I don't want to give up

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Mike Sherwin
Posts: 866
Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:25 am
Location: Planet Earth, Sol system
Full name: Michael J Sherwin

Re: I don't want to give up

Post by Mike Sherwin »

Added the sd # command
Added the fen command // type fen then space then Ctrl v a copied fen without the quotes to the command line, enter
fixed loss of the epbit after undo
fixed ep in general
Added CHECKMATE and STALEMATE detection to the search
Added generating pawn moves from the backrank for reverse attack detection
Changed fen code to use char instead of u08
Added 4 small candycains to my big cup of tea to sweeten and add mint flavor
Added GenMoves() only, not called yet.
Changed input and string handling in GetCmd()
Changes in Initialize

Code: Select all

// Bricabrac
// A chess engine by Michael J Sherwin
// TommyTC - Chief problem solver,bug squisher
// Sven Schule - some bugs found
// HGM - help with branchless code

#include <intrin.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <assert.h>

using namespace std;

#define equates 1
#ifdef equates
typedef signed char s08;
typedef unsigned char u08;
typedef int s32;
typedef unsigned long u32;
typedef long long s64;
typedef unsigned long long u64;

constexpr auto one = 1ull;
constexpr auto INF = 0x7fff;
constexpr auto STOP = INF;
constexpr auto ColA = 0;
constexpr auto Row8 = 7;
constexpr auto ILLEGAL = 0x8000;
constexpr auto VP = 100;
constexpr auto VN = 300;
constexpr auto VB = 300;
constexpr auto VR = 500;
constexpr auto VQ = 900;
constexpr auto VK = 1600;
constexpr auto Vq = 800;
constexpr auto Vn = 200;
constexpr auto Vr = 400;
constexpr auto Vb = 200;
constexpr auto WOCCS = 0x0000000000000060;
constexpr auto WOCCL = 0x000000000000000e;
constexpr auto BOCCS = 0x6000000000000000;
constexpr auto BOCCL = 0x0e00000000000000;
constexpr auto WATKS = 0x0000000000000070;
constexpr auto WATKL = 0x000000000000001c;
constexpr auto BATKS = 0x7000000000000000;
constexpr auto BATKL = 0x1c00000000000000;
constexpr auto STALEMATE = 0;

enum { BLACK, WHITE };

enum { B, R, N, Q };

enum {
  Wd, We, Wb, Wr, Wn, Wq, Bd, Be, Bb, Br, Bn, Bq, WS, WL, BS, BL

enum { RANK1, RANK2, RANK3, RANK4, RANK5, RANK6, RANK7, RANK8 };

enum {
  A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1, H1,
  A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2, G2, H2,
  A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, F3, G3, H3,
  A4, B4, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, H4,
  A5, B5, C5, D5, E5, F5, G5, H5,
  A6, B6, C6, D6, E6, F6, G6, H6,
  A7, B7, C7, D7, E7, F7, G7, H7,
  A8, B8, C8, D8, E8, F8, G8, H8


#define definitions 1
#ifdef definitions
struct Move {
  s32 fs;
  s32 ts;
  s32 type;
  s32 score;
  s64 stats[2];
  s32 status;

struct Thread {
  s32 wtm;
  s32 ply;
  s32 start;
  s32 mat[2];
  s32 board[64];
  u64 piece[2];
  u64 king[2];
  u64 epbb[100];
  s32 fifty[100];
  Move move[10000];
  Move* root;

#define wtm t->wtm
#define ply t->ply
#define fifty t->fifty
#define start t->start
#define mat t->mat
#define board t->board
#define piece t->piece
#define king t->king
#define epbb t->epbb
#define move t->move
#define root t->root

#define CHECKMATE -(INF - ply)

#define variables 1
#ifdef variables
Thread thread;
Thread* t;
s32 bricabrac;
s32 gamePly;
s32 sd;

u64 wPawnMoves[64];
u64 wPawnCapts[64];
u64 bPawnMoves[64];
u64 bPawnCapts[64];
u64 knightMoves[64];
u64 kingMoves[64];

u64 qss[64][256][8];
u64 bob[64];
u64 rob[64];

u64 above[65];
u64 below[65];

Move gameMoves[1000];
Move bestMove;

s32 value[] = { OO, VP, VN, VB, VR, VR, VQ, VK, VK, VP, VN, VB, VR, VR, VQ, VK, VK,
                OO, OO, Vb, Vr, Vn, Vq, OO, OO, Vb, Vr, Vn, Vq };

s32 promoType[2][4] = { {25, 26, 27, 28}, {19, 20, 21, 22} };

char startFen[] = "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1";
char fenString[100];

s32(*InCheck[2])(Thread*, u64);


void PrintBoard(Thread* t) {
  s32 x, y, sq, pce;

  u08 fig[] = { ".PNBRRQKKpnbrrqkk" };

  for (y = 7; y >= 0; y--) {
    for (x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
      sq = ((y << 3) + x);
      pce = board[sq];
      std::cout << "  " << fig[pce];
    std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;

s32 LoadFen(Thread* t, char* f) {
  s32 row, col, sq, fs, pce;

  for (sq = A1; sq <= H8; sq++) board[sq] = OO;

  col = ColA;
  row = Row8;
  fs = 56;

  mat[WHITE] = OO;
  mat[BLACK] = OO;
  piece[WHITE] = OO;
  piece[BLACK] = OO;

  for (;; f++) {
    if (*f == ' ') break;
    switch (*f) {
    case '1':
    case '2':
    case '3':
    case '4':
    case '5':
    case '6':
    case '7':
    case '8':
      col += *f - '0';
      fs = (row * 8 + col) & 63;
    case '/':
      col = ColA;
      fs = (row * 8 + col) & 63;
    case 'P':
      pce = WP;
      mat[WHITE] += VP;
      piece[WHITE] ^= one << fs;
    case 'N':
      pce = WN;
      mat[WHITE] += VN;
      piece[WHITE] ^= one << fs;
    case 'B':
      pce = WB;
      mat[WHITE] += VB;
      piece[WHITE] ^= one << fs;
    case 'R':
      pce = WR;
      mat[WHITE] += VR;
      piece[WHITE] ^= one << fs;
    case 'Q':
      pce = WQ;
      mat[WHITE] += VQ;
      piece[WHITE] ^= one << fs;
    case 'K':
      pce = WK;
      piece[WHITE] ^= one << fs;
      king[WHITE] = one << fs;
    case 'p':
      pce = BP;
      mat[BLACK] += VP;
      piece[BLACK] ^= one << fs;
    case 'n':
      pce = BN;
      mat[BLACK] += VN;
      piece[BLACK] ^= one << fs;
    case 'b':
      pce = BB;
      mat[BLACK] += VB;
      piece[BLACK] ^= one << fs;
    case 'r':
      pce = BR;
      mat[BLACK] += VR;
      piece[BLACK] ^= one << fs;
    case 'q':
      pce = BQ;
      mat[BLACK] += VQ;
      piece[BLACK] ^= one << fs;
    case 'k':
      pce = BK;
      piece[BLACK] ^= one << fs;
      king[BLACK] = one << fs;
      return false;
    board[fs] = pce;
    fs = (row * 8 + col) & 63;
  switch (*f++) {
  case 'w':
    wtm = WHITE;
  case 'b':
    wtm = BLACK;
    return false;
  if (*f++ != ' ') return false;
  if (*f == '-') {
    if (*f++ != ' ') return false;
  else {
    for (;;) {
      if (*f == ' ') {
      switch (*f++) {
      case 'K':
        board[E1] = WC;
        board[H1] = WRC;
      case 'Q':
        board[E1] = WC;
        board[A1] = WRC;
      case 'k':
        board[E8] = BC;
        board[H8] = BRC;
      case 'q':
        board[E8] = BC;
        board[A8] = BRC;
        return false;
  epbb[OO] = OO;
  if (*f == '-') f++;
  else {
    if (*f < 'a' || *f > 'h') return false;
    if (*(f + 1) < '0' || *(f + 1) > '7') return false;
    row = *(f + 1) - '1';
    col = *f - 'a';
    epbb[OO] = one << (row * 8 + col);
    f += 2;
  if (*f++ != ' ') return false;
  fifty[OO] = OO;
  for (;;) {
    if (!isdigit(*f)) break;
    fifty[OO] *= 10;
    fifty[OO] += *f++ - '0';
  if (*f++ != ' ') return false;
  start = 0;
  for (;;) {
    if (!isdigit(*f)) break;
    start *= 10;
    start += *f++ - '0';
  if (start < 1) return false;
  while (*f == ' ') f++;
  if (*f != '\0') return false;
  return true;

void MakeMove(Thread* t, Move* m) {
  s32 ctype = 0, sq;

  board[m->fs] = OO;
  piece[wtm] ^= one << m->fs;
  piece[wtm] ^= one << m->ts;

  switch (m->type) {
  case OO: break;
  case WP:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WP;
  case WN:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WN;
  case WB:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WB;
  case WR:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WR;
  case WRC:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WR;
  case WQ:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WQ;
  case WK:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WK;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->ts;
  case WC:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WK;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->ts;
  case BP:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BP;
  case BN:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BN;
  case BB:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BB;
  case BR:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BR;
  case BRC:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BR;
  case BQ:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BQ;
  case BK:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BK;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->ts;
  case BC:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BK;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->ts;
  case Wd:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WP;
    epbb[ply + 1] = (u64)(m->fs + 16 == m->ts) << (m->fs + 8);
  case We:
    sq = m->ts - ((epbb[ply] == (one << m->ts)) << 3);
    ctype = board[sq];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << sq;
    board[sq] = OO;
    board[m->ts] = WP;
  case Wb:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WB;
    mat[WHITE] += 200;
  case Wr:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WR;
    mat[WHITE] += 400;
  case Wn:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WN;
    mat[WHITE] += 200;
  case Wq:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[BLACK] -= value[ctype];
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = WQ;
    mat[WHITE] += 800;
  case Bd:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BP;
    epbb[ply + 1] = (u64)(m->fs - 16 == m->ts) << (m->fs - 8);
  case Be:
    sq = m->ts + ((epbb[ply] == (one << m->ts)) << 3);
    ctype = board[sq];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << sq;
    board[sq] = OO;
    board[m->ts] = BP;
  case Bb:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BB;
    mat[BLACK] += 200;
  case Br:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BR;
    mat[BLACK] += 400;
  case Bn:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BN;
    mat[BLACK] += 200;
  case Bq:
    ctype = board[m->ts];
    mat[WHITE] -= value[ctype];
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
    board[m->ts] = BQ;
    mat[BLACK] += 800;
  case WS:
    ctype = OO;
    board[G1] = WK;
    board[H1] = OO;
    board[F1] = WR;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << E1;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << G1;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << H1;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << F1;
  case WL:
    ctype = OO;
    board[C1] = WK;
    board[A1] = OO;
    board[D1] = WR;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << E1;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << C1;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << A1;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << D1;
  case BS:
    ctype = OO;
    board[G8] = BK;
    board[H8] = OO;
    board[F8] = BR;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << E8;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << G8;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << H8;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << F8;
  case BL:
    ctype = OO;
    board[C8] = BK;
    board[A8] = OO;
    board[D8] = BR;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << E8;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << C8;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << A8;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << D8;
  m->type |= ctype << 6;
  wtm = 1 - wtm;

void TakeBack(Thread* t, Move* m) {
  s32 ctype, sq;

  wtm = 1 - wtm;

  piece[wtm] ^= one << m->ts;
  piece[wtm] ^= one << m->fs;
  ctype = m->type >> 6;
  mat[1 - wtm] += value[ctype];
  m->type &= 0x3f;

  switch (m->type) {
  case OO: break;
  case WP:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WP;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WN:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WN;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WB:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WB;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WR:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WR;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WRC:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WRC;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WQ:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WQ;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WK:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WK;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->ts;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WC:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WC;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << m->ts;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BP:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BP;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BN:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BN;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BB:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BB;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BR:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BR;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BRC:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BRC;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BQ:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BQ;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BK:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BK;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->ts;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case BC:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BC;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->fs;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << m->ts;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Wd:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WP;
    epbb[ply + 1] = OO;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case We:
    sq = m->ts - ((epbb[ply] == (one << m->ts)) << 3);
    board[m->ts] = OO;
    board[sq] = ctype;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << sq;
    board[m->fs] = WP;
  case Wb:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WP;
    mat[WHITE] -= 200;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Wr:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WP;
    mat[WHITE] -= 400;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Wn:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WP;
    mat[WHITE] -= 200;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Wq:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = WP;
    mat[WHITE] -= 800;
    piece[BLACK] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Bd:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BP;
    epbb[ply + 1] = OO;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Be:
    sq = m->ts + ((epbb[ply] == (one << m->ts)) << 3);
    board[m->ts] = OO;
    board[sq] = ctype;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << sq;
    board[m->fs] = BP;
  case Bb:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BP;
    mat[BLACK] -= 200;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Br:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BP;
    mat[BLACK] -= 400;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Bn:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BP;
    mat[BLACK] -= 200;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case Bq:
    board[m->ts] = ctype;
    board[m->fs] = BP;
    mat[BLACK] -= 800;
    piece[WHITE] ^= (u64)(ctype != OO) << m->ts;
  case WS:
    board[G1] = OO;
    board[E1] = WC;
    board[H1] = WRC;
    board[F1] = OO;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << G1;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << E1;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << H1;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << F1;
  case WL:
    board[C1] = OO;
    board[E1] = WC;
    board[A1] = WRC;
    board[D1] = OO;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << C1;
    king[WHITE] ^= one << E1;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << A1;
    piece[WHITE] ^= one << D1;
  case BS:
    board[G8] = OO;
    board[E8] = BC;
    board[H8] = BRC;
    board[F8] = OO;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << G8;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << E8;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << H8;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << F8;
  case BL:
    board[C8] = OO;
    board[E8] = BC;
    board[A8] = BRC;
    board[D8] = OO;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << C8;
    king[BLACK] ^= one << E8;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << A8;
    piece[BLACK] ^= one << D8;

s32 AtkByWhite(Thread* t, u64 bb) {
  u32 ts, fs;
  u64 b, aPieces = piece[WHITE] | piece[BLACK];
  do {
    _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
    bb ^= one << ts;
    b = bPawnCapts[ts];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == WP) return true;
    b = knightMoves[ts] & piece[WHITE];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == WN) return true;
    b = kingMoves[ts];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == WK) return true;
    b = qss[ts][(aPieces >> (ts & 56)) & 127][0]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 8) & 255][1]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
      & bob[ts]
      & piece[WHITE];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == WB || board[fs] == WQ) return true;
    b = qss[ts][(aPieces >> (ts & 56)) & 127][0]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 8) & 255][1]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
      & rob[ts]
      & piece[WHITE];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == WR || board[fs] == WQ || board[fs] == WRC) return true;
  } while (bb);
  return false;

s32 AtkByBlack(Thread* t, u64 bb) {
  u32 ts, fs;
  u64 b, aPieces = piece[WHITE] | piece[BLACK];
  do {
    _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
    bb ^= one << ts;
    b = wPawnCapts[ts];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == BP) return true;
    b = knightMoves[ts] & piece[BLACK];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == BN) return true;
    b = kingMoves[ts];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == BK) return true;
    b = qss[ts][(aPieces >> (ts & 56)) & 127][0]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 8) & 255][1]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
      & bob[ts]
      & piece[BLACK];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == BB || board[fs] == BQ) return true;
    b = qss[ts][(aPieces >> (ts & 56)) & 127][0]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 8) & 255][1]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
      & qss[ts][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
      & rob[ts]
      & piece[BLACK];
    while (b) {
      _BitScanForward64(&fs, b);
      b ^= one << fs;
      if (board[fs] == BR || board[fs] == BQ || board[fs] == BRC) return true;
  } while (bb);
  return false;

__forceinline s32 Sort(Thread* t, Move* m) {
  s32 i, mi = 0, high = -INF;
  Move* mov;
  for (i = 0; (m + i)->status != STOP; i++) {
    mov = m + i;
    if (mov->status == false && mov->score > high) {
      high = mov->score;
      mi = i;
  (m + mi)->status = true;
  return mi;

__forceinline s32 Qsort(Thread* t, Move* m, s32 n) {
  s32 i = 0, high = -INF;
  Move* mov;
  for (; n > OO; n--) {
    mov = m - n;
    if (!mov->status && mov->score > high) {
      high = mov->score;
      i = n;
  (m - i)->status = true;
  return i;

u64 GenMoves(Thread* t, Move* m) {
  s32 i, type, score = -INF;
  u32 fs, ts, sq;
  u64 bb = 0, captures = 0;
  Move* n = m;

  u64 pieces = piece[wtm];
  u64 aPieces = piece[BLACK] | piece[WHITE];
  u64 enemy = aPieces ^ pieces;
  u64 empty = 0xffffffffffffffff ^ aPieces;
  u64 notme = 0xffffffffffffffff ^ pieces;

  do {
    _BitScanForward64(&fs, pieces);
    pieces ^= one << fs;
    type = board[fs];
    switch (type) {
    case OO:
    case WP:
      switch (fs >> 3) {
      case RANK1: break;
      case RANK2:
        _BitScanForward64(&sq, wPawnMoves[fs] & aPieces);
        bb = (wPawnMoves[fs] & below[sq]) | (wPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
        type = Wd;
      case RANK3:
      case RANK4:
      case RANK6:
        bb = (wPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (wPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
      case RANK5:
        bb = (wPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (wPawnCapts[fs] & (enemy | epbb[ply]));
        type = We;
      case RANK7:
        bb = (wPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (wPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
        if (bb & king[1 - wtm]) return OO;
        while (bb) {
          _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
          bb ^= one << ts;
          for (i = Q; i >= B; i--) {
            m->fs = (s32)fs;
            m->ts = (s32)ts;
            m->type = Wb + i;
            m->score = (value[board[m->ts]] << 4) - VP;
            m->status = false;
    case WN:
    case BN:
      bb = knightMoves[fs] & notme;
    case WB:
    case BB:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 8) & 255][1]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
        & bob[fs]
        & notme;
    case WR:
    case WRC:
    case BR:
    case BRC:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 8) & 255][1]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
        & rob[fs]
        & notme;
    case WQ:
    case BQ:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 8) & 255][1]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
        & notme;
    case WK:
    case BK:
      bb = kingMoves[fs] & notme;
    case WC:
      bb = kingMoves[fs] & notme;
      if (board[H1] == WRC && !(WOCCS & aPieces) && !AtkByBlack(t, WATKS)) {
        m->fs = E1;
        m->ts = G1;
        m->type = WS;
        m->score = 1000;
        m->status = false;
      if (board[A1] == WRC && !(WOCCL & aPieces) && !AtkByBlack(t, WATKL)) {
        m->fs = E1;
        m->ts = C1;
        m->type = WL;
        m->score = 1000;
        m->status = false;
    case BP:
      switch (fs >> 3) {
      case RANK1:
      case RANK2:
        bb = (bPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (bPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
        if (bb & king[1 - wtm]) return OO;
        while (bb) {
          _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
          bb ^= one << ts;
          for (i = Q; i >= B; i--) {
            m->fs = (s32)fs;
            m->ts = (s32)ts;
            m->type = Bb + i;
            m->score = (value[board[m->ts]] << 4) - VP;
            m->status = false;
      case RANK3:
      case RANK5:
      case RANK6:
        bb = (bPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (bPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
      case RANK4:
        bb = (bPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (bPawnCapts[fs] & (enemy | epbb[ply]));
        type = Be;
      case RANK7:
        _BitScanReverse64(&sq, bPawnMoves[fs] & aPieces);
        bb = (bPawnMoves[fs] & above[sq]) | (bPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
        type = Bd;
    case BC:
      bb = kingMoves[fs] & notme;
      if (board[H8] == BRC && !(BOCCS & aPieces) && !AtkByWhite(t, BATKS)) {
        m->fs = E8;
        m->ts = G8;
        m->type = BS;
        m->score = 1000;
        m->status = false;
      if (board[A8] == BRC && !(BOCCL & aPieces) && !AtkByWhite(t, BATKL)) {
        m->fs = E8;
        m->ts = C8;
        m->type = BL;
        m->score = 1000;
        m->status = false;

    captures |= bb;

    while (bb) {
      _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
      bb ^= one << ts;
      m->fs = (s32)fs;
      m->ts = (s32)ts;
      m->type = type;
      m->score = (value[board[m->ts]] << 4) - value[board[m->fs]];
      m->status = false;

  } while (pieces);

  if (captures & king[1 - wtm]) return OO;

  m->status = STOP;

  return m - n;

u64 GenMovesOnly(Thread* t, Move* m) {
  s32 i, type, score = -INF;
  u32 fs, ts, sq;
  u64 bb = 0, captures = 0;
  Move* n = m;

  u64 pieces = piece[wtm];
  u64 aPieces = piece[BLACK] | piece[WHITE];
  u64 enemy = aPieces ^ pieces;
  u64 empty = 0xffffffffffffffff ^ aPieces;
  u64 notme = 0xffffffffffffffff ^ pieces;

  do {
    _BitScanForward64(&fs, pieces);
    pieces ^= one << fs;
    type = board[fs];
    switch (type) {
    case OO:
    case WP:
      switch (fs >> 3) {
      case RANK1: break;
      case RANK2:
        _BitScanForward64(&sq, wPawnMoves[fs] & aPieces);
        bb = (wPawnMoves[fs] & below[sq]);
        type = Wd;
      case RANK3:
      case RANK4:
      case RANK6:
        bb = (wPawnMoves[fs] & empty);
      case RANK5:
        bb = (wPawnMoves[fs] & empty);
        type = We;
      case RANK7:
        bb = (wPawnMoves[fs] & empty);
        while (bb) {
          _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
          bb ^= one << ts;
          for (i = Q; i >= B; i--) {
            m->fs = (s32)fs;
            m->ts = (s32)ts;
            m->type = Wb + i;
            m->score = (value[board[m->ts]] << 4) - VP;
            m->status = false;
    case WN:
    case BN:
      bb = knightMoves[fs] & empty;
    case WB:
    case BB:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 8) & 255][1]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
        & bob[fs]
        & empty;
    case WR:
    case WRC:
    case BR:
    case BRC:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 8) & 255][1]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
        & rob[fs]
        & empty;
    case WQ:
    case BQ:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 8) & 255][1]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
        & empty;
    case WK:
    case BK:
      bb = kingMoves[fs] & empty;
    case WC:
      bb = kingMoves[fs] & empty;
      if (board[H1] == WRC && !(WOCCS & aPieces) && !AtkByBlack(t, WATKS)) {
        m->fs = E1;
        m->ts = G1;
        m->type = WS;
        m->score = 1000;
        m->status = false;
      if (board[A1] == WRC && !(WOCCL & aPieces) && !AtkByBlack(t, WATKL)) {
        m->fs = E1;
        m->ts = C1;
        m->type = WL;
        m->score = 1000;
        m->status = false;
    case BP:
      switch (fs >> 3) {
      case RANK1:
      case RANK2:
        bb = (bPawnMoves[fs] & empty);
        while (bb) {
          _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
          bb ^= one << ts;
          for (i = Q; i >= B; i--) {
            m->fs = (s32)fs;
            m->ts = (s32)ts;
            m->type = Bb + i;
            m->score = (value[board[m->ts]] << 4) - VP;
            m->status = false;
      case RANK3:
      case RANK5:
      case RANK6:
        bb = (bPawnMoves[fs] & empty);
      case RANK4:
        bb = (bPawnMoves[fs] & empty);
        type = Be;
      case RANK7:
        _BitScanReverse64(&sq, bPawnMoves[fs] & aPieces);
        bb = (bPawnMoves[fs] & above[sq]);
        type = Bd;
    case BC:
      bb = kingMoves[fs] & empty;
      if (board[H8] == BRC && !(BOCCS & aPieces) && !AtkByWhite(t, BATKS)) {
        m->fs = E8;
        m->ts = G8;
        m->type = BS;
        m->score = 1000;
        m->status = false;
      if (board[A8] == BRC && !(BOCCL & aPieces) && !AtkByWhite(t, BATKL)) {
        m->fs = E8;
        m->ts = C8;
        m->type = BL;
        m->score = 1000;
        m->status = false;

    while (bb) {
      _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
      bb ^= one << ts;
      m->fs = (s32)fs;
      m->ts = (s32)ts;
      m->type = type;
      m->score = (value[board[m->ts]] << 4) - value[board[m->fs]];
      m->status = false;

  } while (pieces);

  m->status = STOP;

  return m - n;
s32 Qsearch(Thread* t, Move* m, s32 alpha, s32 beta) {
  s32 n, i, mi, type, score;
  u32 fs, ts;
  u64 bb, captures, pieces, aPieces, enemy, empty;
  Move* mov;

  score = mat[wtm] - mat[1 - wtm];

  if (score >= beta) return beta;
  if (score > alpha) alpha = score;

  n = OO;
  bb = OO;
  captures = OO;

  pieces = piece[wtm];
  aPieces = piece[BLACK] | piece[WHITE];
  enemy = aPieces ^ pieces;
  empty = 0xffffffffffffffff ^ aPieces;

  do {
    _BitScanForward64(&fs, pieces);
    pieces ^= one << fs;
    type = board[fs];
    switch (type) {
    case OO: break;
    case WP:
      switch (fs >> 3) {
      case RANK1: break;
      case RANK2:
      case RANK3:
      case RANK4:
      case RANK6:
        bb = wPawnCapts[fs] & enemy;
      case RANK5:
        bb = wPawnCapts[fs] & (enemy | epbb[ply]);
        type = We;
      case RANK7:
        bb = (wPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (wPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
        if (bb & king[1 - wtm]) return -ILLEGAL;
        while (bb) {
          _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
          bb ^= one << ts;
          for (i = Q; i >= B; i--) {
            m->fs = (s32)fs;
            m->ts = (s32)ts;
            m->type = Wb + i;
            m->score = (value[board[ts]] << 4) + value[m->type];
            m->status = false;
          n += 4;
    case WN:
    case BN:
      bb = knightMoves[fs] & enemy;
    case WB:
    case BB:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 8) & 255][1]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
        & bob[fs]
        & enemy;
    case WR:
    case WRC:
    case BR:
    case BRC:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 8) & 255][1]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
        & rob[fs]
        & enemy;
    case WQ:
    case BQ:
      bb = qss[fs][(aPieces >> (fs & 56)) & 127][0]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 8) & 255][1]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 16) & 255][2]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 24) & 255][3]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 32) & 255][4]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 40) & 255][5]
        & qss[fs][(aPieces >> 48) & 255][6]
        & enemy;
    case WK:
    case BK:
    case WC:
    case BC:
      bb = kingMoves[fs] & enemy;
    case BP:
      switch (fs >> 3) {
      case RANK1:
      case RANK2:
        bb = (bPawnMoves[fs] & empty) | (bPawnCapts[fs] & enemy);
        if (bb & king[1 - wtm]) return -ILLEGAL;
        while (bb) {
          _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
          bb ^= one << ts;
          for (i = Q; i >= B; i--) {
            m->fs = (s32)fs;
            m->ts = (s32)ts;
            m->type = Bb + i;
            m->score = (value[board[ts]] << 4) + value[m->type];
            m->status = false;
          n += 4;
      case RANK3:
      case RANK5:
      case RANK6:
      case RANK7:
        bb = bPawnCapts[fs] & enemy;
      case RANK4:
        bb = bPawnCapts[fs] & (enemy | epbb[ply]);
        type = Be;

    captures |= bb;

    while (bb) {
      _BitScanForward64(&ts, bb);
      bb ^= one << ts;
      m->fs = (s32)fs;
      m->ts = (s32)ts;
      m->type = type;
      m->score = (value[board[ts]] << 4) - value[m->type];
      m->status = false;

  } while (pieces);

  if (captures & king[1 - wtm]) return -ILLEGAL;

  for (i = n; i > OO; i--) {
    mi = Qsort(t, m, n);
    mov = (m - mi);
    MakeMove(t, mov);
    mov->score = -Qsearch(t, m, -beta, -alpha);
    TakeBack(t, mov);
    if (mov->score == ILLEGAL) continue;
    if (mov->score > alpha) {
      if (mov->score >= beta) {
        return beta;
      alpha = mov->score;

  return alpha;

s32 Search(Thread* t, Move* m, s32 alpha, s32 beta, s32 depth) {
  s32 i, mi, count = 0;
  u64 n;
  Move* mov;

  n = GenMoves(t, m);

  if (!n) return -ILLEGAL;


  for (i = 0; (m + i)->status != STOP; i++) {
    mi = Sort(t, m);
    mov = m + mi;
    MakeMove(t, mov);
    if (!depth) {
      mov->score = -Qsearch(t, m + n, -beta, -alpha);
    else {
      mov->score = -Search(t, m + n, -beta, -alpha, depth);
    TakeBack(t, mov);
    if (mov->score == ILLEGAL) continue;
    if (mov->score >= beta) {
      root->stats[1 - wtm]++;
      return beta;
    if (mov->score > alpha) {
      alpha = mov->score;

  if (!count) {
    if (InCheck[wtm](t, king[wtm])) return CHECKMATE;
    else return STALEMATE;

  return alpha;

s32 RootSearch(Thread* t, Move* m, s32 alpha, s32 beta, s32 depth) {
  s32 i, mi;
  u64 n;
  Move* mov;
  s64 stats1, stats2;

  n = GenMoves(t, m);

  if (!n) return -ILLEGAL;


  bestMove.score = -INF;

  for (i = 0; (m + i)->status != STOP; i++) {
    mi = Sort(t, m);
    mov = m + mi;
    root = mov;
    root->stats[WHITE] = OO;
    root->stats[BLACK] = OO;
    MakeMove(t, mov);
    if (!depth) {
      mov->score = -Qsearch(t, m + n, -beta, -alpha);
    else {
      mov->score = -Search(t, m + n, -beta, -alpha, depth);
    TakeBack(t, mov);
    if (mov->score == ILLEGAL) continue;
    if (mov->score > bestMove.score) {
      alpha = mov->score - 1;
      bestMove.fs = mov->fs;
      bestMove.ts = mov->ts;
      bestMove.type = mov->type;
      bestMove.score = mov->score;
      bestMove.stats[wtm] = mov->stats[wtm];
      bestMove.stats[1 - wtm] = mov->stats[1 - wtm];
    if (mov->score == bestMove.score) {
      stats1 = mov->stats[wtm] - mov->stats[1 - wtm];
      stats2 = bestMove.stats[wtm] - bestMove.stats[1 - wtm];
      if (stats1 > stats2) {
        bestMove.fs = mov->fs;
        bestMove.ts = mov->ts;
        bestMove.type = mov->type;
        bestMove.stats[wtm] = mov->stats[wtm];
        bestMove.stats[1 - wtm] = mov->stats[1 - wtm];
  return alpha;

void Bricabrac(Thread* t) {

  RootSearch(t, &move[0], -INF, INF, sd);

  bricabrac = MOVE;

void GetCmd(Thread* t) {
  s32 match, i, j = 0, fs, ts;
  u64 n, cnt, epbit0, epbit1;
  char data[256], *d = &data[0], token[256], *tok = &token[0];
  char mvstr[20];
  match = false;
  epbit0 = epbb[0];
  epbit1 = epbb[1];


  cout << "Enter Command: ";
  fgets(&data[0], 256, stdin);
  tok = strtok_s(data, " \n", &d);
  cnt = strlen(tok);

  if (cnt == 4 || cnt == 5) {
    if (data[0] >= 'a' && data[0] <= 'h' &&
        data[1] >= '1' && data[1] <= '8' &&
        data[2] >= 'a' && data[2] <= 'h' &&
        data[3] >= '1' && data[3] <= '8') {
      epbb[0] = epbit1;
      epbb[1] = OO;
      n = GenMoves(t, &move[0]);
      epbb[0] = epbit0;
      epbb[1] = epbit1;
      for (i = OO; i < n; i++) {
        if (cnt == 5) {
          if (data[5] == 'b') j = 0;
          if (data[5] == 'r') j = 1;
          if (data[5] == 'n') j = 2;
          if (data[5] == 'q') j = 3;
          if (promoType[wtm][j] != move[i].type) continue;
        fs = move[i].fs;
        ts = move[i].ts;
        sprintf_s(mvstr, 20, "%c%d%c%d", (fs & 7) + 'a', (fs >> 3) + 1, (ts & 7) + 'a', (ts >> 3) + 1);
        if (!strcmp(tok, mvstr)) {
          gameMoves[gamePly].fs = fs;
          gameMoves[gamePly].ts = ts;
          gameMoves[gamePly].type = move[i].type;
          MakeMove(t, &gameMoves[gamePly]);

  if (!strcmp(tok, "go")) {
    bricabrac = BRICABRAC;

  if (gamePly && (!strcmp(tok, "u") || !strcmp(tok, "undo"))) {
    TakeBack(t, &gameMoves[gamePly]);
    if (gamePly) {
      TakeBack(t, &gameMoves[gamePly]);
      MakeMove(t, &gameMoves[gamePly]);

  if (!strcmp(tok, "sd")) {
    tok = strtok_s(NULL, " \n", &d);
    sd = stoi(tok, nullptr);

  if (!strcmp(tok, "fen")) {
    tok = strtok_s(NULL, "\n", &d);
    strncpy_s(fenString, 100, tok, 100);
    LoadFen(t, fenString);


void DoMove(Thread* t) {
  s32 j = 0, score;

  score = -INF;

  if (bestMove.score != ILLEGAL) {
    // TommyTC
    printf("\nMove Played: ");
    printf("%c%c", 'A' + (bestMove.fs & 7), '1' + (bestMove.fs >> 3));
    printf("%c%c\n", 'A' + (bestMove.ts & 7), '1' + (bestMove.ts >> 3));
    gameMoves[gamePly].fs = bestMove.fs;
    gameMoves[gamePly].ts = bestMove.ts;
    gameMoves[gamePly].type = bestMove.type;
    MakeMove(t, &gameMoves[gamePly]);
    epbb[0] = epbb[1];
  bricabrac = GETCMD;

void InitializeQSS() {
  u08 sq, sqr, k, l;
  s08 x, y, dx, dy;
  s32 i;
  u64 b, bb;

  for (sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++) {
    y = sq >> 3;
    x = sq & 7;
    bob[sq] = 0;
    rob[sq] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
      for (k = 0, l = 0; k <= 56; k += 8, l++) {
        bb = 0;
        b = (u64)i << k;
        for (dx = +1, dy = +1; x + dx < +8 && y + dy < +8; dx++, dy++) {
          sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
          bb |= one << sqr;
          bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        for (dx = -1, dy = +1; x + dx > -1 && y + dy < +8; dx--, dy++) {
          sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
          bb |= one << sqr;
          bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        for (dx = +1, dy = -1; x + dx < +8 && y + dy > -1; dx++, dy--) {
          sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
          bb |= one << sqr;
          bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        for (dx = -1, dy = -1; x + dx > -1 && y + dy > -1; dx--, dy--) {
          sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
          bb |= one << sqr;
          bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        for (dx = -1; x + dx > -1; dx--) {
          sqr = (y << 3) + x + dx;
          bb |= one << sqr;
          rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        for (dx = +1; x + dx < +8; dx++) {
          sqr = (y << 3) + x + dx;
          bb |= one << sqr;
          rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        for (dy = +1; y + dy < +8; dy++) {
          sqr = ((y + dy) << 3) + x;
          bb |= one << sqr;
          rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        for (dy = -1; y + dy > -1; dy--) {
          sqr = ((y + dy) << 3) + x;
          bb |= one << sqr;
          rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
          if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
        qss[sq][i][l] = bb;

void InitializeRNK() {
  u08 sq, sqr, i;
  s08 x, y, dx, dy;
  u64 bb, b;

  for (sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++) {
    y = sq >> 3;
    x = sq & 7;
    for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
      bb = 0;
      b = (u64)i << (sq & 56);
      for (dx = +1, dy = +1; x + dx < +8 && y + dy < +8; dx++, dy++) {
        sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
        bb |= one << sqr;
        bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      for (dx = -1, dy = +1; x + dx > -1 && y + dy < +8; dx--, dy++) {
        sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
        bb |= one << sqr;
        bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      for (dx = +1, dy = -1; x + dx < +8 && y + dy > -1; dx++, dy--) {
        sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
        bb |= one << sqr;
        bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      for (dx = -1, dy = -1; x + dx > -1 && y + dy > -1; dx--, dy--) {
        sqr = (((y + dy) << 3) + x + dx);
        bb |= one << sqr;
        bob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      for (dx = -1; x + dx > -1; dx--) {
        sqr = (y << 3) + x + dx;
        bb |= one << sqr;
        rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      for (dx = +1; x + dx < +8; dx++) {
        sqr = (y << 3) + x + dx;
        bb |= one << sqr;
        rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      for (dy = +1; y + dy < +8; dy++) {
        sqr = ((y + dy) << 3) + x;
        bb |= one << sqr;
        rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      for (dy = -1; y + dy > -1; dy--) {
        sqr = ((y + dy) << 3) + x;
        bb |= one << sqr;
        rob[sq] |= one << sqr;
        if ((one << sqr) & b) break;
      qss[sq][i][0] = bb;

void InitPieceBB() {
  s32 sq, x, y;

  above[0] = 0xfffffffffffffffe;
  below[0] = 0xffffffffffffffff;

  for (sq = A1; sq <= H8; sq++) {
    x = sq & 7;
    y = sq >> 3;

    above[sq + 1] = ((0xffffffffffffffff >> (sq + 1)) ^ 1) << (sq + 1);
    below[sq + 1] = ((0xffffffffffffffff >> (sq + 1)) << (sq + 1)) ^ 0xffffffffffffffff;

    wPawnMoves[sq] = 0;
    wPawnCapts[sq] = 0;
    bPawnMoves[sq] = 0;
    bPawnCapts[sq] = 0;

    // White Pawn Moves
    wPawnMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 8);
    if (sq < A3) wPawnMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 16);
    // White Pawn Captures
    if (sq < A8) {
      if (x + 1 < +8) wPawnCapts[sq] |= one << (sq + 9);
      if (x - 1 > -1) wPawnCapts[sq] |= one << (sq + 7);
    // Black Pawn Moves
    bPawnMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 8);
    if (sq > H6) bPawnMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 16);
    // Black Pawn Captures
    if (sq > H1) {
      if (x + 1 < +8) bPawnCapts[sq] |= one << (sq - 7);
      if (x - 1 > -1) bPawnCapts[sq] |= one << (sq - 9);

    // Knight Moves
    knightMoves[sq] = 0;
    if (y + 2 < +8 && x + 1 < +8) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 17);
    if (y + 1 < +8 && x + 2 < +8) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 10);
    if (y - 1 > -1 && x + 2 < +8) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - +6);
    if (y - 2 > -1 && x + 1 < +8) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 15);
    if (y - 2 > -1 && x - 1 > -1) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 17);
    if (y - 1 > -1 && x - 2 > -1) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 10);
    if (y + 1 < +8 && x - 2 > -1) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + +6);
    if (y + 2 < +8 && x - 1 > -1) knightMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 15);
    // King Moves
    kingMoves[sq] = 0;
    if (y + 1 < +8) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 8);
    if (y - 1 > -1) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 8);
    if (x + 1 < +8) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 1);
    if (x - 1 > -1) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 1);
    if (y + 1 < +8 && x + 1 < +8) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 9);
    if (y - 1 > -1 && x + 1 < +8) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 7);
    if (y - 1 > -1 && x - 1 > -1) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq - 9);
    if (y + 1 < +8 && x - 1 > -1) kingMoves[sq] |= one << (sq + 7);

void NewGame(Thread* t) {
  LoadFen(t, startFen);

void Initialize() {
  bricabrac = GETCMD;
  gamePly = OO;
  wtm = WHITE;
  ply = OO;
  InCheck[WHITE] = AtkByBlack;
  InCheck[BLACK] = AtkByWhite;

s32 main() {

  t = &thread;


  do {
    if (bricabrac == BRICABRAC) Bricabrac(t);
    if (bricabrac == MOVE) DoMove(t);
  } while (bricabrac);

  return 0;
Mike Sherwin
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by Mike Sherwin »

I came very close to giving up even after starting this subject. TommyTC spent a lot of time trying to help but I let him down because all I could do was code confusion. Then I gave up. I started a diet and lost 40 lbs. After that my mind started working a little better and work started again. Still it was rough going and I was always on the verge of really quitting. But quitting is not in my nature!

Bricabrac has now played its first complete 100 game match without crashing and without making any illegal moves.

Against TSCP1.81 Bricabrac won +54 -25 =21, +104 elo. A CCRL performance rating of 1828. :D

Bricabrac is slightly less than minimal right now:
1 Evaluation - material + tapered PeSTO pst
2 Search - negamax with pvs and shallow open window search to order remaining moves
3 Move Generator
a SISSY bitboards
b moves given a (pst[ts] << 4) - pst[fs] score
4 Is already set up for SMP with a thread pointer passed where needed

Performance on AMD 3950x: at 4.2 GHz and 3600MHz 64 gig memory.
1 perft 7 - 3195901860 moves in 122 sec = 26.2 million nodes/sec
a all moves made/unmade
b no hash counting
c the searche's make and unmake
d no tricks to get faster numbers
2 search, start position, 13 ply in 57.98 sec, 753,500,718 nodes, 12,995,873 nodes/sec!

After adding some more winboard features and cleaning up some sloppy edges the first official version 0001 will be released.
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Full name: Ben Bradley

Re: I don't want to give up

Post by benb »

I tried to compile this and I see it uses intrin.h which googling shows to be specific to MSVC C++. Is there some substitute for, say, GCC? I'm running that on cygwin under Windows 10.
Mike Sherwin
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by Mike Sherwin »

benb wrote: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:27 pm I tried to compile this and I see it uses intrin.h which googling shows to be specific to MSVC C++. Is there some substitute for, say, GCC? I'm running that on cygwin under Windows 10.
I only use MSVS 2019 Community. intrin.h is only for the _BitScanForward64() intrinsic. Just replace that intrinsic with whatever your compiler uses. Someone else can probably tell you more. The sources listed in this thread have many bugs. I'll be uploading new source to Mediafire soon and will provide a link.
Mike Sherwin
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by Mike Sherwin »

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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by lithander »

Congratz! :D Can I have windows binary for testing against MMC, now? :wink:
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Mike Sherwin
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by Mike Sherwin »

lithander wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 8:00 am Congratz! :D Can I have windows binary for testing against MMC, now? :wink:
Thanks! :D
https://www.mediafire.com/file/eraa5fx4 ... O.zip/file
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by mvanthoor »

Mike Sherwin wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 6:22 am BUG FREE!

Even after you remove the last bug, there is always another one. You must know that after 20 years of programming....

Even so: congrats if it now works as intended :)
Author of Rustic, an engine written in Rust.
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Mike Sherwin
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Re: I don't want to give up

Post by Mike Sherwin »

mvanthoor wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 10:13 am
Mike Sherwin wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 6:22 am BUG FREE!

Even after you remove the last bug, there is always another one. You must know that after 20 years of programming....

Even so: congrats if it now works as intended :)
Yes, I know that but I'm pretending to be optimistic. :lol: :lol: