Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Discussion of computer chess matches and engine tournaments.

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Mike Sherwin
Posts: 869
Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:25 am
Location: Planet Earth, Sol system
Full name: Michael J Sherwin

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by Mike Sherwin »

Carlos777 wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 3:02 am Promotion League 2 (final result)

Code: Select all

                                    Score        1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12 
  1: Berserk 3.2.1                10.5 / 12    30w+  77w+  50b+  29w+   9b+   2w+   4b+   3w=   7b=  13b=   5w+  11w+  (+9 -0 =3)
  2: Rotor 0.8                     9.5 / 12    49b+  12w+  38w+   8b+  13w+   1b-   5w+  21b+   3b-   7w=   4w+  10b+  (+9 -2 =1)
  3: Thinker 5.4D                  9.5 / 12   100w+  22w=  10b=   7w+  19b+   9w+   8b+   1b=   2w+   4b-  24w+  13b+  (+8 -1 =3)
  4: Hamsters 0.7.1                9.0 / 12    60b=  58w+  83b+  37w+  33b+  20b+   1w-  10w=  12b+   3w+   2b-   7w+  (+8 -2 =2)
  5: Dumb 1.8                      8.5 / 12    98b+  85w+  61b+   9w-  28b+  11w+   2b-   8w+  13b=  31w+   1b-  14w+  (+8 -3 =1)
  6: Dorky 4.8                     8.5 / 12    76b+  11w-   7b-  64b+  43w+  48b+  35w=  27b+  19w-  46b+  21w+  16b+  (+8 -3 =1)
  7: TomitankChess 5.0             8.0 / 12    68w=  15b=   6w+   3b-  45w+  44b+  14w+  24b+   1w=   2b=   8w+   4b-  (+6 -2 =4)
  8: Drosophila 1.6                8.0 / 12    86b+  14w+  44b+   2w-  23b+  26w+   3w-   5b-  35w+  21b+   7b-  32w+  (+8 -4 =0)
  9: List 5.12                     8.0 / 12    53w+  42b+  16w+   5b+   1w-   3b-  21w-  14b=  60w=  49b+  36w+  19b+  (+7 -3 =2)
 10: Coiled 0.6                    8.0 / 12    72w+  47b=   3w=  44b=  34w+  23b+  20w+   4b=  21w=  19b+  13w=   2w-  (+5 -1 =6)
 11: Mephisto Gideon               8.0 / 12    62w+   6b+  33w-  93b+  14w+   5b-  49w-  51b+  26w+  44b+  20w+   1b-  (+8 -4 =0)
 12: Pepito 1.59.2                 8.0 / 12    64w+   2b-  36w=  63b+  82w+  35b=  52w+  46b+   4w-  20b-  43w+  24b+  (+7 -3 =2)
 13: Jellyfish 1.1                 7.5 / 12    80b+  37w=  55b+  69w+   2b-  22w=  41b+  49b+   5w=   1w=  10b=   3w-  (+5 -2 =5)
 14: Detroid 1.0.1                 7.5 / 12    95w+   8b-  71w+  32w+  11b-  53w+   7b-   9w=  45b+  33b+  34w+   5b-  (+7 -4 =1)
 15: Petir 4.999999                7.5 / 12    19b=   7w=  32b-  42w+  46b-  66w+  43b-  78w+  41b=  62w+  37b+  39w+  (+6 -3 =3)
 16: Maverick 1.5                  7.5 / 12    65b+  74w+   9b-  23w-  53b-  45b=  64w+  48b+  62w+  60w+  39b+   6w-  (+7 -4 =1)
 17: Darmenios 0.4                 7.5 / 12    34w=  91b=  97w+  27w-  78b=  47w=  28b-  61b+  51w+  29w=  50b+  31w+  (+5 -2 =5)
 18: LGEvolution          7.5 / 12    74b-  25w-  79b+  98w-  64b=  92w+  59b-  86b+  75w+  69w+  53b+  38b+  (+7 -4 =1)
 19: Gandalf 7                     7.0 / 12    15w=  68b+  35w=  38b+   3w-  61b+  36w=  23b+   6b+  10w-  31b=   9w-  (+5 -3 =4)
 20: Supernova 2.3                 7.0 / 12    81b+  56w+  27b+  33w=  22b+   4w-  10b-  55w+  31b-  12w+  11b-  28w=  (+6 -4 =2)
 21: NoraGrace 2.0                 7.0 / 12    25b+  23w=  69b-  83w+  56b+  37w+   9b+   2w-  10b=   8w-   6b-  47w+  (+6 -4 =2)
 22: Tao 5.6                       7.0 / 12    67w+   3b=  66w+  34b+  20w-  13b=  24w-  65b=  36w=  59b=  33w+  25b=  (+4 -2 =6)
 23: Knightx 2.7                   7.0 / 12    46w+  21b=  75w+  16b+   8w-  10w-  82b+  19w-  39b-  42b+  27w=  43b+  (+6 -4 =2)
 24: n2 0.4                        7.0 / 12    94b+  83w=  37b-  76w+  55b=  30w+  22b+   7w-  43b+  32w+   3b-  12w-  (+6 -4 =2)
 25: RomiChess P3n                 7.0 / 12    21w-  18b+  26b-  30w-  54b+  43w-  63b+  74b+  52w+  40w=  35b+  22w=  (+6 -4 =2)
 26: AnMon 5.75                    7.0 / 12    63w+  38b-  25w+  60b+  61w+   8b-  46w-  41w+  11b-  43b-  59w+  34b+  (+7 -5 =0)
 27: Drofa 2.2.0                   7.0 / 12    89w+  70b+  20w-  17b+  35w=  36b=  33b=   6w-  55b+  34w-  23b=  54w+  (+5 -3 =4)
 28: Alfil 8.1.1                   7.0 / 12    33w-  79b+  42w+  48b+   5w-  73b-  17w+  38b-  57w=  52b+  46w+  20b=  (+6 -4 =2)
 29: Lozza 2.0                     7.0 / 12    91w=  84b+  47w+   1b-  44w=  49b-  61w+  60b-  65w+  17b=  30w=  48b+  (+5 -3 =4)
 30: Aristarch 4.5                 7.0 / 12     1b-  65w+  76b-  25b+  93w+  24b-  48w=  85w+  50b-  45w+  29b=  57b+  (+6 -4 =2)
 31: Jumbo 0.7.0 BB                7.0 / 12    84w=  34b-  90w=  71b=  88w+  69b+  38w+  36b+  20w+   5b-  19w=  17b-  (+5 -3 =4)
 32: Sloppy 0.2.3                  7.0 / 12    45w+  61b-  15w+  14b-  60w-  93b+  94w+  84b+  49w+  24b-  44w+   8b-  (+7 -5 =0)
 33: NoC 4.20                      6.5 / 12    28b+  39w+  11b+  20b=   4w-  52b=  27w=  40b=  46w=  14w-  22b-  64b+  (+4 -3 =5)
 34: Brutus 8.05                   6.5 / 12    17b=  31w+  57b+  22w-  10b-  39w+  56w+  35b-  38w+  27b+  14b-  26w-  (+6 -5 =1)
 35: Ghost 3.1                     6.5 / 12    54b+  50w=  19b=  46w+  27b=  12w=   6b=  34w+   8b-  39w-  25w-  65b+  (+4 -3 =5)
 36: SOS 5.1                       6.5 / 12    70w-  96b+  12b=  54w+  39b+  27w=  19b=  31w-  22b=  50w+   9b-  40w=  (+4 -3 =5)
 37: Maxima2 2.00                  6.5 / 12    71w+  13b=  24w+   4b-  94w+  21b-  40w-  45b-  85b+  41w+  15w-  44b+  (+6 -5 =1)
 38: Hayabusa 0.11.7               6.5 / 12    99b+  26w+   2b-  19w-  47b=  78w+  31b-  28w+  34b-  82w+  60b+  18w-  (+6 -5 =1)
 39: Jikchess 0.02                 6.5 / 12    79w+  33b-  82w=  86b+  36w-  34b-  70w+  56b+  23w+  35b+  16w-  15b-  (+6 -5 =1)
 40: Trace 1.37a                   6.5 / 12    61w-  72b+  60b-  78w=  74b+  58w+  37b+  33w=  44w-  25b=  57w=  36b=  (+4 -3 =5)
 41: Philou 3.71                   6.5 / 12    66b-  43w-  89w+  96b+  84w+  51b+  13w-  26b-  15w=  37b-  62b+  63w+  (+6 -5 =1)
 42: Bumblebee 1.0.36898e1         6.5 / 12    92b+   9w-  28b-  15b-  96w+  70b-  95w=  93b+  84w+  23w-  67b+  60w+  (+6 -5 =1)
 43: nanoSzachy 4.1                6.0 / 12    85b-  41b+  63w=  47w=   6b-  25b+  15w+  52b+  24w-  26w+  12b-  23w-  (+5 -5 =2)
 44: BetsabeII 2020                6.0 / 12    73w+  97b+   8w-  10w=  29b=   7w-  47b+  50w+  40b+  11w-  32b-  37w-  (+5 -5 =2)
 45: Raven 1.10                    6.0 / 12    32b-  52w-  65b+  59w+   7b-  16w=  58b+  37w+  14w-  30b-  55b=  73w+  (+5 -5 =2)
 46: Floyd 0.9                     6.0 / 12    23b- 100b+  59w+  35b-  15w+  60w+  26b+  12w-  33b=   6w-  28b-  51w=  (+5 -5 =2)
 47: Diablo 0.51                   6.0 / 12    48w+  10w=  29b-  43b=  38w=  17b=  44w-  69b=  83w+  56b=  65w+  21b-  (+3 -3 =6)
 48: Soldat 4 Beta Test            6.0 / 12    47b-  89b+  91w+  28w-  76b+   6w-  30b=  16w-  58b+  53w=  49b+  29w-  (+5 -5 =2)
 49: Ufim 8.02                     6.0 / 12     2w-  67b+  93w-  91b+  98b+  29w+  11b+  13w-  32b-   9w-  48w-  70b+  (+6 -6 =0)
 50: Rodin 8.0                     6.0 / 12    51w+  35b=   1w-  82b-  71w+  94b=  85w+  44b-  30w+  36b-  17w-  61b+  (+5 -5 =2)
 51: Bearded 44.5                  6.0 / 12    50b-  54w=  53b=  77b+  57w+  41w-  76b+  11w-  17b-  74b=  84w+  46b=  (+4 -4 =4)
 52: Pupsi2 0.09                   6.0 / 12    77b-  45b+  86w=  66w+  69b+  33w=  12b-  43w-  25b-  28w-  75b+  72w+  (+5 -5 =2)
 53: Ares GB 1.1                   6.0 / 12     9b-  92w=  51w=  90b+  16w+  14b-  84w-  87b=  71w+  48b=  18w-  74b+  (+4 -4 =4)
 54: Zevra 2.1.2 r248              6.0 / 12    35w-  51b=  68w+  36b-  25w-  72b+  69w=  94b+  73w+  57b-  56w+  27b-  (+5 -5 =2)
 55: Cerebro 3.03d                 6.0 / 12    90w=  87b+  13w-  70b+  24w=  85b=  73w+  20b-  27w-  65b-  45w=  71b+  (+4 -4 =4)
 56: Axolotl 1.9                   6.0 / 12    93w+  20b-  70w=  88b+  21w-  62w+  34b-  39w-  72b+  47w=  54b-  77w+  (+5 -5 =2)
 57: Bruja 1.91                    6.0 / 12    96w+  66b=  34w-  84b=  51b-  89w+  60b-  67w+  28b=  54w+  40b=  30w-  (+4 -4 =4)
 58: Green Light Chess   6.0 / 12    75w=   4b-  88w-  67b+  72w+  40b-  45w-  95b+  48w-  83b+  82w+  59b=  (+5 -5 =2)
 59: Benjamin 2.0                  6.0 / 12    97b-  99w+  46b-  45b-  90w=  71b+  18w+  73b=  70w+  22w=  26b-  58w=  (+4 -4 =4)
 60: Pseudo 0.7c                   5.5 / 12     4w=  82b=  40w+  26w-  32b+  46b-  57w+  29w+   9b=  16b-  38w-  42b-  (+4 -5 =3)
 61: Amy 0.8                       5.5 / 12    40b+  32w+   5w-  73b+  26b-  19w-  29b-  17w-  89b=  85w+  68b+  50w-  (+5 -6 =1)
 62: KingOfKings 2.56              5.5 / 12    11b-  76w-  72w=  97b+  63w+  56b-  75w+  82w+  16b-  15b-  41w-  83b+  (+5 -6 =1)
 63: Yace Padeborn                 5.5 / 12    26b-  98w+  43b=  12w-  62b-  67b=  25w-  80w+  81b+  78w+  73b=  41b-  (+4 -5 =3)
 64: CT800 1.42                    5.5 / 12    12b-  73w-  99b+   6w-  18w=  88b+  16b-  72w-  93w+  87b+  69b+  33w-  (+5 -6 =1)
 65: Sungorus 1.4                  5.5 / 12    16w-  30b-  45w- 100b+  77w+  86b+  83w+  22w=  29b-  55w+  47b-  35w-  (+5 -6 =1)
 66: Alaric 7.07                   5.5 / 12    41w+  57w=  22b-  52b-  86w=  15b-  80w+  83b=  69w-  75b=  70w=  82b+  (+3 -4 =5)
 67: Anatoli 0.35k                 5.5 / 12    22b-  49w-  80b=  58w-  79b+  63w=  77b+  57b-  94w+  70b=  42w-  86b+  (+4 -5 =3)
 68: MagnumChess 4.00              5.5 / 12     7b=  19w-  54b-  92w+  75b-  76w-  71w- 100b+  88w+  89b+  61w-  84b+  (+5 -6 =1)
 69: Muse 0.899b                   5.0 / 12    87w=  90b+  21w+  13b-  52w-  31w-  54b=  47w=  66b+  18b-  64w-  79w=  (+3 -5 =4)
 70: Gosu 0.16                     5.0 / 12    36b+  27w-  56b=  55w-  83b=  42w+  39b-  81w+  59b-  67w=  66b=  49w-  (+3 -5 =4)
 71: Betsy 6.51                    5.0 / 12    37b-  80w+  14b-  31w=  50b-  59w-  68b+  98w+  53b-  79w=  78b+  55w-  (+4 -6 =2)
 72: FrankWalter 2.4.0             5.0 / 12    10b-  40w-  62b=  80w+  58b-  54w-  90w+  64b+  56w-  86b+  74w=  52b-  (+4 -6 =2)
 73: Abrok 5.0                     5.0 / 12    44b-  64b+  77w+  61w-  85b=  28w+  55b-  59w=  54b-  84b=  63w=  45b-  (+3 -5 =4)
 74: Quark 2.35                    5.0 / 12    18w+  16b-  85b=  94w-  40w-  97b+  81b=  25w-  77b+  51w=  72b=  53w-  (+3 -5 =4)
 75: Hussar 0.4                    5.0 / 12    58b=  78w+  23b-  85w-  68w+  82b-  62b-  76w+  18b-  66w=  52w-  87b+  (+4 -6 =2)
 76: Matacz 1.74                   5.0 / 12     6w-  62b+  30w+  24b-  48w-  68b+  51w-  75b-  86w-  95b-  96w+  89b+  (+5 -7 =0)
 77: Jazz r840                     5.0 / 12    52w+   1b-  73b-  51w-  65b-  96w+  67w-  97b+  74w-  94b+  90w+  56b-  (+5 -7 =0)
 78: Horizon 4.4                   5.0 / 12    82w=  75b- 100w+  40b=  17w=  38b-  86w=  15b-  95w+  63b-  71w-  91b+  (+3 -5 =4)
 79: Delphil 3.2                   5.0 / 12    39b-  28w-  18w-  87b=  67w-  80b-  99b+  92w+  90w=  71b=  95w+  69b=  (+3 -5 =4)
 80: Simplex 0.9.8                 5.0 / 12    13w-  71b-  67w=  72b-  87w-  79w+  66b-  63b- 100w+  93b+  91w=  90b+  (+4 -6 =2)
 81: LambChop 10.99                5.0 / 12    20w-  93b-  96w-  95b+  97w=  90b+  74w=  70b-  63w-  91b=  89w=  92w+  (+3 -5 =4)
 82: Myrddin 0.87                  4.5 / 12    78b=  60w=  39b=  50w+  12b-  75w+  23w-  62b-  87w+  38b-  58b-  66w-  (+3 -6 =3)
 83: Gromit 3.82                   4.5 / 12    88w+  24b=   4w-  21b-  70w=  87b+  65b-  66w=  47b-  58w-  85b+  62w-  (+3 -6 =3)
 84: Comet B68                     4.5 / 12    31b=  29w-  92b+  57w=  41b-  98w+  53b+  32w-  42b-  73w=  51b-  68w-  (+3 -6 =3)
 85: Snitch 1.62                   4.5 / 12    43w+   5b-  74w=  75b+  73w=  55w=  50b-  30b-  37w-  61b-  83w-  93w+  (+3 -6 =3)
 86: Gaia 3.5                      4.5 / 12     8w-  95b+  52b=  39w-  66b=  65w-  78b=  18w-  76b+  72w-  88b+  67w-  (+3 -6 =3)
 87: Amundsen 0.80                 4.5 / 12    69b=  55w-  94b-  79w=  80b+  83w-  89b+  53w=  82b-  64w-  98b+  75w-  (+3 -6 =3)
 88: Tigran 2.4n                   4.5 / 12    83b-  94w=  58b+  56w-  31b-  64w-  91b+  89w-  68b- 100b+  86w-  95b+  (+4 -7 =1)
 89: Leila 0.53h                   4.0 / 12    27b-  48w-  41b-  99w+  91w+  57b-  87w-  88b+  61w=  68w-  81b=  76w-  (+3 -7 =2)
 90: Lc0 0.26.3 Bad Gyal 8         4.0 / 12    55b=  69w-  31b=  53w-  59b=  81w-  72b-  96w+  79b=  98w+  77b-  80w-  (+2 -6 =4)
 91: TCB 0052                      4.0 / 12    29b=  17w=  48b-  49w-  89b-  95b-  88w-  99w+  92b+  81w=  80b=  78w-  (+2 -6 =4)
 92: TJChess 1.3                   4.0 / 12    42w-  53b=  84w-  68b- 100w+  18b-  97w=  79b-  91w-  99b+  94w+  81b-  (+3 -7 =2)
 93: Resp 0.19 w32                 3.5 / 12    56b-  81w+  49b+  11w-  30b-  32w-  98b=  42w-  64b-  80w- 100w+  85b-  (+3 -8 =1)
 94: MadChess 2.2                  3.5 / 12    24w-  88b=  87w+  74b+  37b-  50w=  32b-  54w-  67b-  77w-  92b-  96w=  (+2 -7 =3)
 95: Averno 0.81                   3.5 / 12    14b-  86w-  98b-  81w-  99b+  91w+  42b=  58w-  78b-  76w+  79b-  88w-  (+3 -8 =1)
 96: Qapla 0.1.1                   3.5 / 12    57b-  36w-  81b+  41w-  42b-  77b- 100w=  90b-  99w=  97w+  76b-  94b=  (+2 -7 =3)
 97: Arion 1.7                     3.5 / 12    59w+  44w-  17b-  62w-  81b=  74w-  92b=  77w-  98b=  96b-  99w- 100b+  (+2 -7 =3)
 98: Xpdnt 091007                  3.0 / 12     5w-  63b-  95w+  18b+  49w-  84b-  93w=  71b-  97w=  90b-  87w-  99b-  (+2 -8 =2)
 99: KDreamer 3.3                  3.0 / 12    38w-  59b-  64w-  89b-  95w- 100b=  79w-  91b-  96b=  92w-  97b+  98w+  (+2 -8 =2)
100: Napoleon 1.8                  1.0 / 12     3b-  46w-  78b-  65w-  92b-  99w=  96b=  68w-  80b-  88w-  93b-  97w-  (+0 -10 =2)
600 games: +246 -228 =126
Top ten qualified to PL1.
Hi Carlos,

Romi must have been very lucky to finish 25th in this field. Or possibly you are letting Romi use its learn file? If you are letting Romi use its learn file please make backups of the learn file after each tournament. In Leo Dicksman's R.I.P. (I hope I remember his name correctly) tournaments Romi climbed from class D to class B solely on its learning ability. Romi was getting close to promoting to class A but Leo had a hard drive failure and lost Romi's learn file. :(

Posts: 1747
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by Carlos777 »

Mike Sherwin wrote: Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:03 am Hi Carlos,

Romi must have been very lucky to finish 25th in this field. Or possibly you are letting Romi use its learn file? If you are letting Romi use its learn file please make backups of the learn file after each tournament. In Leo Dicksman's R.I.P. (I hope I remember his name correctly) tournaments Romi climbed from class D to class B solely on its learning ability. Romi was getting close to promoting to class A but Leo had a hard drive failure and lost Romi's learn file. :(

Hi Mike,

Yes, Romichess is using its learn file. I'll keep a copy.

Mike Sherwin
Posts: 869
Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:25 am
Location: Planet Earth, Sol system
Full name: Michael J Sherwin

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by Mike Sherwin »

Carlos777 wrote: Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:55 am
Mike Sherwin wrote: Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:03 am Hi Carlos,

Romi must have been very lucky to finish 25th in this field. Or possibly you are letting Romi use its learn file? If you are letting Romi use its learn file please make backups of the learn file after each tournament. In Leo Dicksman's R.I.P. (I hope I remember his name correctly) tournaments Romi climbed from class D to class B solely on its learning ability. Romi was getting close to promoting to class A but Leo had a hard drive failure and lost Romi's learn file. :(

Hi Mike,

Yes, Romichess is using its learn file. I'll keep a copy.

Thanks Carlos, That means a lot to me as that is what Romi is all about! 8-)
Posts: 1747
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by Carlos777 »

Swiss Test Tournament (new engines/versions for next edition)

Guest engine: Nebula

Code: Select all

                       Score       1    2    3    4    5 
 1: Berserk 3.3.0     4.5 /  5    6b+  2w=  7b+  5w+  4b+  (+4 -0 =1)
 2: Demolito 030421   4.5 /  5    3w+  1b=  8w+  4b+  7w+  (+4 -0 =1)
 3: GreKo PSQ 1.1     3.5 /  5    2b- 10w+  6b=  9w+  8w+  (+3 -1 =1)
 4: Nebula 2.0        3.0 /  5    7b+  6w+  5b+  2w-  1w-  (+3 -2 =0)
 5: Loki 3.0.0        3.0 /  5    9w+  8b+  4w-  1b- 10b+  (+3 -2 =0)
 6: Nawito 2103       2.5 /  5    1w-  4b-  3w= 10w+  9b+  (+2 -2 =1)
 7: Cosette 5.0       2.0 /  5    4w-  9b+  1w-  8b+  2b-  (+2 -3 =0)
 8: Zahak 1.0.0       1.0 /  5   10b+  5w-  2b-  7w-  3b-  (+1 -4 =0)
 9: Megalodon 1.00    1.0 /  5    5b-  7w- 10b+  3b-  6w-  (+1 -4 =0)
10: Odonata 0.2.2     0.0 /  5    8w-  3b-  9w-  6b-  5w-  (+0 -5 =0)
25 games: +10 -13 =2
All of them working fine, no bugs/losses on time detected.
Posts: 92
Joined: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:36 pm
Location: Westfield, IN
Full name: mark loftus

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by mloftus955 »

Hi Carlos,

I am following your tournaments, and enjoy seeing the oldies, engines that I have a chance of playing a tough game against or even beating. I don't get to write in much, but I am thankful.

Posts: 1747
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:09 pm

Re: Blitz tournament 2021 (17th edition)

Post by Carlos777 »

mloftus955 wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:21 am Hi Carlos,

I am following your tournaments, and enjoy seeing the oldies, engines that I have a chance of playing a tough game against or even beating. I don't get to write in much, but I am thankful.

Hi Mark,

I am glad you enjoy my tournaments. Thanks for your kind words.
