = 0x10, CAPTURE = 0x08 }

        /* move structure */
        struct TMove
            public TPieceType MoveType;
            public byte From;
            public byte To;
            public TPieceType Promotion;

        Board structure definition

        PM,P0,P1,P2 are the 4 bitboards that contain the whole board
        PM is the bitboard with the side to move pieces
        P0,P1 and P2: with these bitboards you can obtain every type of pieces and every pieces combinations.
        struct TBoard
            public ulong PM;
            public ulong P0;
            public ulong P1;
            public ulong P2;
            public byte CastleFlags; /* ..sl..SL  short long opponent SHORT LONG side to move */
            public byte EnPassant; /* enpassant column, =8 if not set */
            public byte STM; /* side to move */

        Into Game are saved all the positions from the last 50 move counter reset
        Position is the pointer to the last position of the game
        static TBoard[] Game = new TBoard[512];
        static int iPosition;
        private static ref TBoard Position => ref Game[iPosition];

        /* array of bitboards that contains all the knight destination for every square */
        static ulong[] KnightDest = {

        /* The same for the king */
        static ulong[] KingDest = {

        /* masks for finding the pawns that can capture with an enpassant (in move generation) */
        static ulong[] EnPassant = {

        /* masks for finding the pawns that can capture with an enpassant (in make move) */
        static ulong[] EnPassantM = {

        reverse a bitboard:
        A bitboard is an array of byte: Byte0,Byte1,Byte2,Byte3,Byte4,Byte5,Byte6,Byte7
        after this function the bitboard will be: Byte7,Byte6,Byte5,Byte4,Byte3,Byte2,Byte1,Byte0

        The board is saved always with the side to move in the low significant bits of the bitboard, so this function
        is used to change the side to move
        //#define RevBB(bb) (__builtin_bswap64(bb))
        public static ulong _RevBB(ulong bb)
            //Swap adjacent 32-bit blocks
            bb = (bb >> 32) | (bb << 32);
            //Swap adjacent 16-bit blocks
            bb = ((bb & 0xFFFF0000FFFF0000U) >> 16) | ((bb & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFU) << 16);
            //Swap adjacent 8-bit blocks
            bb = ((bb & 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00U) >> 8) | ((bb & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFU) << 8);
            return bb;

        public static ulong RevBB(ulong bb) => BinaryPrimitives.ReverseEndianness(bb);

        /* return the index of the most significant bit of the bitboard, bb must always be !=0 */
        //#define MSB(bb) (0x3F ^ __builtin_clzll(bb))
        public static ulong MSB(ulong bb) => 63 ^ Lzcnt.X64.LeadingZeroCount(bb);

        /* return the index of the least significant bit of the bitboard, bb must always be !=0 */
        //#define LSB(bb) (__builtin_ctzll(bb))
        public static ulong LSB(ulong bb) => Bmi1.X64.TrailingZeroCount(bb);

        /* extract the least significant bit of the bitboard */
        //#define ExtractLSB(bb) ((bb)&(-(bb)))
        public static ulong _ExtractLSB(ulong bb) => bb & (0 - bb);
        public static ulong ExtractLSB(ulong bb) => Bmi1.X64.ExtractLowestSetBit(bb);

        /* reset the least significant bit of bb */
        //#define ClearLSB(bb) ((bb)&((bb)-1))
        public static ulong _ClearLSB(ulong bb) => bb & (bb - 1);
        public static ulong ClearLSB(ulong bb) => Bmi1.X64.ResetLowestSetBit(bb);
        /* return the number of bits sets of a bitboard */
        //#define PopCount(bb) (__builtin_popcountll(bb))
        public static ulong PopCount(ulong bb) => Popcnt.X64.PopCount(bb);

        /* Macro to check and reset the castle rights:
           CastleSM: short castling side to move
           CastleLM: long castling side to move
           CastleSO: short castling opponent
           CastleLO: long castling opponent
        static bool CastleSM => (byte)(Position.CastleFlags & 0x02) != 0;
        static bool CastleLM => (byte)(Position.CastleFlags & 0x01) != 0;
        static bool CastleSO => (byte)(Position.CastleFlags & 0x20) != 0;
        static bool CastleLO => (byte)(Position.CastleFlags & 0x10) != 0;
        static void ResetCastleSM() => Position.CastleFlags &= 0xFD;
        static void ResetCastleLM() => Position.CastleFlags &= 0xFE;
        static void ResetCastleSO() => Position.CastleFlags &= 0xDF;
        static void ResetCastleLO() => Position.CastleFlags &= 0xEF;

        /* these Macros are used to calculate the bitboard of a particular kind of piece

           P2 P1 P0
            0  0  0    empty
            0  0  1    pawn
            0  1  0    knight
            0  1  1    bishop
            1  0  0    rook
            1  0  1    queen
            1  1  0    king
        static ulong Occupation => Position.P0 | Position.P1 | Position.P2; /* board occupation */
        static ulong Pawns => Position.P0 & ~Position.P1 & ~Position.P2; /* all the pawns on the board */
        static ulong Knights => ~Position.P0 & Position.P1 & ~Position.P2;
        static ulong Bishops => Position.P0 & Position.P1;
        static ulong Rooks => ~Position.P0 & ~Position.P1 & Position.P2;
        static ulong Queens => Position.P0 & Position.P2;
        static ulong Kings => Position.P1 & Position.P2; /* a bitboard with the 2 kings */
        static ulong SideToMove => Position.PM;
        static byte EnPass => Position.EnPassant;

        /* get the piece type giving the square */
        static ulong Piece(int sq) => ((Position.P2 >> sq) & 1) << 2 |
                                              ((Position.P1 >> sq) & 1) << 1 |
                                              ((Position.P0 >> sq) & 1);

        /* calculate the square related to the opponent */
        static int OppSq(int sp) => sp ^ 56;
        /* Absolute Square, we need this macro to return the move in long algebric notation  */
        static int AbsSq(int sq, int col) => col == WHITE ? sq : OppSq(sq);

        /* get the corresponding string to the given move  */
        static string MoveToStr(TMove move, byte tomove, bool capture = false)
            Span<char> promo = stackalloc[] { ' ', ' ', 'n', 'b', 'r', 'q' };
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(6);
            result.Append((char)('a' + AbsSq(move.From, tomove) % 8));
            result.Append((char)('1' + AbsSq(move.From, tomove) / 8));
            result.Append(capture ? 'x' : '_');
            result.Append((char)('a' + AbsSq(move.To, tomove) % 8));
            result.Append((char)('1' + AbsSq(move.To, tomove) / 8));
            return result.ToString();

        static void ChangeSide()
            Position.PM ^= Occupation; /* update the side to move pieces */
            Position.PM = RevBB(Position.PM);
            Position.P0 = RevBB(Position.P0);
            Position.P1 = RevBB(Position.P1);
            Position.P2 = RevBB(Position.P2);/* reverse the board */
            Position.CastleFlags = (byte)((Position.CastleFlags >> 4) | (Position.CastleFlags << 4));/* roll the castle rights */
            Position.STM ^= BLACK; /* change the side to move */

        private static ulong GenRook(int sq, ulong occupation)
            ulong piece = 1UL << sq;
            occupation ^= piece; /* remove the selected piece from the occupation */
            ulong piecesup = (0x0101010101010101UL << sq) & (occupation | 0xFF00000000000000UL); /* find the pieces up */
            ulong piecesdo = (0x8080808080808080UL >> (63 - sq)) & (occupation | 0x00000000000000FFUL); /* find the pieces down */
            ulong piecesri = (0x00000000000000FFUL << sq) & (occupation | 0x8080808080808080UL); /* find pieces on the right */
            ulong piecesle = (0xFF00000000000000UL >> (63 - sq)) & (occupation | 0x0101010101010101UL); /* find pieces on the left */
            return (((0x8080808080808080UL >> (63 - (int)LSB(piecesup))) & (0x0101010101010101UL << (int)MSB(piecesdo))) |
                         ((0xFF00000000000000UL >> (63 - (int)LSB(piecesri))) & (0x00000000000000FFUL << (int)MSB(piecesle)))) ^ piece;
            /* From every direction find the first piece and from that piece put a mask in the opposite direction.
               Put togheter all the 4 masks and remove the moving piece */

        private static ulong GenBishop(int sq, ulong occupation)
            /* it's the same as the rook */
            ulong piece = 1UL << sq;
            occupation ^= piece;
            ulong piecesup = (0x8040201008040201UL << sq) & (occupation | 0xFF80808080808080UL);
            ulong piecesdo = (0x8040201008040201UL >> (63 - sq)) & (occupation | 0x01010101010101FFUL);
            ulong piecesle = (0x8102040810204081UL << sq) & (occupation | 0xFF01010101010101UL);
            ulong piecesri = (0x8102040810204081UL >> (63 - sq)) & (occupation | 0x80808080808080FFUL);
            return (((0x8040201008040201UL >> (63 - (int)LSB(piecesup))) & (0x8040201008040201UL << (int)MSB(piecesdo))) |
                         ((0x8102040810204081UL >> (63 - (int)LSB(piecesle))) & (0x8102040810204081UL << (int)MSB(piecesri)))) ^ piece;

        /* return the bitboard with pieces of the same type */
        static ulong BBPieces(TPieceType piece)
            switch (piece) // find the bb with the pieces of the same type
                case TPieceType.PAWN: return Pawns;
                case TPieceType.KNIGHT: return Knights;
                case TPieceType.BISHOP: return Bishops;
                case TPieceType.ROOK: return Rooks;
                case TPieceType.QUEEN: return Queens;
                case TPieceType.KING: return Kings;
                default: return 0;

        /* return the bitboard with the destinations of a piece in a square (exept for pawns) */
        static ulong BBDestinations(TPieceType piece, int sq, ulong occupation)
            switch (piece) // generate the destination squares of the piece
                case TPieceType.KNIGHT: return KnightDest[sq];
                case TPieceType.BISHOP: return GenBishop(sq, occupation);
                case TPieceType.ROOK: return GenRook(sq, occupation);
                case TPieceType.QUEEN: return GenRook(sq, occupation) | GenBishop(sq, occupation);
                case TPieceType.KING: return KingDest[sq];
                default: return 0;

        /* try the move and see if the king is in check. If so return the attacking pieces, if not return 0 */
        private static bool Illegal(ref TMove move)
            ulong From = 1UL << move.From;
            ulong To = 1UL << move.To;
            ulong occupation = Occupation;
            ulong opposing = SideToMove ^ occupation;
            ulong king;
            int kingsq;
            ulong newoccupation = (occupation ^ From) | To;
            ulong newopposing = opposing & ~To;
            if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.PIECE_MASK) == TPieceType.KING)
                king = To;
                kingsq = move.To;
                king = Kings & SideToMove;
                kingsq = (int)LSB(king);
                if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.EP) != 0)
                    newopposing ^= To >> 8;
                    newoccupation ^= To >> 8;
            return (((KnightDest[kingsq] & Knights) |
                     (GenRook(kingsq, newoccupation) & (Rooks | Queens)) |
                     (GenBishop(kingsq, newoccupation) & (Bishops | Queens)) |
                     ((((king << 9) & 0xFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEUL) | ((king << 7) & 0x7F7F7F7F7F7F7F7FUL)) & Pawns) |
                     (KingDest[kingsq] & Kings)
                    ) & newopposing) != 0;

        private static void GenerateQuiets(ref TMove[] moves, ref int count)
            ulong occupation = Occupation;
            //TODO: this is a repeated pattern in the code, reuse don't repeat
            ulong opposing = SideToMove ^ occupation;

            // generate moves from king to knight
            for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.KING; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                // generate moves for every piece of the same type of the side to move
                for (ulong pieces = BBPieces(piece) & SideToMove; pieces != 0; pieces = ClearLSB(pieces))
                    int square = (int)LSB(pieces);
                    // for every destinations on a free square generate a move
                    for (ulong destinations = ~occupation & BBDestinations(piece, square, occupation); destinations != 0; destinations = ClearLSB(destinations))
                        moves[count++] = new TMove
                            MoveType = piece,
                            From = (byte)square,
                            To = (byte)LSB(destinations)

            /* one pawns push */
            ulong push1 = (((Pawns & SideToMove) << 8) & ~occupation) & 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUL;
            for (ulong pieces = push1; pieces != 0; pieces = ClearLSB(pieces))
                moves[count++] = new TMove
                    MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN,
                    From = (byte)(LSB(pieces) - 8),
                    To = (byte)LSB(pieces) //TODO: avoid calling LSB twice?

            /* double pawns pushes */
            ulong push2 = (push1 << 8) & ~occupation & 0x00000000FF000000UL;
            for (; push2 != 0; push2 = ClearLSB(push2))
                moves[count++] = new TMove
                    MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN,
                    From = (byte)(LSB(push2) - 16),
                    To = (byte)LSB(push2) //TODO: avoid calling LSB twice?

            /* check if long castling is possible */
            if (CastleLM && (occupation & 0x0EUL) == 0)
                ulong roo = ExtractLSB(0x1010101010101000UL & occupation); /* column e */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x0808080808080800UL & occupation); /*column d */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x0404040404040400UL & occupation); /*column c */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x00000000000000E0UL & occupation);  /* row 1 */
                ulong bis = ExtractLSB(0x0000000102040800UL & occupation); /*antidiag from e1/e8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000001020400UL & occupation); /*antidiag from d1/d8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000000010200UL & occupation); /*antidiag from c1/c8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000080402000UL & occupation); /*diag from e1/e8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000008040201000UL & occupation); /*diag from d1/d8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000804020100800UL & occupation); /*diag from c1/c8 */
                if ((((roo & (Rooks | Queens)) | (bis & (Bishops | Queens)) | (0x00000000003E7700UL & Knights) |
                (0x0000000000003E00UL & Pawns) | (Kings & 0x0000000000000600UL)) & opposing) == 0)
                    /* check if c1/c8 d1/d8 e1/e8 are not attacked */
                    moves[count++] = new TMove
                        MoveType = TPieceType.KING | TPieceType.CASTLE,
                        From = 4,
                        To = 2,

            /* check if short castling is possible */
            if (CastleSM && (occupation & 0x60UL) == 0)
                ulong roo = ExtractLSB(0x1010101010101000UL & occupation); /* column e */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x2020202020202000UL & occupation); /* column f */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x4040404040404000UL & occupation); /* column g */
                roo |= 1UL << (byte)MSB(0x000000000000000FUL & (occupation | 0x1UL));/* row 1 */
                ulong bis = ExtractLSB(0x0000000102040800UL & occupation); /* antidiag from e1/e8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000010204081000UL & occupation); /*antidiag from f1/f8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0001020408102000UL & occupation); /*antidiag from g1/g8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000080402000UL & occupation); /*diag from e1/e8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000000804000UL & occupation); /*diag from f1/f8 */
                bis |= 0x0000000000008000UL; /*diag from g1/g8 */
                if ((((roo & (Rooks | Queens)) | (bis & (Bishops | Queens)) | (0x0000000000F8DC00UL & Knights) |
                (0x000000000000F800UL & Pawns) | (Kings & 0x0000000000004000UL)) & opposing) == 0)
                    /* check if e1/e8 f1/f8 g1/g8 are not attacked */
                    moves[count++] = new TMove
                        MoveType = TPieceType.KING | TPieceType.CASTLE,
                        From = 4,
                        To = 6,

        private static void GenerateCapture(ref TMove[] moves, ref int count)
            ulong occupation = Occupation;
            ulong opposing = SideToMove ^ occupation;

            // generate moves from king to knight
            for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.KING; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                // generate moves for every piece of the same type of the side to move
                for (ulong pieces = BBPieces(piece) & SideToMove; pieces != 0; pieces = ClearLSB(pieces))
                    int square = (int)LSB(pieces);

                    // for every destinations on an opponent pieces generate a move
                    for (ulong destinations = opposing & BBDestinations(piece, square, occupation);
                        destinations != 0;
                        destinations = ClearLSB(destinations))
                        moves[count++] = new TMove
                            MoveType = piece | TPieceType.CAPTURE,
                            From = (byte)square,
                            To = (byte)LSB(destinations),
                            //Eval = (Piece(LSB(destinations)) << 4) | (KING - piece);

            ulong pawns = Pawns & SideToMove;
            /* Generate pawns right captures */
            for (ulong rpc = (pawns << 9) & 0x00FEFEFEFEFEFEFEUL & opposing; rpc != 0; rpc = ClearLSB(rpc))
                moves[count++] = new TMove()
                    MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.CAPTURE,
                    From = (byte)(LSB(rpc) - 9),
                    To = (byte)LSB(rpc),
                    //Eval = (Piece(LSB(captureri)) << 4) | (KING - PAWN);

            /* Generate pawns left captures */
            for (ulong lpc = (pawns << 7) & 0x007F7F7F7F7F7F7FUL & opposing; lpc != 0; lpc = ClearLSB(lpc))
                moves[count++] = new TMove()
                    MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.CAPTURE,
                    From = (byte)(LSB(lpc) - 7),
                    To = (byte)LSB(lpc),
                    //Eval = (Piece(LSB(capturele))<<4)|(KING-PAWN);

            /* Generate pawns promotions */
            if ((pawns & 0x00FF000000000000UL) != 0)
                /* promotions with left capture */
                for (ulong promo = (pawns << 9) & 0xFE00000000000000UL & opposing; promo != 0; promo = ClearLSB(promo))
                    for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.QUEEN; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                        moves[count++] = new TMove()
                            MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.PROMO | TPieceType.CAPTURE,
                            From = (byte)(LSB(promo) - 9),
                            To = (byte)LSB(promo),
                            Promotion = piece
                            //Eval = (piece<<4)|(KING-PAWN);

                /* promotions with right capture */
                for (ulong promo = (pawns << 7) & 0x7F00000000000000UL & opposing; promo != 0; promo = ClearLSB(promo))
                    for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.QUEEN; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                        moves[count++] = new TMove()
                            MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.PROMO | TPieceType.CAPTURE,
                            From = (byte)(LSB(promo) - 7),
                            To = (byte)LSB(promo),
                            Promotion = piece
                            //Eval = (piece<<4)|(KING-PAWN);
                /* no capture promotions */
                for (ulong promo = ((pawns << 8) & ~occupation) & 0xFF00000000000000UL;
                    promo != 0;
                    promo = ClearLSB(promo))
                    for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.QUEEN; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                        moves[count++] = new TMove()
                            MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.PROMO,
                            From = (byte)(LSB(promo) - 8),
                            To = (byte)LSB(promo),
                            Promotion = piece
                            //Eval = (piece<<4)|(KING-PAWN);

            if (EnPass != 8)
                for (ulong enpassant = pawns & EnPassant[EnPass]; enpassant != 0; enpassant = ClearLSB((enpassant)))
                    moves[count++] = new TMove()
                        MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.EP | TPieceType.PROMO,
                        From = (byte)LSB(enpassant),
                        To = (byte)(40 + EnPass)
                        //Eval = (PAWN<<4)|(KING-PAWN);

        private static void Make(ref TMove move)
            Game[iPosition] = Game[iPosition - 1];
            ulong part = 1UL << move.From;
            ulong dest = 1UL << move.To;
            switch (move.MoveType & TPieceType.PIECE_MASK)
                case TPieceType.PAWN:
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.EP) != 0)
                    { /* EnPassant */
                        Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                        Position.P0 ^= part | dest;
                        Position.P0 ^= dest >> 8; //delete the captured pawn
                        Position.EnPassant = 8;
                        //TODO: move.IsCapture
                        if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                            /* Delete the captured piece */
                            Position.P0 &= ~dest;
                            Position.P1 &= ~dest;
                            Position.P2 &= ~dest;

                        if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.PROMO) != 0)
                            Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                            Position.P0 ^= part;
                            Position.P0 |= (ulong)((int)move.Promotion & 1) << move.To;
                            Position.P1 |= (ulong)(((int)move.Promotion >> 1) & 1) << move.To;
                            Position.P2 |= (ulong)((int)move.Promotion >> 2) << move.To;
                            Position.EnPassant = 8; /* clear enpassant */
                        else /* capture or push */
                            Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                            Position.P0 ^= part | dest;
                            Position.EnPassant = 8; /* clear enpassant */

                            if (move.To == move.From + 16 && (EnPassantM[move.To & 0x07] & Pawns & (SideToMove ^ Occupation)) != 0)
                                Position.EnPassant = (byte)(move.To & 0x07); /* save enpassant column */

                        if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                            if (CastleSO && move.To == 63) ResetCastleSO(); /* captured the opponent king side rook */
                            else if (CastleLO && move.To == 56) ResetCastleLO(); /* captured the opponent quuen side rook */
                case TPieceType.KNIGHT:
                case TPieceType.BISHOP:
                case TPieceType.ROOK:
                case TPieceType.QUEEN:
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                        /* Delete the captured piece */
                        Position.P0 &= ~dest;
                        Position.P1 &= ~dest;
                        Position.P2 &= ~dest;
                    Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                    //TODO: handle N, B, R & Q seperately?
                    Position.P0 ^= (((int)move.MoveType & 1) != 0) ? part | dest : 0;
                    Position.P1 ^= (((int)move.MoveType & 2) != 0) ? part | dest : 0;
                    Position.P2 ^= (((int)move.MoveType & 4) != 0) ? part | dest : 0;
                    Position.EnPassant = 8;
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.PIECE_MASK) == TPieceType.ROOK)
                        if (CastleSM && move.From == 7) ResetCastleSM(); //king side rook moved
                        else if (CastleLM && move.From == 0) ResetCastleLM(); // queen side rook moved
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                        if (CastleSO && move.To == 63) ResetCastleSO(); /* captured the opponent king side rook */
                        else if (CastleLO && move.To == 56) ResetCastleLO(); /* captured the opponent quuen side rook */
                case TPieceType.KING:
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                        /* Delete the captured piece */
                        Position.P0 &= ~dest;
                        Position.P1 &= ~dest;
                        Position.P2 &= ~dest;
                    Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                    Position.P1 ^= part | dest;
                    Position.P2 ^= part | dest;
                    if (CastleSM) ResetCastleSM(); /* update the castle rights */
                    if (CastleLM) ResetCastleLM();
                    Position.EnPassant = 8;
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                        if (CastleSO && move.To == 63) ResetCastleSO(); /* captured the opponent king side rook */
                        else if (CastleLO && move.To == 56) ResetCastleLO(); /* captured the opponent quuen side rook */
                    else if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CASTLE) != 0)
                        if (move.To == 6)
                            Position.PM ^= 0x00000000000000A0UL;
                            Position.P2 ^= 0x00000000000000A0UL;
                        } /* short castling */
                            Position.PM ^= 0x0000000000000009UL;
                            Position.P2 ^= 0x0000000000000009UL;
                        } /* long castling */

        private static void LoadPosition(string fen)
            /* Clear the board */
            ref TBoard pos = ref Position;
            pos.P0 = pos.P1 = pos.P2 = pos.PM = 0;
            pos.EnPassant = 8;
            pos.STM = WHITE;
            pos.CastleFlags = 0;

            /* translate the fen to the relative position */
            byte pieceside = WHITE;
            ulong piece = (ulong)TPieceType.PAWN;
            byte sidetomove = WHITE;
            int square = 0;
            int cursor;
            for (cursor = 0; fen[cursor] != ' '; cursor++)
                char cur = fen[cursor];
                if (cur >= '1' && cur <= '8')
                    square += cur - '0';
                else if (cur != '/')
                    int bit = OppSq(square);
                    if (cur == 'p') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.PAWN; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'n') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.KNIGHT; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'b') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.BISHOP; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'r') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.ROOK; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'q') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.QUEEN; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'k') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.KING; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'P') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.PAWN; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'N') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.KNIGHT; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'B') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.BISHOP; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'R') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.ROOK; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'Q') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.QUEEN; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'K') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.KING; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    pos.P0 |= (piece & 1) << bit; //001
                    pos.P1 |= ((piece >> 1) & 1) << bit; //010
                    pos.P2 |= (piece >> 2) << bit; //100
                    if (pieceside == WHITE)
                        pos.PM |= (1UL << bit);
                        piece |= BLACK;

            cursor++; /* read the side to move  */
            if (fen[cursor] == 'w')
                sidetomove = WHITE;
            else if (fen[cursor] == 'b')
                sidetomove = BLACK;
            cursor += 2;
            if (fen[cursor] != '-') /* read the castle rights */
                for (; fen[cursor] != ' '; cursor++)
                    char cur = fen[cursor];
                    if (cur == 'K') pos.CastleFlags |= 0x02;
                    else if (cur == 'Q') pos.CastleFlags |= 0x01;
                    else if (cur == 'k') pos.CastleFlags |= 0x20;
                    else if (cur == 'q') pos.CastleFlags |= 0x10;
            else cursor += 2;
            if (fen[cursor] != '-') /* read the enpassant column */
                pos.EnPassant = (byte)(fen[cursor] - 'a');
            if (sidetomove == BLACK)

        private static long Perft(int depth, ref TMove[][] moves, int ply)
            long total = 0;
            int count = 0;
            GenerateCapture(ref moves[ply], ref count);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (Illegal(ref moves[ply][i]))
                if (depth > 1)
                    Make(ref moves[ply][i]);
                    total += Perft(depth - 1, ref moves, ply + 1);

            count = 0;
            GenerateQuiets(ref moves[ply], ref count);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (Illegal(ref moves[ply][i]))
                if (depth > 1)
                    Make(ref moves[ply][i]);
                    total += Perft(depth - 1, ref moves, ply + 1);
            return total;
        private static readonly int maxPly = 32;
        private static void TestPerft(string fen, int depth, int expectedResult)
            long t0 = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            TMove[][] moves = new TMove[maxPly][];
            for (int i = 0; i < maxPly; i++)
                moves[i] = new TMove[256];
            long count = Perft(depth, ref moves, 0);
            long t1 = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            Console.WriteLine($"Expected: {expectedResult} Computed: {count}");
            double dt = (t1 - t0) / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency;
            double ms = (1000 * dt);
            Console.WriteLine($"{(int)ms} ms passed");
            Console.WriteLine($"{(int)(count / ms)} knps");

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("QBB Perft in C#");
            TestPerft("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1", 6, 119060324); //Start Position
            TestPerft("r3k2r/p1ppqpb1/bn2pnp1/3PN3/1p2P3/2N2Q1p/PPPBBPPP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1", 5, 193690690);
            TestPerft("8/2p5/3p4/KP5r/1R3p1k/8/4P1P1/8 w - - 0 1", 7, 178633661);
            TestPerft("r3k2r/Pppp1ppp/1b3nbN/nP6/BBP1P3/q4N2/Pp1P2PP/R2Q1RK1 w kq - 0 1", 6, 706045033);
            TestPerft("rnbqkb1r/pp1p1ppp/2p5/4P3/2B5/8/PPP1NnPP/RNBQK2R w KQkq - 0 6", 3, 53392);
            TestPerft("r4rk1/1pp1qppp/p1np1n2/2b1p1B1/2B1P1b1/P1NP1N2/1PP1QPPP/R4RK1 w - - 0 10", 5, 164075551);

        //**** Debug Helpers not in the original C code

        private static void PrintPosition(TBoard pos)
            PrintBB(pos.PM, "PM");
            PrintBB(pos.P0, "P0");
            PrintBB(pos.P1, "P1");
            PrintBB(pos.P2, "P2");
            Console.WriteLine("- - - -");
            PrintBB(Pawns, "Pawns");
            PrintBB(Knights, "Knights");
            PrintBB(Bishops, "Bishops");
            PrintBB(Rooks, "Roosk");
            PrintBB(Queens, "Queens");
            PrintBB(Kings, "Kings");

            Console.WriteLine($"CastleFlags: {pos.CastleFlags}");  /* ..sl..SL  short long opponent SHORT LONG side to move */
            Console.WriteLine($"EnPassant column: {pos.EnPassant} (8 if not set)");
            Console.WriteLine($"SideToMove: {pos.STM}"); /* side to move */

        static void PrintBB(ulong bb, string label)
            if (label != null)
            Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString((long)bb, 16).PadLeft(16, '0'));
            byte[] bbBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(bb);
            foreach (byte bbByte in bbBytes)
                string line = Convert.ToString(bbByte, 2).PadLeft(8, '0');
                line = line.Replace('1', 'X');
                line = line.Replace('0', '.');
                var chars = line.ToCharArray();
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(' ', chars));

        private static long Divide(int depth, ref TMove[][] moves)
            byte stm = Position.STM;
            long total = 0;
            int count = 0;
            GenerateCapture(ref moves[0], ref count);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (Illegal(ref moves[0][i]))

                long nodes = 1;
                if (depth > 1)
                    Make(ref moves[0][i]);
                    nodes = Perft(depth - 1, ref moves, 1);
                total += nodes;
                Console.WriteLine($"  {MoveToStr(moves[0][i], stm, true)}:    {nodes:N0}");

            count = 0;
            GenerateQuiets(ref moves[0], ref count);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (Illegal(ref moves[0][i]))

                long nodes = 1;
                if (depth > 1)
                    Make(ref moves[0][i]);
                    nodes = Perft(depth - 1, ref moves, 1);
                total += nodes;
                Console.WriteLine($"  {MoveToStr(moves[0][i], stm)}:    {nodes:N0}");
            return total;
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Re: Why C++ instead of C#?

Post by R. Tomasi »

Next thing, could be to replace the redundant LSB calls. But that may be cheating, since the C version also calls it redundantly, right?
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Re: Why C++ instead of C#?

Post by lithander »

klx wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:35 am How reliable are your timings btw from run to run? Is your machine doing any thermal throttling at all? How do you ensure the quality here (quitting web browsers, music players, etc). Benchmarking can be quite hard to get accurate.
As far as my benchmarking is concerned I run my CPU at a fixed, stable clockrate and have disabled all dynamic boosting as far as possible. I also make multiple runs to get a feel for the degree of uncertainty. But I would suggest that everyone interested in the community project should try to replicate the measurements on their own hardware and whatever build settings they are interested in! (like AoT vs JIT should make a difference, too)
klx wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:02 am My main recommendation at this point, to keep this exercise as useful as possible, is to make individual commits for each improvement you do, and state the total runtime in each commit.
I agree. My main question is if I keep old versions in the repo so it's easier to reproduce the increase of each change for others. Or if I have just one optimized C# source and if you want to to compare with older versions you'd have to dig them out of the commit history.
klx wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:35 am I think the tricks in the stackoverflow post would be fine for example (manual loop unrolling, reusing common variables, etc; though the amount of code duplication they ended up with is not something I'd be comfortable with).
In the stackoverflow post they basically did the compilers job. If someone wants to make such a contribution that ends up looking unreadable and not like C# code at all but is much faster I would include it, but probably as a separate file.
R. Tomasi wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:01 am Well, turns out that was quick to implement. Here the results on my machine (11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1185G7 @ 3.00GHz):
Thank you for your contribution! I will commit the change to the repo later. If you or someone else have more suggestions they want to contribute I think your post has a very good format as far as the forum post. (Actual source code & your own measurements confirming the improvement)
You could also fork the repo and issue pull requests, though.
R. Tomasi wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:14 am Opposed to what I would have guessed replacing the new TMove(){...} seems to be slower on my machine:
If the new keyword is used to create a value object that lives on the stack you have nothing to fear. (there are no uninitialzed variables in C# so you better initialize them with the correct values from the get go. that's best practice imho) The new keyword is only slow in conjunction with reference types (that live on the heap) which will create garbage pressure and allocation overhead.
pedrojdm2021 wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:27 am I think that a Fair comparation is to run the exact same algorithm in the 2 languages, if you procced to super optimize the C# version and the C++ not, then is not an 1:1 comparation.
I don't want to use pointers and unsafe code (not in the mainline version at least) and there are no macros and so there will never be a 1:1 comparison even possible.
I think what is fair is to assume the C version as a quality reference implementation of the algorithms (if you got improvements there we can of course try to optimize that too) and to now create what we™ consider a quality reference implementation of the same algorithms in C#.

You can argue a lot about the details but I think that visual similarity (which was my approach when porting so you can easily map the contents of the two files to their respective counterpart) should not be an important criteria long term.
Minimal Chess (simple, open source, C#) - Youtube & Github
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Re: Why C++ instead of C#?

Post by lithander »

klx wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:35 am How reliable are your timings btw from run to run? Is your machine doing any thermal throttling at all? How do you ensure the quality here (quitting web browsers, music players, etc). Benchmarking can be quite hard to get accurate.
As far as my benchmarking is concerned I run my CPU at a fixed, stable clockrate and have disabled all dynamic boosting as far as possible. I also make multiple runs to get a feel for the degree of uncertainty. But I would suggest that everyone interested in this project should try to replicate the measurements on their own hardware and whatever build settings they are interested in! (like AoT vs JIT should make a difference, too)
klx wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:02 am My main recommendation at this point, to keep this exercise as useful as possible, is to make individual commits for each improvement you do, and state the total runtime in each commit.
I agree. My main question is if I keep old versions in the repo so it's easier to reproduce the increase of each change for others. Or if I have just one optimized C# source and if you want to to compare with older versions you'd have to dig them out of the commit history.
klx wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:35 am I think the tricks in the stackoverflow post would be fine for example (manual loop unrolling, reusing common variables, etc; though the amount of code duplication they ended up with is not something I'd be comfortable with).
In the stackoverflow post they basically did the compilers job. If someone wants to make such a contribution that ends up looking unreadable and not like C# code at all but is much faster I would include it, but probably as a separate file.
R. Tomasi wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:01 am Well, turns out that was quick to implement. Here the results on my machine (11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1185G7 @ 3.00GHz):
Thank you for your contribution! I will commit the change to the repo later. If you or someone else have more suggestions they want to contribute I think your post has a very good format and should serve as an example on how to do that as far as the forum post. (Actual source code & your own measurements confirming the improvement)
You could also fork the repo and issue pull requests, though.
R. Tomasi wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:14 am Opposed to what I would have guessed replacing the new TMove(){...} seems to be slower on my machine:
If the new keyword is used to create a value object that lives on the stack you have nothing to fear. (there are no uninitialzed variables in C# so you better initialize them with the correct values from the get go. that's best practice imho) The new keyword is only slow in conjunction with reference types (that live on the heap) which will create garbage pressure and allocation overhead.
pedrojdm2021 wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:27 am I think that a Fair comparation is to run the exact same algorithm in the 2 languages, if you procced to super optimize the C# version and the C++ not, then is not an 1:1 comparation.
I don't want to use pointers and unsafe code (not in the mainline version at least) and there are no macros and so there will never be a 1:1 comparison even possible.
I think what is fair is to assume the C version as a quality reference implementation of the algorithms (if you got improvements there we can of course try to optimize that too) and to now create what we™ consider a quality reference implementation of the same algorithms in C#.

You can argue a lot about the details but I think that visual similarity (which was my approach when porting so you can easily map the contents of the two files to their respective counterpart) should not be an important criteria long term.
R. Tomasi wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:29 am Next thing, could be to replace the redundant LSB calls. But that may be cheating, since the C version also calls it redundantly, right?
I tend towards fixing those things. I don't want C# to suffer because of some oversights in the C code. But someone proficient in C can of course make the analogous improvements to the C side of things.

Sounds like a plan? (I like the idea to make this a community effort. It's fun)
Minimal Chess (simple, open source, C#) - Youtube & Github
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Re: Why C++ instead of C#?

Post by Mergi »

lithander wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:48 am
I tend towards fixing those things. I don't want C# to suffer because of some oversights in the C code. But someone proficient in C can of course make the analogous improvements to the C side of things.

Code: Select all

         move.From = LSB(promo)-8;
         move.To = LSB(promo);

Code: Select all

         move.To = LSB(promo);
         move.From = move.To-8;
There's a lot of unnecessary LSB calls for creating pretty much every pawn move. Should be a speedup for both programs, but presumably moreso on the C# side of things.
Last edited by Mergi on Sat Sep 18, 2021 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
R. Tomasi
Posts: 307
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Full name: Roland Tomasi

Re: Why C++ instead of C#?

Post by R. Tomasi »

lithander wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:48 am I tend towards fixing those things. I don't want C# to suffer because of some oversights in the C code. But someone proficient in C can of course make the analogous improvements to the C side of things.
Previous version:

Code: Select all

QBB Perft in C#
Expected: 119060324 Computed: 119060324
5173 ms passed
23014 knps

Expected: 193690690 Computed: 193690690
7356 ms passed
26327 knps

Expected: 178633661 Computed: 178633661
8193 ms passed
21800 knps

Expected: 706045033 Computed: 706045033
27292 ms passed
25869 knps

Expected: 53392 Computed: 53392
2 ms passed
24827 knps

Expected: 164075551 Computed: 164075551
6316 ms passed
25975 knps
New version without redundant LSB calls:

Code: Select all

QBB Perft in C#
Expected: 119060324 Computed: 119060324
5025 ms passed
23692 knps

Expected: 193690690 Computed: 193690690
6724 ms passed
28804 knps

Expected: 178633661 Computed: 178633661
7629 ms passed
23414 knps

Expected: 706045033 Computed: 706045033
25933 ms passed
27225 knps

Expected: 53392 Computed: 53392
2 ms passed
22585 knps

Expected: 164075551 Computed: 164075551
5683 ms passed
28870 knps
New qbb_perft.cs:

Code: Select all

 This perft implementation is based on QBBEngine by Fabio Gobbato and ported to C# by Thomas Jahn
 The purpose is to compare the speed differences of C# and C in chess-programming workload.

using System;
using System.Buffers.Binary;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

namespace QBB
    class qbb_perft
        const int WHITE = 0;
        const int BLACK = 8;

        /* define the move type, for example
           KING|CASTLE is a castle move
           PAWN|CAPTURE|EP is an enpassant move
           PAWN|PROMO|CAPTURE is a promotion with a capture */

        /* define the piece type: empty, pawn, knight, bishop, rook, queen, king */
        enum TPieceType : byte { EMPTY, PAWN, KNIGHT, BISHOP, ROOK, QUEEN, KING, PIECE_MASK = 0x07, CASTLE = 0x40, PROMO = 0x20, EP = 0x10, CAPTURE = 0x08 }

        /* move structure */
        struct TMove
            public TPieceType MoveType;
            public byte From;
            public byte To;
            public TPieceType Promotion;

        Board structure definition

        PM,P0,P1,P2 are the 4 bitboards that contain the whole board
        PM is the bitboard with the side to move pieces
        P0,P1 and P2: with these bitboards you can obtain every type of pieces and every pieces combinations.
        struct TBoard
            public ulong PM;
            public ulong P0;
            public ulong P1;
            public ulong P2;
            public byte CastleFlags; /* ..sl..SL  short long opponent SHORT LONG side to move */
            public byte EnPassant; /* enpassant column, =8 if not set */
            public byte STM; /* side to move */

        Into Game are saved all the positions from the last 50 move counter reset
        Position is the pointer to the last position of the game
        static TBoard[] Game = new TBoard[512];
        static int iPosition;
        private static ref TBoard Position => ref Game[iPosition];

        /* array of bitboards that contains all the knight destination for every square */
        static ulong[] KnightDest = {

        /* The same for the king */
        static ulong[] KingDest = {

        /* masks for finding the pawns that can capture with an enpassant (in move generation) */
        static ulong[] EnPassant = {

        /* masks for finding the pawns that can capture with an enpassant (in make move) */
        static ulong[] EnPassantM = {

        reverse a bitboard:
        A bitboard is an array of byte: Byte0,Byte1,Byte2,Byte3,Byte4,Byte5,Byte6,Byte7
        after this function the bitboard will be: Byte7,Byte6,Byte5,Byte4,Byte3,Byte2,Byte1,Byte0

        The board is saved always with the side to move in the low significant bits of the bitboard, so this function
        is used to change the side to move
        //#define RevBB(bb) (__builtin_bswap64(bb))
        public static ulong _RevBB(ulong bb)
            //Swap adjacent 32-bit blocks
            bb = (bb >> 32) | (bb << 32);
            //Swap adjacent 16-bit blocks
            bb = ((bb & 0xFFFF0000FFFF0000U) >> 16) | ((bb & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFFU) << 16);
            //Swap adjacent 8-bit blocks
            bb = ((bb & 0xFF00FF00FF00FF00U) >> 8) | ((bb & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFU) << 8);
            return bb;

        public static ulong RevBB(ulong bb) => BinaryPrimitives.ReverseEndianness(bb);

        /* return the index of the most significant bit of the bitboard, bb must always be !=0 */
        //#define MSB(bb) (0x3F ^ __builtin_clzll(bb))
        public static ulong MSB(ulong bb) => 63 ^ Lzcnt.X64.LeadingZeroCount(bb);

        /* return the index of the least significant bit of the bitboard, bb must always be !=0 */
        //#define LSB(bb) (__builtin_ctzll(bb))
        public static ulong LSB(ulong bb) => Bmi1.X64.TrailingZeroCount(bb);

        /* extract the least significant bit of the bitboard */
        //#define ExtractLSB(bb) ((bb)&(-(bb)))
        public static ulong _ExtractLSB(ulong bb) => bb & (0 - bb);
        public static ulong ExtractLSB(ulong bb) => Bmi1.X64.ExtractLowestSetBit(bb);

        /* reset the least significant bit of bb */
        //#define ClearLSB(bb) ((bb)&((bb)-1))
        public static ulong _ClearLSB(ulong bb) => bb & (bb - 1);
        public static ulong ClearLSB(ulong bb) => Bmi1.X64.ResetLowestSetBit(bb);
        /* return the number of bits sets of a bitboard */
        //#define PopCount(bb) (__builtin_popcountll(bb))
        public static ulong PopCount(ulong bb) => Popcnt.X64.PopCount(bb);

        /* Macro to check and reset the castle rights:
           CastleSM: short castling side to move
           CastleLM: long castling side to move
           CastleSO: short castling opponent
           CastleLO: long castling opponent
        static bool CastleSM => (byte)(Position.CastleFlags & 0x02) != 0;
        static bool CastleLM => (byte)(Position.CastleFlags & 0x01) != 0;
        static bool CastleSO => (byte)(Position.CastleFlags & 0x20) != 0;
        static bool CastleLO => (byte)(Position.CastleFlags & 0x10) != 0;
        static void ResetCastleSM() => Position.CastleFlags &= 0xFD;
        static void ResetCastleLM() => Position.CastleFlags &= 0xFE;
        static void ResetCastleSO() => Position.CastleFlags &= 0xDF;
        static void ResetCastleLO() => Position.CastleFlags &= 0xEF;

        /* these Macros are used to calculate the bitboard of a particular kind of piece

           P2 P1 P0
            0  0  0    empty
            0  0  1    pawn
            0  1  0    knight
            0  1  1    bishop
            1  0  0    rook
            1  0  1    queen
            1  1  0    king
        static ulong Occupation => Position.P0 | Position.P1 | Position.P2; /* board occupation */
        static ulong Pawns => Position.P0 & ~Position.P1 & ~Position.P2; /* all the pawns on the board */
        static ulong Knights => ~Position.P0 & Position.P1 & ~Position.P2;
        static ulong Bishops => Position.P0 & Position.P1;
        static ulong Rooks => ~Position.P0 & ~Position.P1 & Position.P2;
        static ulong Queens => Position.P0 & Position.P2;
        static ulong Kings => Position.P1 & Position.P2; /* a bitboard with the 2 kings */
        static ulong SideToMove => Position.PM;
        static byte EnPass => Position.EnPassant;

        /* get the piece type giving the square */
        static ulong Piece(int sq) => ((Position.P2 >> sq) & 1) << 2 |
                                              ((Position.P1 >> sq) & 1) << 1 |
                                              ((Position.P0 >> sq) & 1);

        /* calculate the square related to the opponent */
        static int OppSq(int sp) => sp ^ 56;
        /* Absolute Square, we need this macro to return the move in long algebric notation  */
        static int AbsSq(int sq, int col) => col == WHITE ? sq : OppSq(sq);

        /* get the corresponding string to the given move  */
        static string MoveToStr(TMove move, byte tomove, bool capture = false)
            Span<char> promo = stackalloc[] { ' ', ' ', 'n', 'b', 'r', 'q' };
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(6);
            result.Append((char)('a' + AbsSq(move.From, tomove) % 8));
            result.Append((char)('1' + AbsSq(move.From, tomove) / 8));
            result.Append(capture ? 'x' : '_');
            result.Append((char)('a' + AbsSq(move.To, tomove) % 8));
            result.Append((char)('1' + AbsSq(move.To, tomove) / 8));
            return result.ToString();

        static void ChangeSide()
            Position.PM ^= Occupation; /* update the side to move pieces */
            Position.PM = RevBB(Position.PM);
            Position.P0 = RevBB(Position.P0);
            Position.P1 = RevBB(Position.P1);
            Position.P2 = RevBB(Position.P2);/* reverse the board */
            Position.CastleFlags = (byte)((Position.CastleFlags >> 4) | (Position.CastleFlags << 4));/* roll the castle rights */
            Position.STM ^= BLACK; /* change the side to move */

        private static ulong GenRook(int sq, ulong occupation)
            ulong piece = 1UL << sq;
            occupation ^= piece; /* remove the selected piece from the occupation */
            ulong piecesup = (0x0101010101010101UL << sq) & (occupation | 0xFF00000000000000UL); /* find the pieces up */
            ulong piecesdo = (0x8080808080808080UL >> (63 - sq)) & (occupation | 0x00000000000000FFUL); /* find the pieces down */
            ulong piecesri = (0x00000000000000FFUL << sq) & (occupation | 0x8080808080808080UL); /* find pieces on the right */
            ulong piecesle = (0xFF00000000000000UL >> (63 - sq)) & (occupation | 0x0101010101010101UL); /* find pieces on the left */
            return (((0x8080808080808080UL >> (63 - (int)LSB(piecesup))) & (0x0101010101010101UL << (int)MSB(piecesdo))) |
                         ((0xFF00000000000000UL >> (63 - (int)LSB(piecesri))) & (0x00000000000000FFUL << (int)MSB(piecesle)))) ^ piece;
            /* From every direction find the first piece and from that piece put a mask in the opposite direction.
               Put togheter all the 4 masks and remove the moving piece */

        private static ulong GenBishop(int sq, ulong occupation)
            /* it's the same as the rook */
            ulong piece = 1UL << sq;
            occupation ^= piece;
            ulong piecesup = (0x8040201008040201UL << sq) & (occupation | 0xFF80808080808080UL);
            ulong piecesdo = (0x8040201008040201UL >> (63 - sq)) & (occupation | 0x01010101010101FFUL);
            ulong piecesle = (0x8102040810204081UL << sq) & (occupation | 0xFF01010101010101UL);
            ulong piecesri = (0x8102040810204081UL >> (63 - sq)) & (occupation | 0x80808080808080FFUL);
            return (((0x8040201008040201UL >> (63 - (int)LSB(piecesup))) & (0x8040201008040201UL << (int)MSB(piecesdo))) |
                         ((0x8102040810204081UL >> (63 - (int)LSB(piecesle))) & (0x8102040810204081UL << (int)MSB(piecesri)))) ^ piece;

        /* return the bitboard with pieces of the same type */
        static ulong BBPieces(TPieceType piece)
            switch (piece) // find the bb with the pieces of the same type
                case TPieceType.PAWN: return Pawns;
                case TPieceType.KNIGHT: return Knights;
                case TPieceType.BISHOP: return Bishops;
                case TPieceType.ROOK: return Rooks;
                case TPieceType.QUEEN: return Queens;
                case TPieceType.KING: return Kings;
                default: return 0;

        /* return the bitboard with the destinations of a piece in a square (exept for pawns) */
        static ulong BBDestinations(TPieceType piece, int sq, ulong occupation)
            switch (piece) // generate the destination squares of the piece
                case TPieceType.KNIGHT: return KnightDest[sq];
                case TPieceType.BISHOP: return GenBishop(sq, occupation);
                case TPieceType.ROOK: return GenRook(sq, occupation);
                case TPieceType.QUEEN: return GenRook(sq, occupation) | GenBishop(sq, occupation);
                case TPieceType.KING: return KingDest[sq];
                default: return 0;

        /* try the move and see if the king is in check. If so return the attacking pieces, if not return 0 */
        private static bool Illegal(ref TMove move)
            ulong From = 1UL << move.From;
            ulong To = 1UL << move.To;
            ulong occupation = Occupation;
            ulong opposing = SideToMove ^ occupation;
            ulong king;
            int kingsq;
            ulong newoccupation = (occupation ^ From) | To;
            ulong newopposing = opposing & ~To;
            if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.PIECE_MASK) == TPieceType.KING)
                king = To;
                kingsq = move.To;
                king = Kings & SideToMove;
                kingsq = (int)LSB(king);
                if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.EP) != 0)
                    newopposing ^= To >> 8;
                    newoccupation ^= To >> 8;
            return (((KnightDest[kingsq] & Knights) |
                     (GenRook(kingsq, newoccupation) & (Rooks | Queens)) |
                     (GenBishop(kingsq, newoccupation) & (Bishops | Queens)) |
                     ((((king << 9) & 0xFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEUL) | ((king << 7) & 0x7F7F7F7F7F7F7F7FUL)) & Pawns) |
                     (KingDest[kingsq] & Kings)
                    ) & newopposing) != 0;

        private static void GenerateQuiets(ref TMove[] moves, ref int count)
            ulong occupation = Occupation;
            //TODO: this is a repeated pattern in the code, reuse don't repeat
            ulong opposing = SideToMove ^ occupation;

            // generate moves from king to knight
            for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.KING; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                // generate moves for every piece of the same type of the side to move
                for (ulong pieces = BBPieces(piece) & SideToMove; pieces != 0; pieces = ClearLSB(pieces))
                    int square = (int)LSB(pieces);
                    // for every destinations on a free square generate a move
                    for (ulong destinations = ~occupation & BBDestinations(piece, square, occupation); destinations != 0; destinations = ClearLSB(destinations))
                        moves[count++] = new TMove
                            MoveType = piece,
                            From = (byte)square,
                            To = (byte)LSB(destinations)

            /* one pawns push */
            ulong push1 = (((Pawns & SideToMove) << 8) & ~occupation) & 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUL;
            for (ulong pieces = push1; pieces != 0; pieces = ClearLSB(pieces))
                ulong lsb = LSB(pieces);
                moves[count++] = new TMove
                    MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN,
                    From = (byte)(lsb - 8),
                    To = (byte)lsb

            /* double pawns pushes */
            ulong push2 = (push1 << 8) & ~occupation & 0x00000000FF000000UL;
            for (; push2 != 0; push2 = ClearLSB(push2))
                ulong lsb = LSB(push2);
                moves[count++] = new TMove
                    MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN,
                    From = (byte)(lsb - 16),
                    To = (byte)lsb 

            /* check if long castling is possible */
            if (CastleLM && (occupation & 0x0EUL) == 0)
                ulong roo = ExtractLSB(0x1010101010101000UL & occupation); /* column e */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x0808080808080800UL & occupation); /*column d */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x0404040404040400UL & occupation); /*column c */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x00000000000000E0UL & occupation);  /* row 1 */
                ulong bis = ExtractLSB(0x0000000102040800UL & occupation); /*antidiag from e1/e8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000001020400UL & occupation); /*antidiag from d1/d8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000000010200UL & occupation); /*antidiag from c1/c8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000080402000UL & occupation); /*diag from e1/e8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000008040201000UL & occupation); /*diag from d1/d8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000804020100800UL & occupation); /*diag from c1/c8 */
                if ((((roo & (Rooks | Queens)) | (bis & (Bishops | Queens)) | (0x00000000003E7700UL & Knights) |
                (0x0000000000003E00UL & Pawns) | (Kings & 0x0000000000000600UL)) & opposing) == 0)
                    /* check if c1/c8 d1/d8 e1/e8 are not attacked */
                    moves[count++] = new TMove
                        MoveType = TPieceType.KING | TPieceType.CASTLE,
                        From = 4,
                        To = 2,

            /* check if short castling is possible */
            if (CastleSM && (occupation & 0x60UL) == 0)
                ulong roo = ExtractLSB(0x1010101010101000UL & occupation); /* column e */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x2020202020202000UL & occupation); /* column f */
                roo |= ExtractLSB(0x4040404040404000UL & occupation); /* column g */
                roo |= 1UL << (byte)MSB(0x000000000000000FUL & (occupation | 0x1UL));/* row 1 */
                ulong bis = ExtractLSB(0x0000000102040800UL & occupation); /* antidiag from e1/e8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000010204081000UL & occupation); /*antidiag from f1/f8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0001020408102000UL & occupation); /*antidiag from g1/g8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000080402000UL & occupation); /*diag from e1/e8 */
                bis |= ExtractLSB(0x0000000000804000UL & occupation); /*diag from f1/f8 */
                bis |= 0x0000000000008000UL; /*diag from g1/g8 */
                if ((((roo & (Rooks | Queens)) | (bis & (Bishops | Queens)) | (0x0000000000F8DC00UL & Knights) |
                (0x000000000000F800UL & Pawns) | (Kings & 0x0000000000004000UL)) & opposing) == 0)
                    /* check if e1/e8 f1/f8 g1/g8 are not attacked */
                    moves[count++] = new TMove
                        MoveType = TPieceType.KING | TPieceType.CASTLE,
                        From = 4,
                        To = 6,

        private static void GenerateCapture(ref TMove[] moves, ref int count)
            ulong occupation = Occupation;
            ulong opposing = SideToMove ^ occupation;

            // generate moves from king to knight
            for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.KING; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                // generate moves for every piece of the same type of the side to move
                for (ulong pieces = BBPieces(piece) & SideToMove; pieces != 0; pieces = ClearLSB(pieces))
                    int square = (int)LSB(pieces);

                    // for every destinations on an opponent pieces generate a move
                    for (ulong destinations = opposing & BBDestinations(piece, square, occupation);
                        destinations != 0;
                        destinations = ClearLSB(destinations))
                        moves[count++] = new TMove
                            MoveType = piece | TPieceType.CAPTURE,
                            From = (byte)square,
                            To = (byte)LSB(destinations),
                            //Eval = (Piece(LSB(destinations)) << 4) | (KING - piece);

            ulong pawns = Pawns & SideToMove;
            /* Generate pawns right captures */
            for (ulong rpc = (pawns << 9) & 0x00FEFEFEFEFEFEFEUL & opposing; rpc != 0; rpc = ClearLSB(rpc))
                ulong lsb = LSB(rpc);
                moves[count++] = new TMove()
                    MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.CAPTURE,
                    From = (byte)(lsb - 9),
                    To = (byte)lsb,
                    //Eval = (Piece(LSB(captureri)) << 4) | (KING - PAWN);

            /* Generate pawns left captures */
            for (ulong lpc = (pawns << 7) & 0x007F7F7F7F7F7F7FUL & opposing; lpc != 0; lpc = ClearLSB(lpc))
                ulong lsb = LSB(lpc);
                moves[count++] = new TMove()
                    MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.CAPTURE,
                    From = (byte)(lsb - 7),
                    To = (byte)lsb,
                    //Eval = (Piece(LSB(capturele))<<4)|(KING-PAWN);

            /* Generate pawns promotions */
            if ((pawns & 0x00FF000000000000UL) != 0)
                /* promotions with left capture */
                for (ulong promo = (pawns << 9) & 0xFE00000000000000UL & opposing; promo != 0; promo = ClearLSB(promo))
                    for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.QUEEN; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                        ulong lsb = LSB(promo);
                        moves[count++] = new TMove()
                            MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.PROMO | TPieceType.CAPTURE,
                            From = (byte)(lsb - 9),
                            To = (byte)lsb,
                            Promotion = piece
                            //Eval = (piece<<4)|(KING-PAWN);

                /* promotions with right capture */
                for (ulong promo = (pawns << 7) & 0x7F00000000000000UL & opposing; promo != 0; promo = ClearLSB(promo))
                    for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.QUEEN; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                        ulong lsb = LSB(promo);
                        moves[count++] = new TMove()
                            MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.PROMO | TPieceType.CAPTURE,
                            From = (byte)(lsb - 7),
                            To = (byte)lsb,
                            Promotion = piece
                            //Eval = (piece<<4)|(KING-PAWN);
                /* no capture promotions */
                for (ulong promo = ((pawns << 8) & ~occupation) & 0xFF00000000000000UL;
                    promo != 0;
                    promo = ClearLSB(promo))
                    for (TPieceType piece = TPieceType.QUEEN; piece >= TPieceType.KNIGHT; piece--)
                        ulong lsb = LSB(promo);
                        moves[count++] = new TMove()
                            MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.PROMO,
                            From = (byte)(lsb - 8),
                            To = (byte)lsb,
                            Promotion = piece
                            //Eval = (piece<<4)|(KING-PAWN);

            if (EnPass != 8)
                for (ulong enpassant = pawns & EnPassant[EnPass]; enpassant != 0; enpassant = ClearLSB((enpassant)))
                    moves[count++] = new TMove()
                        MoveType = TPieceType.PAWN | TPieceType.EP | TPieceType.PROMO,
                        From = (byte)LSB(enpassant),
                        To = (byte)(40 + EnPass)
                        //Eval = (PAWN<<4)|(KING-PAWN);

        private static void Make(ref TMove move)
            Game[iPosition] = Game[iPosition - 1];
            ulong part = 1UL << move.From;
            ulong dest = 1UL << move.To;
            switch (move.MoveType & TPieceType.PIECE_MASK)
                case TPieceType.PAWN:
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.EP) != 0)
                    { /* EnPassant */
                        Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                        Position.P0 ^= part | dest;
                        Position.P0 ^= dest >> 8; //delete the captured pawn
                        Position.EnPassant = 8;
                        //TODO: move.IsCapture
                        if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                            /* Delete the captured piece */
                            Position.P0 &= ~dest;
                            Position.P1 &= ~dest;
                            Position.P2 &= ~dest;

                        if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.PROMO) != 0)
                            Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                            Position.P0 ^= part;
                            Position.P0 |= (ulong)((int)move.Promotion & 1) << move.To;
                            Position.P1 |= (ulong)(((int)move.Promotion >> 1) & 1) << move.To;
                            Position.P2 |= (ulong)((int)move.Promotion >> 2) << move.To;
                            Position.EnPassant = 8; /* clear enpassant */
                        else /* capture or push */
                            Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                            Position.P0 ^= part | dest;
                            Position.EnPassant = 8; /* clear enpassant */

                            if (move.To == move.From + 16 && (EnPassantM[move.To & 0x07] & Pawns & (SideToMove ^ Occupation)) != 0)
                                Position.EnPassant = (byte)(move.To & 0x07); /* save enpassant column */

                        if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                            if (CastleSO && move.To == 63) ResetCastleSO(); /* captured the opponent king side rook */
                            else if (CastleLO && move.To == 56) ResetCastleLO(); /* captured the opponent quuen side rook */
                case TPieceType.KNIGHT:
                case TPieceType.BISHOP:
                case TPieceType.ROOK:
                case TPieceType.QUEEN:
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                        /* Delete the captured piece */
                        Position.P0 &= ~dest;
                        Position.P1 &= ~dest;
                        Position.P2 &= ~dest;
                    Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                    //TODO: handle N, B, R & Q seperately?
                    Position.P0 ^= (((int)move.MoveType & 1) != 0) ? part | dest : 0;
                    Position.P1 ^= (((int)move.MoveType & 2) != 0) ? part | dest : 0;
                    Position.P2 ^= (((int)move.MoveType & 4) != 0) ? part | dest : 0;
                    Position.EnPassant = 8;
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.PIECE_MASK) == TPieceType.ROOK)
                        if (CastleSM && move.From == 7) ResetCastleSM(); //king side rook moved
                        else if (CastleLM && move.From == 0) ResetCastleLM(); // queen side rook moved
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                        if (CastleSO && move.To == 63) ResetCastleSO(); /* captured the opponent king side rook */
                        else if (CastleLO && move.To == 56) ResetCastleLO(); /* captured the opponent quuen side rook */
                case TPieceType.KING:
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                        /* Delete the captured piece */
                        Position.P0 &= ~dest;
                        Position.P1 &= ~dest;
                        Position.P2 &= ~dest;
                    Position.PM ^= part | dest;
                    Position.P1 ^= part | dest;
                    Position.P2 ^= part | dest;
                    if (CastleSM) ResetCastleSM(); /* update the castle rights */
                    if (CastleLM) ResetCastleLM();
                    Position.EnPassant = 8;
                    if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CAPTURE) != 0)
                        if (CastleSO && move.To == 63) ResetCastleSO(); /* captured the opponent king side rook */
                        else if (CastleLO && move.To == 56) ResetCastleLO(); /* captured the opponent quuen side rook */
                    else if ((move.MoveType & TPieceType.CASTLE) != 0)
                        if (move.To == 6)
                            Position.PM ^= 0x00000000000000A0UL;
                            Position.P2 ^= 0x00000000000000A0UL;
                        } /* short castling */
                            Position.PM ^= 0x0000000000000009UL;
                            Position.P2 ^= 0x0000000000000009UL;
                        } /* long castling */

        private static void LoadPosition(string fen)
            /* Clear the board */
            ref TBoard pos = ref Position;
            pos.P0 = pos.P1 = pos.P2 = pos.PM = 0;
            pos.EnPassant = 8;
            pos.STM = WHITE;
            pos.CastleFlags = 0;

            /* translate the fen to the relative position */
            byte pieceside = WHITE;
            ulong piece = (ulong)TPieceType.PAWN;
            byte sidetomove = WHITE;
            int square = 0;
            int cursor;
            for (cursor = 0; fen[cursor] != ' '; cursor++)
                char cur = fen[cursor];
                if (cur >= '1' && cur <= '8')
                    square += cur - '0';
                else if (cur != '/')
                    int bit = OppSq(square);
                    if (cur == 'p') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.PAWN; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'n') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.KNIGHT; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'b') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.BISHOP; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'r') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.ROOK; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'q') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.QUEEN; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'k') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.KING; pieceside = BLACK; }
                    else if (cur == 'P') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.PAWN; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'N') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.KNIGHT; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'B') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.BISHOP; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'R') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.ROOK; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'Q') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.QUEEN; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    else if (cur == 'K') { piece = (ulong)TPieceType.KING; pieceside = WHITE; }
                    pos.P0 |= (piece & 1) << bit; //001
                    pos.P1 |= ((piece >> 1) & 1) << bit; //010
                    pos.P2 |= (piece >> 2) << bit; //100
                    if (pieceside == WHITE)
                        pos.PM |= (1UL << bit);
                        piece |= BLACK;

            cursor++; /* read the side to move  */
            if (fen[cursor] == 'w')
                sidetomove = WHITE;
            else if (fen[cursor] == 'b')
                sidetomove = BLACK;
            cursor += 2;
            if (fen[cursor] != '-') /* read the castle rights */
                for (; fen[cursor] != ' '; cursor++)
                    char cur = fen[cursor];
                    if (cur == 'K') pos.CastleFlags |= 0x02;
                    else if (cur == 'Q') pos.CastleFlags |= 0x01;
                    else if (cur == 'k') pos.CastleFlags |= 0x20;
                    else if (cur == 'q') pos.CastleFlags |= 0x10;
            else cursor += 2;
            if (fen[cursor] != '-') /* read the enpassant column */
                pos.EnPassant = (byte)(fen[cursor] - 'a');
            if (sidetomove == BLACK)

        private static long Perft(int depth, ref TMove[][] moves, int ply)
            long total = 0;
            int count = 0;
            GenerateCapture(ref moves[ply], ref count);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (Illegal(ref moves[ply][i]))
                if (depth > 1)
                    Make(ref moves[ply][i]);
                    total += Perft(depth - 1, ref moves, ply + 1);

            count = 0;
            GenerateQuiets(ref moves[ply], ref count);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (Illegal(ref moves[ply][i]))
                if (depth > 1)
                    Make(ref moves[ply][i]);
                    total += Perft(depth - 1, ref moves, ply + 1);
            return total;
        private static readonly int maxPly = 32;
        private static void TestPerft(string fen, int depth, int expectedResult)
            long t0 = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            TMove[][] moves = new TMove[maxPly][];
            for (int i = 0; i < maxPly; i++)
                moves[i] = new TMove[256];
            long count = Perft(depth, ref moves, 0);
            long t1 = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
            Console.WriteLine($"Expected: {expectedResult} Computed: {count}");
            double dt = (t1 - t0) / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency;
            double ms = (1000 * dt);
            Console.WriteLine($"{(int)ms} ms passed");
            Console.WriteLine($"{(int)(count / ms)} knps");

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("QBB Perft in C#");
            TestPerft("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1", 6, 119060324); //Start Position
            TestPerft("r3k2r/p1ppqpb1/bn2pnp1/3PN3/1p2P3/2N2Q1p/PPPBBPPP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1", 5, 193690690);
            TestPerft("8/2p5/3p4/KP5r/1R3p1k/8/4P1P1/8 w - - 0 1", 7, 178633661);
            TestPerft("r3k2r/Pppp1ppp/1b3nbN/nP6/BBP1P3/q4N2/Pp1P2PP/R2Q1RK1 w kq - 0 1", 6, 706045033);
            TestPerft("rnbqkb1r/pp1p1ppp/2p5/4P3/2B5/8/PPP1NnPP/RNBQK2R w KQkq - 0 6", 3, 53392);
            TestPerft("r4rk1/1pp1qppp/p1np1n2/2b1p1B1/2B1P1b1/P1NP1N2/1PP1QPPP/R4RK1 w - - 0 10", 5, 164075551);

        //**** Debug Helpers not in the original C code

        private static void PrintPosition(TBoard pos)
            PrintBB(pos.PM, "PM");
            PrintBB(pos.P0, "P0");
            PrintBB(pos.P1, "P1");
            PrintBB(pos.P2, "P2");
            Console.WriteLine("- - - -");
            PrintBB(Pawns, "Pawns");
            PrintBB(Knights, "Knights");
            PrintBB(Bishops, "Bishops");
            PrintBB(Rooks, "Roosk");
            PrintBB(Queens, "Queens");
            PrintBB(Kings, "Kings");

            Console.WriteLine($"CastleFlags: {pos.CastleFlags}");  /* ..sl..SL  short long opponent SHORT LONG side to move */
            Console.WriteLine($"EnPassant column: {pos.EnPassant} (8 if not set)");
            Console.WriteLine($"SideToMove: {pos.STM}"); /* side to move */

        static void PrintBB(ulong bb, string label)
            if (label != null)
            Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToString((long)bb, 16).PadLeft(16, '0'));
            byte[] bbBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(bb);
            foreach (byte bbByte in bbBytes)
                string line = Convert.ToString(bbByte, 2).PadLeft(8, '0');
                line = line.Replace('1', 'X');
                line = line.Replace('0', '.');
                var chars = line.ToCharArray();
                Console.WriteLine(string.Join(' ', chars));

        private static long Divide(int depth, ref TMove[][] moves)
            byte stm = Position.STM;
            long total = 0;
            int count = 0;
            GenerateCapture(ref moves[0], ref count);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (Illegal(ref moves[0][i]))

                long nodes = 1;
                if (depth > 1)
                    Make(ref moves[0][i]);
                    nodes = Perft(depth - 1, ref moves, 1);
                total += nodes;
                Console.WriteLine($"  {MoveToStr(moves[0][i], stm, true)}:    {nodes:N0}");

            count = 0;
            GenerateQuiets(ref moves[0], ref count);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (Illegal(ref moves[0][i]))

                long nodes = 1;
                if (depth > 1)
                    Make(ref moves[0][i]);
                    nodes = Perft(depth - 1, ref moves, 1);
                total += nodes;
                Console.WriteLine($"  {MoveToStr(moves[0][i], stm)}:    {nodes:N0}");
            return total;
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Re: Why C++ instead of C#?

Post by lithander »

I have made two commits just to get this started. The first one improves the logging and the 2nd one makes the code both cleaner and faster.

To make it easy to retrace all the changes I decided to make frequent releases on github: https://github.com/lithander/QBB-Perft/releases
A release allows you to have direct access to the code, there can be a link to the commit(s) and I will add the performance log in the description. Also, I think it looks pretty neat.
Mergi wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 12:15 pm There's a lot of unnecessary LSB calls for creating pretty much every pawn move. Should be a speedup for both programs, but presumably more so on the C# side of things.
I tried fixing that next and the benefit wasn't clearly measurable and drowned in the variance between tests. My builds have JIT still enabled (instead of AoT) and I wouldn't be surprised if the runtime catches something like that and optimizes it. Did you use AoT, Roland? In your tests the benefit seemed pretty clear. Hmm...

The refactoring away from yielding moves to adding them to a move list is also something I want to do soon and maybe I should do that first. But I wouldn't have done it exactly like you suggested but would have tried to stay closer to the C code and use an array on the stack for each recursive call. But to be sure I can test both versions.
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R. Tomasi
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Re: Why C++ instead of C#?

Post by R. Tomasi »

lithander wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 3:06 pm I tried fixing that next and the benefit wasn't clearly measurable and drowned in the variance between tests. My builds have JIT still enabled (instead of AoT) and I wouldn't be surprised if the runtime catches something like that and optimizes it. Did you use AoT, Roland? In your tests the benefit seemed pretty clear. Hmm...
To be honest, I don't know. I built against .NET 5.0, allowed optimizations and set the build to prefer 64bits. Basically what I did was use the Visual Studio template for a .NET 5.0 console app and replaced the autogenerated program.cs by qbb_perft.cs without making any changes to the project settings.

Also, I am not at home currently, so I am working on a laptop and don't have much control over the cooling and clock-frequency strategy of the system. In order to at least try to have the test runs comparable, I let the machine be idle for a while before testing, such that the CPU is cool. If someone else, who is on a machine where they can fix the clock frequency could run my code and test, that may be quite helpful.