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Re: GM Kaufman v.Novag Constellation 3.6 QR Odds (Moves 41-O

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:55 pm
by Steve B
Steve B wrote:
Connie..having had her deeply laid plans of the N fork parried effortlessly..defaults back to avoiding the exchange with..

[d] 6k1/p1pr1p2/1pr3p1/4B1n1/2Bp4/6Q1/P7/6K1 w - - 0 45

Cant Teach An Old Dog New Tricks Regards
(Pun On Connie's Looks ..Not Intended)
Well ..Connie has confessed she crashed the CCC server in an attempt to claim a win by Time Forfeit as White has not posted a move for several days
of course i dismissed this nonsense and i was forced to remove her batteries for 24 hrs as punishment
anyway...just for fun.. during the blackout..i let Connie take back her last move and set her to infinite mode
she does play 44..d3 after about 12 minutes
none the less ..Connie's move (3 minutes) stands as 44..Rc6

Out On Bail Regards

Re: GM Kaufman v.Novag Constellation 3.6 QR Odds (Moves 41-O

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:02 pm
by lkaufman
Steve B wrote:
Connie..having had her deeply laid plans of the N fork parried effortlessly..defaults back to avoiding the exchange with..

[d] 6k1/p1pr1p2/1pr3p1/4B1n1/2Bp4/6Q1/P7/6K1 w - - 0 45

Cant Teach An Old Dog New Tricks Regards
(Pun On Connie's Looks ..Not Intended)
I'll play 44.Qg2, which seems to win more quickly than 44.Qxg5 Rxc4 45.Qg4.

Re: GM Kaufman v.Novag Constellation 3.6 QR Odds (Moves 41-O

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:34 pm
by Steve B
Steve B wrote:
lkaufman wrote:
I'll play 44.Qg2, which seems to win more quickly than 44.Qxg5 Rxc4 45.Qg4.
Connie plays 45..Re7 and issues the following conditional move...IF 46.Qxc6 THEN ...46..Rxe5

[d] 6k1/p1p1rp2/1pr3p1/4B1n1/2Bp4/8/P5Q1/6K1 w - - 0 45

i realize White will soon win another 2 pawns and have Q+B+P vs R+N+4P a material advantage of +1
With best play.. this is probably a win for white.. but it will take many more moves and many more weeks of play until the position is hopeless for black
it is a reasonable assumption that you will make optimum /near optimum moves in the endgame however it is highly unlikely that Connie will make the best moves ... so i am willing to Resign the game if you feel playing on is of little interest given the material imbalance


Re: GM Kaufman v.Novag Constellation 3.6 QR Odds (Moves 41-O

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:27 pm
by lkaufman
Steve B wrote:
Steve B wrote:
lkaufman wrote:
Connie plays 45..Re7 and issues the following conditional move...IF 46.Qxc6 THEN ...46..Rxe5

[d] 6k1/p1p1rp2/1pr3p1/4B1n1/2Bp4/8/P5Q1/6K1 w - - 0 45

i realize White will soon win another 2 pawns and have Q+B+P vs R+N+4P a material advantage of +1
With best play.. this is probably a win for white.. but it will take many more moves and many more weeks of play until the position is hopeless for black
it is a reasonable assumption that you will make optimum /near optimum moves in the endgame however it is highly unlikely that Connie will make the best moves ... so i am willing to Resign the game if you feel playing on is of little interest given the material imbalance

I play 46.Qxc6 and after your Rxe5 I play 47.Qxg6+. I don't think you should resign yet. Without the minor pieces it would probably be drawn. I still have to prove that I can win multiple pawns without trading the bishop for the knight.

Re: GM Kaufman v.Novag Constellation 3.6 QR Odds (Moves 41-O

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:06 pm
by Steve B
lkaufman wrote:
I play 46.Qxc6 and after your Rxe5 I play 47.Qxg6+. I don't think you should resign yet. Without the minor pieces it would probably be drawn. I still have to prove that I can win multiple pawns without trading the bishop for the knight.
the game continues..
Connie found out i tried to resign on her behalf and she nearly electrocuted me when i tried entering your move
will let her simmer down a bit and post her move soon

In The Dog House Regards

Re: GM Kaufman v.Novag Constellation 3.6 QR Odds (Moves 41-O

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:38 pm
by Terry McCracken
lkaufman wrote:
Steve B wrote: Connie must be programmed to avoid the loss of the exchange at all costs as she plays the ill considered ..


[d] 6k1/p1pr1p2/1p1rnBp1/8/2Bp4/8/P7/4Q1K1 w - - 0 43

strangely..this is now Connies 8th R move out of the last 14 moves
in would probably have been better if she was the one playing without the R from the start

Slip Sliding Away Regards
I play 43.Be5, which aside from attacking the rook has the idea of Qh4 Ng7 Qh6, which I can't play directly as the f6 bishop would hang.
This was unfortunate.

Larry missed the win, 43. Qh4!..Ng7, (The Night is now very badly placed and allows the following.), 44. Be5..Rd5 45. Bxd5..Rxd5 46. Qf6!..Rxe5 47. Qxe5, winning both Rooks for the Bishop Pair. Black can't hold with 47..Ne6 as Whites King will force a Zugzwang winning the pawns on f7 etc., so no Fortress works here.

Also, if Black tries 44..Nh5! then 45. Bxd6..Rxd6 46. Qe7..Rf6 47. Qxc7..a5 48. a4! IE 48..Kf8 49. Qd8+..Kg7 50. Qxd4 and the pawns begin to fall. +-

I think Larry is now winning after finding Qg2! but it is more difficult to win then the lines I gave. Since the lines I gave is a postmortem it doesn't conflict with the game being played now.

Knockout Moves Regards,

Re: GM Kaufman v.Novag Constellation 3.6 QR Odds (Moves 41-O

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:44 am
by Steve B
lkaufman wrote: I play 46.Qxc6 and after your Rxe5 I play 47.Qxg6+. I don't think you should resign yet. Without the minor pieces it would probably be drawn. I still have to prove that I can win multiple pawns without trading the bishop for the knight.
Connie plays the obvious...


[d] 5k2/p1p2p2/1p4Q1/4r1n1/2Bp4/8/P7/6K1 w - - 0 48


Re: GM Kaufman v.Novag Constellation 3.6 QR Odds (Moves 41-O

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:47 pm
by lkaufman
Steve B wrote:
Connie plays the obvious...


[d] 5k2/p1p2p2/1p4Q1/4r1n1/2Bp4/8/P7/6K1 w - - 0 48

I play 48.Qf6, threatening to check on h8 and then take the rook with check. I think this will lead to winning the d4 pawn. But after that, further progress may be difficult, we'll see.

Re: GM Kaufman v.Novag Constellation 3.6 QR Odds (Moves 41-O

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:42 pm
by Steve B
lkaufman wrote: I play 48.Qf6, threatening to check on h8 and then take the rook with check. I think this will lead to winning the d4 pawn. But after that, further progress may be difficult, we'll see.
Connie Hunkers Down With..


[d] 5k2/p1p2p2/1p3Q2/2r3n1/2Bp4/8/P7/6K1 w - - 0 49

Fortress Building Regards

Re: GM Kaufman v.Novag Constellation 3.6 QR Odds (Moves 41-O

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:30 pm
by lkaufman
Steve B wrote:
Connie Hunkers Down With..


[d] 5k2/p1p2p2/1p3Q2/2r3n1/2Bp4/8/P7/6K1 w - - 0 49

Fortress Building Regards
I play 49.Qd8+, and after the forced reply 49...Kg7 I play 50.Qxd4+. If this were not check I would lose my queen to ...Nf3+.
