Hard-Talkchess-2019 set

Discussion of anything and everything relating to chess playing software and machines.

Moderators: hgm, Rebel, chrisw

Posts: 5228
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Hard-Talkchess-2019 set

Post by Vinvin »

The new year is very close, I plan to release the new set early in year 2019.

Basically, not a lot of news :
This set merges the 188 position from the hard-talkchess-2018 : viewtopic.php?f=2&t=67070
with the 38 interesting positions posted this year (1 removed because incorrect and 1 new solution) : viewtopic.php?p=781550#p781550

2 positions were common between the 2 sets, so it's still : 188+38-2-1 = 223 positions.

List alphbetically sorted :

Code: Select all

1B1K1k2/4N2p/3pP1pP/6p1/p7/3N2b1/2r2p2/8 w - - bm Nc6; 
1B1r4/rp2npkp/2b1pbp1/1qp5/nPN1R3/1P1P1QP1/2P2PBP/5R1K w - - bm Qxf6+;
1N4K1/1pp1p3/7k/2r3pP/p2pp1P1/P6N/8/2B5 w - - bm Nc6; 
1N6/2pp4/3k1P2/p7/1pK1P3/5P1P/3r2N1/8 w - - bm e5+;
1k1r2r1/pb5n/1qpp2pP/1pb1p3/4P3/1PNP1QN1/1PPB4/2K2R1R w - - bm b4;
1k6/3p4/1B6/4Pp1p/1p5R/1p4p1/pP3n2/K6n w - - bm Rxh1;  c0 "eval = draw" ;
1nb3rr/2pp3p/p1k2P2/n1q1PN2/P1pR3N/b4PBp/1R2P3/1KQ5 w - - bm Rd6+;
1nrrb1k1/1qn1bppp/pp2p3/3pP3/N2P3P/1P1B1NP1/PBR1QPK1/2R5 w - - bm Bxh7; id "ERET 020 - Laeuferopfer h7";
1q1r3k/3P1pp1/ppBR1n1p/4Q2P/P4P2/8/5PK1/8 w - - bm Rxf6; c1 "diff=6";
1r1q1rk1/1p2b2p/pN6/P1pP1bp1/5p2/2B2Q2/1P4PP/R4RK1 w - - bm g4;
1r1rb1k1/5ppp/4p3/1p1p3P/1q2P2Q/pN3P2/PPP4P/1K1R2R1 w - - bm Rxg7; c1 "diff=6";
1r2kb1r/p5p1/1np1p1N1/3pPnB1/1p1P2B1/qP6/2PQ1P1P/1K1R3R b k - bm Nc4;
1r3r2/4bpkp/1qb1p1p1/3pP1P1/p1pP1Q2/PpP2N1R/1Pn1B2P/3RB2K w - - bm Qf6+;
1r3rk1/3bb1pp/1qn1p3/3pP3/3P1N2/2Q2N2/2P3PP/R1BR3K w - - bm h4; id "AlphaZero - Stockfish8";
1r3rk1/3bbppp/1qn2P2/p2pP1P1/3P4/2PB1N2/6K1/qNBQ1R2 w - - bm Bxh7+; id "arasan19.96"; c0 "nick-Fritz 11, playchess.com 2011";
1r3rk1/3bqpp1/p3p2p/n1ppP2N/2nP1P1P/2PQ1N2/P3B1P1/2R2RK1 w - - bm Ng5;
1r3rk1/5p1p/p2pb1p1/3Np1P1/2pRPR2/qP2Q1N1/P1PK3P/8 w - - bm Nf5; c1 "diff=5";
1r4k1/pb3p1p/r1p1p1p1/2p1P3/P1P2P2/1PB5/2K3PP/5R2 w - - bm a5;
1r6/4k3/r2p2p1/2pR1p1p/2P1pP1P/pPK1P1P1/P7/1B6 b - - bm Rxb3; c1 "diff=9";
1rb1nrk1/1p1qp2p/p1np1p1Q/3NPp2/2P5/3B1N1P/P2B2P1/R6K w - - bm g4; c1 "diff=6";
1rb1qrk1/6pp/2n1pn2/3pN1P1/2pP1P2/b1p1B3/P3QN1P/1BR2RK1 w - - bm Rxc3;
1rb1r1k1/2qn1pbp/pp1p2p1/2nP4/P1p1PP2/2N1BQNP/1PB3P1/R4R1K w - - bm e5;
1rb2r1k/3p1pp1/p3p2p/1p2P3/4q3/1N2B1R1/PPP1N1P1/2KR1B2 w - - id ?; bm Nf4;
1rb4k/p5np/3p1rp1/1ppB4/2N2P2/1P2R1P1/P1P4P/4R1K1 w - - bm Re8; c1 "diff=5";
1rbq1r1k/7p/2np2p1/p2N1p2/R1B1PP1b/1PP1N3/8/3Q1K1R w - - acd 40; acs 294; bm Ra2; ce 143; pm Ra2;
1rr1b1k1/1pq1bp2/p2p1np1/4p3/P2BP3/2NB2Q1/1PP3PP/4RR1K w - - bm Rxf6; id "arasan19.134"; c0 "Glek-Lingnau, Dortmund op-A 1992";
2R5/k1p1p1K1/P1p1Pp2/5P2/7P/pB6/2p5/2r5 w - - bm Rxc7; c1 "diff=5";
2R5/p4pkp/2br1qp1/5P2/3p4/1P2Q1NP/P1P3P1/6K1 w - - bm Nh5+;
2b1r3/r2ppN2/8/1p1p1k2/pP1P4/2P3R1/PP3PP1/2K5 w - - bm Nd6; c1 "diff=10";
2b1rk2/5p2/p1P5/2p2P2/2p5/7B/P7/2KR4 w - - bm f6; id "arasan19.41"; c0 "study by Smyslov";
2bk2r1/5q2/1p2pP1Q/pP1pP1P1/P2P4/8/2RK4/8 w - - bm Kc1;
2bq1b2/1p3k2/1r1p1p1p/pNpP1PpP/P1P3P1/6B1/1P5Q/2K1R3 w - - bm Re6;
2bqrr1k/p5b1/1p1p2pp/nPpBp3/P1P1N2P/3PN1P1/R4P1K/3Q1R2 w - - bm Nc3;
2k2Br1/p6b/Pq1r4/1p2p1b1/1Ppp2p1/Q1P3N1/5RPP/R3N1K1 b - - bm Rf6;
2k5/1pP4p/3p3P/3p1N2/1P3P2/7K/5b2/8 w - - bm Kg2; c1 "diff=4";
2k5/2p5/1q1p4/pPpPp1pp/N1P1Pp2/P4PbP/KQ4P1/8 w - - am Nxb6+?; c1 "diff=10";
2k5/p7/Pp1p1b2/1P1P1p2/2P2P1p/3K3P/5B2/8 w - - bm c5; c1 "diff=8";
2kr3r/1p3pb1/pBnqp2p/P2p2p1/8/2PB4/1P3PPP/R2Q1RK1 w - - bm b4;
2q2r1k/p1p1b1pp/br1p1n2/2p1N1BP/Q1P1P3/8/PP1N1PP1/2KR3R w - - id ?; bm Ng6+;
2r1r1k1/1p4pp/pP1b4/2pP1p1b/2P1pP2/2B3PP/1P3KB1/R3R3 w - - bm g4;
2r1r1k1/2P2bp1/p1Q2pq1/2R3b1/1P6/4p1Bp/4B2P/3R3K w - - id ?; bm Qf3;
2r2bk1/pNq3p1/2Pp3p/1p1Prp2/1P2p1P1/6Q1/P4P1P/2RR2K1 w - - bm Qxe5;
2r2r1k/qb3p1p/p2p1Np1/np1Pp1P1/2P5/3RP2P/5R2/4Q1K1 w - - acd 36; acs 174; bm Rf4; ce 0; pm Rf4;
2r2rk1/1b3ppp/pn2p3/2qpP3/1p1Q1PP1/3B2R1/PPP1N2P/1K1R4 w - - bm Bxh7+;
2r2rk1/1bpR1p2/1pq1pQp1/p3P2p/P1PR3P/5N2/2P2PPK/8 w - - bm Kg3; c1 "diff=5";
2r2rk1/2q2p1p/p1p1nPpQ/3p4/4p1B1/8/PPP3PP/R4R1K w - - bm Rf5; c0 "mate in 6"; c1 "diff=4";
2r3k1/1r3p2/1qb1pPpR/3pP1N1/p1pP4/PpP5/1Pn1BB1P/3R3K w - - bm Rg1;
2r3k1/2b1Rpp1/p2p2qp/P7/1PpB4/2P3PP/5Q1K/8 w - - bm b5; c0 "Porozovsky-Bißmann, S-Open/6-sf08 2017";
2r4r/3n1pk1/pq1p1bp1/3B4/1p2P1N1/7P/PP1Q1PK1/3RR3 w - - bm Bxf7; c1 "diff=6";
2r5/prkpR1p1/2p1ppK1/P1p1N1B1/P1P1P3/8/8/8 w - - bm Bf4; c1 "diff=9";
3B4/1r2p3/r2p1p2/bkp1P1p1/1p1P1PPp/p1P1K2P/PPB5/8 w - - bm Ba4+; c1 "diff=5";
3Q4/3p4/P2p4/N2b4/8/4P3/5p1p/5Kbk w - - bm Qa8; c1 "diff=6";
3k4/2pq3p/pp5R/4P3/P6P/2PN4/1PN3K1/8 w - - bm Nd4; c1 "diff=10";
3k4/4pp2/n2n4/5BN1/3N4/b7/4K3/8 w - - bm Nxf7+; c1 "diff=8";
3kB3/5K2/7p/3p4/3pn3/4NN2/8/1b4B1 w - - bm Nf5; id "ERET 019 - Endspiel";
3nn3/2p2p1k/1p1pp1p1/p2B3p/r2B2N1/4P2N/3PKPP1/6q1 w - - bm Ng5;
3q1r1k/6rp/3p4/P2Pbp1Q/N3Pp1n/2P5/P1B2RPP/R6K b - - bm f3;
3q4/4k3/1p1b1p1r/p2Q4/3B1p1p/7P/1P4P1/3R3K w - - bm b4; id "arasan19.120"; c0 "Stockfish 021113-Naum 4.6, nTCEC - Stage 4 - Season 2 2013";
3r1r1k/pp5p/4b1pb/6q1/3P4/4p1BP/PP2Q1PK/3RRB2 b - - bm Qxg3+; id "arasan19.137"; c0 "Apicella-Lautier, Clichy 2001";
3r1rk1/pbq1bp1p/1n1Rp1p1/2p1P1N1/4N2P/1P3Q2/PB3PP1/K6R w - - bm h5;
3r2k1/p2prp1p/1p1Rn1pP/4P3/4q3/5RP1/P2Q1PK1/3B4 w - - bm Bb3; id "AlphaZero - Stockfish8";
3r2kq/p2prp1p/1p4pP/2nR4/1Q6/1B3RP1/P4PK1/8 w - - bm Rxc5 Qh4;
3r2rk/5pp1/p2p1q1p/n1pPpP2/PpP1Q2P/1P3RR1/2B2PP1/6K1 w - - bm Rg5;
3r3r/k7/2p5/1pPp1p1p/pP2pPpP/P1K1P1P1/2b5/BN6 w - - bm Kd4;
3rqbk1/2p3p1/b6p/Q1p5/2N1PP2/1P1P2P1/2P4P/5R1K b - - bm Bc8; id "Stockfish8 - AlphaZero";
4B3/1Pb4p/8/4p1k1/3p1p2/5K2/2P5/8 b - - bm e4+;
4K1k1/8/1p5p/1Pp3b1/8/1P3P2/P1B2P2/8 w - - bm f4; id "arasan19.189"; c0 "?achová skladba 2011-12, 1st Prize";
4K2k/1pQp3p/1R4p1/1P4P1/8/3P3P/1q3r2/8 w - - bm Qd8;
4R3/P7/2bB2p1/r3pk2/2p2p1P/2P2P1K/6P1/8 w - - bm Rxe5+; c1 "diff=7";
4b1k1/P4pPp/1R3P1P/2r5/8/1P6/1K6/8 w - - bm a8=B;
4b3/4kp1p/2pq1p2/p3pQ2/2B1P2P/5RP1/Pr1r1PK1/2R5 b - - bm h5; c0 "Laser 191118-Ethereal 11.13, CCC3 Rapid Redux, chess.com 2018";
4b3/7p/4k3/B4pPP/5K2/P4P2/8/8 w - - bm g6;
4bbk1/3nq2r/pr2p3/Np1p1p1p/1PpP1Pp1/2P1P1P1/PQ1NB1PR/2K4R b - - bm e5; c1 "diff=8";
4k1br/1K1p1n1r/2p2pN1/P2p1N2/2P3pP/5B2/P2P4/8 w - - id ?; bm Kc8;
4q1kr/p6p/1prQPppB/4n3/4P3/2P5/PP2B2P/R5K1 w - - bm Qxe5; c1 "diff=10";
4q2r/1b1kbp2/1p2p1p1/pP1pP1N1/P2P1PQP/3BK3/2R5/8 w - - bm Bxg6; id "AlphaZero - Stockfish8";
4r1k1/1r1np3/1pqp1ppB/p7/2b1P1PQ/2P2P2/P3B2R/3R2K1 w - - bm Bg5;
4r1k1/2pbnrq1/1p1b1p2/2pPp1pp/p1P1P2P/P2QNNB1/1P3PP1/3RR2K b - - bm Nc8 g4; id "Stockfish8 - AlphaZero";
4r1rk/p3qpp1/1pnp1n1p/5P2/P1PPP3/4Q2P/2BB2R1/6RK w - - bm Rxg7;
4r2r/pppkq1pp/2n1pn2/4p1B1/4N2Q/8/PPP3PP/4RRK1 w - - bm Nxf6+;
4rrk1/p1q1bpp1/b1n1p2p/1pppP1N1/n4B1P/3P2P1/PPP1QPBN/R3R1K1 w - - 0 1 bm Qh5; 
5N2/6N1/q2k3p/8/6p1/4K1PP/B5P1/8 w - - bm Nf5+; c0 "eval = draw by fortress";
5bk1/1b1rq2p/2p1p1p1/1pP1P3/1Pp1B2Q/2B3P1/5PK1/7R w - - bm Qg4; id "AlphaZero - Stockfish8";
5k2/8/5pK1/5PbP/2Bn4/8/8/8 b - - bm Bh4;
5k2/8/pppppppp/8/PPPPPPPP/8/8/5K2 w - - bm d5;
5kN1/3p1q2/5P2/5PP1/2pK4/1p1R4/1P6/8 w - - bm Rxb3; c1 "diff=6";
5nk1/r4p1p/2r1p1p1/3nB1PP/p2PBP2/R7/1P6/K6R w - - bm h6; c0 "Stockfish 260218 64 BMI2-Komodo 2023.00 64-bit, YCLET Super X3 Tournament (2.1) 2018";
5nq1/1p1p2p1/8/B3p3/k7/5K2/2P2PP1/3Q4 w - - bm c4+;
5nr1/2Pp2pk/3Pp1p1/4P1P1/6P1/5K2/8/7n w - - bm c8=N;
5rk1/1ppb1pb1/rq3np1/1NpPp2p/p1P1P1PP/P2BNPQ1/1P6/1K1R2R1 w - - bm  Nf5;
5rk1/2p2Rpq/p2p2n1/2pPpQPp/4P2P/3P2N1/PP6/6K1 w - - bm Qe6; c1 "diff=7";
5rk1/pp3p1p/7b/2pR4/8/2P4P/P1PNr1P1/2K4R b - - bm Rxd2;
5rr1/1p1bk3/p3pp2/8/3PP1pp/1PN1P3/1P3RPP/5RK1 w - - bm e5; c0 "MD vs JL, Chess Thinkers Forum 2015";
6R1/8/2pB3k/2P4p/5p1q/5P2/4P1K1/8 w - - bm Bf8+; c1 "diff=8";
6b1/5p2/1p3Bp1/1P3pP1/5P2/pp1B2K1/pr4P1/k7 w - - bm Kh2; c1 "diff=10";
6br/1KNp1n1r/2p2p2/P1ppRP2/1kP3pP/3PBB2/PN1P4/8 w - - bm Bxc5+;
6k1/1bq1bpp1/p6p/2p1pP2/1rP1P1P1/2NQ4/2P4P/K2RR3 b - - bm Bd5;
6k1/1qr1p2p/ppN5/3p1N2/6p1/1P1P2Pp/PP2PP1P/2RK4 w - - bm Ncxe7+;
6k1/8/1pK4p/bPp5/8/1P6/P1B2P2/8 w - - bm b4;
6k1/p7/8/4B3/Pp3p1P/qP5P/P1Rb2K1/8 w - - bm Kf3; c1 "diff=10";
6k1/ppn2p2/8/2P2P1p/1P2K3/2N5/P7/8 w - - bm Nd5; c1 "diff=7";
6q1/PpB5/k7/P6K/6n1/1P4p1/5p2/1B3N1N w - - bm a8=Q+ a8=R+;
6r1/6r1/2p1k1pp/p1pbP2q/Pp1p1PpP/1P1P2NR/1KPQ3R/8 b - - bm Qf5; c0 "id deep.09 fortress"; 
7k/3q1pp1/1p3r2/p1bP4/P1P2p2/1P2rNpP/2Q3P1/4RR1K b - - bm Rxf3; id "arasan19.122"; c0 "Darkraider (Stockfish 2.1.1JA)-Pastorale(Houdini 1.5a), playchess.com 2011";
7k/4PBNp/7P/2p5/2P5/2rq2Pp/1P3P1K/8 b - - bm Qxg3+;
7k/4r1p1/1p2P2p/P1p4q/1r5P/4Q1PB/4R2K/8 w - - bm a6; c0 "Komodo 1589.00 64-bit 8CPU-Stockfish 020316 64-bit 8CPU, G. Banks 2016";
7k/pp2Np1p/2p2P1N/5pP1/7K/P4n2/1q3Q2/5n2 w - - bm Kh5; c1 "diff=10";
7q/b1p5/1p1Npkb1/pPP2ppP/P1P5/3B2P1/5P1R/K3R3 w - - bm hxg6; c0 "http://www.yacpdb.org/#340530";
8/1B3b1p/7P/p2p4/P2pp1kp/Q7/1N1Pq2P/7K w - - bm Qh3;
8/1P6/8/1b1K4/6p1/5pP1/5P1B/7k w - - bm b8=R;
8/1p1pNpbk/1q1P4/pP2p2K/P3N3/4P1P1/3P4/8 w - - bm Nc8;
8/1p1r2R1/p5p1/5bp1/2PB1k2/1PK5/P7/8 b - - bm Rxd4; c1 "diff=8";
8/1p2b3/6k1/5p2/p2NbP1p/P1B1P1p1/1P5P/6K1 w - - bm h3; c0 "fortress From Smirin-HIARCS"; c1 "diff=10";
8/2N4r/1p3pkp/8/5K1p/2P4N/P3Bn2/8 w - - id ?; bm Bh5;
8/2p1q3/p3P3/2P4p/1PBP2kP/2N3P1/7K/8 w - - bm Be2; c1 "diff=7";
8/2pN1k2/p4p1p/Pn1R4/3b4/6Pp/1P3K1P/8 w - - bm Ke1; id "ERET 066 - Endspiel";
8/2pb1k1K/3p2p1/5pP1/2PPpB2/PP6/8/8 b - -  bm e3; 
8/2r3k1/8/1p1p1p2/p2PbPp1/PB4P1/1P1K4/5R2 w - - bm Rc1; c0 fortress;
8/3P3k/n2K3p/2p3n1/1b4N1/2p1p1P1/8/3B4 w - - bm Nf6+; c0 "study by Van Breukelen";
8/3ppp1p/3P4/4N3/8/3n1pKp/8/7k w - - bm Nxd3;
8/4K2p/6pr/5pk1/1pB2R2/p4PP1/8/8 w - - bm Rg4+;
8/4nk2/1p3p2/1r1p2pp/1P1R1N1P/6P1/3KPP2/8 w - - bm Nd3; id "arasan19.116"; c0 "Grandelius-Raznikov, EU Youth Chess Ch B18, Albena 2011";
8/4nk2/1p3p2/2rp2pp/1P1R1N1P/6P1/3KPP2/8 b - - am Rb5?; c1 "diff=7";
8/4r1pk/2B5/1P3P2/2PrPb1p/6qP/1R1p2P1/3R2QK b - - bm Ra7;
8/5p2/N1p3p1/3pP1P1/7P/2kP4/Pb6/7K w - - bm h5; c1 "diff=7";
8/6k1/2p2qp1/1p1n1p2/r2P4/p1P3P1/3Q1PK1/R6R w - - bm c4;
8/6pp/1K6/N5P1/3N4/8/npn1P3/k7 w - - bm Nab3+; c0 "Lommer 1963"; fmvn 1; hmvc 0; id "Nightmare Nr.020"; c1 "diff=6";
8/8/4kpp1/3p1b2/p6P/2B5/6P1/6K1 b - - bm Bh3; c1 "diff=7";
8/8/4p1Pk/1rp1K1p1/4P1P1/1nP2Q2/p2b1P2/8 w - - bm Kf6; id "ERET 096 - Endspiel";
8/8/8/1B6/6p1/8/4KPpp/3N2kr w - - bm Kd3;
8/8/8/2pK3p/8/5N2/1P4pq/5Rbk w - - bm Rb1; c1 "diff=8";
8/P5k1/P5p1/5pKp/4bP1P/6P1/5B2/8 w - - bm g4;
8/bp4Pk/4KB2/R6p/2pNp1P1/p7/3p1Pnq/2r5 w - - bm Nc6; 
8/p3N3/1n3N2/2n3pP/pkP5/8/3P4/K7 b - - bm Nxc4;  c0 "eval = draw";
8/p4pk1/r1p1p1p1/P1PpRnPp/1P3P2/2P5/4RK2/8 w - - bm Rxf5;
8/p5pq/8/p2N3p/k2P3P/8/KP3PB1/8 w - - bm Be4;
N7/8/2KQ2rp/6k1/3p3p/2p4P/4PP2/5N2 w - - bm f4+; c1 "diff=8";
Nq3n1k/8/P1p2Npp/2Kp3R/pp6/n3p3/8/4Q3 w - - bm Nc7;               
b3r3/q2B2k1/3Q2p1/1p5p/3pP3/5P2/1p4PP/5RK1 b - - bm d3+; c1 "diff=6";
br1r2k1/5pp1/R6p/2pN4/P1P1q3/2P1p1P1/P3P2P/3RQ1K1 b - - bm Qxc4; c0 "Deep Shredder 13-Komodo 12.2.2, Andreas Strangmueller 2018";
k7/4r1p1/2p5/5P2/2P2N1P/8/K6P/8 b - - bm Re4;
k7/p1pR4/1p3p2/2P2rpB/PbP4p/2N1p2p/KP6/8 w - - bm Bf3; c1 "diff=7";
kr1b4/p1p2B2/2p5/2p1p3/KpP1P3/1P4N1/8/7R w - - id ?; bm Rh6;
n1QBq1k1/5p1p/5KP1/p7/8/8/8/8 w - - bm Bc7; c1 "diff=9";
nk1b4/2rPp3/4Q1p1/1K2Br2/5P2/8/1P6/8 w - - bm Ka6; id "Der brillante Schachzug (015) - Zugzwang - Ka6 Rf6 f5"
q1r5/k3ppp1/2R5/PP1KP2r/2p4Q/2p1p3/5pP1/3R4 w - - id ?; bm Qd4+;
q3nrk1/4bppp/3p4/r3nPP1/4P2P/NpQ1B3/1P4B1/1K1R3R b - - bm Nc7; c0 "Karjakin-Anand Wijk-aan-zee 2006"; c1 "diff=7";
q7/7R/k7/1p6/1p6/1P2B3/7K/8 w - - bm Bd4; c0 "eval + -";
q7/b1p5/kp1p4/p2PN3/PPP5/1K6/8/5B2 w - - bm c5+; c1 "diff=7";
qrb5/b1Pp3p/1pkB4/1p2P3/1P1KPp2/R4P1p/P3pP1P/4N1n1 w - - bm Rc3+; c0 "eval = mate";
r1b1k1r1/1p2np1p/p1n1pQp1/3p4/3NPP2/P2RB3/2PK2PP/q4B1R w q d6 bm Be2; c1 "diff=6";
r1b1k2r/1p1pppb1/p5pp/3P4/q2p1B2/3P1Q2/PPP2PPP/R3R1K1 w kq - bm Rxe7+;
r1b1qk1r/pn3pp1/1p2p3/3pP1Bp/1bPN4/4Q1R1/P2N1PP1/R5K1 w - - bm Bf6; 
r1b1qr1k/2p3pp/4p3/1pb1PpN1/pn3N1P/6B1/PPP1QPP1/2KR3R w - - bm Rd8;
r1b1qr1k/2p3pp/4p3/1pb1PpN1/pn3N1P/8/PPP1QPP1/2KR3R w - - bm Rd8;
r1b1qr1k/2p3pp/4p3/1pb1PpN1/pn3N1P/P7/1PP1QPP1/2KR3R w - - bm Rd8;
r1b1r1k1/p2q1ppp/np2n3/3p1NBQ/8/6PB/P4P1P/1R2R1K1 w - - bm Bf6; c1 "diff=7";
r1b1r2k/pp1n1pp1/1qpb3p/8/3PB2B/5N2/PPQ2PPP/R3R1K1 w - - bm Bg6; c1 "diff=9";
r1b2rk1/1pq1nppp/pbn1p3/8/3N4/3BBN2/PPP1QPPP/3R1RK1 w - - bm Bxh7+; id "arasan19.159"; c0 "Leu-Muck, DDR-ch H137 corr 1973";
r1b2rk1/1pq2ppp/p1p1p3/2n1P3/2N2P2/3B4/PPP3PP/R2Q1RK1 w - - bm Bxh7; c1 "diff=7";
r1b2rk1/2q1bppp/p2pp3/2n3PQ/1p1BP3/1BN5/PPP2P1P/2KR2R1 w - - bm Bf6; c1 "diff=7";
r1b2rk1/2q1bppp/pp2p3/2npP3/1n3P1P/2NBBN2/PPPQ2P1/1K1R3R w - - bm Bxh7+;
r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/1n2p3/3pP3/2PN1BPq/b1PB4/P1Q2P1P/1K1R3R w - - bm Nf3;
r1b3k1/ppp1q1pp/2n1p3/3pP2P/8/2NB2Q1/PPP3P1/2K2R2 w - - bm Bg6; c0 "Hector-So, 19th Sigeman & Co., Malmo 2011";
r1b3k1/ppppn1pp/4n1q1/8/5P2/2N1B3/PPP3QP/3R1RK1 w - - bm f5;
r1b3r1/5p1k/p1n2P1p/P1qpp1P1/1p1p4/3P2Q1/BPPB2P1/R4RK1 w - - bm Kf2; id "arasan19.179"; c0 "Efremov-Fischer, Danube/4 ICCF 2012";
r1b4r/p4pk1/P3p1p1/1pBpPnPp/2pP1K2/2P3P1/4BP2/R6R w - - bm g4;
r1bq1rk1/1p1nbppp/p3p3/2ppP3/5B1P/2PBP3/PP1N1PP1/R2QK2R w - - bm Bxh7+;
r1bq1rk1/pp2b2p/2p1pppQ/8/1n1PN2P/3B1N2/PPP2PP1/2KR3R w - - bm Neg5;
r1bq1rk1/pp2bppp/1n2p3/3pP3/8/2RBBN2/PP2QPPP/2R3K1 w - - bm Bxh7+; c1 "diff=7";
r1bqn1nk/ppp4p/3p4/3Pp1r1/2P1Pp2/2NB1P2/PP2N3/2K1Q1RR w - -  bm Rxh7; c1 "diff=5";
r1bqr1k1/3n1ppp/p2p1b2/3N1PP1/1p1B1P2/1P6/1PP1Q2P/2KR2R1 w - - bm Qxe8+;
r1k1n2n/8/pP6/5R2/8/1b1B4/4N3/1K5N w - - bm b7+; id "ERET 036 - Endspiel";
r1n2N1k/2n2K1p/3pp3/5Pp1/b5R1/8/1PPP4/8 w - - bm Ng6+; id "ERET 002 - Zugzwang";
r1q1rbk1/2pp1ppp/p1b5/1p1NP3/3Q4/3R2B1/PPP2PPP/5RK1 w - - bm Nf6; c1 "diff=8";
r1q1rbk1/2pp1ppp/p1b5/3NP3/3Q4/1P1R2B1/P4PPP/R5K1 w - - bm Nf6+;
r1q2rk1/ppp1bp2/6p1/3pNPn1/7p/2PP3P/P6B/1R1Q1RK1 w - - bm f6; c1 "diff=6";
r1qn1rk1/p1pp1ppp/1p2p2b/1P2P3/P7/R2B1N2/1P4PP/3Q1R1K w - - bm Bxh7+;
r2br1k1/1b3q1p/pp1p1ppB/3Nn3/n1PNP2R/4Q3/1P2B1PP/5R1K w - - bm Nf5;
r2q1r2/1b2bpkp/n3p1p1/2ppP1P1/p6R/1PN1BQR1/NPP2P1P/4K3 w - - bm Qf6+;
r2q1r2/1b2bpkp/p3p1p1/2ppP1P1/7R/1PN1BQR1/1PP2P1P/4K3 w - - bm Qf6+; id "arasan19.132"; c0 "Asauskas-Malisauskas, Vilnius 2004";
r2q1rk1/p1pn1p2/1p2pPp1/3p2B1/2PP3Q/2b5/PP3P1P/2KR2Nb w - - bm Rd3;
r2q1rk1/ppp2p2/3p1np1/4pNQ1/4P1pP/1PPP4/1P3P2/R3K1R1 w Q - bm Qh6; c1 "diff=8";
r2q3r/1p1bbQ2/4p1Bk/3pP3/1n1P1P1p/pP6/Pn4PP/R1B1R1K1 w - - bm g4;
r2qkb1r/3bpppp/p4nn1/3P4/1p1N4/1QN3B1/PP3PPP/R3KB1R w KQkq  - bm Nc6; c1 "diff=6";
r2qr1k1/pp1bbp2/n5p1/2pPp2p/8/P2PP1PP/1P2N1BK/R1BQ1R2 w - - bm d6; id "ERET 057 - Abtausch";
r2qrbk1/1b3p2/3p2pB/1p1P1N2/1np1P3/5NRP/1P3PP1/1B1Qn1K1 w - - id ?; bm N3h4;
r2qrbk1/1bpn1p1p/p4np1/1p1pp3/3PP3/1PP2NNP/P1B2PP1/R1BQR1K1 w - - bm Bg5;
r2r2k1/pqp1bppp/1pn1pn2/8/2NP1B2/2N1P1P1/PPQ2P1P/R4RK1 b - - bm Rxd4;
r3k2r/bppbqp2/P1np2n1/1B6/3pP1p1/P1P3B1/3N1PPN/R2Q1RK1 b kq - bm O-O-O;
r3r1k1/1b1n1pbp/pq1p2p1/1pp1P3/3P1B2/nP1B1NNP/P4PP1/R2QR1K1 w - - acd 40; acs 1082; bm Nh5; ce 142; pm Nh5;
r3r1k1/1bppq2p/1p1n1bp1/3P1p2/p4N1P/P1PB1P2/1P1Q1BP1/1K1R3R w - - bm g4;
r3r1k1/pp1q1p2/2p2npb/PPPp4/3Pp3/2NNPpP1/1R1B1P1K/3Q3R b - - bm Kg7;
r3r2k/1pq2pp1/4b2p/3pP3/p1nB3P/P2B1RQ1/1PP3P1/3R3K w - - bm Rf6;
r3rbk1/ppq2ppp/2b1pB2/8/6Q1/1P1B3P/P1P2PP1/R2R2K1 w - - bm Bxh7+; c1 "diff=7";
r4nk1/1p1rqp1p/2bNp1pP/3pP3/BR3QP1/P4R2/5P2/6K1 w - - bm Bxc6; c0 "Stockfish 18112008 - Xiphos 0.4.11, CCC 3: Rapid Redux 2018";
r4r1k/1p1n1ppp/1qb1p3/2b1P3/2B3Q1/p1NR4/PPP3PP/1KB1R3 w - - bm Rh3; c1 "diff=7";
r4r1k/6qp/3R1bb1/pNp2p2/PnB1pP2/4B2P/1P3Q1K/6R1 w - - bm Rxf6;
r4r1k/ppq4p/2n1bppP/2P1p3/2B2n2/1N3Q2/PBP2PP1/3RR1K1 w - - bm Qxf4;
r4rk1/1bq1bppp/p1npp3/2nB1NP1/1p2P3/2N1B3/PPP1QP1P/2KR2R1 w - - bm Qh5;
r4rk1/4bppp/bq2p3/npnpP3/p2B1P2/P1PB1N2/1P2QNPP/R4RK1 w - - id ?; bm Bxh7+;
r4rk1/pb3pp1/1p1qpR2/2ppN3/3P4/2P4P/PP1pQ1P1/3R2K1 w - - bm Qxd2 Ng4;
r4rk1/ppp3pp/3b4/7q/1PPp2b1/P2P1Nn1/3NPRB1/R1B1Q1K1 b - - bm Rae8;
r5k1/1b2bppp/1n2p3/1P6/2qPP3/r1p2N2/1R2QPPP/1BR1B1K1 b - - bm cxb2; c1 "diff=6";
r5k1/6b1/2Nq4/2pP1p2/p1P1pPr1/Pp6/3R2PQ/1K3R2 b - - bm e3; c1 "diff=9";
r5k1/p1pb2bp/3p3r/P1pPp1p1/2B1Pq2/1R2QPp1/1P4PP/5RBK b - - bm Rxh2+;
r5rk/1bq1bpp1/1p1ppn1p/pP5P/2P1P3/P1N2P2/1B1Q1P2/1K1R1BR1 w - - id ?; bm Nd5;
r6k/N1Rb2bp/p2p1nr1/3Pp2q/1P2Pp1P/5N2/P3QBP1/4R1K1 b - - bm Bh3; id "arasan19.158"; c0 "Persson-Gerhardt, Simon Webb mem email 2007";
r6r/4k3/p2bP2p/2n2PP1/2BQn2P/1pP1p3/1q1BK3/3R3R b - - bm Qc2; c1 "diff=8";
r7/1QP1N1Kp/pn2P1b1/Nnk2p2/7p/p4BP1/1rPPp2q/8 w - - bm Nd5; c0 "eval = mate";
r7/1QpnN1Kp/p3P1b1/Nn1P1p2/3k3p/p4BP1/1rPPp2q/8 w - - bm d6;
rn1qr1k1/1p2bppp/p3p3/3pP3/P2P1B2/2RB1Q1P/1P3PP1/R5K1 w - - bm Bxh7+; c1 "diff=7";
rn2kbnr/pp2ppp1/2p5/3pP1Bp/3P3P/3Q4/PqP2PP1/RN2K1NR w KQkq - id ?; bm e6;
rn2r1q1/p5k1/2p2bp1/1p4p1/2P5/4B1PQ/5PK1/3R3R w - - bm Bd4;
rn3r1k/pn1p1ppq/bpp4p/7P/4N1Q1/6P1/PP3PB1/R1B1R1K1 w - - bm Bg5;
rn3rk1/p2q1pp1/4p2p/2ppP1NQ/P7/2P1P3/2P3PP/R4RK1 w - - bm Rf6;
rn3rk1/pn1p1ppq/bpp4p/7P/4N3/6P1/PP3PB1/R1BQR1K1 w - - bm Qg4; id "AlphaZero - Stockfish8";
rn3rq1/p5k1/2p2bp1/1p4p1/8/2P1B1PQ/5PK1/3R3R w - - bm c4; id "AlphaZero - Stockfish8"; 
rnb2rk1/1pq1bppp/p3p3/2npP1P1/3N1P2/2NBB3/PPP4P/R2QK2R w KQ - bm Bxh7+;
rnbq3r/pppp4/3b1pkp/5p2/2BP4/4P3/PPP2PPP/RN1QK2R w KQ - bm Qh5+;
rnbqk2r/p4p2/2p1p3/1p2N1pp/PbpPn2P/2N1P1B1/1P3PP1/R2QKB1R w KQkq - bm Qf3;
rq6/5k2/p3pP1p/3p2p1/6PP/1PB1Q3/2P5/1K6 w - - bm Qd3; id "ERET 059 - Endspiel";
rqn2rk1/1p2ppb1/p1b3pp/2R1P1N1/8/4BB1Q/3R1PPP/6K1 w - - acd 40; acs 177; bm Nxf7; c3 "Nxf7"; ce 309; pm Nxf7;
Posts: 1167
Joined: Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:07 pm
Full name: Herbert L

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2019 set

Post by Paloma »

Thanks Vincent

for collecting this Set, great. :D

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Posts: 5228
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2019 set

Post by Vinvin »

First run with Stockfish_181222_x64_modern
Conditions :
CPU : i7-6*4 GHz, 6 threads used
EGTB : 6 pieces syzygy + KRPPKRP
15 min per position
GUI : Arena 3.5.1

I plan to run 5 or 6 times.

Code: Select all

  1) Ne7-c6             Ne7-c6  * 588 Seconds
  2) Qf3xf6             Qf3xf6  * 749 Seconds
  3) Nb8-c6             Nh3-f2   
  4) e4-e5              e4-e5   * 68 Seconds
  5) b3-b4              b3-b4   * 14 Seconds
  6) Rh4xh1             Rh4-c4   
  7) Rd4-d6             Nf5-e7   
  8) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 11 Seconds
  9) Rd6xf6             Qe5-d4   
 10) g2-g4              Ra1-d1   
 11) Rg1xg7             Rg1xg7  * 213 Seconds
 12) .. Nb6-c4          Nb6-c4  * 310 Seconds
 13) Qf4-f6             Be1-d2   
 14) h2-h4              h2-h4   * 138 Seconds
 15) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 358 Seconds
 16) Nf3-g5             Nf3-g5  * 194 Seconds
 17) Ng3-f5             Nd5-e7   
 18) a4-a5              Rf1-d1   
 19) .. Rb8xb3, Kc3-c1  Ra6-b6   
 20) g2-g4              g2-g4   * 2 Seconds
 21) Rc1xc3             Rc1xc3  * 828 Seconds
 22) e4-e5              e4-e5   * 428 Seconds
 23) Ne2-f4             Ne2-f4  * 284 Seconds
 24) Re3-e8             Nc4-d2   
 25) Ra4-a2, Ra4-a2     Ra4-a2  * 192 Seconds
 26) Rf1xf6             Rf1xf6  * 41 Seconds
 27) Rc8xc7             Rc8xc7  * 59 Seconds
 28) Ng3-h5             Ng3-h5  * 13 Seconds
 29) Nf7-d6             Nf7-h6   
 30) f5-f6              c6-c7    
 31) Kd2-c1             Kd2-c1  * 544 Seconds
 32) Re1-e6             Re1-e6  * 117 Seconds
 33) Ne4-c3             h4-h5    
 34) .. Rd6-f6          Rd6-f6  * 485 Seconds
 35) Kh3-g2             Kh3-g2  * 18 Seconds
 36) Na4xb6(?)          Na4xb6   
 37) c4-c5              c4-c5   * 63 Seconds
 38) b2-b4              b2-b4   * 12 Seconds
 39) Ne5-g6             Ne5-g6  * 157 Seconds
 40) g3-g4              g3-g4   * 237 Seconds
 41) Qc6-f3             Qc6-f3  * 35 Seconds
 42) Qg3xe5             Qg3xe5  * 13 Seconds
 43) Rf2-f4, Rf2-f4     Rf2-f4  * 169 Seconds
 44) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 129 Seconds
 45) Kh2-g3             Kh2-g3  * 18 Seconds
 46) Rf1-f5             Rf1-f5  * 351 Seconds
 47) Rd1-g1             Rd1-g1  * 17 Seconds
 48) b4-b5              Qf2-f3   
 49) Bd5xf7             Bd5xf7  * 15 Seconds
 50) Bg5-f4             a5-a6    
 51) Bc2-a4             c3-c4    
 52) Qd8-a8             Qd8-a8  * 248 Seconds
 53) Nc2-d4             Kg2-f3   
 54) Ng5xf7             Bf5-b1   
 55) Ne3-f5             Ne3-f5  * 26 Seconds
 56) Nh3-g5             Nh3xg1   
 57) .. f4-f3           f4-f3   * 301 Seconds
 58) b2-b4              b2-b4   * 21 Seconds
 59) .. Qg5xg3          Qg5xg3  * 404 Seconds
 60) h4-h5              h4-h5   * 51 Seconds
 61) Bd1-b3             Bd1-b3  * 11 Seconds
 62) Rd5xc5, Qb4-h4     Qb4-h4  * 0 Seconds
 63) Rg3-g5             Rg3-g5  * 1 Second
 64) Kc3-d4             Kc3-d4  * 57 Seconds
 65) .. Ba6-c8          Ba6-c8  * 142 Seconds
 66) .. e5-e4           e5-e4   * 181 Seconds
 67) f3-f4              Ke8-d7   
 68) Qc7-d8             d3-d4     
 69) Re8xe5             Re8-c8   
 70) a7-a8B             b3-b4    
 71) .. h7-h5           h7-h5   * 5 Seconds
 72) g5-g6              g5-g6   * 15 Seconds
 73) .. e6-e5, c3xc1    e6-e5   * 802 Seconds
 74) Kb7-c8             a5-a6    
 75) Qd6xe5             Qd6-a3   
 76) Bd3xg6             Bd3xg6  * 793 Seconds
 77) Bh6-g5             Bh6-e3   
 78) .. Ne7-c8, g5-g4   g5-g4   * 0 Seconds
 79) Rg2xg7             Rg2xg7  * 42 Seconds
 80) Ne4xf6             Ne4xf6  * 3 Seconds
 81) Qe2-h5             Qe2-h5  * 31 Seconds
 82) Ng7-f5             Ng7-f5  * 11 Seconds
 83) Qh4-g4             Qh4-h3   
 84) .. Bg5-h4          Bg5-h4  * 12 Seconds
 85) d4-d5              d4-d5   * 818 Seconds
 86) Rd3xb3             Rd3xb3  * 27 Seconds
 87) h5-h6              h5-h6   * 53 Seconds
 88) c2-c4              c2-c4   * 37 Seconds
 89) c7-c8N             Kf3-g2   
 90) Ne3-f5             Ne3-f5  * 1 Second
 91) Qf5-e6             Qf5-e6  * 43 Seconds
 92) .. Re2xd2          Re2xg2   
 93) e4-e5              e4-e5   * 4 Seconds
 94) Bd6-f8             Rg8-f8   
 95) Kg3-h2             Kg3-h2  * 0 Seconds
 96) Be3xc5             Kb7-b6   
 97) .. Bb7-d5          Bb7-d5  * 34 Seconds
 98) Nc6xe7             Rc1-c3   
 99) b3-b4              f2-f4    
100) Kg2-f3             Rc2xd2   
101) Nc3-d5             Nc3-d5  * 59 Seconds
102) a7-a8Q, a7-a8R     a7-a8Q  * 30 Seconds
103) .. Qh5-f5          g4xh3    
104) .. Re3xf3          Re3xf3  * 664 Seconds
105) .. Qd3xg3          Qd3xg3  * 448 Seconds
106) a5-a6              a5-a6   * 59 Seconds
107) Kh4-h5             Kh4-h5  * 375 Seconds
108) h5xg6              Nd6-b7   
109) Qa3-h3             Qa3-h3  * 406 Seconds
110) b7-b8R             b7-b8R  * 12 Seconds
111) Ne7-c8             Ne7-c8  * 686 Seconds
112) .. Rd7xd4, Kc3-c1  Rd7xd4  * 9 Seconds
113) h2-h3              Bc3-e1   
114) Be2-h5             Nh3xf2   
115) Bc4-e2             Bc4-e2  * 342 Seconds
116) Kf2-e1             Kf2-e1  * 338 Seconds
117) .. e4-e3           e4-e3   * 17 Seconds
118) Rf1-c1             Rf1-c1  * 46 Seconds
119) Ng4-f6             Ng4xe3   
120) Ne5xd3             Ne5xd3  * 119 Seconds
121) Rf4-g4             Rf4-g4  * 48 Seconds
122) Nf4-d3             Nf4-d3  * 612 Seconds
123) .. Rc5-b5(?)       Rc5-c4  * 319 Seconds
124) .. Re7-a7          Re7-a7  * 137 Seconds
125) h4-h5              h4-h5   * 75 Seconds
126) c3-c4              c3-c4   * 16 Seconds
127) Na5-b3             Na5-b3  * 64 Seconds
128) .. Bf5-h3, Bc3-c1  Bf5-h3  * 41 Seconds
129) Ke5-f6             Ke5-f6  * 57 Seconds
130) Ke2-d3             Ke2-d3  * 63 Seconds
131) Rf1-b1             Rf1-b1  * 0 Seconds
132) g3-g4              Bf2-d4   
133) Nd4-c6             g7-g8B   
134) .. Nb6xc4          Nb6xc4  * 61 Seconds
135) Re5xf5             Re2-c2   
136) Bg2-e4             Bg2-e4  * 0 Seconds
137) f2-f4              Na8-c7   
138) Na8-c7             Rh5xh6   
139) .. d4-d3           d4-d3   * 71 Seconds
140) .. Qe4xc4          Qe4xc4  * 24 Seconds
141) .. Re7-e4          Ka8-b7   
142) Bh5-f3             Bh5-f3  * 291 Seconds
143) Rh1-h6             Rh1-h6  * 71 Seconds
144) Bd8-c7             Bd8-c7  * 120 Seconds
145) Kb5-a6             Kb5-a6  * 204 Seconds
146) Qh4-d4             Qh4-d4  * 432 Seconds
147) .. Ne8-c7          Ne8-c7  * 354 Seconds
148) Be3-d4             Be3-d4  * 0 Seconds
149) c4-c5              b4-b5    
150) Ra3-c3             Ra3xa7   
151) Bf1-e2             Bf1-e2  * 57 Seconds
152) Re1xe7             Re1xe7  * 62 Seconds
153) Bg5-f6             Bg5-f6  * 407 Seconds
154) Rd1-d8             Rd1-d8  * 134 Seconds
155) Rd1-d8             Rd1-d8  * 774 Seconds
156) Rd1-d8             Rd1-d8  * 446 Seconds
157) Bg5-f6             Bg5-f6  * 4 Seconds
158) Be4-g6             Be4-g6  * 121 Seconds
159) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 37 Seconds
160) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 77 Seconds
161) Bd4-f6             Qh5-h6   
162) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 32 Seconds
163) Nd4-f3             Nd4-f3  * 133 Seconds
164) Bd3-g6             Bd3-g6  * 75 Seconds
165) f4-f5              f4-f5   * 233 Seconds
166) Kg1-f2, ...        Kg1-f2  * 203 Seconds
167) g3-g4              Be2-d1   
168) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 88 Seconds
169) Ne4-g5             Ne4-g5  * 45 Seconds
170) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 13 Seconds
171) Rh1xh7             Rh1xh7  * 18 Seconds
172) Qe2xe8             Qe2xe8  * 126 Seconds
173) b6-b7              b6-b7   * 183 Seconds
174) Nf8-g6             Nf8-g6  * 195 Seconds
175) Nd5-f6             Nd5-f6  * 49 Seconds
176) Nd5-f6             Nd5-f6  * 164 Seconds
177) f5-f6              Rb1-b2   
178) Bd3xh7             Nf3-g5   
179) Nd4-f5             Rh4-f4   
180) Qf3-f6             Qf3-f6  * 362 Seconds
181) Qf3-f6             Qf3-f6  * 134 Seconds
182) Rd1-d3             Rd1-d3  * 72 Seconds
183) Qg5-h6             Qg5-h6  * 99 Seconds
184) g2-g4              g2-g4   * 95 Seconds
185) Nd4-c6             Nd4-c6  * 30 Seconds
186) d5-d6              d5-d6   * 283 Seconds
187) Nf3-h4             Qd1xe1   
188) Bc1-g5             Bc1-g5  * 0 Seconds
189) .. Rd8xd4          Rd8xd4  * 75 Seconds
190) .. O-O-O           O-O-O   * 65 Seconds
191) Ng3-h5, Ng3-h5     Ng3-h5  * 33 Seconds
192) g2-g4              g2-g4   * 18 Seconds
193) .. Kg8-g7          Kg8-g7  * 378 Seconds
194) Rf3-f6             Rf3-f6  * 20 Seconds
195) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 15 Seconds
196) Ba4xc6             Ba4-b5   
197) Rd3-h3             Rd3-h3  * 13 Seconds
198) Rd6xf6             Rd6xf6  * 2 Seconds
199) Qf3xf4             Qf3xf4  * 252 Seconds
200) Qe2-h5             Qe2-h5  * 489 Seconds
201) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 42 Seconds
202) Qe2xd2, Ne5-g4     Ne5-g4  * 392 Seconds
203) .. Ra8-e8          Ra8-e8  * 3 Seconds
204) .. c3xb2, c3xc1    c3xb2   * 42 Seconds
205) .. e4-e3           e4-e3   * 18 Seconds
206) .. Rh6xh2          Kg8-h8   
207) Nc3-d5             Nc3-d5  * 433 Seconds
208) .. Bd7-h3          Bd7-h3  * 251 Seconds
209) .. Qb2-c2, c3-c1   Qb2-c2  * 115 Seconds
210) Ne7-d5             Ne7-d5  * 11 Seconds
211) d5-d6              d5-d6   * 89 Seconds
212) Bd3xh7             Bd3xh7  * 51 Seconds
213) e5-e6              e5-e6   * 28 Seconds
214) Be3-d4             Be3-d4  * 57 Seconds
215) Bc1-g5             b2-b4    
216) Rf1-f6             Rf1-f6  * 287 Seconds
217) Qd1-g4             Bc1-d2   
218) c3-c4              c3-c4   * 319 Seconds
219) Bd3xh7             h2-h4    
220) Qd1-h5             Qd1-h5  * 497 Seconds
221) Qd1-f3             Qd1-f3  * 6 Seconds
222) Qe3-d3             Qe3-d3  * 35 Seconds
223) Ng5xf7, Ng5xf7     Ng5xf7  * 275 Seconds
Posts: 6442
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:31 am
Location: PA USA
Full name: Louis Zulli

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2019 set

Post by zullil »

Vinvin wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 11:22 am First run with Stockfish_181222_x64_modern
Conditions :
CPU : i7-6*4 GHz, 6 threads used
EGTB : 6 pieces syzygy + KRPPKRP
15 min per position
GUI : Arena 3.5.1

I plan to run 5 or 6 times.

Code: Select all

219) Bd3xh7             h2-h4    
[d]rnb2rk1/1pq1bppp/p3p3/2npP1P1/3N1P2/2NBB3/PPP4P/R2QK2R w KQ - bm Bxh7+;

Cfish-dev, but not in 900 seconds:

info depth 47 seldepth 73 multipv 1 score cp 62 lowerbound nodes 253376611072 nps 32333461 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 7836359 pv d3h7
info depth 45 currmove d3h7 currmovenumber 1
info depth 47 seldepth 73 multipv 1 score cp 83 lowerbound nodes 256811916690 nps 32343450 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 7940152 pv d3h7
info depth 44 currmove d3h7 currmovenumber 1
info depth 47 seldepth 73 multipv 1 score cp 110 lowerbound nodes 259215378728 nps 32350646 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 8012680 pv d3h7
info depth 43 currmove d3h7 currmovenumber 1
info depth 47 seldepth 73 multipv 1 score cp 147 lowerbound nodes 263649566954 nps 32371485 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 8144500 pv d3h7
info depth 42 currmove d3h7 currmovenumber 1
info depth 42 currmove h2h4 currmovenumber 2
info depth 42 currmove e1g1 currmovenumber 3
info depth 42 currmove d1h5 currmovenumber 4
info depth 42 currmove e1d2 currmovenumber 5
info depth 42 currmove e3f2 currmovenumber 6
info depth 42 currmove e1f2 currmovenumber 7
info depth 42 currmove g5g6 currmovenumber 8
info depth 42 currmove h1g1 currmovenumber 9
info depth 42 currmove h1f1 currmovenumber 10
info depth 42 currmove d1c1 currmovenumber 11
info depth 42 currmove c3b5 currmovenumber 12
info depth 42 currmove d4b3 currmovenumber 13
info depth 42 currmove d1d2 currmovenumber 14
info depth 42 currmove d4f5 currmovenumber 15
info depth 42 currmove d1e2 currmovenumber 16
info depth 42 currmove c3a4 currmovenumber 17
info depth 42 currmove d1f3 currmovenumber 18
info depth 42 currmove a1c1 currmovenumber 19
info depth 42 currmove e3d2 currmovenumber 20
info depth 42 currmove e1f1 currmovenumber 21
info depth 42 currmove b2b4 currmovenumber 22
info depth 42 currmove d1b1 currmovenumber 23
info depth 42 currmove e1e2 currmovenumber 24
info depth 42 currmove d4c6 currmovenumber 25
info depth 42 currmove d3e2 currmovenumber 26
info depth 42 currmove b2b3 currmovenumber 27
info depth 42 currmove d4f3 currmovenumber 28
info depth 42 currmove c3e2 currmovenumber 29
info depth 42 currmove d1g4 currmovenumber 30
info depth 42 currmove d3g6 currmovenumber 31
info depth 42 currmove c3b1 currmovenumber 32
info depth 42 currmove a2a4 currmovenumber 33
info depth 42 currmove f4f5 currmovenumber 34
info depth 42 currmove a1b1 currmovenumber 35
info depth 42 currmove a2a3 currmovenumber 36
info depth 42 currmove d4b5 currmovenumber 37
info depth 42 currmove c3e4 currmovenumber 38
info depth 42 currmove d3e4 currmovenumber 39
info depth 42 currmove e3g1 currmovenumber 40
info depth 42 currmove d4e2 currmovenumber 41
info depth 42 currmove e3c1 currmovenumber 42
info depth 42 currmove d3c4 currmovenumber 43
info depth 42 currmove h2h3 currmovenumber 44
info depth 42 currmove d3f1 currmovenumber 45
info depth 42 currmove d3f5 currmovenumber 46
info depth 42 currmove d3b5 currmovenumber 47
info depth 42 currmove d4e6 currmovenumber 48
info depth 42 currmove c3d5 currmovenumber 49
info depth 42 currmove d3a6 currmovenumber 50
info depth 47 seldepth 86 multipv 1 score cp 157 nodes 269629081239 nps 32388675 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 8324795 pv d3h7 g8h7 d1h5 h7g8 e1c1 c5e4 h1f1 g7g6 h5h4 f8e8 f1f3 e7f8 f4f5 e6f5 c3d5 c7e5 d4f5 c8f5 e3d4 b8d7 d4e5 d7e5 f3f4 f8e7 d1g1 a8d8 f4f5 g6f5 d5f6 e7f6 g5f6 e5g6 h4h6 e4f6 g1g6 f7g6 h6g6 g8f8 g6f6 f8g8 f6g5 g8h8 b2b3 e8f8 g5h4 h8g7 h4e7 g7h6 e7b7 f8f6 b7f3 f5f4 h2h4 d8e8 c1b2 e8e3 f3d5 e3e6 d5g5 h6h7 g5h5 h7g7 h5f3 e6e3 f3g4 g7f7 c2c4 f7e7 b3b4 f4f3 g4g5 e3e6 a2a3
Posts: 1167
Joined: Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:07 pm
Full name: Herbert L

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2019 set

Post by Paloma »

Hi Vincent,

your solution table contains a few Errors. (Arena GUI related ?)

Code: Select all

 19) .. Rb8xb3, Kc3-c1  Ra6-b6   
 20) g2-g4              g2-g4   * 2 Seconds
 25) Ra4-a2, Ra4-a2     Ra4-a2  * 192 Seconds

 73) .. e6-e5, c3xc1    e6-e5   * 802 Seconds
e.g. Nr. 19 Kc3-c1 unfeasible; Nr.25 double ('cause pm Tag at the end of fen); Nr. 73 c3xc1 unfeasible and so on.

errors are located there: 19, 25, 43, 73, 112, 128, 166, 191, 204, 209 and 223
doubles because pm tag at the end of fen-line
Dann Corbit
Posts: 12537
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:57 pm
Location: Redmond, WA USA

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2019 set

Post by Dann Corbit »

[d]r1b1k1r1/1p2np1p/p1n1pQp1/3p4/3NPP2/P2RB3/2PK2PP/q4B1R w q -
For this position:
r1b1k1r1/1p2np1p/p1n1pQp1/3p4/3NPP2/P2RB3/2PK2PP/q4B1R w q d6 bm Be2; c1 "diff=6";

the e.p. square is a noise element.
Better to make it '-' so as to avoid multiple analysis for identical positions.
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
Dann Corbit
Posts: 12537
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:57 pm
Location: Redmond, WA USA

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2019 set

Post by Dann Corbit »

Kb7 and Re4 both win:
[d]k7/4r1p1/2p5/5P2/2P2N1P/8/K6P/8 b - - acd 165; acs 690; bm Kb7 Re4; c0 "Kb7 is better, but Re4 also wins, with ce 14999 and pv Re4 Ne6 Rxc4 h5 Rh4 Kb3 Kb7 Nxg7 Kc7 Kc3 Kd6 Kd3 Rxh2 Kd4 c5+ Ke3 c4 Kd4 Rh4+ Kc3 Kd5 Kb4 Rh3 Ne6 Rb3+ Ka4 Rb8 h6 Rh8 Nc7+ Ke5 Kb4 Rxh6"; c1 "Hard"; c3 "Re4"; ce 32604; dm 82; id "hard2018.46"; pm Kb7 Re4; pv Kb7 Kb3 Kb6 Ne6 c5 Kc3 Rf7 Kd3 Rxf5 Nxg7 Rf4 h5 Ka5 Ne6 Rf5 Ng7 Rf7 Ne6 Kb4 Ke4 Kxc4 Ke5 Kb4 Ng5 Rf2 h4 c4 h6 Rf8 h7 c3 Nf7 c2 h8=R Rxf7 Rb8+;
Taking ideas is not a vice, it is a virtue. We have another word for this. It is called learning.
But sharing ideas is an even greater virtue. We have another word for this. It is called teaching.
Posts: 6442
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:31 am
Location: PA USA
Full name: Louis Zulli

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2019 set

Post by zullil »

zullil wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 3:55 pm
Vinvin wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 11:22 am First run with Stockfish_181222_x64_modern
Conditions :
CPU : i7-6*4 GHz, 6 threads used
EGTB : 6 pieces syzygy + KRPPKRP
15 min per position
GUI : Arena 3.5.1

I plan to run 5 or 6 times.

Code: Select all

219) Bd3xh7             h2-h4    
[d]rnb2rk1/1pq1bppp/p3p3/2npP1P1/3N1P2/2NBB3/PPP4P/R2QK2R w KQ - bm Bxh7+;

Cfish-dev, but not in 900 seconds:

info depth 47 seldepth 86 multipv 1 score cp 157 nodes 269629081239 nps 32388675 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 8324795 pv d3h7 g8h7 d1h5 h7g8 e1c1 c5e4 h1f1 g7g6 h5h4 f8e8 f1f3 e7f8 f4f5 e6f5 c3d5 c7e5 d4f5 c8f5 e3d4 b8d7 d4e5 d7e5 f3f4 f8e7 d1g1 a8d8 f4f5 g6f5 d5f6 e7f6 g5f6 e5g6 h4h6 e4f6 g1g6 f7g6 h6g6 g8f8 g6f6 f8g8 f6g5 g8h8 b2b3 e8f8 g5h4 h8g7 h4e7 g7h6 e7b7 f8f6 b7f3 f5f4 h2h4 d8e8 c1b2 e8e3 f3d5 e3e6 d5g5 h6h7 g5h5 h7g7 h5f3 e6e3 f3g4 g7f7 c2c4 f7e7 b3b4 f4f3 g4g5 e3e6 a2a3
info depth 64 seldepth 96 multipv 1 score cp 388 nodes 2791050465392 nps 35488597 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 78646401 pv d3h7 g8h7 d1h5 h7g8 e1c1 c5e4 h1f1 g7g6 h5h4 e4c3 f1f3 f7f5 g5f6 e7f6 e5f6 c7h7 h4h7 g8h7 b2c3 f8f6 f3h3 h7g8 h3h4 c8d7 d1g1 b8c6 d4c6 d7c6 e3d4 a8f8 d4f6 f8f6 g1g3 g8g7 g3e3 g7f8 h4h7 f6f7 h7f7 f8f7 c1d2 c6b5 e3g3 f7f6 g3g4 f6f5 g4g5 f5f6 d2e3 b5a4 g5g2 f6f5 e3d4 a4e8 g2f2 b7b6 d4e3 e8b5 f2g2 b5a4 g2g5 f5f6 e3d2 a4e8 g5g1 e8b5 d2e3 b5a4 g1b1 b6b5 e3d3 f6f5 b1g1 a6a5 d3d2 f5f6 a2a3 f6f7 d2d3 f7f6 g1g2 f6f5 d3d2 f5f4 g2g6 e6e5 h2h4 e5e4 h4h5

Terminating search.
Posts: 5228
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:40 am
Full name: Vincent Lejeune

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2019 set

Post by Vinvin »

Thanks for all your comments !
This position is questionable also :
[d]8/P5k1/P5p1/5pKp/4bP1P/6P1/5B2/8 w - - bm g4;
1.Bd4+ is completely winning, a simple transposition.
Posts: 6442
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2007 12:31 am
Location: PA USA
Full name: Louis Zulli

Re: Hard-Talkchess-2019 set

Post by zullil »

Vinvin wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 11:22 am First run with Stockfish_181222_x64_modern
Conditions :
CPU : i7-6*4 GHz, 6 threads used
EGTB : 6 pieces syzygy + KRPPKRP
15 min per position
GUI : Arena 3.5.1

I plan to run 5 or 6 times.

Code: Select all

217) Qd1-g4             Bc1-d2   
Cfish-dev finds Qg4, but not in 900 seconds:

info depth 59 seldepth 82 multipv 1 score cp 201 lowerbound nodes 660130599301 nps 35718896 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 18481271 pv d1g4
info depth 58 currmove d1g4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 59 seldepth 82 multipv 1 score cp 211 lowerbound nodes 670963867530 nps 35705002 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 18791873 pv d1g4
info depth 57 currmove d1g4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 59 seldepth 96 multipv 1 score cp 225 lowerbound nodes 744901968430 nps 35718339 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 20854888 pv d1g4
info depth 56 currmove d1g4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 59 seldepth 96 multipv 1 score cp 246 lowerbound nodes 805874681457 nps 35734740 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 22551575 pv d1g4
info depth 55 currmove d1g4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 55 currmove b2b3 currmovenumber 2
info depth 55 currmove e4g5 currmovenumber 3
info depth 55 currmove e4f6 currmovenumber 4
info depth 55 currmove g1h1 currmovenumber 5
info depth 55 currmove e4d6 currmovenumber 6
info depth 55 currmove c1e3 currmovenumber 7
info depth 55 currmove d1d4 currmovenumber 8
info depth 55 currmove c1f4 currmovenumber 9
info depth 55 currmove g2h3 currmovenumber 10
info depth 55 currmove d1d5 currmovenumber 11
info depth 55 currmove d1e2 currmovenumber 12
info depth 55 currmove a2a4 currmovenumber 13
info depth 55 currmove c1d2 currmovenumber 14
info depth 55 currmove d1c2 currmovenumber 15
info depth 55 currmove g1h2 currmovenumber 16
info depth 55 currmove f2f4 currmovenumber 17
info depth 55 currmove g3g4 currmovenumber 18
info depth 55 currmove e4c3 currmovenumber 19
info depth 55 currmove d1d6 currmovenumber 20
info depth 55 currmove e1e3 currmovenumber 21
info depth 55 currmove d1d3 currmovenumber 22
info depth 55 currmove d1d2 currmovenumber 23
info depth 55 currmove e1e2 currmovenumber 24
info depth 55 currmove d1b3 currmovenumber 25
info depth 55 currmove b2b4 currmovenumber 26
info depth 55 currmove g2f3 currmovenumber 27
info depth 55 currmove e1f1 currmovenumber 28
info depth 55 currmove d1a4 currmovenumber 29
info depth 55 currmove a2a3 currmovenumber 30
info depth 55 currmove e4d2 currmovenumber 31
info depth 55 currmove g2f1 currmovenumber 32
info depth 55 currmove d1f3 currmovenumber 33
info depth 55 currmove f2f3 currmovenumber 34
info depth 55 currmove a1b1 currmovenumber 35
info depth 55 currmove g2h1 currmovenumber 36
info depth 55 currmove e4c5 currmovenumber 37
info depth 55 currmove c1g5 currmovenumber 38
info depth 55 currmove c1h6 currmovenumber 39
info depth 55 currmove d1d7 currmovenumber 40
info depth 59 seldepth 99 multipv 1 score cp 243 nodes 840863697276 nps 35750071 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 23520616 pv d1g4 g8h8 c1g5 f7f5 g4f4 d7d5 e4f6 g7f6 g5f6 f8f6 e1e8 h7g8 e8g8 h8g8 f4c7 f6f7 c7c8 g8g7 c8e6 f7f6 e6e7 f6f7 e7e5 f7f6 a1e1 b8d7 e5e7 f6f7 e7e6 d7f6 e6f5 g7f8 e1e6 f6g8 f5g4 a8d8 e6c6 g8f6 g4f4 f6g8 f4d4 b7c5 d4h8 a6d3 c6h6 c5e4 h6h7 e4g5 h7f7 g5f7 h8d4 d3c4 g3g4 d8d6 b2b3 c4e2 f2f3 e2a6 g1f2 g8e7 f2g3 a6b5 f3f4 e7c6 d4d2 c6e7 a2a4 b5d7 g4g5 d7f5 g5g6 f7h6 d2d4 e7g6 h5g6 d6g6 g3f2