Stockfish version with hash saving capability

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Dann Corbit
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by Dann Corbit »

cdani wrote:
duncan wrote: is there a reason why LoadHashfromFile has to be clicked for it to work, as opposed to loading by default from current directory. ?as there is a danger if you forget to click LoadHashfromFile and then save it. you can overwrite days of analysis.
I had not thougth at it, and I followed what Komodo and Houdini does. I suppose that not a few users will not understand that those options worked differently.
Also if setting the hash file name had the effect of loading it and the user was not expecting it, or simply if the user had put a wrong but existing file name, could also provoke the lost of its current analysis.
So if you put a button for loading the hash, in fact you make absolutely clear when will happen, and also you give the full responsibility to the user.
Besides, as open source you can easily change the default.
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by cdani »

Zerbinati wrote:
cdani wrote:If someone wants to propose this change for official Stockfish, please go ahead. I don't plan to do it anytime soon. You can take this code or make your own version, as you wish.

Also I forgot to tell that in this code there is the small change proposed by Hgm about maintaining the age during infinite analysis session. As the other change, you can submit it to official Stockfish if you want if someone has not already done it.
this is pull requests ... 6d9b02515b
Nice! Thanks!
Rodolfo Leoni
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by Rodolfo Leoni »

duncan wrote: is there a reason why LoadHashfromFile has to be clicked for it to work, as opposed to loading by default from current directory. ?as there is a danger if you forget to click LoadHashfromFile and then save it. you can overwrite days of analysis.
In addition to what Daniel wrote, I'd say your engine needs its hash free and available for other uses than positions analysis. It's matter of performance. So you need the command buttons, until this system will become a structured, additional hashes one (like in Stockfish PA GTB and Critter). When done, you'll "only" need a checkbox for using the PHs, and all other tuneable setting options.
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Rodolfo Leoni
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by Rodolfo Leoni »

I tested 1 GB hash size and 128 MB size, by making moves and trying different variations. Both sizes keep entries fine enough. It works with multiPV also and it's another advantage for analysis. As for save/load commands, they are bug free.

Caution: If you run an analysis of a middlegame position and you make moves to reach an ending, don't let engine thinking too much. As it goes far deeper, it tends to overwrite middlegame positions.
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by duncan »

cdani wrote: I have not tested it much. Anything just tell me.

[d]4k3/2pppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQ - 0 1

I ran the above position and reached 31/45 ply in 26 hours and saved the hash.
then I loaded the hash and got 31/26 in 14 minutes and saved the hash at 48/24 so hash is working well.
I then increased hash size to 256 meg and reloaded the hash and got 48/24 in 6 hours.

do you know why it should take so long to find to find the 48/24

1/1 00:00 20 10k +38.12 Nb1-c3
2/2 00:00 73 37k +37.99 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8
3/3 00:00 170 85k +38.18 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Nc3-d5
4/4 00:00 1k 340k +38.18 Ng1-f3 f7-f6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f7
5/5 00:00 2k 529k +38.30 Ng1-f3 f7-f6 d2-d3 Ke8-f7 Nb1-c3
6/6 00:00 5k 982k +38.25 e2-e3 e7-e6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Ng1-e2 d7-d5
7/7 00:00 10k 1,289k +38.37 e2-e3 c7-c6 Qd1-h5 h7-h6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Ng1-e2
8/10 00:00 18k 1,390k +38.42 e2-e3 e7-e6 Qd1-h5 h7-h6 Qh5-e5 f7-f6 Qe5xc7 Ke8-e7
9/10 00:00 39k 1,615k +38.56 e2-e3 g7-g6 Ng1-f3 f7-f6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f7 Bf1-d3 d7-d6 O-O
10/12 00:00 58k 1,607k +38.50 e2-e3 g7-g6 Ng1-f3 e7-e6 Bf1-d3 Ke8-f8 O-O d7-d5 Nb1-c3 Kf8-g7 Rf1-e1
11/11 00:00 83k 1,618k +38.50 e2-e3 g7-g6 Ng1-f3 e7-e6 Bf1-d3 Ke8-f8 O-O Kf8-g7 Nb1-c3 d7-d6 Rf1-e1
12/15 00:00 158k 1,682k +38.55 e2-e3 g7-g6 Ng1-f3 e7-e6 Bf1-d3 Ke8-f8 Nb1-c3 Kf8-g7 O-O f7-f6 Ra1-b1 c7-c6 a2-a3
13/16 00:00 310k 1,684k +38.60 e2-e3 g7-g6 Ng1-f3 Ke8-f8 Nb1-c3 d7-d6 Bf1-b5 e7-e5 O-O f7-f5 d2-d3 Kf8-g7 Nc3-d5 e5-e4
14/19 00:00 480k 1,692k +38.61 e2-e3 g7-g6 Ng1-f3 c7-c6 Nb1-c3 d7-d6 d2-d4 Ke8-f8 Bf1-d3 Kf8-g7 O-O c6-c5 d4-d5 e7-e6 Bc1-d2
15/25 00:01 2,373k 1,765k +39.52 e2-e3 g7-g6 Qd1-g4 c7-c6 Nb1-c3 h7-h5 Qg4-b4 f7-f6 Qb4-b8+ Ke8-f7 Qb8-h8 h5-h4 Qh8-h7+ Kf7-f8 Qh7xg6 h4-h3 Ng1xh3 d7-d6 Qg6-g4
16/24 00:01 3,357k 1,755k +39.68 e2-e3 g7-g6 Qd1-g4 c7-c6 Nb1-c3 f7-f6 Ng1-e2 Ke8-d8 Qg4-c4 e7-e6 Qc4-h4 g6-g5 Qh4xh7 f6-f5 Qh7-g8+ Kd8-c7 Qg8xg5 Kc7-b7 Qg5-g7
17/27+ 00:03 6,263k 1,746k +40.09 a2-a4
17/27+ 00:03 6,292k 1,746k +40.30 a2-a4
17/27+ 00:04 7,371k 1,752k +48.02 a2-a4
17/27 00:06 11,184k 1,733k +48.29 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 Ke8-e7 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q g5-g4 Qa8-c8 h5-h4 Ra1-a7 h4-h3 Ra7xc7 Ke7-f6 Qc8-d8+ Kf6-g7
18/22+ 00:06 11,642k 1,734k +48.37 a2-a4
18/22+ 00:06 12,091k 1,735k +48.44 a2-a4
18/22+ 00:07 12,779k 1,736k +48.55 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 f7-f5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-f7 Qa8-c8 Kf7-e6 Ra1-a7 Ke6-e5 Ng1-f3+ Ke5-f4 Qc8xd7
18/25+ 00:08 14,304k 1,733k +48.70 a2-a4 c7-c6
18/25+ 00:10 18,298k 1,719k +48.91 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 f7-f5 a6-a7 f5-f4 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-f7 Ra1-a7 c6-c5 Qa8-d5+ Kf7-f6 Qd5xc5
18/25 00:11 19,155k 1,715k +48.77 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 Ke8-e7 a6-a7 g7-g6 a7-a8Q g6-g5 Qa8-c8 h5-h4 Ra1-a7 f7-f5 Ra7xc7 Ke7-f6 Ng1-f3 Kf6-g7 Nf3xg5
19/22+ 00:11 19,540k 1,713k +48.84 a2-a4
19/23+ 00:11 19,881k 1,712k +48.91 a2-a4
19/23+ 00:13 23,224k 1,698k +49.02 a2-a4 h7-h5
19/26+ 00:16 28,429k 1,682k +49.17 a2-a4 h7-h5
19/26 00:17 29,099k 1,678k +48.89 a2-a4 h7-h5 a4-a5 e7-e6 a5-a6 h5-h4 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q g7-g5 Qa8-c8 h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g5-g4 Nh3-f4 f7-f6 Qc8xc7 f6-f5 Qc7-e5
20/26+ 00:17 30,075k 1,675k +48.96 a2-a4
20/26+ 00:18 30,930k 1,672k +49.03 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 f7-f6 a5-a6 Ke8-f7 a6-a7 Kf7-e6 a7-a8Q h7-h5 Qa8-e4+ Ke6-d6 Qe4-f4+ Kd6-c6 Ra1-a7 Kc6-d5 Qf4xc7 Kd5-e4 Nb1-c3+ Ke4-f5 Qc7xd7+ e7-e6
20/26+ 00:19 32,294k 1,668k +49.14 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 f7-f6 a5-a6 Ke8-f7 a6-a7 e7-e6 a7-a8Q Kf7-e7 Ra1-a7 f6-f5 Qa8-c8 g6-g5 Qc8xc7 Ke7-f6 Qc7xd7
20/26+ 00:24 39,834k 1,651k +49.29 a2-a4 g7-g6
20/26 00:30 49,995k 1,643k +49.40 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q h5-h4 Ra1-a7 h4-h3 g2xh3 g5-g4 h3xg4 f7-f6 Qa8-e4 Ke7-d6 Qe4-d4+ Kd6-e7 Ra7xc7
21/27+ 00:38 63,140k 1,630k +49.47 a2-a4
21/30+ 00:49 80,686k 1,621k +49.55 a2-a4 g7-g6
21/30- 00:50 81,407k 1,619k +49.33 a2-a4 g7-g6
21/30+ 00:58 94,908k 1,617k +49.49 a2-a4
21/30- 00:58 95,042k 1,616k +49.17 a2-a4 e7-e6
21/30- 00:58 95,155k 1,616k +47.54 a2-a4 e7-e6
21/30+ 01:03 103,588k 1,621k +48.43 a2-a4
21/30+ 01:11 116,207k 1,621k +49.23 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 h5-h4 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q g7-g5 Qa8-g8 Ke7-f6 Qg8-d8+ Kf6-g6 Qd8xd7
21/30 01:46 172,441k 1,615k +49.59 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 e7-e6 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q h5-h4 Qa8-g8 h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g5-g4 Qg8xg4 d7-d6 Ra1-a7 Ke7-d7 Qg4-c4 Kd7-e8 Ra7xc7
22/23- 01:47 173,464k 1,614k +49.52 a2-a4 g7-g5
22/23- 01:47 173,513k 1,614k +49.45 a2-a4 g7-g5
22/24- 01:47 173,586k 1,614k +48.28 a2-a4 g7-g5
22/24+ 01:48 175,127k 1,615k +48.60 a2-a4
22/24+ 01:51 180,050k 1,615k +49.22 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 Ke8-e7 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q g7-g5 Qa8-g8 g5-g4 Qg8xg4 d7-d5 Qg4-f4 Ke7-f8 Qf4xc7
22/32+ 02:45 266,102k 1,607k +50.02 a2-a4 e7-e6
22/32 05:53 565,626k 1,599k +50.20 a2-a4 h7-h5 a4-a5 h5-h4 a5-a6 e7-e6 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q g7-g5 Qa8-g8 g5-g4 Qg8xg4 Ke7-d6 Qg4xh4 f7-f6 Qh4xf6 Kd6-c6 Qf6-c3+ Kc6-d6 Ra1-a7 Kd6-d5 Ra7-a5+ c7-c5
23/23- 05:54 565,873k 1,598k +50.13 a2-a4 h7-h5
23/24- 05:54 565,898k 1,598k +50.01 a2-a4 h7-h5
23/26- 05:54 566,032k 1,598k +48.18 a2-a4 h7-h5
23/26+ 05:56 569,798k 1,599k +48.68 a2-a4
23/26+ 06:05 584,911k 1,599k +49.48 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-d8 a5-a6 Kd8-e7 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q h5-h4 Ra1-a7 g7-g6 Ra7xc7 h4-h3 Ng1xh3 Ke7-d6
23/32+ 09:31 910,100k 1,594k +50.50 a2-a4 h7-h5 a4-a5 d7-d6 a5-a6 Ke8-d7 a6-a7 f7-f6 a7-a8Q g7-g5 Qa8-a4+ c7-c6 Qa4-e4 d6-d5 Ra1-a7+ Kd7-c8 Qe4-e6+ Kc8-b8
23/33 10:53 1,040,123k 1,592k +49.26 a2-a4 f7-f6 a4-a5 h7-h5 Nb1-c3 c7-c6 Nc3-b1 Ke8-f7 a5-a6 h5-h4 a6-a7 h4-h3 g2xh3 g7-g6 a7-a8Q g6-g5 Qa8-b7 g5-g4 h3xg4 Kf7-e6 Ra1-a7 Ke6-f7 Qb7xd7
24/24+ 11:03 1,056,094k 1,593k +49.33 a2-a4
24/28+ 11:11 1,070,146k 1,593k +49.40 a2-a4 h7-h5
24/28- 12:01 1,148,779k 1,593k +48.89 a2-a4 h7-h5
24/28+ 12:06 1,157,126k 1,594k +49.21 a2-a4
24/32+ 12:34 1,202,172k 1,594k +49.70 a2-a4 f7-f6
24/32+ 14:55 1,428,091k 1,594k +50.32 a2-a4 f7-f6
24/34- 17:06 1,633,150k 1,591k +48.52 a2-a4 c7-c6
24/34+ 17:58 1,716,413k 1,591k +49.82 a2-a4
24/36+ 26:01 2,454,956k 1,572k +51.11 a2-a4 f7-f6
24/36 37:37 3,562,734k 1,578k +51.50 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 Ke8-e7 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q h5-h4 Qa8-b7 h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g5-g4 Nh3-f4 g4-g3 f2xg3 Ke7-f8 Qb7xc7 Kf8-g8 Ra1-a8+ Kg8-h7 Qc7xd7 Kh7-h6 Ra8-a7
25/28- 37:37 3,563,069k 1,578k +51.08 a2-a4 e7-e6
25/28- 37:37 3,563,156k 1,578k +50.95 a2-a4 e7-e6
25/32- 37:38 3,564,521k 1,578k +42.25 a2-a4 e7-e6
25/34+ 37:39 3,566,776k 1,578k +44.04 a2-a4
25/34+ 37:40 3,567,655k 1,578k +46.63 a2-a4
25/34+ 38:18 3,629,030k 1,579k +49.89 a2-a4 f7-f6 a4-a5 e7-e6 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q g7-g5 Ra1-a7 f6-f5 Ra7xc7 g5-g4 Qa8-c8 Ke7-f6 Qc8xd7
25/38 54:04 5,088,801k 1,568k +51.78 a2-a4 h7-h5 a4-a5 g7-g5 a5-a6 e7-e6 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q h5-h4 Qa8-g8 g5-g4 Qg8xg4 h4-h3 Ng1xh3 e6-e5 Ra1-a7 Ke7-d6 Nb1-c3 e5-e4 Qg4xe4 f7-f5 Qe4-d5+ Kd6-e7 Qd5xf5 d7-d6
26/31- 54:05 5,089,439k 1,568k +51.70 a2-a4 h7-h5
26/31- 54:05 5,089,620k 1,568k +51.54 a2-a4 h7-h5
26/31- 54:05 5,090,265k 1,568k +48.13 a2-a4 h7-h5
26/31+ 54:11 5,099,714k 1,568k +48.87 a2-a4
26/31+ 55:15 5,201,220k 1,569k +50.16 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q g5-g4 Ra1-a7 h5-h4 Ra7xc7 g4-g3 Qa8-c8 g3xf2+ Ke1xf2 Ke7-f6 Qc8xd7
26/38+ 1:11:57 6,793,462k 1,574k +51.80 a2-a4 Ke8-d8
26/40 1:33:50 8,853,205k 1,572k +51.18 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 e7-e6 g2-g3 Kf8-e7 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q h5-h4 Qa8-g8 g5-g4 Qg8xg4 Ke7-d6 Qg4xh4 f7-f5 Qh4-f4+ e6-e5 Qf4xf5 Kd6-c6 Qf5xe5 Kc6-b6 c2-c3 Kb6-c6 Bf1-g2+ d7-d5
27/27- 1:33:51 8,853,664k 1,572k +51.10 a2-a4 Ke8-f8
27/30- 1:33:51 8,853,965k 1,572k +51.02 a2-a4 Ke8-f8
27/30- 1:33:51 8,854,378k 1,572k +50.76 a2-a4 Ke8-f8
27/32- 1:35:15 8,988,422k 1,573k +50.52 a2-a4 Ke8-d8
27/32- 1:35:16 8,989,223k 1,572k +49.39 a2-a4 Ke8-d8
27/32+ 1:36:49 9,137,751k 1,573k +49.79 a2-a4
27/36- 1:47:29 10,157,499k 1,575k +48.77 a2-a4 d7-d5
27/36- 1:48:11 10,228,721k 1,576k +47.75 a2-a4 Ke8-f8
27/36+ 1:48:45 10,286,183k 1,576k +48.72 a2-a4
27/36+ 1:52:11 10,614,234k 1,577k +50.35 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 g5-g4 a7-a8Q h7-h5 Qa8-g8 Ke7-f6 Qg8-d8+ Kf6-g6 Qd8xd7 e6-e5 Ra1-a6+ f7-f6 Qd7-e8+ Kg6-g7
27/36+ 2:11:50 12,488,669k 1,579k +52.41 a2-a4 Ke8-d8
27/42 3:16:46 18,481,392k 1,565k +54.25 a2-a4 g7-g6 c2-c3 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 e7-e6 b2-b3 d7-d5 a6-a7 Kf8-g7 a7-a8Q d5-d4 c3xd4 e6-e5 d4xe5 h5-h4 Qa8-f3 f7-f5 e5xf6/ep+ Kg7-f7 Ra1-a7 Kf7-e6 Ra7xc7 Ke6-d6 f6-f7 Kd6xc7 Qd1-c2+ Kc7-d7 f7-f8Q
28/28- 3:16:47 18,483,731k 1,565k +51.74 a2-a4 g7-g6
28/28- 3:16:48 18,484,270k 1,565k +51.74 a2-a4 g7-g6
28/29- 3:18:39 18,662,375k 1,566k +49.58 a2-a4 g7-g6
28/40+ 3:23:24 19,117,949k 1,566k +50.10 a2-a4
28/40+ 3:47:03 21,399,786k 1,571k +51.12 a2-a4 Ke8-d8
28/40- 4:01:38 22,797,247k 1,572k +48.78 a2-a4 h7-h6
28/40+ 4:10:08 23,605,976k 1,573k +50.59 a2-a4
28/42 4:39:25 26,409,931k 1,575k +50.16 a2-a4 e7-e6 g2-g3 Ke8-e7 a4-a5 f7-f5 Bf1-h3 g7-g6 a5-a6 g6-g5 a6-a7 g5-g4 Bh3-g2 h7-h5 a7-a8Q h5-h4 g3xh4 f5-f4 Ra1-a7 g4-g3 f2xg3 f4xg3 h2xg3 e6-e5 Qa8-d5 Ke7-e8 Qd5xe5+ Ke8-f7 Qe5-f5+ Kf7-e7 Ra7xc7
29/31+ 4:43:53 26,834,658k 1,575k +50.23 a2-a4 e7-e6
29/31- 4:43:55 26,838,049k 1,575k +50.09 a2-a4 e7-e6
29/36- 4:50:00 27,421,356k 1,576k +49.33 a2-a4 e7-e6
29/36+ 4:52:30 27,659,012k 1,576k +49.99 a2-a4
29/38+ 5:06:19 28,977,775k 1,577k +50.79 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q h5-h4 Qa8-b7 h4-h3 g2xh3 f7-f6 Qb7xc7 f6-f5 Ra1-a7 Ke7-f6 Qc7xd7 Kf6-e5
29/40+ 5:46:15 32,805,407k 1,579k +51.80 a2-a4 e7-e6
29/40- 5:46:17 32,809,030k 1,579k +48.71 a2-a4 e7-e6
29/40+ 5:56:11 33,755,998k 1,580k +50.90 a2-a4
29/52+ 6:55:23 39,440,568k 1,582k +52.96 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q h5-h4 Qa8-g8 g5-g4 Qg8xg4 h4-h3 Qg4-g5+ Ke7-d6 Ng1xh3 c7-c6 Qg5-f6 Kd6-c7 Ra1-a7+ Kc7-c8
29/52 7:55:43 45,119,560k 1,581k +52.10 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 g6-g5 Nb1-c3 f7-f5 Ng1-f3 Ke8-f8 Nf3xg5 h7-h6 Ng5-e6+ Kf8-g8 Ne6xc7 d7-d5 Nc3xd5 e7-e6 Nc7xe6 Kg8-f7 Ne6-c5 f5-f4 Nd5xf4 Kf7-f6 a5-a6 Kf6-g5 a6-a7 Kg5-h4 a7-a8Q h6-h5 Qa8-e4
30/26- 7:56:55 45,233,579k 1,581k +51.85 a2-a4 g7-g6
30/32- 7:56:57 45,236,721k 1,581k +51.96 a2-a4 g7-g6
30/33- 7:57:41 45,306,124k 1,581k +50.34 a2-a4 g7-g6
30/38- 7:58:37 45,394,382k 1,581k +49.72 a2-a4 e7-e6
30/38- 7:58:39 45,396,700k 1,581k +48.90 a2-a4 e7-e6
30/38+ 8:01:13 45,647,699k 1,581k +49.57 a2-a4
30/41+ 8:39:23 49,270,029k 1,581k +50.86 a2-a4 g7-g6
30/46+ 14:21:32 81,507,900k 1,577k +57.14 a2-a4 g7-g6
30/46 16:13:52 91,936,839k 1,573k +55.84 a2-a4 d7-d6 a4-a5 g7-g5 b2-b3 f7-f5 c2-c3 e7-e5 Qd1-c2 e5-e4 Qc2-a2 e4-e3 d2xe3 f5-f4 e3xf4 h7-h6 f4xg5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 d6-d5 g5xh6 d5-d4 h6-h7 d4xc3 h7-h8Q Ke7-d6 Qh8-d4+ Kd6-e6 a6-a7 c3-c2 a7-a8Q c2xb1Q
31/31- 16:13:55 91,941,425k 1,573k +52.51 a2-a4 d7-d6
31/35- 16:18:57 92,405,477k 1,573k +52.22 a2-a4 g7-g6
31/37- 16:20:16 92,526,828k 1,573k +51.56 a2-a4 g7-g6
31/37- 16:26:04 93,082,228k 1,573k +51.30 a2-a4 d7-d6
31/40+ 17:52:11 101,361,472k 1,576k +51.11 a2-a4 d7-d6
31/40- 18:07:36 102,847,427k 1,576k +49.18 a2-a4 g7-g6
31/44+ 23:03:31 131,368,163k 1,583k +52.85 a2-a4 g7-g6
31/45+ 24:57:48 142,055,131k 1,581k +55.44 a2-a4 h7-h5 a4-a5 g7-g5 a5-a6 e7-e6 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q h5-h4 Qa8-h8 h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g5-g4 Nh3-g5 g4-g3 h2xg3 c7-c6 Qh8-g7 Ke7-d8 Qg7xf7
31/45+ 26:42:38 151,773,324k 1,578k +58.70 a2-a4 h7-h5


second attempt

FEN: 4k3/2pppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQ - 0 1

1/1 00:00 20 10k +38.12 Nb1-c3
2/2 00:00 73 37k +37.99 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8
3/3 00:00 170 85k +38.18 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Nc3-d5
4/4 00:00 1k 255k +38.18 Ng1-f3 f7-f6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f7
5/5 00:00 2k 353k +38.30 Ng1-f3 f7-f6 d2-d3 Ke8-f7 Nb1-c3
6/6 00:00 5k 545k +38.25 e2-e3 e7-e6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Ng1-e2 d7-d5
7/7 00:00 10k 688k +38.37 e2-e3 c7-c6 Qd1-h5 h7-h6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Ng1-e2
8/10 00:00 24k 813k +38.38 e2-e3 g7-g6 Bf1-d3 e7-e6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Ng1-f3 Kf8-g7
9/10 00:00 41k 914k +38.56 e2-e3 g7-g6 Nb1-c3 f7-f6 Bf1-d3 d7-d6 Ng1-f3 Ke8-f7 O-O
10/13 00:00 74k 1,014k +38.47 e2-e3 g7-g6 Nb1-c3 c7-c6 Bf1-e2 Ke8-f8 Ng1-f3 e7-e6 O-O Kf8-g7
11/14 00:00 128k 1,147k +38.60 e2-e3 g7-g6 Nb1-c3 e7-e6 Bf1-d3 Ke8-f8 Qd1-g4 Kf8-e8 Ng1-f3 f7-f5 Qg4-c4 c7-c6
12/16 00:00 215k 1,295k +38.59 e2-e3 g7-g6 Nb1-c3 f7-f5 Ng1-f3 e7-e6 Bf1-d3 Ke8-f8 O-O Kf8-g7 Nf3-e5 d7-d6 Ne5-c4
13/20 00:00 877k 1,618k +39.25 e2-e3 g7-g6 Qd1-g4 c7-c6 Bf1-d3 f7-f6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-d8 Qg4-h4 g6-g5 Qh4xh7 d7-d5 Ng1-f3 e7-e5 O-O
14/23 00:01 1,965k 1,682k +39.68 e2-e3 g7-g6 Qd1-g4 c7-c6 Bf1-d3 c6-c5 Ng1-f3 e7-e6 Qg4-h4 c5-c4 Qh4xc4 Ke8-e7 Nf3-e5 Ke7-d8 Qc4-f4 f7-f5 Qf4-h4+ Kd8-c7 Qh4xh7
15/20 00:01 3,202k 1,685k +39.76 e2-e3 h7-h6 Qd1-h5 c7-c6 Ng1-f3 d7-d6 Qh5-g4 Ke8-d8 Qg4xg7 f7-f6 Qg7xh6 Kd8-c8 Qh6-h7 Kc8-d8 Nb1-c3
16/23 00:03 6,196k 1,684k +48.40 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q f7-f5 Ra1-a7 f5-f4 Ra7xc7 g7-g5 Qa8-c8 Ke7-f6 Qc8xd7
17/20+ 00:03 6,578k 1,684k +48.47 a2-a4
17/21+ 00:04 7,563k 1,681k +48.54 a2-a4
17/21 00:05 9,067k 1,671k +48.65 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 f7-f6 a5-a6 c7-c6 a6-a7 Ke8-f7 a7-a8Q h7-h5 Ra1-a7 g5-g4 Ra7xd7 h5-h4 Qa8-d8 Kf7-g6 Qd8-e8+ Kg6-f5 Qe8-h5+ Kf5-f4 Qh5xh4
18/23+ 00:06 10,520k 1,665k +48.72 a2-a4
18/24+ 00:07 12,023k 1,656k +48.79 a2-a4
18/24+ 00:15 23,779k 1,572k +49.55 a2-a4
18/24 00:15 24,994k 1,566k +49.55 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 g5-g4 a5-a6 e7-e6 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q h7-h5 Qa8-g8 g4-g3 f2xg3 c7-c6 Nb1-c3 f7-f6 Qg8-g7+ Ke7-d6 Qg7xf6 c6-c5 Qf6-f7
19/24+ 00:18 28,367k 1,547k +49.62 a2-a4
19/26+ 00:20 31,541k 1,536k +49.69 a2-a4
19/27+ 00:34 52,041k 1,503k +50.45 a2-a4
19/28 00:37 56,738k 1,499k +50.39 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 g7-g6 a5-a6 Kf8-g7 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q h5-h4 Qa8-e4 Kg7-f6 Qe4-d4+ e7-e5 Qd4xd7 Kf6-g7 Qd7xc7 e5-e4 Ra1-a7 e4-e3 Qc7xf7+ Kg7-h6 d2xe3
20/25+ 00:39 58,892k 1,495k +50.47 a2-a4
20/26+ 00:40 61,036k 1,492k +50.54 a2-a4
20/28+ 00:47 70,306k 1,485k +51.01 a2-a4
20/28 00:51 75,571k 1,481k +50.99 a2-a4 h7-h5 a4-a5 h5-h4 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 e7-e6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 Qa8-g8 g5-g4 Qg8xg4 Ke7-d6 Qg4xh4 f7-f6 Qh4xf6 c7-c5 Qf6-f7 Kd6-c6 Ra1-a7 Kc6-b5 Qf7xd7+ Kb5-c4 Qd7xe6+ Kc4-b4
21/28+ 00:53 78,377k 1,477k +51.06 a2-a4
21/34+ 00:54 80,435k 1,474k +51.13 a2-a4
21/34+ 01:06 96,807k 1,458k +89.74 a2-a4
21/34 01:08 99,791k 1,453k +90.13 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 e7-e6 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 Kf8-e7 a7-a8Q g5-g4 Qa8-c8 Ke7-f6 Qc8-d8+ Kf6-g6 Qd8xc7 g4-g3 f2xg3 h7-h5 Qc7xd7 h5-h4 Ra1-a7 e6-e5
22/28+ 01:09 101,468k 1,450k +90.20 a2-a4
22/28+ 01:11 103,018k 1,447k +90.28 a2-a4
22/28+ 01:21 116,925k 1,433k +M18 a2-a4
22/32 01:29 127,435k 1,425k +M15 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 e7-e6 a5-a6 Kf8-e7 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q h5-h4 Qa8-c8 h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g7-g5 Qc8xc7 g5-g4 Qc7-c5+ d7-d6 Ra1-a7+ Ke7-f8 Qc5xd6+ Kf8-g8 Qd6-d8+ Kg8-g7 Qd8-g5+ Kg7-h7 Ra7xf7+ Kh7-h8 Qg5-g7+
23/30 01:49 155,265k 1,413k +M14 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 g7-g6 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q h5-h4 Qa8-c8 h4-h3 Ng1xh3 Ke7-f6 Qc8xc7 Kf6-g7 Qc7xd7 Kg7-g8 Ra1-a8+ Kg8-g7 Qd7-d4+ e6-e5 Qd4xe5+ f7-f6 Qe5-c7+ Kg7-h6 Ra8-h8+
24/29 02:18 194,551k 1,405k +M13 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 g7-g6 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q g6-g5 Qa8-c8 g5-g4 Ra1-a7 g4-g3 h2xg3 h5-h4 Rh1xh4 e6-e5 Ra7xc7 e5-e4 Rc7xd7+ Ke7-f6 Rd7-d6+ Kf6-e7 Qc8-d8+
25/26 02:48 235,631k 1,401k +M13 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 g7-g6 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q g6-g5 Qa8-c8 g5-g4 Ra1-a7 g4-g3 h2xg3 h5-h4 Rh1xh4 e6-e5 Ra7xc7 e5-e4 Rc7xd7+ Ke7-f6 Rd7-d6+ Kf6-e7 Qc8-d8+
26/26 03:23 285,229k 1,399k +M13 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 g7-g6 a6-a7 g6-g5 a7-a8Q g5-g4 Qa8-c8 g4-g3 h2xg3 h7-h6 Qc8xc7 Ke7-f6 Rh1xh6+ Kf6-g7 Qc7-e5+ Kg7xh6 Qe5-f6+ Kh6-h7 Qf6xf7+ Kh7-h8 Ra1-a8+
27/26 04:23 368,280k 1,400k +M13 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 Ke7-f8 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q+ Kf8-e7 Qa8-c8 h5-h4 Qc8xc7 h4-h3 Ra1-a7 h3xg2 Qc7xd7+ Ke7-f6 Qd7xf7+ Kf6-e5 d2-d4+ Ke5-d5 Nb1-c3+ Kd5-d6 Qf7-c7+
28/30 05:25 456,168k 1,401k +M13 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 Ke7-f8 a6-a7 f7-f6 a7-a8Q+ Kf8-e7 Qa8-c8 f6-f5 Ra1-a7 f5-f4 Ra7xc7 Ke7-f6 Qc8-f8+ Kf6-g5 Qf8xg7+ Kg5-f5 Rc7xd7 e6-e5 e2-e4+ Kf5xe4 Qg7xh7+
29/34 06:54 581,105k 1,403k +M13 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Ng1xh3 e6-e5 Qa8-c8 g7-g6 Qc8xc7 Ke7-f6 Ra1-a6+ d7-d6 Qc7xd6+ Kf6-g7 Qd6-f6+ Kg7-g8 Ra6-a8+ Kg8-h7 Ra8-h8+
30/26 08:42 732,536k 1,403k +M13 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h6 a5-a6 g7-g6 a6-a7 Ke8-f8 a7-a8Q+ Kf8-g7 Qa8-c8 g6-g5 Qc8xc7 g5-g4 Ra1-a7 g4-g3 h2xg3 Kg7-g6 Qc7xd7 Kg6-f6 Qd7xf7+ Kf6-e5 Rh1-h5+ Ke5-d6 Ra7-a6+
31/26 14:17 1,208,201k 1,409k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h6 a5-a6 g7-g6 a6-a7 Ke8-f8 a7-a8Q+ Kf8-e7 d2-d4 g6-g5 Ra1-a7 Ke7-f6 Ra7xc7 Kf6-g7 Rc7xd7 Kg7-g6 Qa8-g8+ Kg6-h5 e2-e4+ Kh5-h4 g2-g3+
32/24 17:35 1,489,623k 1,412k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h6 a5-a6 g7-g6 a6-a7 Ke8-f8 a7-a8Q+ Kf8-e7 d2-d4 g6-g5 Ra1-a7 Ke7-f6 Ra7xc7 Kf6-g7 Rc7xd7 Kg7-g6 Qa8-g8+ Kg6-h5 e2-e4+ Kh5-h4 g2-g3+
33/24 21:02 1,785,078k 1,414k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h6 a5-a6 g7-g6 a6-a7 Ke8-f8 a7-a8Q+ Kf8-e7 d2-d4 g6-g5 Ra1-a7 Ke7-f6 Ra7xc7 Kf6-g7 Rc7xd7 Kg7-g6 Qa8-g8+ Kg6-h5 e2-e4+ Kh5-h4 g2-g3+
34/24 24:19 2,064,305k 1,415k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h6 a5-a6 g7-g6 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q f7-f5 Ra1-a7 f5-f4 Ra7xc7 h6-h5 Qa8-c8 g6-g5 Rc7xd7+ Ke7-f6 Qc8-f8+ Kf6-g6 Qf8-f7+ Kg6-h6 Qf7xe6+
35/24 29:45 2,533,187k 1,419k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h6 a5-a6 g7-g6 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q f7-f5 Ra1-a7 f5-f4 Ra7xc7 h6-h5 Qa8-c8 g6-g5 Rc7xd7+ Ke7-f6 Qc8-f8+ Kf6-g6 Qf8-f7+ Kg6-h6 Qf7xe6+
36/28 35:23 3,018,697k 1,422k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h6 a5-a6 Ke8-e7 a6-a7 Ke7-f6 a7-a8Q Kf6-e7 d2-d4 h6-h5 Ra1-a7 g7-g6 Qa8-c8 Ke7-f6 Ra7xc7 Kf6-f5 Qc8xd7 g6-g5 Qd1-d3+ Kf5-f6 Qd7xf7+
37/24 43:52 3,756,010k 1,427k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 g7-g6 a5-a6 Ke8-f8 a6-a7 Kf8-e8 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 Ra1-a7 h7-h6 Qa8-c8 Ke7-f6 Qc8xd7 h6-h5 d2-d4 g6-g5 Ra7xc7 Kf6-g7 Qd7xf7+ Kg7-h8 Qf7-h7+
38/24 53:02 4,561,895k 1,434k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Ng1xh3 e6-e5 Qa8-d5 Ke7-f6 Ra1-a6+ d7-d6 Ra6xd6+ c7xd6 Qd5xd6+ Kf6-f5 e2-e4+ Kf5xe4 Bf1-d3+
39/24 1:01:05 5,265,691k 1,437k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Ng1xh3 e6-e5 Qa8-d5 Ke7-f6 Ra1-a6+ d7-d6 Ra6xd6+ c7xd6 Qd5xd6+ Kf6-f5 e2-e4+ Kf5xe4 Bf1-d3+
40/24 1:10:45 6,115,613k 1,441k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Ng1xh3 e6-e5 Qa8-d5 Ke7-f6 Ra1-a6+ d7-d6 Ra6xd6+ c7xd6 Qd5xd6+ Kf6-f5 e2-e4+ Kf5xe4 Bf1-d3+
41/24 1:19:54 6,921,705k 1,444k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Ng1xh3 e6-e5 Qa8-d5 Ke7-f6 Ra1-a6+ d7-d6 Ra6xd6+ c7xd6 Qd5xd6+ Kf6-f5 e2-e4+ Kf5xe4 Bf1-d3+
42/24 1:35:40 8,321,236k 1,450k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g7-g6 d2-d4 g6-g5 Bc1xg5+ f7-f6 Qd1-d3 f6xg5 Qd3-f3 d7-d6 Qf3-f8+ Ke7-d7 Qf8-f7+
43/24 1:47:30 9,365,581k 1,452k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g7-g6 d2-d4 g6-g5 Bc1xg5+ f7-f6 Qd1-d3 f6xg5 Qd3-f3 d7-d6 Qf3-f8+ Ke7-d7 Qf8-f7+
44/24 2:02:49 10,724,997k 1,455k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g7-g6 d2-d4 g6-g5 Bc1xg5+ f7-f6 Qd1-d3 f6xg5 Qd3-f3 d7-d6 Qf3-f8+ Ke7-d7 Qf8-f7+
45/24 2:26:02 12,785,915k 1,459k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g7-g6 d2-d4 g6-g5 Bc1xg5+ f7-f6 Qd1-d3 f6xg5 Qd3-f3 d7-d6 Qf3-f8+ Ke7-d7 Qf8-f7+
46/24 2:55:22 15,435,930k 1,467k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g7-g6 d2-d4 g6-g5 Bc1xg5+ f7-f6 Qd1-d3 f6xg5 Qd3-f3 d7-d6 Qf3-f8+ Ke7-d7 Qf8-f7+
47/24 3:35:48 19,098,084k 1,475k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g7-g6 d2-d4 g6-g5 Bc1xg5+ f7-f6 Qd1-d3 f6xg5 Qd3-f3 d7-d6 Qf3-f8+ Ke7-d7 Qf8-f7+
48/24 4:22:39 23,372,081k 1,483k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g7-g6 d2-d4 g6-g5 Bc1xg5+ f7-f6 Qd1-d3 f6xg5 Qd3-f3 d7-d6 Qf3-f8+ Ke7-d7 Qf8-f7+


third attempt

FEN: 4k3/2pppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQ - 0 1

1/1 00:00 20 10k +38.12 Nb1-c3
2/2 00:00 73 37k +37.99 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8
3/3 00:00 170 85k +38.18 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Nc3-d5
4/4 00:00 1k 255k +38.18 Ng1-f3 f7-f6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f7
5/5 00:00 2k 353k +38.30 Ng1-f3 f7-f6 d2-d3 Ke8-f7 Nb1-c3
6/6 00:00 5k 491k +38.25 e2-e3 e7-e6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Ng1-e2 d7-d5
7/7 00:00 10k 491k +38.37 e2-e3 c7-c6 Qd1-h5 h7-h6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Ng1-e2
8/10 00:00 24k 542k +38.38 e2-e3 g7-g6 Bf1-d3 e7-e6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Ng1-f3 Kf8-g7
9/10 00:00 41k 653k +38.56 e2-e3 g7-g6 Nb1-c3 f7-f6 Bf1-d3 d7-d6 Ng1-f3 Ke8-f7 O-O
10/13 00:00 74k 740k +38.47 e2-e3 g7-g6 Nb1-c3 c7-c6 Bf1-e2 Ke8-f8 Ng1-f3 e7-e6 O-O Kf8-g7
11/14 00:00 128k 850k +38.60 e2-e3 g7-g6 Nb1-c3 e7-e6 Bf1-d3 Ke8-f8 Qd1-g4 Kf8-e8 Ng1-f3 f7-f5 Qg4-c4 c7-c6
12/16 00:00 215k 973k +38.59 e2-e3 g7-g6 Nb1-c3 f7-f5 Ng1-f3 e7-e6 Bf1-d3 Ke8-f8 O-O Kf8-g7 Nf3-e5 d7-d6 Ne5-c4
13/20 00:00 877k 1,405k +39.25 e2-e3 g7-g6 Qd1-g4 c7-c6 Bf1-d3 f7-f6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-d8 Qg4-h4 g6-g5 Qh4xh7 d7-d5 Ng1-f3 e7-e5 O-O
14/23 00:01 1,965k 1,525k +39.68 e2-e3 g7-g6 Qd1-g4 c7-c6 Bf1-d3 c6-c5 Ng1-f3 e7-e6 Qg4-h4 c5-c4 Qh4xc4 Ke8-e7 Nf3-e5 Ke7-d8 Qc4-f4 f7-f5 Qf4-h4+ Kd8-c7 Qh4xh7
15/20 00:01 2,900k 1,544k +39.79 e2-e3 h7-h6 Qd1-h5 c7-c6 Ng1-f3 d7-d6 Qh5-g4 f7-f6 Qg4xg7 h6-h5 Nb1-c3 Ke8-d7 Bf1-d3 Kd7-d8 Qg7-h8+ Kd8-c7
16/26 00:02 4,242k 1,564k +39.93 e2-e3 g7-g6 Qd1-g4 c7-c6 Bf1-d3 h7-h6 Ng1-f3 h6-h5 Qg4-c4 Ke8-f8 Nf3-e5 e7-e6 Ne5xd7+ Kf8-g7 Qc4xc6 h5-h4 Qc6-c5
17/24+ 00:03 5,005k 1,577k +40.08 e2-e3
17/24+ 00:03 5,639k 1,586k +40.19 e2-e3
17/25+ 00:05 8,376k 1,601k +40.55 e2-e3
17/25+ 00:06 10,832k 1,600k +40.83 a2-a4
17/25+ 00:06 11,133k 1,604k +47.36 a2-a4
17/25 00:08 13,855k 1,597k +48.48 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 g5-g4 a7-a8Q h7-h5 Qa8-g8 Ke7-f6 Ra1-a7 e6-e5 Ra7xc7 e5-e4 Qg8-d8+ Kf6-g6
18/24+ 00:09 14,665k 1,597k +48.55 a2-a4
18/25+ 00:09 15,729k 1,595k +48.62 a2-a4
18/26+ 00:14 22,132k 1,559k +49.10 a2-a4
18/26 00:16 25,870k 1,541k +49.31 a2-a4 f7-f5 a4-a5 g7-g5 a5-a6 Ke8-f7 a6-a7 Kf7-e6 a7-a8Q g5-g4 Ra1-a7 h7-h5 Qa8-d8 h5-h4 Ra7xc7 Ke6-f6 Rc7xd7 Kf6-g5 Qd8xe7+ Kg5-h5
19/24+ 00:17 27,343k 1,536k +49.38 a2-a4
19/25+ 00:19 30,179k 1,528k +49.45 a2-a4
19/26+ 00:32 48,261k 1,491k +50.21 a2-a4
19/26 00:38 56,701k 1,481k +50.40 a2-a4 h7-h5 a4-a5 e7-e5 a5-a6 Ke8-e7 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q g5-g4 Qa8-d5 f7-f6 Ra1-a7 g4-g3 h2xg3 e5-e4 Qd5xe4+ Ke7-f8 Ra7xc7 h5-h4 Rh1xh4
20/26+ 00:39 58,296k 1,476k +50.47 a2-a4
20/28+ 00:40 59,124k 1,473k +50.55 a2-a4
20/28+ 00:49 72,121k 1,459k +51.02 a2-a4
20/28 00:51 74,843k 1,456k +51.02 a2-a4 h7-h5 a4-a5 e7-e6 a5-a6 Ke8-e7 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q g7-g5 Qa8-g8 g5-g4 Qg8xg4 Ke7-d6 Qg4xh4 f7-f6 Ra1-a6+ c7-c6 Qh4xf6 Kd6-c7 Ra6-a7+ Kc7-d6 Qf6-d4+ Kd6-e7 Qd4xd7+ Ke7-f8 Qd7xe6
21/28+ 00:54 79,137k 1,450k +51.10 a2-a4
21/28+ 00:57 82,459k 1,446k +51.17 a2-a4
21/38+ 01:06 95,511k 1,429k +89.78 a2-a4
21/38 01:08 98,317k 1,425k +91.13 a2-a4 h7-h5 a4-a5 g7-g5 a5-a6 Ke8-f8 a6-a7 Kf8-g7 a7-a8Q g5-g4 Qa8-d8 Kg7-g6 Qd8xd7 g4-g3 h2xg3 f7-f6 Qd7-e8+ Kg6-g7 Qe8xe7+ Kg7-g6 Qe7-e4+ Kg6-g7 Rh1xh5 f6-f5 Qe4-e7+ Kg7-g6 Qe7-h7+ Kg6-f6 Rh5xf5+ Kf6-e6 Qh7xc7
22/28+ 01:11 100,986k 1,420k +91.20 a2-a4
22/28+ 01:12 102,841k 1,417k +91.28 a2-a4
22/34+ 01:16 107,614k 1,410k +121.82 a2-a4
22/38 01:21 114,446k 1,403k +M19 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 e7-e5 a5-a6 Ke8-e7 a6-a7 Ke7-d6 a7-a8Q e5-e4 Qa8xe4 f7-f5 Qe4xf5 Kd6-e7 Qf5xh7+ Ke7-d6 Qh7-h6+ Kd6-e7 Qh6xg5+ Ke7-f7 Qg5-f5+ Kf7-e8 Qf5-g6+ Ke8-e7 Qg6-g7+ Ke7-e6 e2-e4 c7-c6
23/36 01:37 135,744k 1,387k +M14 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 e7-e5 a5-a6 Ke8-e7 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q e5-e4 Qa8xe4+ Ke7-f6 Qe4-d4+ Kf6-e6 Qd4-c4+ Ke6-f6 Qc4xc7 Kf6-g7 Qc7xd7 Kg7-g6 Ra1-a6+ Kg6-g7 Qd7-e7 Kg7-g8 Qe7xg5+ Kg8-f8 Ra6-a8+
24/28 02:11 181,089k 1,381k +M14 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 g5-g4 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 e7-e6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 Qa8-h8 g4-g3 h2xg3 h5-h4 Qh8xh4+ Ke7-d6 Qh4-d8 f7-f5 Ra1-a7 f5-f4 Ra7xc7 f4xg3 Qd8xd7+ Kd6-e5 Rc7-c5+ Ke5-f6 Rh1-h6+
25/36 02:42 222,395k 1,371k +M14 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g7-g5 Qa8-g8 g5-g4 d2-d4 g4-g3 f2xg3 d7-d6 Bc1-g5+ Ke7-d7 Qg8-d8+ Kd7-c6 Ra1-a6+ Kc6-b5 Qd1-d3+ Kb5-b4 Qd8-b8+
26/28 03:09 258,223k 1,364k +M14 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 Kf8-g8 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 g7-g6 a7-a8Q+ Kg8-g7 Qa8-d8 Kg7-f6 Qd8xd7 h5-h4 Qd7xc7 h4-h3 Ra1-a7 h3xg2 Qc7xe7+ Kf6-g7 Qe7xf7+ Kg7-h6 d2-d3+ Kh6-h5 e2-e4+ Kh5-h4 Qf7-f4+
27/28 04:01 327,685k 1,355k +M13 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 Kf8-g8 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q+ Kg8-g7 Qa8-d8 Kg7-f6 Qd8xd7 g5-g4 Qd7xc7 Kf6-g7 Qc7-e5+ Kg7-h7 d2-d4 f7-f6 Qe5xe7+ Kh7-g6 Qe7-e8+ Kg6-f5 e2-e4+
28/26 05:06 414,438k 1,354k +M13 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 Kf8-g8 a5-a6 f7-f6 a6-a7 Kg8-f7 a7-a8Q f6-f5 Qa8-d5+ Kf7-f6 Qd5xd7 g7-g6 Ra1-a6+ Kf6-f7 Qd7-e6+ Kf7-f8 d2-d4 f5-f4 Ra6-a8+ Kf8-g7 Bc1xf4 h7-h6 Qe6xe7+
29/26 06:12 503,784k 1,353k +M13 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 e7-e6 a5-a6 g7-g6 a6-a7 g6-g5 a7-a8Q+ Kf8-e7 Ra1-a7 g5-g4 Ra7xc7 g4-g3 h2xg3 h7-h5 Qa8-c8 Ke7-f6 Qc8xd7 h5-h4 Qd7xf7+ Kf6-e5 Qf7-h5+ Ke5-d6 Qh5-c5+
30/26 07:33 613,643k 1,352k +M13 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 e7-e6 a5-a6 Kf8-e7 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q g5-g4 Qa8-c8 h7-h5 Qc8xc7 g4-g3 h2xg3 h5-h4 Rh1xh4 Ke7-f6 Qc7-d8+ Kf6-e5 d2-d4+ Ke5-d6 Ra1-a6+ Kd6-d5 e2-e4+
31/26 10:03 815,628k 1,353k +M13 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q g5-g4 Qa8-h8 g4-g3 h2xg3 d7-d6 Rh1xh5 Ke7-d7 Qh8-b8 e6-e5 Ra1-a7 Kd7-e6 Ra7xc7 Ke6-d5 Qb8-b3+ Kd5-d4 Qb3-d3+
32/26 12:02 977,511k 1,352k +M13 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 h5-h4 a6-a7 h4-h3 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 Ng1xh3 g7-g5 Qa8-g8 g5-g4 d2-d4 g4-g3 h2xg3 e6-e5 d4xe5 d7-d6 Qd1-d5 Ke7-d7 Qg8xf7+ Kd7-c8 Ra1-a8+
33/34 17:34 1,427,693k 1,354k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 h5-h4 a6-a7 h4-h3 e2-e3 h3xg2 Bf1xg2 g7-g6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 Qd1-g4 d7-d5 Qg4-b4+ c7-c5 Ra1-a7+ Ke7-f6 Qb4-f4+ Kf6-g7 Ra7xf7+
34/24 21:39 1,762,552k 1,357k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 h5-h4 a6-a7 h4-h3 e2-e3 h3xg2 Bf1xg2 g7-g6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 Qd1-g4 d7-d5 Qg4-b4+ c7-c5 Ra1-a7+ Ke7-f6 Qb4-f4+ Kf6-g7 Ra7xf7+
35/24 24:59 2,038,465k 1,359k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 h5-h4 a6-a7 h4-h3 e2-e3 h3xg2 Bf1xg2 g7-g6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 Qd1-g4 d7-d5 Qg4-b4+ c7-c5 Ra1-a7+ Ke7-f6 Qb4-f4+ Kf6-g7 Ra7xf7+
36/24 29:21 2,397,362k 1,361k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 h5-h4 a6-a7 h4-h3 e2-e3 h3xg2 Bf1xg2 g7-g6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 Qd1-g4 d7-d5 Qg4-b4+ c7-c5 Ra1-a7+ Ke7-f6 Qb4-f4+ Kf6-g7 Ra7xf7+
37/24 34:53 2,856,161k 1,364k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 h5-h4 a6-a7 h4-h3 e2-e3 h3xg2 Bf1xg2 g7-g6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 Qd1-g4 d7-d5 Qg4-b4+ c7-c5 Ra1-a7+ Ke7-f6 Qb4-f4+ Kf6-g7 Ra7xf7+
38/24 39:58 3,280,311k 1,368k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 h5-h4 a6-a7 h4-h3 e2-e3 h3xg2 Bf1xg2 g7-g6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 Qd1-g4 d7-d5 Qg4-b4+ c7-c5 Ra1-a7+ Ke7-f6 Qb4-f4+ Kf6-g7 Ra7xf7+
39/24 47:38 3,910,526k 1,368k +M12 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 g5-g4 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 e2-e4 d7-d5 d2-d4 d5xe4 Ra1-a7 e4-e3 Bc1xe3 Ke7-d7 Qa8-b7 Kd7-e7 Qb7xc7+ Ke7-e8 Ra7-a8+
40/24 1:09:54 5,810,809k 1,385k +M12 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 f7-f6 a5-a6 g7-g6 a6-a7 Kf8-g7 a7-a8Q Kg7-f7 e2-e4 f6-f5 e4xf5 c7-c6 f5xg6+ h7xg6 Qd1-f3+ Kf7-e6 Ra1-a5 g6-g5 Qf3-f5+ Ke6-d6 Qf5-e5+
41/24 1:38:46 8,308,939k 1,402k +M12 a2-a4 f7-f5 a4-a5 Ke8-f7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Qa8-d5+ Kf7-f6 Qd5xd7 g7-g6 Ra1-a6+ c7-c6 Ra6-a7 f5-f4 Qd7xe7+ Kf6-f5 e2-e4+ f4xe3/ep Qd1-f3+
42/24 1:52:39 9,494,890k 1,405k +M12 a2-a4 f7-f5 a4-a5 Ke8-f7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 h5-h4 a7-a8Q h4-h3 Qa8-d5+ Kf7-f6 Qd5xd7 g7-g6 Ra1-a6+ c7-c6 Ra6-a7 f5-f4 Qd7xe7+ Kf6-f5 e2-e4+ f4xe3/ep Qd1-f3+
43/24 2:36:32 13,295,988k 1,416k +M12 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 g5-g4 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 e7-e6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 e2-e4 d7-d5 d2-d4 d5xe4 Ra1-a7 e4-e3 Bc1xe3 Ke7-d7 Qa8-b7 Kd7-e7 Qb7xc7+ Ke7-e8 Ra7-a8+
44/24 2:53:16 14,738,340k 1,418k +M12 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 g5-g4 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 e7-e6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 e2-e4 d7-d5 d2-d4 d5xe4 Ra1-a7 e4-e3 Bc1xe3 Ke7-d7 Qa8-b7 Kd7-e7 Qb7xc7+ Ke7-e8 Ra7-a8+
45/24 3:18:36 16,979,388k 1,425k +M12 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 g5-g4 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 e7-e6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 e2-e4 d7-d5 d2-d4 d5xe4 Ra1-a7 e4-e3 Bc1xe3 Ke7-d7 Qa8-b7 Kd7-e7 Qb7xc7+ Ke7-e8 Ra7-a8+
46/24 4:58:24 25,837,196k 1,443k +M12 a2-a4 h7-h5 a4-a5 g7-g5 a5-a6 g5-g4 a6-a7 e7-e6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 e2-e4 d7-d5 d2-d4 d5xe4 Ra1-a7 e4-e3 Bc1xe3 Ke7-d7 Qa8-b7 Kd7-e7 Qb7xc7+ Ke7-e8 Ra7-a8+
47/24 5:45:32 30,032,456k 1,449k +M12 a2-a4 h7-h5 a4-a5 g7-g5 a5-a6 g5-g4 a6-a7 e7-e6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 e2-e4 d7-d5 d2-d4 d5xe4 Ra1-a7 e4-e3 Bc1xe3 Ke7-d7 Qa8-b7 Kd7-e7 Qb7xc7+ Ke7-e8 Ra7-a8+
48/24 6:15:59 32,707,743k 1,450k +M12 a2-a4 h7-h5 a4-a5 g7-g5 a5-a6 g5-g4 a6-a7 e7-e6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 e2-e4 d7-d5 d2-d4 d5xe4 Ra1-a7 e4-e3 Bc1xe3 Ke7-d7 Qa8-b7 Kd7-e7 Qb7xc7+ Ke7-e8 Ra7-a8+
49/24 7:07:25 37,236,015k 1,452k +M12 a2-a4 h7-h5 a4-a5 g7-g5 a5-a6 g5-g4 a6-a7 e7-e6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 e2-e4 d7-d5 d2-d4 d5xe4 Ra1-a7 e4-e3 Bc1xe3 Ke7-d7 Qa8-b7 Kd7-e7 Qb7xc7+ Ke7-e8 Ra7-a8+
50/24 8:19:42 43,679,851k 1,457k +M12 a2-a4 h7-h5 a4-a5 g7-g5 a5-a6 g5-g4 a6-a7 e7-e6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 e2-e4 d7-d5 d2-d4 d5xe4 Ra1-a7 e4-e3 Bc1xe3 Ke7-d7 Qa8-b7 Kd7-e7 Qb7xc7+ Ke7-e8 Ra7-a8+
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by cdani »

duncan wrote: do you know why it should take so long to find to find the 48/24
Sometimes some key positions are overwritten, and the engine loses a clear path to whatever has achieved previously. So yes, the successfulness or this hash saving feature is a bit random. This result is inherent to this functionality, is not that there's a bug.
So something more advanced is necessary to have more reliability.
Rodolfo Leoni
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by Rodolfo Leoni »

cdani wrote:...................
So something more advanced is necessary to have more reliability.
Is there really a way? I can't imagine it. Hash size was little in Duncan's experiments. So many things will always be lost in any case, I guess.
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by cdani »

Rodolfo Leoni wrote:
cdani wrote:...................
So something more advanced is necessary to have more reliability.
Is there really a way? I can't imagine it. Hash size was little in Duncan's experiments. So many things will always be lost in any case, I guess.
My first idea was to take an snapshot of the whole engine as commented, so if for example the photo is taken when it finishes iteration 35, when you recover the saved state it will continue at depth 36 exactly as if nothing happened.
Rodolfo Leoni
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by Rodolfo Leoni »

cdani wrote:
Rodolfo Leoni wrote:
cdani wrote:...................
So something more advanced is necessary to have more reliability.
Is there really a way? I can't imagine it. Hash size was little in Duncan's experiments. So many things will always be lost in any case, I guess.
My first idea was to take an snapshot of the whole engine as commented, so if for example the photo is taken when it finishes iteration 35, when you recover the saved state it will continue at depth 36 exactly as if nothing happened.
Yes, I remember. The work you're doing is special. Thanks. :)
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by Chess762 »

Hello all!
I tested your Stockfish in such position
3r2kr/p1p2p1p/1p3P1B/3P1b2/2P3p1/8/PP3K2/4R3 w - - 0 0
It works great. Houdini 5 works with the saving hash-file function as well.

Analysis by Stockfish 250717 64 POPCNT:

1.Re5 Bg6 2.b4 Bb1 3.c5 g3+ 4.Kxg3 bxc5 5.bxc5 Bg6 6.d6 cxd6 7.cxd6 Rc8 8.d7 Rc3+ 9.Kh4 Rc4+ 10.Kg5 Rg4+ 11.Kxg4 Bh5+ 12.Kg3 Bg6 13.d8Q#
White mates: +- (#13) Depth: 96/26 00:05:01 3136MN, tb=8865124
(, 31.07.2017)
but when I tried to use AsvFish 2017-07-10 and Komodo 11.01 they don't catch the winning variation after loading hash-file. Why it occurs?