Stockfish version with hash saving capability

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Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by cdani »

As I think many people will not see it as is buried in a long thread, I publish here this again.

I added to Stockfish the capability of saving the full hash to file, to allow the user to recover a previous analysis session and continue it. It has the same added uci options than in Andscacs.
The saved hash file will be of the same size of the hash memory, so if you defined 4 GB of hash, such will be the file size. Saving and loading such big files can take some time.

Source and executable: ...

To be able to do it I have added 4 new uci parameters:

option name NeverClearHash type check default false
option name HashFile type string default hash.hsh
option name SaveHashtoFile type button
option name LoadHashfromFile type button

You can set the NeverClearHash option to avoid that the hash could be cleared by a Clear Hash or ucinewgame command.
The HashFile parameter is the full file name with path information. If you don't set the path, it will be saved in the current folder. It defaults to hash.hsh.
To save the hash, stop the analysis and press the SaveHashtoFile button in the uci options screen of the GUI.
To load the hash file, load the game you are interested in, load the engine withouth starting it, and press the LoadHashfromFile button in the uci options screen of the GUI. Now you can start the analysis.

I have not tested it much. Anything just tell me.

The modified code is between
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by duncan »

thanks for doing this. Is there any possibilty you will do a 32 bit version ?
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by cdani »

duncan wrote:thanks for doing this. Is there any possibilty you will do a 32 bit version ?
Done! Download the same zip file and it is inside.
Rodolfo Leoni
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by Rodolfo Leoni »

cdani wrote:................
I have not tested it much. Anything just tell me.

I can start test it on next sunday, I think. I'm very busy with work these days...
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by retep1 »

I followed the steps you specified.
Unfortunately it doesn't work - neither in the Fritz 15 GUI nor in Aquarium 2017 - although the hash-file is created, but after loading the hashfile the analysis starts again at depth 0 - not 40 where I saved the analysis.
What could be wrong here? Any idea?
Dann Corbit
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by Dann Corbit »

retep1 wrote:I followed the steps you specified.
Unfortunately it doesn't work - neither in the Fritz 15 GUI nor in Aquarium 2017 - although the hash-file is created, but after loading the hashfile the analysis starts again at depth 0 - not 40 where I saved the analysis.
What could be wrong here? Any idea?
Nothing is wrong.
Look at how long it takes to analyze the same position compared to the first time.

The engine has the old hash values, but it still has to perform the search.
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by cdani »

retep1 wrote:I followed the steps you specified.
Unfortunately it doesn't work - neither in the Fritz 15 GUI nor in Aquarium 2017 - although the hash-file is created, but after loading the hashfile the analysis starts again at depth 0 - not 40 where I saved the analysis.
What could be wrong here? Any idea?
The idea is that the engine will remember big parts of the analysis, so it will reach faster higher depths, but it always starts from depth 0. That's what this capability offers.
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by cdani »

Dann Corbit wrote:
retep1 wrote:I followed the steps you specified.
Unfortunately it doesn't work - neither in the Fritz 15 GUI nor in Aquarium 2017 - although the hash-file is created, but after loading the hashfile the analysis starts again at depth 0 - not 40 where I saved the analysis.
What could be wrong here? Any idea?
Nothing is wrong.
Look at how long it takes to analyze the same position compared to the first time.

The engine has the old hash values, but it still has to perform the search.
Thanks for explaining! This has given me an idea, to save also the whole state of the engine, so to allow it to recover the search from the point it was. I will try to see if is feasible in Andscacs.
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by retep1 »

thx for the clarification :D
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Re: Stockfish version with hash saving capability

Post by duncan »

cdani wrote:
Done! Download the same zip file and it is inside.
I compared results of Stockfish_x32_modern_170724_savehash: with Stockfish-TCEC6-32-PA_GTB:

the following position I suspect is a mate in 10. Stockfish_x32_modern_170724_savehash found a mate in 14 in 2 and half minutes on my computer depth 23. while Stockfish-TCEC6-32-PA_GTB takes over 9 minutes depth depth 25 to find a mate in 23.

so it seems for finding mates, latest stockfish is much faster. so it makes your work all the more valuable
thanks for doing this . much appreciated .

[d]4k3/2pppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQ - 0 1

1/1 00:00 20 10k +38.12 Nb1-c3
2/2 00:00 73 37k +37.99 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8
3/3 00:00 170 85k +38.18 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Nc3-d5
4/4 00:00 1k 255k +38.18 Ng1-f3 f7-f6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f7
5/5 00:00 2k 423k +38.30 Ng1-f3 f7-f6 d2-d3 Ke8-f7 Nb1-c3
6/6 00:00 5k 545k +38.25 e2-e3 e7-e6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Ng1-e2 d7-d5
7/7 00:00 10k 688k +38.37 e2-e3 c7-c6 Qd1-h5 h7-h6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Ng1-e2
8/10 00:00 24k 871k +38.38 e2-e3 g7-g6 Bf1-d3 e7-e6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-f8 Ng1-f3 Kf8-g7
9/10 00:00 41k 1,004k +38.56 e2-e3 g7-g6 Nb1-c3 f7-f6 Bf1-d3 d7-d6 Ng1-f3 Ke8-f7 O-O
10/13 00:00 74k 1,156k +38.47 e2-e3 g7-g6 Nb1-c3 c7-c6 Bf1-e2 Ke8-f8 Ng1-f3 e7-e6 O-O Kf8-g7
11/14 00:00 128k 1,324k +38.60 e2-e3 g7-g6 Nb1-c3 e7-e6 Bf1-d3 Ke8-f8 Qd1-g4 Kf8-e8 Ng1-f3 f7-f5 Qg4-c4 c7-c6
12/16 00:00 215k 1,462k +38.59 e2-e3 g7-g6 Nb1-c3 f7-f5 Ng1-f3 e7-e6 Bf1-d3 Ke8-f8 O-O Kf8-g7 Nf3-e5 d7-d6 Ne5-c4
13/20 00:00 877k 1,723k +39.25 e2-e3 g7-g6 Qd1-g4 c7-c6 Bf1-d3 f7-f6 Nb1-c3 Ke8-d8 Qg4-h4 g6-g5 Qh4xh7 d7-d5 Ng1-f3 e7-e5 O-O
14/20 00:01 1,796k 1,752k +39.66 e2-e3 g7-g6 Qd1-g4 c7-c6 Bf1-d3 e7-e6 Ng1-f3 c6-c5 Qg4-f4 Ke8-e7 O-O d7-d6 Qf4-h4+ Ke7-e8 Qh4xh7 Ke8-f8 Nf3-g5
15/25 00:02 3,733k 1,750k +40.00 e2-e3 g7-g6 Qd1-g4 c7-c6 Bf1-d3 c6-c5 Bd3-b5 e7-e6 Qg4-g5 Ke8-f8 Qg5xc5+ Kf8-g8 Bb5xd7 h7-h6 Nb1-c3 g6-g5 Ng1-f3 Kg8-g7
16/25+ 00:03 6,587k 1,740k +48.08 a2-a4
16/25 00:05 9,431k 1,716k +48.24 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 g7-g5 a5-a6 Ke8-e7 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q g5-g4 Qa8-c8 h5-h4 Ra1-a7 h4-h3 Ra7xc7 Ke7-f6 Qc8xd7
17/21+ 00:05 9,807k 1,716k +48.31 a2-a4
17/23+ 00:05 10,165k 1,716k +48.39 a2-a4
17/24+ 00:07 12,274k 1,710k +48.65 a2-a4
17/24 00:08 14,395k 1,697k +48.68 a2-a4 d7-d6 a4-a5 Ke8-d7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q g5-g4 e2-e3 e7-e5 Qa8-f8 Kd7-e6 Bf1-c4+ Ke6-d7 Qf8xf7+ Kd7-c8 Qf7xh5
18/25+ 00:08 15,061k 1,692k +48.75 a2-a4
18/26+ 00:09 15,900k 1,688k +48.82 a2-a4
18/26+ 00:13 22,802k 1,641k +49.29 a2-a4
18/26 00:16 26,293k 1,630k +49.43 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 e7-e6 a5-a6 Kf8-e7 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q h5-h4 Qa8-c8 h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g7-g5 Qc8xc7 g5-g4 Qc7-c5+ d7-d6 Qc5-g5+ Ke7-d7
19/25+ 00:17 28,506k 1,622k +49.50 a2-a4
19/27+ 00:19 30,943k 1,614k +49.57 a2-a4
19/29+ 00:28 45,559k 1,582k +50.04 a2-a4
19/29 00:34 53,190k 1,554k +50.26 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 f7-f5 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q g5-g4 Qa8-h8 Ke7-f7 Qh8xh7+ Kf7-f6 Qh7xd7 g4-g3 h2xg3 f5-f4 g3xf4 c7-c5 Rh1-h6+ Kf6-f5
20/25+ 00:37 58,213k 1,533k +50.33 a2-a4
20/30+ 00:42 64,219k 1,522k +50.41 a2-a4
20/32+ 01:18 102,333k 1,307k +80.95 a2-a4
20/32 01:20 104,375k 1,301k +82.92 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 g7-g6 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7 Kf8-g7 a7-a8Q e7-e5 Ra1-a7 h5-h4 Ra7xc7 h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g6-g5 Nh3xg5 d7-d5 Qa8xd5 Kg7-f6
21/32+ 01:21 105,452k 1,301k +83.00 a2-a4
21/32+ 01:21 105,655k 1,300k +83.07 a2-a4
21/32+ 01:27 111,753k 1,284k +86.10 a2-a4
21/32- 01:28 113,718k 1,279k +81.95 a2-a4 e7-e5
21/34+ 01:29 114,493k 1,279k +84.98 a2-a4
21/36+ 01:31 116,440k 1,274k +88.68 a2-a4
21/36- 01:35 120,727k 1,271k +78.82 a2-a4 Ke8-f8
21/36+ 01:35 121,085k 1,270k +86.06 a2-a4
21/36+ 01:35 121,714k 1,270k +90.16 a2-a4
21/36 01:38 124,709k 1,269k +91.29 a2-a4 Ke8-f8 a4-a5 e7-e6 a5-a6 Kf8-e7 a6-a7 h7-h5 a7-a8Q h5-h4 Qa8-c8 h4-h3 Ng1xh3 g7-g6 Ra1-a7 Ke7-f6 Qc8xc7 g6-g5 Qc7xd7 g5-g4 Qd7xf7+ Kf6-e5 d2-d4+ Ke5-d5
22/31+ 01:41 128,379k 1,268k +91.37 a2-a4
22/35- 01:43 131,074k 1,264k +91.21 a2-a4 h7-h5
22/38+ 01:44 131,999k 1,261k +91.33 a2-a4
22/38+ 01:50 137,972k 1,251k +121.77 a2-a4
22/38 01:59 148,995k 1,244k +91.25 a2-a4 f7-f6 a4-a5 Ke8-f7 a5-a6 h7-h6 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q g5-g4 Qa8-d5+ Kf7-g7 Qd5xd7 Kg7-f7 Qd7xg4 h6-h5 Qg4xh5+ Kf7-g7 Ra1-a7 f6-f5 Qh5xf5 Kg7-h8 Ra7xc7 Kh8-g7 Rc7xe7+ Kg7-g8
23/30+ 02:01 150,655k 1,244k +91.33 a2-a4
23/32+ 02:02 152,211k 1,242k +91.40 a2-a4
23/32+ 02:15 168,765k 1,248k +121.94 a2-a4
23/32 02:39 201,301k 1,266k +M14 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 g5-g4 a5-a6 e7-e5 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q e5-e4 Qa8xe4+ Ke7-f6 Ra1-a7 h7-h5 Ra7xc7 g4-g3 h2xg3 h5-h4 Rh1xh4 Kf6-g7 Rh4-h7+ Kg7-f6 Rc7xd7 Kf6-g5 d2-d3+ Kg5-f6
24/28 03:15 244,190k 1,250k +M14 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 h5-h4 a6-a7 e7-e6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-e7 Qa8-c8 h4-h3 Ng1xh3 Ke7-f6 Qc8xd7 e6-e5 Qd7xc7 e5-e4 Qc7-f4+ Kf6-g7 Qf4-e5+ Kg7-h7 Nh3-g5+ Kh7-h6 Ng5xf7+ Kh6-h7 Qe5-h8+
25/29 03:53 290,514k 1,245k +M13 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 h5-h4 a6-a7 f7-f6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-f7 Qa8-d5+ Kf7-g7 Qd5xd7 Kg7-f7 Ra1-a7 Kf7-g7 Qd7xe7+ Kg7-h6 d2-d3+ g6-g5 Qe7xf6+ Kh6-h7 Ra7xc7+ Kh7-g8 Qf6-g7+
26/26 04:33 344,070k 1,259k +M13 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 h5-h4 a6-a7 f7-f5 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-f7 Qa8-d5+ Kf7-f6 Qd5xd7 f5-f4 Ra1-a6+ c7-c6 Qd7xc6+ e7-e6 Qc6xe6+ Kf6-g7 Qe6-f6+ Kg7-h7 Qf6xg6+ Kh7-h8 Ra6-a8+
27/30 05:39 437,044k 1,288k +M13 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 e7-e6 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q g6-g5 Ra1-a7 g5-g4 Ra7xc7 g4-g3 h2xg3 h5-h4 Rh1xh4 f7-f5 Rh4-h7+ Ke7-d6 Rh7xd7+ Kd6-e5 Qa8-h8+ Ke5-e4 d2-d3+


FEN: 4k3/2pppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQ - 0 1

1/1 00:00 25 25k +34.95 e2-e3
2/2 00:00 82 82k +34.94 e2-e3 c7-c6
3/3 00:00 219 219k +35.42 e2-e3 c7-c6 Nb1-c3
4/4 00:00 523 523k +35.46 e2-e3 c7-c6 Nb1-c3 g7-g6
5/5 00:00 2k 1,751k +36.01 a2-a4 Ke8-d8 a4-a5 g7-g6 e2-e3
6/6 00:00 3k 2,600k +35.99 a2-a4 Ke8-d8 a4-a5 f7-f5 a5-a6 g7-g6
7/7 00:00 8k 8,097k +36.68 a2-a4 g7-g5 e2-e3 h7-h6 a4-a5 Ke8-d8 a5-a6
8/9 00:00 20k 1,219k +38.31 a2-a4 c7-c5 a4-a5 c5-c4 a5-a6 c4-c3 a6-a7 c3xd2+ Qd1xd2
9/12 00:00 25k 1,564k +38.08 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 e7-e5 e2-e3 h7-h6 a5-a6 Ke8-d8 a6-a7
10/14 00:00 45k 1,417k +44.17 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 e7-e6 a5-a6 f7-f6 a6-a7 Ke8-f7 e2-e4 g7-g6 a7-a8Q
11/14 00:00 59k 1,226k +44.34 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 e7-e6 a5-a6 Ke8-f8 a6-a7 Kf8-g7 a7-a8Q c7-c6 d2-d3
12/14 00:00 96k 1,210k +39.06 a2-a4 Ke8-d8 a4-a5 Kd8-c8 e2-e3 f7-f5 Qd1-f3 c7-c6 Qf3xf5 e7-e6 Bf1-a6+ Kc8-d8 Qf5-f8+ Kd8-c7 Qf8xg7
13/16 00:00 214k 1,137k +45.36 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 Ke8-e7 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q g5-g4 Ra1-a7 h5-h4 Ra7xc7
14/16 00:00 389k 1,182k +45.96 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 Ke8-f8 a5-a6 Kf8-g7 a6-a7 c7-c5 a7-a8Q d7-d6 e2-e4 g6-g5 Ra1-a7 e7-e6
15/16 00:00 790k 1,203k +47.00 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 Ke8-f8 a5-a6 Kf8-g7 a6-a7 c7-c5 a7-a8Q d7-d6 e2-e4 c5-c4 Bf1xc4 e7-e6 Qd1-f3
16/20 00:01 1,692k 1,177k +47.88 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 Ke8-f8 a5-a6 Kf8-g7 a6-a7 h7-h6 a7-a8Q g6-g5 Qa8-d8 e7-e6 Qd8-e8 Kg7-g6 e2-e3 Kg6-g7 Ra1-a8
17/20 00:01 1,737k 1,157k +47.84 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 Ke8-f8 a5-a6 Kf8-g7 a6-a7 h7-h6 a7-a8Q g6-g5 Qa8-d8 e7-e6 Qd8-e8 g5-g4 Ra1-a8 c7-c5 e2-e3
18/20+ 00:03 3,610k 1,116k +48.41 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 Ke8-f8 a5-a6 Kf8-g7 a6-a7 h7-h6 a7-a8Q g6-g5 Qa8-d8 e7-e6 Qd8xc7 Kg7-g6
18/20+ 00:04 4,612k 1,089k +48.72 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 Ke8-f8 a5-a6 Kf8-g7 a6-a7 h7-h6 a7-a8Q g6-g5 Qa8-d8 e7-e6
18/22+ 00:06 7,106k 1,048k +49.19 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 Ke8-f8 a5-a6 Kf8-g7 a6-a7 h7-h6 a7-a8Q g6-g5 Qa8-d8 e7-e6
18/22 00:08 8,523k 1,037k +49.25 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 Ke8-f8 a5-a6 Kf8-g7 a6-a7 e7-e5 a7-a8Q e5-e4 Qa8-e8 g6-g5 Ra1-a7 g5-g4 Ra7xc7 Kg7-g6 d2-d3 e4xd3 Qe8-g8+ Kg6-f6 e2xd3
19/22+ 00:09 9,933k 1,032k +49.32 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 Ke8-f8 a5-a6 Kf8-g7 a6-a7 e7-e5 a7-a8Q e5-e4 Qa8-e8 g6-g5 Ra1-a7 g5-g4 Ra7xc7 Kg7-g6
19/22+ 00:10 11,154k 1,033k +49.38 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 Ke8-f8 a5-a6 Kf8-g7 a6-a7 e7-e5 a7-a8Q e5-e4 Qa8-e8 g6-g5 Qe8xe4 d7-d6
19/22+ 00:12 12,723k 1,029k +49.47 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 Ke8-f8 a5-a6 Kf8-g7 a6-a7 e7-e5 a7-a8Q e5-e4 Qa8-e8 g6-g5 d2-d3 d7-d6
19/22+ 00:14 14,759k 1,021k +49.61 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 Ke8-f8 a5-a6 Kf8-g7 a6-a7 e7-e5 a7-a8Q e5-e4 Qa8-e8 g6-g5 d2-d3 d7-d6 d3xe4 h7-h6
19/24 00:17 17,550k 1,006k +49.74 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 f7-f5 a5-a6 Ke8-f7 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q h7-h6 e2-e3 g5-g4 Qa8-h8 Kf7-e6 Ra1-a7 h6-h5 Qh8-e8 h5-h4 Qe8xd7+ Ke6-f6
20/24+ 00:18 19,037k 1,004k +49.80 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 f7-f5 a5-a6 Ke8-f7 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q h7-h6 e2-e3 g5-g4
20/24+ 00:21 21,054k 1,000k +49.86 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 f7-f5 a5-a6 Ke8-f7 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q h7-h6 e2-e3 g5-g4 Qa8-h8 Kf7-e6 Ra1-a7 h6-h5
20/24+ 00:23 23,449k 998k +49.95 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 f7-f5 a5-a6 Ke8-f7 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q h7-h6 e2-e3 g5-g4 Qa8-h8 Kf7-e6
20/26+ 00:26 26,359k 996k +50.09 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 f7-f5 a5-a6 Ke8-f7 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q h7-h6 e2-e3 g5-g4 Qa8-h8 Kf7-e6
20/26+ 00:31 30,699k 989k +50.30 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 f7-f5 a5-a6 Ke8-f7 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q h7-h6 e2-e3 g5-g4 Ra1-a7 d7-d6
20/26+ 00:37 36,668k 979k +50.62 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 f7-f5 a5-a6 Ke8-f7 a6-a7 g7-g5 a7-a8Q h7-h6 e2-e3 g5-g4 Ra1-a7 d7-d6
20/26 00:44 43,369k 973k +50.89 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 f7-f6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-f7 e2-e3 g5-g4 Qa8-h8 f6-f5 Qh8xh5+ Kf7-f6 Ra1-a7 c6-c5 Qh5-h6+ Kf6-f7 Nb1-c3 d7-d5 Qh6-h7+
21/26+ 00:48 46,763k 972k +50.95 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 f7-f6
21/26+ 00:52 50,593k 971k +51.01 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 f7-f6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-f7 e2-e3 g5-g4 Qa8-h8 f6-f5
21/26+ 00:56 54,519k 970k +51.11 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 f7-f6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-f7 e2-e3 g5-g4 Qa8-h8 f6-f5 Qh8xh5+ Kf7-f6 Ra1-a7 c6-c5
21/26+ 01:00 59,040k 968k +51.25 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 f7-f6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-f7 e2-e3 g5-g4 Qa8-h8 f6-f5 Qh8xh5+ Kf7-f6
21/26+ 01:06 64,513k 966k +51.46 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 f7-f6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-f7 e2-e3 g5-g4 Qa8-h8 f6-f5
21/28+ 01:14 71,540k 963k +51.77 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 f7-f6 a7-a8Q+ Ke8-f7 e2-e3 g5-g4 Qa8-h8 f6-f5 Qh8xh5+ Kf7-f6
21/28 01:25 81,699k 961k +52.14 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 g5-g4 a7-a8Q f7-f6 e2-e3 h7-h5 Qa8-h8 c7-c5 Qh8xh5 e6-e5 Qh5-h7+ Ke7-d6 Qd1xg4 f6-f5 Qg4xf5
22/28+ 01:26 82,897k 961k +52.20 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 g5-g4 a7-a8Q f7-f6 e2-e3 h7-h5
22/28- 01:27 84,141k 959k +52.08 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7
22/28- 01:29 85,321k 958k +51.99 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 g5-g4 a7-a8Q f7-f6 e2-e3 h7-h5 Qa8-h8 c7-c5 Qh8xh5
22/28 01:41 96,872k 957k +51.97 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 g5-g4 a5-a6 e7-e6 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q f7-f6
23/28+ 01:42 97,733k 957k +52.03 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 g5-g4 a5-a6 e7-e6 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q f7-f6 e2-e3 h7-h5
23/28+ 01:42 98,252k 957k +52.10 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 g5-g4 a5-a6 e7-e6 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q f7-f6
23/28+ 01:42 98,562k 957k +52.19 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 g5-g4 a5-a6 e7-e6 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q f7-f6
23/28+ 01:50 105,333k 956k +52.33 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 g5-g4 a5-a6 e7-e6 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q f7-f6 e2-e3 h7-h5 Qa8-h8 c7-c5 Qh8xh5 f6-f5 Qh5-h7+ Ke7-f6 Qh7xd7 c5-c4
23/28+ 01:58 112,936k 955k +52.54 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 g5-g4 a5-a6 e7-e6 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q f7-f6 e2-e3 h7-h5 Qa8-h8 c7-c5 Qh8xh5 f6-f5
23/28+ 02:07 121,286k 954k +52.85 a2-a4 g7-g5 a4-a5 g5-g4 a5-a6 e7-e6 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q f7-f6
23/28- 02:16 130,140k 951k +51.91 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 Ke7-f6 a6-a7 Kf6-e7 a7-a8Q h7-h6 e2-e3
23/28+ 02:18 131,423k 951k +53.32 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 Ke7-f6 a6-a7 Kf6-e7 a7-a8Q h7-h6 e2-e3 g7-g6
23/32+ 02:53 163,783k 944k +75.11 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 Ke7-f6 a6-a7 Kf6-e7 a7-a8Q h7-h6 e2-e3 g7-g6
23/32 03:00 170,274k 943k +77.57 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 h7-h6 a5-a6 Ke8-f8 a6-a7 Kf8-g7 a7-a8Q h6-h5 Qa8-e8 c7-c6 Qe8xd7 h5-h4 Ra1-a7 h4-h3 Qd7xe7 h3xg2 Bf1xg2 Kg7-h6
24/32- 03:06 175,069k 941k +77.28 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6
24/32- 03:11 179,911k 940k +77.43 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6
24/32- 03:15 183,637k 940k +77.19 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6
24/32- 03:15 184,241k 940k +76.90 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5
24/32- 03:17 186,028k 941k +76.61 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6
24/32- 03:19 187,189k 940k +76.14 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5
24/32- 03:19 188,041k 940k +75.41 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6
24/32- 03:23 191,270k 940k +72.65 a2-a4 c7-c6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6
24/32 03:30 198,175k 940k +77.57 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 h7-h6 a5-a6 Ke8-f8 a6-a7 Kf8-g7 a7-a8Q h6-h5 Qa8-e8 c7-c6 Qe8xd7 h5-h4 Ra1-a7 h4-h3 Qd7xe7 h3xg2 Bf1xg2 Kg7-h6
25/32+ 03:43 210,897k 942k +77.63 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 h7-h6
25/32+ 03:46 212,944k 942k +77.70 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 h7-h6
25/32+ 03:52 219,578k 943k +77.79 a2-a4 g7-g6
25/32+ 03:53 220,141k 943k +77.93 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 h7-h6
25/32+ 03:53 220,222k 943k +78.14 a2-a4 g7-g6
25/32+ 03:53 220,545k 943k +78.45 a2-a4 g7-g6 a4-a5 h7-h6
25/32- 04:32 255,990k 941k +77.50 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 a6-a7
25/32+ 04:57 280,353k 941k +78.92 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 e2-e3 g7-g6
25/32+ 05:08 290,337k 942k +81.55 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6 h7-h5 e2-e3 g7-g6
25/32- 05:25 306,576k 941k +76.79 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 Ke8-e7 a5-a6
25/32- 05:59 338,526k 941k +73.20 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5
25/32+ 07:26 421,304k 944k +83.91 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 g7-g5 a6-a7 Ke8-e7 a7-a8Q g5-g4
25/34+ 09:25 535,239k 947k +91.86 a2-a4 e7-e6
25/34+ 09:28 538,579k 947k +M23 a2-a4 e7-e6 a4-a5 h7-h5 a5-a6 g7-g5