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STS 1-15 epd and analysis tool

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 12:28 pm
by Ferdy
Finally converted the SAN to LAN and some score formatting for a tool.
Scores are now added in c8 Opcode while moves in LAN are added in c9 Opcode.


Code: Select all

1b1qrr2/1p4pk/1np4p/p3Np1B/Pn1P4/R1N3B1/1Pb2PPP/2Q1R1K1 b - - bm Bxe5; id "STS(v10.0) Simplification.001"; c0 "Bxe5=10, f4=3, Nc4=2"; c8 "10 3 2"; c9 "b8e5 f5f4 b6c4";
During conversion I have encountered couple of epd issues. Here they are.
STS1, missing comma after Rg3=7

Code: Select all

1n6/4bk1r/1p2rp2/pP2pN1p/K1P1N2P/8/P5R1/3R4 w - - bm c5; id "Undermine.003"; c0 "c5=10, Rd3=7, Rdd2=7, Rg3=7Rd5=9";

STS4.EPD, illegal SAN d5d4 (detected by Python Chess Library - PCL)

Code: Select all

6r1/4pp1k/3p3p/2qP1P2/r3P1PK/1R6/4Q3/1R6 b - - bm Qd4; c0 "Qd4=10, Ra3=1, Rg5=1, Rga8=2, d5d4=1"; id "STS(v4.0) Square Vacancy.054";
I run with Stockfish 6 (sf6) at multipv 5, so I just use Rg7 to complete the move. Later I will upload the converted epd together with this change so that it will not be confused with the original.

Code: Select all

FEN: 6r1/4pp1k/3p3p/2qP1P2/r3P1PK/1R6/4Q3/1R6 b - - 0 1
Stockfish 6 64 POPCNT:
 30/64	17:16	 1,268,280k	1,224k	+0.36	1. ... Ra3 2.Rxa3 Qxa3 3.Rf1 Qc3
 30/64	17:16	 1,268,280k	1,224k	+0.49	1. ... Rg7 2.Rd1 Rg5 3.Rg3 Qb4
 30/64	17:16	 1,268,280k	1,224k	+0.70	1. ... Rga8 2.f6 exf6 3.Rf1 Ra2
 30/64	17:16	 1,268,280k	1,224k	+0.89	1. ... Rg5 2.Rd3 Qc8 3.Rg3 Qh8
 30/64	17:16	 1,268,280k	1,224k	+1.46	1. ... Qd4 2.Re1 Qe5 3.Rf3 Rga8
New, replacing d5d4 with Rg7

Code: Select all

6r1/4pp1k/3p3p/2qP1P2/r3P1PK/1R6/4Q3/1R6 b - - bm Qd4; c0 "Qd4=10, Ra3=1, Rg5=1, Rga8=2, Rg7=1"; id "STS(v4.0) Square Vacancy.054";
STS9, illegal SAN b8a8 (detected by PCL)

Code: Select all

1q2r1k1/1b2bpp1/p2ppn1p/2p5/P3PP1B/2PB1RP1/2P1Q2P/2KR4 b - - bm c4; id "STS(v9.0) Advancement of a/b/c pawns.005"; c0 "c4=10, Bc6=5, Qa7=4, Qa8=5, Qc8=5, b8a8=5";
Run again with sf6

Code: Select all

FEN: 1q2r1k1/1b2bpp1/p2ppn1p/2p5/P3PP1B/2PB1RP1/2P1Q2P/2KR4 b - - 0 1
Stockfish 6 64 POPCNT:
 27/51	09:13	 633,701k	1,144k	-0.81	1. ... d5 2.Bxf6 dxe4 3.Bxe4 Bxf6
 27/51	09:13	 633,701k	1,144k	-0.75	1. ... Qa7 2.f5 exf5 3.Rxf5 Bc8
 27/51	09:13	 633,701k	1,144k	-0.59	1. ... Qa8 2.Re3 Bd8 3.a5 Rf8
 27/51	09:13	 633,701k	1,144k	-0.31	1. ... Bc6 2.Bxa6 Nxe4 3.Bxe7 Rxe7
 28/51	09:13	 633,701k	1,144k	-0.17	1. ... Qc8 2.Re3 c4 3.Bxc4 Qc5
 28/51	09:13	 633,701k	1,144k	 0.00	1. ... c4 2.Bxc4 Bxe4 3.Re3 d5
New, replacing b8a8 with d5

Code: Select all

1q2r1k1/1b2bpp1/p2ppn1p/2p5/P3PP1B/2PB1RP1/2P1Q2P/2KR4 b - - bm c4; id "STS(v9.0) Advancement of a/b/c pawns.005"; c0 "c4=10, Bc6=5, Qa7=4, Qa8=5, Qc8=5, d5=5";

STS12, missing comma after Bd4=10

Code: Select all

2r3k1/p2npp2/p2p1bp1/3P4/1qN1PQ1P/1P2B3/r5P1/1R3R1K b - - bm Ne5; c0 "Ne5=10, a5=7, Bd4=10Qb8=6, Rc7=6"; id "STS(v12.0) Center Control.026";
STS12, missing comma after Nb5=10

Code: Select all

4r1k1/p5b1/P2p1pp1/q1pP3p/2Pn1BbP/2NP2P1/3Q2BK/1R6 w - - bm Ne4; c0 "Ne4=10, Be5=7, Kh1=6, Nb5=10Rb7=7"; id "STS(v12.0) Center Control.051";

STS14, ambiguous san: 'Rh7' (detected by PCL)
[d]7r/8/5p1r/P3p1k1/1p1bP1p1/p2N4/P1PR2P1/1K3R2 b - -

Code: Select all

7r/8/5p1r/P3p1k1/1p1bP1p1/p2N4/P1PR2P1/1K3R2 b - - bm Rh2; id "STS(v14.0) 7th Rank.070"; c0 "Rh2=10, Kg6=6, Rh7=6, Ra8=7, Rh1=9";
Run with sf6

Code: Select all

FEN: 7r/8/5p1r/P3p1k1/1p1bP1p1/p2N4/P1PR2P1/1K3R2 b - - 0 1
Stockfish 6 64 POPCNT:
 30/55	16:41	 1,332,262k	1,331k	+1.13	1. ... Rc8 2.Nc1 Rh2 3.Nb3 Ba7
 30/55	16:41	 1,332,262k	1,331k	+1.34	1. ... Kg6 2.Re2 Rh1 3.Ree1 R1h2
 30/55	16:41	 1,332,262k	1,331k	+1.48	1. ... Ra8 2.Nc1 Rh2 3.Nb3 Kh4
 30/55	16:41	 1,332,262k	1,331k	+1.81	1. ... Rh2 2.Re2 Ra8 3.Kc1 Bc3
 30/55	16:41	 1,332,262k	1,331k	+2.06	1. ... Rh1 2.Rdd1 R1h2 3.Rd2 Ra8
New, replace Rh7 with Rc8

Code: Select all

7r/8/5p1r/P3p1k1/1p1bP1p1/p2N4/P1PR2P1/1K3R2 b - - bm Rh2; id "STS(v14.0) 7th Rank.070"; c0 "Rh2=10, Kg6=6, Rc8=6, Ra8=7, Rh1=9";
Combining all sts from 1 to 15 and run the test on sf6 and h4 at 300ms/pos.
Sample output.

Code: Select all

STS EEAI (STS EPD and Engine Analysis Interface) v1.0
Pos  Correct  Score  EngineBM  ScoreCP   D2Mate   epd
  1        1    +10      b8e5      +57        -   1b1qrr2/1p4pk/1np4p/p3Np1B/Pn1P4/R1N3B1/1Pb2PPP/2Q1R1K1 b - - bm Bxe5; id "STS(v10.0) Simplification.001"; c0 "Bxe5=10, f4=3, Nc4=2"; c8 "10 3 2"; c9 "b8e5 f5f4 b6c4";
  2        1     +6      g8f8      +20        -   1k1r2r1/1b4p1/p4n1p/1pq1pPn1/2p1P3/P1N2N2/1PB1Q1PP/3R1R1K b - - bm Nxf3; id "STS(v10.0) Simplification.002"; c0 "Nxf3=10, Rge8=7, Rgf8=6, Rh8=7"; c8 "10 7 6 7"; c9 "g5f3 g8e8 g8f8 g8h8";
  3        1    +10      b7a6      +44        -   1k1r3r/pb1q2p1/B4p2/2p4p/Pp1bPPn1/7P/1P2Q1P1/R1BN1R1K b - - bm Bxa6; id "STS(v10.0) Simplification.003"; c0 "Bxa6=10, Qc6=3, Qe6=3, Rde8=5"; c8 "10 3 3 5"; c9 "b7a6 d7c6 d7e6 d8e8";
  4        1    +10      c4d3       +0        -   1k1r4/1br2p2/3p1p2/pp2pPb1/2q1P2p/P1PQNB1P/1P4P1/1K1RR3 b - - bm Qxd3+; id "STS(v10.0) Simplification.004"; c0 "Qxd3+=10, Qa4=6, Qb3=5, Qc5=6"; c8 "10 6 5 6"; c9 "c4d3 c4a4 c4b3 c4c5";


1498        1     +7      a6b7      +88        -   r6k/p3Npb1/qp4pp/4p3/1B6/1PP3P1/P2R1P1P/3R2K1 b - - bm b5; id "STS(v9.0) Advancement of a/b/c pawns.098"; c0 "b5=10, Kh7=6, Qb7=7, Re8=7"; c8 "10 6 7 7"; c9 "b6b5 h8h7 a6b7 a8e8";
1499        1    +10      c5c4       -1        -   r6r/4p1k1/3q1p2/p1pPn1p1/1p2P2p/4Q3/PP2BPPP/1R2R1K1 b - - bm c4; id "STS(v9.0) Advancement of a/b/c pawns.099"; c0 "c4=10, Rac8=5, Rhc8=2"; c8 "10 5 2"; c9 "c5c4 a8c8 h8c8";
1500        0     +0      c2d3     +101        -   rq4kb/5p1p/3p1Pp1/p2Pp1P1/3pP1bP/1P6/P1Q2R2/4BBK1 w - - bm b4; id "STS(v9.0) Advancement of a/b/c pawns.100"; c0 "b4=10, Qc1=3, Qc4=3, Qc6=4"; c8 "10 3 3 4"; c9 "b3b4 c2c1 c2c4 c2c6";
Common setting:

Code: Select all

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Hyper-Threading: ON
Hash: 128, Threads: 1, Time: 0.3s/pos
Test file: STS1-STS15.epd

Code: Select all

id name Houdini 4 x64
TopMoveCnt: 1120/1500, CorrectCnt: 1363/1500, ScoreSum: 12412/15000 (82.75%)

Code: Select all

id name Stockfish 6 64 POPCNT
TopMoveCnt: 1095/1500, CorrectCnt: 1348/1500, ScoreSum: 12255/15000 (81.70%)
TopMoveCnt, count of the bm or the move that gets 10 points.
CorrectCnt, count of moves that are bm and those that are in alternatives.
ScoreSum, total scores including those in alternative move scores.

The 300ms/pos is approximately the ave time per move in a game with TC 15s + 100ms.

I also conveted the tony-pos.epd since they are similar. Very clean epd, no errors triggered. Results at 5s/pos.

Code: Select all

STS EEAI (STS EPD and Engine Analysis Interface) v1.0
Pos  Correct  Score  EngineBM  ScoreCP   D2Mate   epd
  1        1    +10      b8c8       +6        -   1r2r1k1/1pqbbppp/p2p1n2/4p3/P3PP2/2N1BB2/1PP2QPP/R4R1K b - - bm Rbc8; c0 "positional scores are: Rbc8=10, exf4=9, Bc6=7, Rec8=6, b6=6, b5=5, Be6=4, h6=3"; id "tony.pos.01"; c8 "10 9 7 6 6 5 4 3"; c9 "b8c8 e5f4 d7c6 e8c8 b7b6 b7b5 d7e6 h7h6";
  2        1    +10      h2h4    +4887        -   8/7p/3k2p1/6P1/4KP2/8/7P/8 w - - bm h4; c0 "positional scores are: h4=10, Kf3=8, Ke3=6, Kd4=6, Kd3=6, h3=5"; id "tony.pos.03"; c8 "10 8 6 6 6 5"; c9 "h2h4 e4f3 e4e3 e4d4 e4d3 h2h3";
  3        1     +7      b3b4      +74        -   r1b1r1k1/1p1n1pbp/2p1n1p1/q1P1p3/4P3/1PN1BNPP/2Q2PB1/1R1R2K1 w - - bm Rb2; c0 "positional scores are: Rb2=10, Na4=8, b4=7, Nd2=6, Qb2=5, Bf1=5, Rd2=4, Ne2=3, Kh2=3, Ra1=1"; id "tony.pos.04"; c8 "10 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 1"; c9 "b1b2 c3a4 b3b4 f3d2 c2b2 g2f1 d1d2 c3e2 g1h2 b1a1";
  4        1     +7      b8c8      -17        -   1rN1r1k1/1pq2pp1/2p1nn1p/p2p1B2/3P4/4P2P/PPQ1NPP1/2R2RK1 b - - bm Rexc8; c0 "positional scores are: Rexc8=10, Rbxc8=7, Qxc8=7"; id "tony.pos.05"; c8 "10 7 7"; c9 "e8c8 b8c8 c7c8";
  5        1    +10      d8d1      +27        -   3r1rk1/p1q2pbp/1np1p1p1/1p2P3/5P2/2N2Q1P/PPP3P1/3RRBK1 b - - bm Rxd1; c0 "positional scores are: Rxd1=10, f5=9, Na4=7, Nd5=5, a6=5, f6=4, g5=3"; id "tony.pos.06"; c8 "10 9 7 5 5 4 3"; c9 "d8d1 f7f5 b6a4 b6d5 a7a6 f7f6 g6g5";
  6        1    +10      f2f4      +34        -   r2r2k1/p3ppbp/1p4p1/3p4/3P4/2P1P2P/P3BPP1/2R2RK1 w - - bm f4; c0 "positional scores are: f4=10, Ba6=8, c4=7, a4=5, Rfd1=4"; id "tony.pos.07"; c8 "10 8 7 5 4"; c9 "f2f4 e2a6 c3c4 a2a4 f1d1";
  7        1    +10      b3b4     +128        -   2rq3r/pb1pbkpp/1p2pp2/n1P5/2P5/QP2BNPB/P3PP1P/3R1RK1 w - - bm b4; c0 "positional scores are: b4=10, Nd4=8, Rd2=5, Qc1=5"; id "tony.pos.08"; c8 "10 8 5 5"; c9 "b3b4 f3d4 d1d2 a3c1";
  8        1    +10      b7b5      +59        -   1r1q1rk1/pp1bbppp/2n1p1n1/4P3/2BpN3/3P1N2/PP2QPPP/R1B1R1K1 b - - bm b5; c0 "positional scores are: b5=10, Ngxe5=9, Ncxe5=9, Qc7=8, Na5=7, a6=6, h6=5, f6=3"; id "tony.pos.09"; c8 "10 9 9 8 7 6 5 3"; c9 "b7b5 g6e5 c6e5 d8c7 c6a5 a7a6 h7h6 f7f6";
  9        1     +8      d4d5      -93        -   3r2k1/2p2ppp/1p1br3/pPn5/3PP3/P7/1B1N2PP/R3R1K1 w - - bm Re2; c0 "positional scores are: Re2=10, d5=8, Nc4=7, e5=6, dxc5=5"; id "tony.pos.10"; c8 "10 8 7 6 5"; c9 "e1e2 d4d5 d2c4 e4e5 d4c5";
 10        1     +7      a8e8      +76        -   r4rk1/p2qn1bp/1pnp2p1/2p2p2/4PP1N/2PPB3/PP2QN1P/R4RK1 b - - bm d5; c0 "positional scores are: d5=10, Bh6=8, Rae8=7, fxe4=5"; id "tony.pos.11"; c8 "10 8 7 5"; c9 "d6d5 g7h6 a8e8 f5e4";
 11        1     +7      d3f2      +34        -   r3r1k1/1b1n1p2/1q1p1n1p/2p1p2P/p1P3p1/P1QNPPB1/1P2B1P1/2KR3R w - - bm e4; c0 "positional scores are: e4=10, Rh4=8, Nf2=7, Qd2=6, Qc2=5, Bh4=4, Kb1=3"; id "tony.pos.12"; c8 "10 8 7 6 5 4 3"; c9 "e3e4 h1h4 d3f2 c3d2 c3c2 g3h4 c1b1";
 12        1     +8      d1e2      +46        -   1rb1nrk1/2q1bppp/p1n1p3/2p1P3/2Pp1PP1/3P1NN1/P5BP/R1BQ1RK1 w - - bm Nd2; c0 "positional scores are: Nd2=10, Qe1=9, Qe2=8, Ne4=7, f5=6, Nh5=6, g5=6, h4=5, Bd2=4, Bh3=3, Re1=1"; id "tony.pos.13"; c8 "10 9 8 7 6 6 6 5 4 3 1"; c9 "f3d2 d1e1 d1e2 g3e4 f4f5 g3h5 g4g5 h2h4 c1d2 g2h3 f1e1";
 13        1     +8      d2f1       +4        -   r3r1k1/ppqbbpp1/2pp1nnp/3Pp3/2P1P3/5N1P/PPBN1PP1/R1BQR1K1 w - - bm Nb1; c0 "positional scores are: Nb1=10, Rb1=9, Nf1=8, dxc6=5, Nb3=5, b3=4, a3=3, b4=2"; id "tony.pos.14"; c8 "10 9 8 5 5 4 3 2"; c9 "d2b1 a1b1 d2f1 d5c6 d2b3 b2b3 a2a3 b2b4";
 14        1    +10      e1e6      +40        -   5r1k/1q2rnpp/p4p2/1pp5/6Q1/1P3P2/PBP3PP/3RR1K1 w - - bm Re6; c0 "positional scores are: Re6=10, Kf2=9, h4=6, f4=5, Rxe7=4"; id "tony.pos.15"; c8 "10 9 6 5 4"; c9 "e1e6 g1f2 h2h4 f3f4 e1e7";
 15        1     +7      e3c5     +156        -   2r2k2/5p2/2Bp1b1r/2qPp1pp/PpN1P3/1P2Q3/5PPP/4R1K1 w - - bm Rc1; c0 "positional scores are: Rc1=10, Nb6=8, Qxc5=7, a5=6, Qf3=5, h4=4, Nxe5=2"; id "tony.pos.16"; c8 "10 8 7 6 5 4 2"; c9 "e1c1 c4b6 e3c5 a4a5 e3f3 h2h4 c4e5";

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Hyper-Threading: ON
id name Stockfish 6 64 POPCNT
Hash: 128, Threads: 1, Time: 5.0s/pos
Test file: tony-pos_LAN.epd
TopMoveCnt: 7/15, CorrectCnt: 15/15, ScoreSum: 129/150 (86.00%)

Code: Select all

STS EEAI (STS EPD and Engine Analysis Interface) v1.0
Pos  Correct  Score  EngineBM  ScoreCP   D2Mate   epd
  1        0     +0      c7c4       +0        -   1r2r1k1/1pqbbppp/p2p1n2/4p3/P3PP2/2N1BB2/1PP2QPP/R4R1K b - - bm Rbc8; c0 "positional scores are: Rbc8=10, exf4=9, Bc6=7, Rec8=6, b6=6, b5=5, Be6=4, h6=3"; id "tony.pos.01"; c8 "10 9 7 6 6 5 4 3"; c9 "b8c8 e5f4 d7c6 e8c8 b7b6 b7b5 d7e6 h7h6";
  2        1    +10      h2h4     +915        -   8/7p/3k2p1/6P1/4KP2/8/7P/8 w - - bm h4; c0 "positional scores are: h4=10, Kf3=8, Ke3=6, Kd4=6, Kd3=6, h3=5"; id "tony.pos.03"; c8 "10 8 6 6 6 5"; c9 "h2h4 e4f3 e4e3 e4d4 e4d3 h2h3";
  3        1     +8      c3a4      +68        -   r1b1r1k1/1p1n1pbp/2p1n1p1/q1P1p3/4P3/1PN1BNPP/2Q2PB1/1R1R2K1 w - - bm Rb2; c0 "positional scores are: Rb2=10, Na4=8, b4=7, Nd2=6, Qb2=5, Bf1=5, Rd2=4, Ne2=3, Kh2=3, Ra1=1"; id "tony.pos.04"; c8 "10 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 1"; c9 "b1b2 c3a4 b3b4 f3d2 c2b2 g2f1 d1d2 c3e2 g1h2 b1a1";
  4        1     +7      b8c8       -3        -   1rN1r1k1/1pq2pp1/2p1nn1p/p2p1B2/3P4/4P2P/PPQ1NPP1/2R2RK1 b - - bm Rexc8; c0 "positional scores are: Rexc8=10, Rbxc8=7, Qxc8=7"; id "tony.pos.05"; c8 "10 7 7"; c9 "e8c8 b8c8 c7c8";
  5        1     +9      f7f5       +6        -   3r1rk1/p1q2pbp/1np1p1p1/1p2P3/5P2/2N2Q1P/PPP3P1/3RRBK1 b - - bm Rxd1; c0 "positional scores are: Rxd1=10, f5=9, Na4=7, Nd5=5, a6=5, f6=4, g5=3"; id "tony.pos.06"; c8 "10 9 7 5 5 4 3"; c9 "d8d1 f7f5 b6a4 b6d5 a7a6 f7f6 g6g5";
  6        1    +10      f2f4      +29        -   r2r2k1/p3ppbp/1p4p1/3p4/3P4/2P1P2P/P3BPP1/2R2RK1 w - - bm f4; c0 "positional scores are: f4=10, Ba6=8, c4=7, a4=5, Rfd1=4"; id "tony.pos.07"; c8 "10 8 7 5 4"; c9 "f2f4 e2a6 c3c4 a2a4 f1d1";
  7        1    +10      b3b4     +134        -   2rq3r/pb1pbkpp/1p2pp2/n1P5/2P5/QP2BNPB/P3PP1P/3R1RK1 w - - bm b4; c0 "positional scores are: b4=10, Nd4=8, Rd2=5, Qc1=5"; id "tony.pos.08"; c8 "10 8 5 5"; c9 "b3b4 f3d4 d1d2 a3c1";
  8        0     +0      a7a5      +28        -   1r1q1rk1/pp1bbppp/2n1p1n1/4P3/2BpN3/3P1N2/PP2QPPP/R1B1R1K1 b - - bm b5; c0 "positional scores are: b5=10, Ngxe5=9, Ncxe5=9, Qc7=8, Na5=7, a6=6, h6=5, f6=3"; id "tony.pos.09"; c8 "10 9 9 8 7 6 5 3"; c9 "b7b5 g6e5 c6e5 d8c7 c6a5 a7a6 h7h6 f7f6";
  9        0     +0      a1b1      -67        -   3r2k1/2p2ppp/1p1br3/pPn5/3PP3/P7/1B1N2PP/R3R1K1 w - - bm Re2; c0 "positional scores are: Re2=10, d5=8, Nc4=7, e5=6, dxc5=5"; id "tony.pos.10"; c8 "10 8 7 6 5"; c9 "e1e2 d4d5 d2c4 e4e5 d4c5";
 10        0     +0      a8d8      +55        -   r4rk1/p2qn1bp/1pnp2p1/2p2p2/4PP1N/2PPB3/PP2QN1P/R4RK1 b - - bm d5; c0 "positional scores are: d5=10, Bh6=8, Rae8=7, fxe4=5"; id "tony.pos.11"; c8 "10 8 7 5"; c9 "d6d5 g7h6 a8e8 f5e4";
 11        1     +3      c1b1      +11        -   r3r1k1/1b1n1p2/1q1p1n1p/2p1p2P/p1P3p1/P1QNPPB1/1P2B1P1/2KR3R w - - bm e4; c0 "positional scores are: e4=10, Rh4=8, Nf2=7, Qd2=6, Qc2=5, Bh4=4, Kb1=3"; id "tony.pos.12"; c8 "10 8 7 6 5 4 3"; c9 "e3e4 h1h4 d3f2 c3d2 c3c2 g3h4 c1b1";
 12        1     +4      c1d2      +25        -   1rb1nrk1/2q1bppp/p1n1p3/2p1P3/2Pp1PP1/3P1NN1/P5BP/R1BQ1RK1 w - - bm Nd2; c0 "positional scores are: Nd2=10, Qe1=9, Qe2=8, Ne4=7, f5=6, Nh5=6, g5=6, h4=5, Bd2=4, Bh3=3, Re1=1"; id "tony.pos.13"; c8 "10 9 8 7 6 6 6 5 4 3 1"; c9 "f3d2 d1e1 d1e2 g3e4 f4f5 g3h5 g4g5 h2h4 c1d2 g2h3 f1e1";
 13        1    +10      d2b1       -6        -   r3r1k1/ppqbbpp1/2pp1nnp/3Pp3/2P1P3/5N1P/PPBN1PP1/R1BQR1K1 w - - bm Nb1; c0 "positional scores are: Nb1=10, Rb1=9, Nf1=8, dxc6=5, Nb3=5, b3=4, a3=3, b4=2"; id "tony.pos.14"; c8 "10 9 8 5 5 4 3 2"; c9 "d2b1 a1b1 d2f1 d5c6 d2b3 b2b3 a2a3 b2b4";
 14        1    +10      e1e6      +35        -   5r1k/1q2rnpp/p4p2/1pp5/6Q1/1P3P2/PBP3PP/3RR1K1 w - - bm Re6; c0 "positional scores are: Re6=10, Kf2=9, h4=6, f4=5, Rxe7=4"; id "tony.pos.15"; c8 "10 9 6 5 4"; c9 "e1e6 g1f2 h2h4 f3f4 e1e7";
 15        1     +7      e3c5     +273        -   2r2k2/5p2/2Bp1b1r/2qPp1pp/PpN1P3/1P2Q3/5PPP/4R1K1 w - - bm Rc1; c0 "positional scores are: Rc1=10, Nb6=8, Qxc5=7, a5=6, Qf3=5, h4=4, Nxe5=2"; id "tony.pos.16"; c8 "10 8 7 6 5 4 2"; c9 "e1c1 c4b6 e3c5 a4a5 e3f3 h2h4 c4e5";

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Physical Cores: 4
Hyper-Threading: ON
Hash: 128, Threads: 1, Time: 5.0s/pos
Test file: tony-pos_LAN.epd
id name Houdini 4 x64
TopMoveCnt: 5/15, CorrectCnt: 11/15, ScoreSum: 88/150 (58.67%)
Download: Later.

Re: STS 1-15 epd and analysis tool

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 1:31 pm
by Ferdy
Download: ... EAI_v1.rar

This includes tony.epd with revised format aside from sts1 to sts15, revised normal epd, and new formated epd suitable for the tool. There is also a bigger epd file combining sts1 to sts15 new format for testing with the tool.
Sample batch file is also attached.

Re: STS 1-15 epd and analysis tool

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 2:36 pm
by Norm Pollock
I noticed that there are 3 duplicate epd's

1q2r1k1/1b2bpp1/p2ppn1p/2p5/P3PP1B/2PB1RP1/2P1Q2P/2KR4 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 605 1405;

1r1r1bk1/1bq2p1p/pn2p1p1/2p1P3/5P2/P1NBB3/1P3QPP/R2R2K1 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 208 804;

r1r3k1/pb3p1p/1pqBp1p1/4P3/3b4/2P2P2/PR1N2PP/2RQ3K w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 277 873;

Re: STS 1-15 epd and analysis tool

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 2:47 pm
by Ferdy
Norm Pollock wrote:I noticed that there are 3 duplicate epd's

1q2r1k1/1b2bpp1/p2ppn1p/2p5/P3PP1B/2PB1RP1/2P1Q2P/2KR4 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 605 1405;
Right, one is from a/b/c pawn advancement, and the other is undermine, but have different move scoring. Could be dual purpose.

1r1r1bk1/1bq2p1p/pn2p1p1/2p1P3/5P2/P1NBB3/1P3QPP/R2R2K1 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 208 804;

r1r3k1/pb3p1p/1pqBp1p1/4P3/3b4/2P2P2/PR1N2PP/2RQ3K w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 277 873;

Re: STS 1-15 epd and analysis tool

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 4:52 pm
by Evert
Ferdy wrote:
Norm Pollock wrote:I noticed that there are 3 duplicate epd's

1q2r1k1/1b2bpp1/p2ppn1p/2p5/P3PP1B/2PB1RP1/2P1Q2P/2KR4 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 605 1405;
Right, one is from a/b/c pawn advancement, and the other is undermine, but have different move scoring. Could be dual purpose.

1r1r1bk1/1bq2p1p/pn2p1p1/2p1P3/5P2/P1NBB3/1P3QPP/R2R2K1 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 208 804;

r1r3k1/pb3p1p/1pqBp1p1/4P3/3b4/2P2P2/PR1N2PP/2RQ3K w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 277 873;
Surely that makes the position useless then, because improving the score for one benchmark will decrease it for the other...?

Re: STS 1-15 epd and analysis tool

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 5:03 pm
by Ferdy
Evert wrote:
Ferdy wrote:
Norm Pollock wrote:I noticed that there are 3 duplicate epd's

1q2r1k1/1b2bpp1/p2ppn1p/2p5/P3PP1B/2PB1RP1/2P1Q2P/2KR4 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 605 1405;
Right, one is from a/b/c pawn advancement, and the other is undermine, but have different move scoring. Could be dual purpose.

1r1r1bk1/1bq2p1p/pn2p1p1/2p1P3/5P2/P1NBB3/1P3QPP/R2R2K1 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 208 804;

r1r3k1/pb3p1p/1pqBp1p1/4P3/3b4/2P2P2/PR1N2PP/2RQ3K w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 277 873;
Surely that makes the position useless then, because improving the score for one benchmark will decrease it for the other...?
I don't see why it is useless. If you are good in pawn advancement theme you will get the bm, and if you are good in undermining theme too you will also get the bm.

Re: STS 1-15 epd and analysis tool

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 5:38 pm
by Vinvin
Ferdy wrote:
Evert wrote:
Ferdy wrote:
Norm Pollock wrote:I noticed that there are 3 duplicate epd's

1q2r1k1/1b2bpp1/p2ppn1p/2p5/P3PP1B/2PB1RP1/2P1Q2P/2KR4 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 605 1405;
Right, one is from a/b/c pawn advancement, and the other is undermine, but have different move scoring. Could be dual purpose.

1r1r1bk1/1bq2p1p/pn2p1p1/2p1P3/5P2/P1NBB3/1P3QPP/R2R2K1 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 208 804;

r1r3k1/pb3p1p/1pqBp1p1/4P3/3b4/2P2P2/PR1N2PP/2RQ3K w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 277 873;
Surely that makes the position useless then, because improving the score for one benchmark will decrease it for the other...?
I don't see why it is useless. If you are good in pawn advancement theme you will get the bm, and if you are good in undermining theme too you will also get the bm.
Because if you make an engine who play the very best moves in all positions, it won't get the maximum of points in all test, that's crazy ...

Re: STS 1-15 epd and analysis tool

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 5:47 pm
by Ferdy
Vinvin wrote:
Ferdy wrote:
Evert wrote:
Ferdy wrote:
Norm Pollock wrote:I noticed that there are 3 duplicate epd's

1q2r1k1/1b2bpp1/p2ppn1p/2p5/P3PP1B/2PB1RP1/2P1Q2P/2KR4 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 605 1405;
Right, one is from a/b/c pawn advancement, and the other is undermine, but have different move scoring. Could be dual purpose.

1r1r1bk1/1bq2p1p/pn2p1p1/2p1P3/5P2/P1NBB3/1P3QPP/R2R2K1 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 208 804;

r1r3k1/pb3p1p/1pqBp1p1/4P3/3b4/2P2P2/PR1N2PP/2RQ3K w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 277 873;
Surely that makes the position useless then, because improving the score for one benchmark will decrease it for the other...?
I don't see why it is useless. If you are good in pawn advancement theme you will get the bm, and if you are good in undermining theme too you will also get the bm.
Because if you make an engine who play the very best moves in all positions, it won't get the maximum of points in all test, that's crazy ...
Pos 1 = 10, pos 2 = 10,
total points = 20, max points = 20, why it will not get max points?

Re: STS 1-15 epd and analysis tool

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 6:00 pm
by Evert
Ferdy wrote:
Vinvin wrote:
Ferdy wrote:
Evert wrote:
Ferdy wrote:
Norm Pollock wrote:I noticed that there are 3 duplicate epd's

1q2r1k1/1b2bpp1/p2ppn1p/2p5/P3PP1B/2PB1RP1/2P1Q2P/2KR4 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 605 1405;
Right, one is from a/b/c pawn advancement, and the other is undermine, but have different move scoring. Could be dual purpose.

1r1r1bk1/1bq2p1p/pn2p1p1/2p1P3/5P2/P1NBB3/1P3QPP/R2R2K1 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 208 804;

r1r3k1/pb3p1p/1pqBp1p1/4P3/3b4/2P2P2/PR1N2PP/2RQ3K w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 277 873;
Surely that makes the position useless then, because improving the score for one benchmark will decrease it for the other...?
I don't see why it is useless. If you are good in pawn advancement theme you will get the bm, and if you are good in undermining theme too you will also get the bm.
Because if you make an engine who play the very best moves in all positions, it won't get the maximum of points in all test, that's crazy ...
Pos 1 = 10, pos 2 = 10,
total points = 20, max points = 20, why it will not get max points?
Is the best move the same in both cases?
If not, it's impossible to get the best score in both. If the best move is the same in both test suites, then it's arguably worse because the engine may play that move for either reason and it doesn't tell you how it does on the theme for that particular test suite.

Re: STS 1-15 epd and analysis tool

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 6:16 pm
by Ferdy
Evert wrote:
Ferdy wrote:
Vinvin wrote:
Ferdy wrote:
Evert wrote:
Ferdy wrote:
Norm Pollock wrote:I noticed that there are 3 duplicate epd's

1q2r1k1/1b2bpp1/p2ppn1p/2p5/P3PP1B/2PB1RP1/2P1Q2P/2KR4 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 605 1405;
Right, one is from a/b/c pawn advancement, and the other is undermine, but have different move scoring. Could be dual purpose.

1r1r1bk1/1bq2p1p/pn2p1p1/2p1P3/5P2/P1NBB3/1P3QPP/R2R2K1 b - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 208 804;

r1r3k1/pb3p1p/1pqBp1p1/4P3/3b4/2P2P2/PR1N2PP/2RQ3K w - - c0 2; c1 line(s): 277 873;
Surely that makes the position useless then, because improving the score for one benchmark will decrease it for the other...?
I don't see why it is useless. If you are good in pawn advancement theme you will get the bm, and if you are good in undermining theme too you will also get the bm.
Because if you make an engine who play the very best moves in all positions, it won't get the maximum of points in all test, that's crazy ...
Pos 1 = 10, pos 2 = 10,
total points = 20, max points = 20, why it will not get max points?
Is the best move the same in both cases?
If not, it's impossible to get the best score in both. If the best move is the same in both test suites, then it's arguably worse because the engine may play that move for either reason and it doesn't tell you how it does on the theme for that particular test suite.
The bestmove is the same. The engine is good at undermining and it so happened that is also good at advancing the a/b/c pawns. What's wrong with that? There are engines like that. The bm is c4.