Announcement: The Bozochess Project

Discussion of chess software programming and technical issues.

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Release date target

Post by sje »

My plan is to release the Bozo Chess source on Halloween (October 31st) just to scare people as to how bad a Pascal coder I am.

The first release won't play chess, or at least not very well. But it will have a big boatload of functionality that will make it fairly easy to add an evaluation routine and a search. Remember that the primary goal of the initial release is to test portability with respect to different compilers and different host types; other goals can wait.

Once the portability issues are resolved, then I'll add some real chess playing routines and even more functionality before the second release. This second release will be called "CookieCat Chess". At that point I hope to achieved my initial goal of providing a free and decent pedagogical resource for Pascal chess programming.
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Re: Another random game generation benchmark

Post by sje »

sje wrote:Another random game generation benchmark, this time on a 2.66 GHz Xeon 5150:

Code: Select all

Checkmate:    152404
FiftyMoves:   192181
Insufficient: 569058
Repetition:   25190
Stalemate:    61167
That's a million games at about 663 Hz (1.51 ms). This is with no source optimization such as inline declarations or any fancy bit magic. Also, each game is actually played twice: once forward, and once again retracting all the moves to the starting position.
After adding the fast mate detector, the rate increased from 663 Hz to 738 Hz (the period decreased from 1.51 ms to 1.35 ms), a speed increase of about 11%.

I'll guess that inlining the bitboard routines will also give some significant speed improvements. But not all Pascal compiler support inline declarations.
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Re: Announcement: The Bozochess Project

Post by sje »

I the Old Days (ca. 1976) when I first learned Pascal, I used the ETH Zurich compiler (then the only one available) for my little Punch Card Era projects. At that time, Pascal did not support a string type, nor even ASCII, but instead had these 60 bit words of ten 6 bit characters each. It was a mess. Today, there are several Pascal string flavors available. The downside is that I have to pick the most restrictive implementation for the sake of portability. So I've been playing with this and will use the Borland short string style: a string has a maximum length of 255 and is indexed from 1 to 255 (no NUL terminator). Shorter string lengths can be specified, and I have done this for SAN (seven characters max) and FEN (93 characters max).

A similar constraint occurs with the use of Pascal sets. Some implementations have a small, easily exceeded set size. Others have larger and storage inefficient sizes. Some have the maximum set size adjustable by some method incompatible with other compilers and hosts. In my work here and now, I've decided that I can assume a minimum set length of 16 elements and that there won't be too many set type variables because of storage concerns.

I haven't gotten to file operations yet, but it's likely that any text files will have to have each line limited to 255 characters to coexist with the chosen string size limit.

I tried inlining most of the bitboard functions and got a significant speed-up. But there is not a clear way of doing inlining in a portable fashion, so I'll leave out inlining for now.

I also tried compiling a 64 bit executable instead of the 32 bit default. To my surprise, the 64 bit binary ran slower than the 32 bit version. More work is needed here.

If you're interested in the current state of Pascal and want to get a free compiler, see:
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Re: Announcement: The Bozochess Project

Post by sje »

Bozo has gotten an MPD decoder; an MPD (Man Placement Data) string is the first field of a FEN record. I am trying to catch all possible error conditions with FEN decoding as it would be rather embarrassing to not be able to handle my own standard.

I've added types and routines for two-way linked lists of moves and tokens; these are similar to the two-way lists of saved position environment records already in place.

I've tested compiling and running the same source on different machines types: Intel 32 bit, Intel 64 bit, and PowerPC 32 bit (the last with bigendian words, doublewords, and quadwords). All platforms exhibit the same bit scanning order and all get the same results.

I'm now working on the string tokenizer and that will allow the completion of the FEN decoder. After that, I'll work on the Command Processing Context type and its routines; this will support an interactive command processor now and an external GUI later. With this, I'll no longer have to edit and re-compile for each new test.

The program has no global variables except for those with constant values assigned at initialization time. It may later have a single global variable, a pointer to a dynamically allocated command processing context record that in turn will hold everything needed for doing chess.

The project is still on track for a 2011.10.31 release.
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Getting closer

Post by sje »

Bozochess has passed all perft tests that I've tried. These include the ones at

There might still be some generate/execute/retract bugs, but if so then they must be rather subtle. The program also passes all debugging range checks (optionally) inserted by the compiler.

The FEN decoder is almost complete; at present it's missing only some validity checks. It's important to get this code complete and correct because the rest of the program assumes that only totally valid data will appear in a position structure.

The program is on track for the planned October 31st release date. It will be interesting to see how different Pascal compilers handle the source. I plan on including a self test routine that will run at program initialization time, taking a second or so to check basic operation via some perft calls. With this, reviewers can get some quick results without having to make any program changes.
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Even closer

Post by sje »

Bozo now has a FEN decoder with full validity checking on all fields and also of the resulting position. The decoder calls the position loader and the loader can make one minor adjustment: if the en passant target is superfluous, then it will be silently deleted.

With the addition of the SAN file/rank disambiguation flag marking, the move encode/decode routines are now complete.

The interactive command processor is in place and can handle a dozen different commands, so now I don't have to edit and recompile for every test. Stubs are in place for a UCI command processor and an Xboard command processor.

There are still no global variables except for constant values.

Next: Gainer (capture/promotion) only move generation, fast checking detection, fast check/checkmate marking, checks only move generation, score routines.

There are only ten more days until the source release.

The ICP command set so far:

Code: Select all

    df          Display FEN
    dm          Display moves
    exit        Exit program
    help        Show help
    new         New game
    noop        No operation
    perft       Run perft to <depth> with each node visited
    perftbulk   Run perft to <depth> with bulk counting
    rg          Generate a random game
    rgstat      Generate a report for <n> random game&#40;s&#41;
    sf          Set FEN <MPD> <good> <cavs> <epsq> <hmvc> <fmvn>
    test        Run developer test
The main program:

Code: Select all

program BozoChess;

&#91;5,000+ lines omitted&#93;

  Initialize; DriveIcp; Terminate
end. &#123; BozoChess &#125;
Sample transcript:

Code: Select all

$ ./bozochess
BozoChess 2011.10.21   Copyright &#40;C&#41; 2011 by S. J. Edwards
BozoChess ready

&#91;&#93; df
rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
&#91;&#93; dm
Na3 Nc3 Nf3 Nh3 a3 a4 b3 b4 c3 c4 d3 d4 e3 e4 f3 f4 g3 g4 h3 h4
&#91;&#93; sf 8/7p/p5pb/4k3/P1pPn3/8/P5PP/1rB2RK1 b - d3 0 28
&#91;&#93; df
8/7p/p5pb/4k3/P1pPn3/8/P5PP/1rB2RK1 b - d3 0 28
&#91;&#93; dm
Kd5 Kd6 Ke6 Kxd4 cxd3
&#91;&#93; perftbulk 7
Perftbulk depth&#58; 7
FEN&#58; 8/7p/p5pb/4k3/P1pPn3/8/P5PP/1rB2RK1 b - d3 0 28
  Kd5 216135695
  Kd6 233877684
  Ke6 228162609
  Kxd4 202248953
  cxd3 188764129
Pathcount&#58; 1069189070
&#91;&#93; exit

BozoChess done
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Re: Even closer

Post by sje »

Also, the rg and rgstat routines were connected to the command processor:

Code: Select all

&#91;&#93; rg
5r2/8/2k5/8/8/8/1K6/8 b - - 100 323
&#91;&#93; rg
4nk2/8/8/8/4K3/4N3/8/8 b - - 0 174
&#91;&#93; rg
8/3K4/8/8/8/3b3k/8/8 b - - 0 200
&#91;&#93; rg
8/6k1/8/8/8/4K3/8/1b4B1 b - - 0 144
&#91;&#93; rg
3k4/8/8/6K1/8/8/3n4/5N2 b - - 0 151
&#91;&#93; rg
8/8/1K4b1/8/8/8/1k6/8 b - - 0 216
&#91;&#93; rg
2b5/8/3k4/p7/p2r2rp/P6K/4r2P/8 w - - 0 74
&#91;&#93; rg
8/8/3k4/2R1R3/8/8/2K1R3/8 b - - 100 183
&#91;&#93; rg
8/5k2/8/8/8/8/8/n3K3 w - - 0 141
&#91;&#93; rg
4k3/8/5b2/8/4K3/8/8/8 b - - 0 225
&#91;&#93; rg
1k6/8/Q1K5/p5P1/p7/P7/8/8 b - - 8 118
&#91;&#93; rg
4N3/8/1P4Qk/8/8/3B4/8/K7 b - - 0 129
&#91;&#93; rgstat 100000
Checkmate 15186
FiftyMoves 19453
Insufficent 56680
Repetition 2576
Stalemate 6105
&#91;&#93; rgstat 100000
Checkmate 15092
FiftyMoves 19402
Insufficent 56764
Repetition 2633
Stalemate 6109
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Another command: dbbdb

Post by sje »

Bozo has another command: dbbdb (Display bitboard database). I've included it for those early in their chess programming effort who might want to better see how bitboards work.

Code: Select all

&#91;&#93; sf 2qrr1n1/3b1kp1/2pBpn1p/1p2PP2/p2P4/1BP5/P3Q1PP/4RRK1 w - - 0 1
&#91;&#93; dbbdb
merge     &#91;e1 f1 g1 a2 e2 g2 h2 b3 c3 a4 d4 b5 e5 f5 c6 d6 e6 f6 h6 d7 f7 g7 c8 d8 e8 g8&#93;
sweep     &#91;e1 f1 e2 b3 d6 d7 c8 d8 e8&#93;
locbc&#91;w&#93;  &#91;e1 f1 g1 a2 e2 g2 h2 b3 c3 d4 e5 f5 d6&#93;
locbc&#91;b&#93;  &#91;a4 b5 c6 e6 f6 h6 d7 f7 g7 c8 d8 e8 g8&#93;
locbm&#91;P&#93;  &#91;a2 g2 h2 c3 d4 e5 f5&#93;
locbm&#91;N&#93;  &#91;&#93;
locbm&#91;B&#93;  &#91;b3 d6&#93;
locbm&#91;R&#93;  &#91;e1 f1&#93;
locbm&#91;Q&#93;  &#91;e2&#93;
locbm&#91;K&#93;  &#91;g1&#93;
locbm&#91;p&#93;  &#91;a4 b5 c6 e6 h6 g7&#93;
locbm&#91;n&#93;  &#91;f6 g8&#93;
locbm&#91;b&#93;  &#91;d7&#93;
locbm&#91;r&#93;  &#91;d8 e8&#93;
locbm&#91;q&#93;  &#91;c8&#93;
locbm&#91;k&#93;  &#91;f7&#93;
atkbc&#91;w&#93;  &#91;a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1 a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2 a3 b3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3 a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 b5 c5 d5 e5 f5 h5 d6 e6 f6 g6 c7 e7 b8 f8&#93;
atkbc&#91;b&#93;  &#91;b3 a4 c4 e4 g4 b5 d5 f5 g5 h5 a6 c6 e6 f6 g6 h6 b7 c7 d7 e7 g7 h7 a8 b8 c8 d8 e8 f8 g8&#93;
atkfs&#91;a1&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;b1&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;c1&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;d1&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;e1&#93; &#91;a1 b1 c1 d1 f1 e2&#93;
atkfs&#91;f1&#93; &#91;e1 g1 f2 f3 f4 f5&#93;
atkfs&#91;g1&#93; &#91;f1 h1 f2 g2 h2&#93;
atkfs&#91;h1&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;a2&#93; &#91;b3&#93;
atkfs&#91;b2&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;c2&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;d2&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;e2&#93; &#91;d1 e1 f1 a2 b2 c2 d2 f2 g2 d3 e3 f3 c4 e4 g4 b5 e5 h5&#93;
atkfs&#91;f2&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;g2&#93; &#91;f3 h3&#93;
atkfs&#91;h2&#93; &#91;g3&#93;
atkfs&#91;a3&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;b3&#93; &#91;d1 a2 c2 a4 c4 d5 e6&#93;
atkfs&#91;c3&#93; &#91;b4 d4&#93;
atkfs&#91;d3&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;e3&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;f3&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;g3&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;h3&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;a4&#93; &#91;b3&#93;
atkfs&#91;b4&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;c4&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;d4&#93; &#91;c5 e5&#93;
atkfs&#91;e4&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;f4&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;g4&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;h4&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;a5&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;b5&#93; &#91;a4 c4&#93;
atkfs&#91;c5&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;d5&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;e5&#93; &#91;d6 f6&#93;
atkfs&#91;f5&#93; &#91;e6 g6&#93;
atkfs&#91;g5&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;h5&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;a6&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;b6&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;c6&#93; &#91;b5 d5&#93;
atkfs&#91;d6&#93; &#91;a3 b4 c5 e5 c7 e7 b8 f8&#93;
atkfs&#91;e6&#93; &#91;d5 f5&#93;
atkfs&#91;f6&#93; &#91;e4 g4 d5 h5 d7 h7 e8 g8&#93;
atkfs&#91;g6&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;h6&#93; &#91;g5&#93;
atkfs&#91;a7&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;b7&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;c7&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;d7&#93; &#91;c6 e6 c8 e8&#93;
atkfs&#91;e7&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;f7&#93; &#91;e6 f6 g6 e7 g7 e8 f8 g8&#93;
atkfs&#91;g7&#93; &#91;f6 h6&#93;
atkfs&#91;h7&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;a8&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;b8&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;c8&#93; &#91;a6 c6 b7 c7 d7 a8 b8 d8&#93;
atkfs&#91;d8&#93; &#91;d7 c8 e8&#93;
atkfs&#91;e8&#93; &#91;e6 e7 d8 f8 g8&#93;
atkfs&#91;f8&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkfs&#91;g8&#93; &#91;f6 h6 e7&#93;
atkfs&#91;h8&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkts&#91;a1&#93; &#91;e1&#93;
atkts&#91;b1&#93; &#91;e1&#93;
atkts&#91;c1&#93; &#91;e1&#93;
atkts&#91;d1&#93; &#91;e1 e2 b3&#93;
atkts&#91;e1&#93; &#91;f1 e2&#93;
atkts&#91;f1&#93; &#91;e1 g1 e2&#93;
atkts&#91;g1&#93; &#91;f1&#93;
atkts&#91;h1&#93; &#91;g1&#93;
atkts&#91;a2&#93; &#91;e2 b3&#93;
atkts&#91;b2&#93; &#91;e2&#93;
atkts&#91;c2&#93; &#91;e2 b3&#93;
atkts&#91;d2&#93; &#91;e2&#93;
atkts&#91;e2&#93; &#91;e1&#93;
atkts&#91;f2&#93; &#91;f1 g1 e2&#93;
atkts&#91;g2&#93; &#91;g1 e2&#93;
atkts&#91;h2&#93; &#91;g1&#93;
atkts&#91;a3&#93; &#91;d6&#93;
atkts&#91;b3&#93; &#91;a2 a4&#93;
atkts&#91;c3&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkts&#91;d3&#93; &#91;e2&#93;
atkts&#91;e3&#93; &#91;e2&#93;
atkts&#91;f3&#93; &#91;f1 e2 g2&#93;
atkts&#91;g3&#93; &#91;h2&#93;
atkts&#91;h3&#93; &#91;g2&#93;
atkts&#91;a4&#93; &#91;b3 b5&#93;
atkts&#91;b4&#93; &#91;c3 d6&#93;
atkts&#91;c4&#93; &#91;e2 b3 b5&#93;
atkts&#91;d4&#93; &#91;c3&#93;
atkts&#91;e4&#93; &#91;e2 f6&#93;
atkts&#91;f4&#93; &#91;f1&#93;
atkts&#91;g4&#93; &#91;e2 f6&#93;
atkts&#91;h4&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkts&#91;a5&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkts&#91;b5&#93; &#91;e2 c6&#93;
atkts&#91;c5&#93; &#91;d4 d6&#93;
atkts&#91;d5&#93; &#91;b3 c6 e6 f6&#93;
atkts&#91;e5&#93; &#91;e2 d4 d6&#93;
atkts&#91;f5&#93; &#91;f1 e6&#93;
atkts&#91;g5&#93; &#91;h6&#93;
atkts&#91;h5&#93; &#91;e2 f6&#93;
atkts&#91;a6&#93; &#91;c8&#93;
atkts&#91;b6&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkts&#91;c6&#93; &#91;d7 c8&#93;
atkts&#91;d6&#93; &#91;e5&#93;
atkts&#91;e6&#93; &#91;b3 f5 d7 f7 e8&#93;
atkts&#91;f6&#93; &#91;e5 f7 g7 g8&#93;
atkts&#91;g6&#93; &#91;f5 f7&#93;
atkts&#91;h6&#93; &#91;g7 g8&#93;
atkts&#91;a7&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkts&#91;b7&#93; &#91;c8&#93;
atkts&#91;c7&#93; &#91;d6 c8&#93;
atkts&#91;d7&#93; &#91;f6 c8 d8&#93;
atkts&#91;e7&#93; &#91;d6 f7 e8 g8&#93;
atkts&#91;f7&#93; &#91;&#93;
atkts&#91;g7&#93; &#91;f7&#93;
atkts&#91;h7&#93; &#91;f6&#93;
atkts&#91;a8&#93; &#91;c8&#93;
atkts&#91;b8&#93; &#91;d6 c8&#93;
atkts&#91;c8&#93; &#91;d7 d8&#93;
atkts&#91;d8&#93; &#91;c8 e8&#93;
atkts&#91;e8&#93; &#91;f6 d7 f7 d8&#93;
atkts&#91;f8&#93; &#91;d6 f7 e8&#93;
atkts&#91;g8&#93; &#91;f6 f7 e8&#93;
atkts&#91;h8&#93; &#91;&#93;
&#91;&#93; exit
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Two new commands

Post by sje »

Bozo has two new commands.

The first is "rm" (retract move) that does what you would expect it to do.

The second is "perfttran" which runs a perft calculation with transposition table assistance. At present, the table entry count is 2^20 and each entry has a 64 bit path count and a 64 bit signature. The signature is composed of 56 bits of hash and 8 bits of draft. I have made this code as simple as possible as the primary intent is to provide a teaching program.

Only nine more days until the source release.
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Re: Two new commands

Post by sje »

With transposition assistance, but with neither assembly language nor inline routines, Bozo can calculate perft(7) = 3,195,901,860 in under a minute. Compare this the 36 hours needed by by old program Spector back in the late 1980s.

The PosPerftTran routine:

Code: Select all

  function PosPerftTran&#40;var pos&#58; postype; mydepth&#58; integer; dflag&#58; boolean&#41;&#58; nodecounttype;
      myresult&#58; nodecounttype;
      ply&#58; plytype;
      depth&#58; integer;
      storeptr&#58; mpetstoreptrtype;
      storeindex&#58; mpetindextype;
      sigmask&#58; QWord;

    function PosPerftTranAux&#58; nodecounttype;
        myresult, subsum&#58; nodecounttype;
        p0flag&#58; boolean;
        index&#58; integer;
        gms&#58; gmstype;
        entryindex&#58; mpetindextype;
        entrysig&#58; QWord;
      if depth = 0 then myresult &#58;= 1
          p0flag &#58;= ply = 0;
          if &#40;depth = 1&#41; and &#40;not p0flag&#41; then myresult &#58;= PosCount&#40;pos&#41;
              &#123; Probe &#125;
              entryindex &#58;= pos.mphc and mpetmask; entrysig &#58;= &#40;pos.mphc and sigmask&#41; or depth;
              with storeptr^&#91;entryindex&#93; do
                if signature = entrysig then myresult &#58;= pathcount
                  &#123; Calculate &#125;
                  with gms do
                      myresult &#58;= 0;
                      if p0flag then PosMetaGenCanonical&#40;pos, gms&#41; else PosGenerate&#40;pos, gms&#41;;
                      inc&#40;ply&#41;; dec&#40;depth&#41;;
                      for index &#58;= 0 to movecount - 1 do
                          PosExecute&#40;pos, moves&#91;index&#93;); subsum &#58;= PosPerftTranAux&#40;); PosRetract&#40;pos&#41;;
                          if p0flag and dflag then writeln&#40;'  ', MoveEncode&#40;moves&#91;index&#93;), ' ', subsum&#41;;
                          myresult &#58;= myresult + subsum
                      dec&#40;ply&#41;; inc&#40;depth&#41;
                  &#123; Stash &#125;
                  with storeptr^&#91;entryindex&#93; do
                    begin signature &#58;= entrysig; pathcount &#58;= myresult end
      PosPerftTranAux &#58;= myresult
    end; &#123; PosPerftTranAux &#125;

    ply &#58;= 0; depth &#58;= mydepth; sigmask &#58;= plylen - 1; sigmask &#58;= not sigmask; new&#40;storeptr&#41;;
    for storeindex &#58;= 0 to mpetslen - 1 do
      with storeptr^&#91;storeindex&#93; do begin signature &#58;= 0; pathcount &#58;= 0 end;
    myresult &#58;= PosPerftTranAux; dispose&#40;storeptr&#41;; PosPerftTran &#58;= myresult
  end; &#123; PosPerftTran &#125;