'STS' Test Suite - Available for Testing

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Re: 'STS' Test Suite - Available for Testing

Post by swami »

Dann sent me the corrected version of the Test Suite:

* Two Duplicate Solutions removed
* And additional Solution for #3 added

Thanks to David Dahlem and Will Singleton for reporting the errors.


http://computerchessblogger.googlepages ... rected.rar
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David Dahlem
Posts: 900
Joined: Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:06 pm

Re: 'STS' Test Suite - Available for Testing

Post by David Dahlem »

Thanks for the corrections. I now have converted this suite to the GradualTest format, so this utility can be used to automatically run the test and give a score for each engine tested. I use this batch file for Winboard engines (WB.bat) ...

start /wait GradualTest27 /i Undermine.epd /o Temp1.log /t 60 Sage353.exe
GradualTest27 /o Temp1.log >Sage353_results.txt

And this for UCI engines (UCI.bat) ...

start /wait GradualTest27 /i Undermine.epd /o Temp1.log /u /s "setoption name Hash value 256" /t 60 Rybka3.exe
GradualTest27 /o Temp1.log >Rybka3_results.txt

And here is the converted test suite ...

1kr5/3n4/q3p2p/p2n2p1/PppB1P2/5BP1/1P2Q2P/3R2K1 w - - bm f5 Bf2 Be5+ Bg4; c1 "10 3 2 2"; id "Undermine.001";
1n5k/3q3p/pp1p2pB/5r2/1PP1Qp2/P6P/6P1/2R3K1 w - - bm c5 Qd4+ b5 g4; c1 "10 4 4 3"; id "Undermine.002";
1n6/4bk1r/1p2rp2/pP2pN1p/K1P1N2P/8/P5R1/3R4 w - - bm c5 Rd3 Rdd2 Rg3 Rd5; c1 "10 7 7 7 9"; id "Undermine.003";
1nr5/1k5r/p3pqp1/3p4/1P1P1PP1/R4N2/3Q1PK1/R7 w - - bm b5 Kg3 Ng5 Qe3; c1 "10 4 4 4"; id "Undermine.004";
1q2r1k1/1b2bpp1/p2ppn1p/2p5/P3PP1B/2PB1RP1/2P1Q2P/2KR4 b - - bm c4 Bc6 Qa8 Qc8; c1 "10 7 7 7"; id "Undermine.005";
1q4k1/5p1p/p1rprnp1/3R4/N1P1P3/1P6/P5PP/3Q1R1K w - - bm e5 Nc3 Qd3 Qf3; c1 "10 3 1 2"; id "Undermine.006";
1qr1k2r/1p2bp2/pBn1p3/P2pPbpp/5P2/2P1QBPP/1P1N3R/R4K2 b k - bm h4 Bd8 Bf8 Rh7; c1 "10 1 1 1"; id "Undermine.007";
1r1b2k1/2r2ppp/p1qp4/3R1NPP/1pn1PQB1/8/PPP3R1/1K6 w - - bm g6 Ka1 Nd4 Rd3; c1 "10 2 2 2"; id "Undermine.008";
1r1qk1nr/p3ppbp/3p2p1/1pp5/2bPP3/4B1P1/2PQNPBP/R2R2K1 w k - bm e5 Bf3 Nc1 Rxa7; c1 "10 5 5 4"; id "Undermine.009";
1r1r2k1/p3n2p/b1nqpbp1/2pp4/1p3PP1/2PP1N2/PPN3BP/R1BRQ2K w - - bm d4 Ng5 a4 h3; c1 "10 6 6 6"; id "Undermine.010";
1r2n1rk/pP2q2p/P2p4/4pQ2/2P2p2/5B1P/3R1P1K/3R4 w - - bm c5 Bc6 Qc2 Rg1; c1 "10 6 5 5"; id "Undermine.011";
1r3bk1/7p/pp1q2p1/P1pPp3/2P3b1/4B3/1P1Q2BP/R6K w - - bm b4 Bg1 axb6 h3; c1 "10 3 3 1"; id "Undermine.012";
1r3rk1/3n1pbp/1q1pp1p1/p1p5/2PnPP2/PPB1N1PP/6B1/1R1Q1RK1 b - - bm a4 Ne2+ Rfd8 h5; c1 "10 2 2 2"; id "Undermine.013";
1r3rk1/p5bp/6p1/q1pPppn1/7P/1B1PQ1P1/PB3P2/R4RK1 b - - bm f4 Nf7 c4 e4; c1 "10 4 5 5"; id "Undermine.014";
1r4k1/1rq2pp1/3b1nn1/pBpPp3/P1N4p/2PP1Q1P/6PB/2R2RK1 w - - bm d4 Bc6 Qf5 Rce1; c1 "10 4 6 4"; id "Undermine.015";
1r4k1/p1rqbp1p/b1p1p1p1/NpP1P3/3PB3/3Q2P1/P4P1P/3RR1K1 w - - bm a4 Kg2 Qf3 h4; c1 "10 4 4 5"; id "Undermine.016";
2r3k1/p2q1pp1/Pbrp3p/6n1/1BP1PpP1/R4P2/2QN2KP/1R6 b - - bm h5 Be3 Ne6 Qd8; c1 "10 4 4 4"; id "Undermine.017";
1r6/2q2pk1/2n1p1pp/p1Pr4/P1RP4/1p1RQ2P/1N3PP1/7K b - - bm e5 Kh7 Qb7 Rbd8; c1 "10 4 5 5"; id "Undermine.018";
1r6/R1nk1p2/1p4pp/pP1p1P2/P2P3P/5PN1/5K2/8 w - - bm h5 Ne2 Nf1 f4; c1 "10 4 7 7"; id "Undermine.019";
1rb3k1/2pn2pp/p2p4/4p3/1pP4q/1P1PBP1P/1PQ2P2/R3R1K1 w - - bm c5 Kf1 Kg2 Ra5; c1 "10 5 5 5"; id "Undermine.020";
1rbqnrk1/6bp/pp3np1/2pPp3/P1P1N3/2N1B3/1P2Q1BP/R4R1K w - - bm a5 Bg5 Kg1 Nxf6+; c1 "10 6 6 6"; id "Undermine.021";
1rr3k1/1q3pp1/pnbQp2p/1p2P3/3B1P2/2PB4/P1P2RPP/R5K1 w - - bm f5 Qa3 Rd1 h3; c1 "10 3 2 2"; id "Undermine.022";
2kr2r1/1bpnqp2/1p1ppn2/p5pp/P1PP4/4PP2/1P1NBBPP/R2Q1RK1 w - - bm b4 Qb1 Qc2 Re1; c1 "10 3 4 4"; id "Undermine.023";
2b1k2r/5p2/pq1pNp1b/1p6/2r1PPBp/3Q4/PPP3PP/1K1RR3 w k - bm e5 Qd5 Qh3 f5; c1 "10 1 7 1"; id "Undermine.024";
2b1r1k1/1p6/pQ1p1q1p/P2P3P/2P1pPpN/6P1/4R1K1/8 w - - bm c5 Kg1 Kh2 Re3; c1 "10 6 5 5"; id "Undermine.025";
2b2rk1/2qn1p2/p2p2pp/2pPP3/8/4NN1P/P1Q2PP1/bB2R1K1 w - - bm e6 Nc4 Ng4 exd6; c1 "10 1 1 2"; id "Undermine.026";
2bq2k1/1pr3bp/1Qpr2p1/P2pNp2/3P1P1P/6P1/5PB1/1RR3K1 w - - bm a6 Qc5 Rc5 h5; c1 "10 2 3 2"; id "Undermine.027";
rr6/8/2pbkp2/ppp1p1p1/P3P3/1P1P1PB1/R1P2PK1/R7 b - - bm c4 Bc7 Rb6 b4; c1 "10 4 1 1"; id "Undermine.28";
2r2rk1/pb2q2p/1pn1p2p/5p1Q/3P4/P1NB4/1P3PPP/R4RK1 w - - bm d5 Qxh6 Rac1 Rfd1; c1 "10 5 5 5"; id "Undermine.029";
2kr4/ppqnbp1r/2n1p1p1/P2pP3/3P2P1/3BBN2/1P1Q1PP1/R4RK1 w - - bm a6 Qc2 Rfc1 g3; c1 "10 3 4 4"; id "Undermine.030";
2q5/1pb2r1k/p1b3pB/P1Pp3p/3P4/3B1pPP/1R3P1K/2Q5 b - - bm h4 Bb5 Bd7 Qd8; c1 "10 5 1 5"; id "Undermine.031";
2r1kb1r/1bqn1pp1/p3p3/1p2P1P1/3Np3/P1N1B3/1PP1Q2P/R4RK1 w k - bm g6 Bf4 Rae1 Rf4; c1 "10 6 6 6"; id "Undermine.032";
2r1rb2/1bq2p1k/3p1np1/p1p5/1pP1P1P1/PP2BPN1/2Q3P1/R2R1BK1 b - - bm d5 Bg7 Kg8 Nd7; c1 "10 7 7 7"; id "Undermine.033";
2r2bk1/pq3r1p/6p1/2ppP1P1/P7/BP1Q4/2R3P1/3R3K b - - bm d4 Qe7 Rcc7 c4; c1 "10 1 1 1"; id "Undermine.034";
2r2rk1/1bb2ppp/p2ppn2/1p4q1/1PnNP3/P1N4P/2P1QPPB/3RRBK1 w - - bm a4 Nf3 Rb1 Rd3; c1 "10 4 5 5"; id "Undermine.035";
2r2rk1/3q3p/p3pbp1/1p1pp3/4P3/2P5/PPN1QPPP/3R1RK1 b - - bm d4 Bg7 Qb7 Qd6; c1 "10 7 6 7"; id "Undermine.036";
2r4k/pp3q1b/5PpQ/3p4/3Bp3/1P6/P5RP/6K1 w - - bm h4 Rg3 Rg4 Rg5; c1 "10 2 2 2"; id "Undermine.037";
2r3k1/1b2b2p/r2p1pp1/pN1Pn3/1pPB2P1/1P5P/P3R1B1/5RK1 w - - bm g5 Rd1 Rff2 h4; c1 "10 4 4 5"; id "Undermine.038";
2r3k1/5pp1/1pq4p/p7/P1nR4/2P2P2/Q5PP/4B1K1 b - - bm b5 Nd6 Ne3 Ne5; c1 "10 1 1 1"; id "Undermine.039";
6k1/6pp/4r3/p1qpp3/Pp6/1n1P1B1P/1B2Q1P1/3R1K2 w - - bm d4 Bxe5 Qf2 Re1; c1 "10 3 2 3"; id "Undermine.040";
r2qkb1r/1b1n1ppp/p3pn2/1pp5/3PP3/2NB1N2/PP3PPP/R1BQ1RK1 w kq - bm d5 Be3 a3 e5; c1 "10 3 2 3"; id "Undermine.041";
r3r1k1/pn1bnpp1/1p2p2p/1q1pPP2/1BpP3N/2P2BP1/2P3QP/R4RK1 w - - bm f6 Bxe7 Rab1 g4; c1 "10 6 5 5"; id "Undermine.42";
2r5/p3kpp1/1pn1p2p/8/1PP2P2/PB1R1KP1/7P/8 b - - bm a5 a6 e5 f5; c1 "10 1 1 1"; id "Undermine.043";
2rq1rk1/1b2bppp/p2p1n2/1p1Pp3/1Pn1P3/5N1P/P1B2PP1/RNBQR1K1 w - - bm a4 Bb3 Nbd2 Nc3; c1 "10 1 1 1"; id "Undermine.044";
2rqr1k1/1b2bp1p/ppn1p1pB/3n4/3P3P/P1NQ1N2/1PB2PP1/3RR1K1 w - - bm h5 Bc1 Nxd5 Rb1; c1 "10 4 1 1"; id "Undermine.045";
3Rb3/5ppk/2r1r3/p5Pp/1pN2P1P/1P5q/P4Q2/K2R4 b - - bm a4 Rc7 Re7 Rxc4; c1 "10 7 6 7"; id "Undermine.046";
3Rbrk1/4Q2p/6q1/pp3p2/4p2P/1P4P1/8/5R1K w - - bm g4 Kh2 Rc8 Rf2; c1 "10 5 2 3"; id "Undermine.047";
3bn3/3r1p1k/3Pp1p1/1q6/Np2BP1P/3R2PK/8/3Q4 w - - bm h5 Bf3 Rd4 g4; c1 "10 6 6 6"; id "Undermine.048";
3k1r1r/p2n1p1p/q2p2pQ/1p2P3/2pP4/P4N2/5PPP/2R1R1K1 w - - bm a4 Ng5 Qh4+ exd6; c1 "10 5 8 6"; id "Undermine.049";
3r1bk1/1p2qp1p/p5p1/P1pPp3/2QnP3/3BB3/1P3PPP/2R3K1 w - - bm f4 Rb1 Rf1 h3; c1 "10 4 4 4"; id "Undermine.050";
3r1bkr/2q3pp/1p1Npp2/pPn1P3/5B2/1P6/2P2PPP/R2QR1K1 w - - bm b4 Bd2 Qf3 exf6; c1 "10 5 4 3"; id "Undermine.051";
3r2k1/p2q1pp1/1p2n1p1/2p1P2n/P4P2/2B1Q1P1/7P/1R3BK1 w - - bm a5 Bb5 Qe4 Ra1; c1 "10 3 1 3"; id "Undermine.052";
3r4/8/pq3kr1/3Bp3/7p/1P3P2/P5PP/3RQ2K b - - bm h3 Kg7 Rd7 Rh6; c1 "10 5 4 5"; id "Undermine.053";
3r4/pk1p3p/1p2pp2/1N6/2P1KP2/6P1/3R3P/8 w - - bm f5 Kd4 Ke3 Nc3; c1 "10 5 5 5"; id "Undermine.054";
4k2r/1b2b3/p3pp1p/1p1p4/3BnpP1/P1P4R/1KP4P/5BR1 w k - bm g5 Be2 a4 c4; c1 "10 5 6 5"; id "Undermine.055";
4k3/r2bbprp/3p1p1N/2qBpP2/ppP1P1P1/1P1R3P/P7/1KR1Q3 w - - bm a3 Qd2 Rc2 h4; c1 "10 3 3 3"; id "Undermine.056";
4q1k1/pb5p/Nbp1p1r1/3r1p2/PP1Pp1pP/4P1P1/1BR1QP2/2R3K1 w - - bm b5 Ba1 Kg2 a5; c1 "10 3 3 3"; id "Undermine.057";
4r1k1/1pb3qp/p1b1r1p1/P1Pp4/3P1p2/2BB4/1R1Q1PPP/1R4K1 b - - bm f3 Qd7 Qe7 Qf6; c1 "10 7 7 7"; id "Undermine.058";
4r1k1/5p1p/p2q2p1/3p4/3Qn3/2P1RN2/Pr3PPP/R5K1 w - - bm c4 Ree1 a3 g3; c1 "10 5 5 5"; id "Undermine.059";
4rr1k/pp1n2bp/7n/1Pp1pp1q/2Pp3N/1N1P1PP1/P5QP/2B1RR1K b - - bm f4 Nf7 Rf7 b6; c1 "10 3 4 1"; id "Undermine.060";
4rrk1/p6p/2q2pp1/1p6/2pP1BQP/5N2/P4PP1/2R3K1 w - - bm h5 Bd2 Qg3 a4; c1 "10 1 1 1"; id "Undermine.061";
5nk1/1bp1rnp1/pp1p4/4p1P1/2PPP3/NBP5/P2B4/4R1K1 w - - bm c5 Kf1 Kf2 d5; c1 "10 7 7 7"; id "Undermine.062";
5r2/1p1k4/2bp4/r3pp1p/PRP4P/2P2PP1/2B2K2/7R b - - bm f4 Kc7 Raa8 Rf7; c1 "10 4 4 4"; id "Undermine.063";
5r2/5p1Q/4pkp1/p7/1pb2q1P/5P2/P4RP1/3R2K1 w - - bm h5 Rb2 Rd7 Rdd2; c1 "10 1 1 1"; id "Undermine.064";
5rk1/1Q3pp1/p2p3p/4p1b1/N3PqP1/1N1K4/PP6/3R4 b - - bm d5 Qf3+ Qxg4 h5; c1 "10 1 1 1"; id "Undermine.065";
7r/3nkpp1/4p3/p1pbP3/1r3P1p/1P2B2P/P2RBKP1/7R b - - bm a4 Rc8 Rd8 Rhb8; c1 "10 6 6 6"; id "Undermine.066";
8/1r1rq2k/2p3p1/3b1p1p/4p2P/1N1nP1P1/2Q2PK1/RR3B2 b - - bm f4 Rb4 c5 g5; c1 "10 3 3 3"; id "Undermine.067";
8/1r2k3/4p2p/R3K2P/1p1P1P2/1P6/8/8 w - - bm f5 Ke4 Rc5 d5; c1 "10 4 4 3"; id "Undermine.068";
8/3r1pp1/p7/2k2PpP/rp1pB3/2pK1P2/P1R5/1R6 w - - bm f6 Rg1 Rh1 f4; c1 "10 1 1 2"; id "Undermine.069";
8/6k1/3P1bp1/2B1p3/1P6/1Q3P1q/7r/1K2R3 b - - bm e4 Qc8 Qf5+ g5; c1 "10 1 1 1"; id "Undermine.070";
b2rrbk1/2q2p1p/pn1p2p1/1p4P1/2nNPB1P/P1N3Q1/1PP3B1/1K1RR3 w - - bm h5 Bc1 Na2 Qh3; c1 "10 6 6 6"; id "Undermine.071";
b7/2pr1kp1/1p3p2/p2p3p/P1nP1N2/4P1P1/P1R2P1P/2R3K1 w - - bm e4 Rc3 Re2 f3; c1 "10 5 6 5"; id "Undermine.072";
k1qbr1n1/1p4p1/p1p1p1Np/2P2p1P/3P4/R7/PP2Q1P1/1K1R4 w - - bm d5 Ra4 Rdd3 g4; c1 "10 3 4 3"; id "Undermine.073";
r1b1rnk1/pp3pq1/2p3p1/6P1/2B2P1R/2P5/PP1Q2P1/2K4R w - - bm f5 Bd3 Rh8+ g4; c1 "10 3 1 4"; id "Undermine.074";
r1bq1rk1/pp3pbp/3Pp1p1/2p5/4PP2/2P5/P2QB1PP/1RB1K2R b K - bm e5 Bd7 Qh4+ b6; c1 "10 7 7 6"; id "Undermine.075";
r1bqr2k/pppn2bp/4n3/2P1p1p1/1P2Pp2/5NPB/PBQN1P1P/R4RK1 w - - bm c6 Nb3 Nc4 Rac1; c1 "10 5 5 5"; id "Undermine.076";
r1br1k2/1pq2pb1/1np1p1pp/2N1N3/p2P1P1P/P3P1R1/1PQ3P1/1BR3K1 w - - bm h5 Ba2 Re1 Rf1; c1 "10 4 4 5"; id "Undermine.077";
r1n2k1r/5pp1/2R5/pB2pPq1/P2pP3/6Pp/1P2Q2P/5RK1 w - - bm f6 Qd3 Rc5 Rg6; c1 "10 2 2 2"; id "Undermine.078";
r1r2bk1/pp1n1p1p/2pqb1p1/3p4/1P1P4/1QN1PN2/P3BPPP/2RR2K1 w - - bm b5 Qc2 Rb1 a3; c1 "10 5 4 4"; id "Undermine.079";
r2q1r2/pp1b2kp/2n1p1p1/3p4/3P1P1P/2PB1N2/6P1/R3QRK1 w - - bm h5 Qe3 Rb1 g3; c1 "10 3 4 4"; id "Undermine.080";
r2q1rk1/pp2b1pp/1np1b3/4pp2/1P6/P1NP1BP1/2Q1PP1P/1RB2RK1 w - - bm b5 Be3 Bg2 Re1; c1 "10 1 1 1"; id "Undermine.081";
r2q4/6k1/r1p3p1/np1p1p2/3P4/4P1P1/R2QBPK1/7R w - - bm e4 Qb2 Qc3 Rc2; c1 "10 5 5 2"; id "Undermine.082";
r2qr1k1/pp3pbp/5np1/2p2b2/8/2PP1Q2/PPB3PP/RNB2RK1 b - - bm c4 Bg4 Ng4 Qd7; c1 "10 3 2 3"; id "Undermine.083";
r3k2r/1bq1bpp1/p4n2/2p1pP2/2NpP2p/3B4/PPP3PP/R1B1QR1K b k - bm h3 Bc6 Bd8 Kf8; c1 "10 3 1 1"; id "Undermine.084";
r3k2r/2q2p2/p2bpPpp/1b1p4/1p1B1PPP/8/PPPQ4/1K1R1B1R w kq - bm f5 Be3 Bxb5+ h5; c1 "10 6 4 4"; id "Undermine.085";
r3k2r/ppq2p1p/2n1p1p1/3pP3/5PP1/2P1Q3/PP2N2P/3R1RK1 b k - bm h5 O-O Qb6 Rc8 Rc8; c1 "10 3 1 1 3"; id "Undermine.086";
r3r1k1/1pp1np1p/1b1p1p2/pP2p3/2PP2b1/P3PN2/1B3PPP/R3KB1R w KQ - bm c5 Be2 Rd1 dxe5; c1 "10 3 3 3"; id "Undermine.087";
r3r1k1/1pq2pbp/p1ppbnp1/4n3/2P1PB2/1NN2P2/PP1Q2PP/R3RBK1 w - - bm c5 Bxe5 Nd1 Red1; c1 "10 7 7 7"; id "Undermine.088";
r3r1k1/bpp1np1p/3p1p2/pPP1p3/3P2b1/P3PN2/1B3PPP/R3KB1R w KQ - bm b6 Rc1 Rd1 h3; c1 "10 3 2 5"; id "Undermine.089";
r3r1k1/pp2q3/2b1pp2/6pN/Pn1P4/6R1/1P3PP1/3QRBK1 w - - bm f4 Qd2 b3 f3; c1 "10 4 5 3"; id "Undermine.090";
r4r2/1p2pbk1/1np1qppp/p7/3PP2P/P1Q2NP1/1P3PB1/2R1R1K1 w - - bm h5 Qc5 Qe3 b4; c1 "10 5 3 2"; id "Undermine.091";
r4r2/2p2kb1/1p1p2p1/qPnPp2n/2B1PP2/pP6/P1Q1N2R/1KB4R w - - bm f5 Bd2 Rg1 Rg2; c1 "10 5 3 4"; id "Undermine.092";
r4rk1/2p5/p2p1n2/1p1P3p/2P1p1pP/1P4B1/1P3PP1/3RR1K1 w - - bm c5 Rc1 Rd2 Re2; c1 "10 5 4 6"; id "Undermine.093";
r4rk1/2qnb1pp/4p3/ppPb1p2/3Pp3/1PB3P1/R1QNPPBP/R5K1 b - - bm a4 Bf6 Qc6 e5; c1 "10 6 6 6"; id "Undermine.094";
r4rk1/p5pp/1p2b3/2Pn1p2/P2Pp2P/4P1Pq/2Q1BP2/R1BR2K1 w - - bm a5 Bc4 Bf1 Rb1; c1 "10 5 5 6"; id "Undermine.095";
r4rk1/pbq2p2/2p2np1/1p2b2p/4P3/2N1BPP1/PPQ1B2P/R2R2K1 b - - bm h4 Rfd8 a5 a6; c1 "10 2 3 2"; id "Undermine.096";
r4rk1/pp1b2b1/n2p1nq1/2pP1p1p/2P1pP2/PP4PP/1BQ1N1B1/R3RNK1 b - - bm h4 Rab8 Rae8 Rf7; c1 "10 1 1 1"; id "Undermine.097";
rn3rk1/p1p1qp2/1pbppn1p/6p1/P1PP4/2PBP1B1/3N1P1P/R2QK1R1 w Q - bm h4 Qe2 a5 f4; c1 "10 1 1 1"; id "Undermine.098";
rnbq1rk1/2p1p1bp/p3pnp1/1p6/3P4/1QN1BN2/PP3PPP/R3KB1R w KQ - bm a4 Rc1 g3 h3; c1 "10 6 6 6"; id "Undermine.099";
rr3n1k/q3bpn1/2p1p1p1/2PpP2p/pP1P1N1P/2BB1NP1/P2Q1P2/6RK w - - bm g4 Kh2 Qc1 a3; c1 "10 4 2 3"; id "Undermine.100";

Dann Corbit
Posts: 12540
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Re: 'STS' Test Suite - Available for Testing

Post by Dann Corbit »

Thanks for this. At some point I am going to convert gradualtest (or epd2wb) to run the new format (which I find easier to follow).
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Re: 'STS' Test Suite - Available for Testing

Post by swami »

Hi Dave,

Thanks a lot! By the way, How much did Sage get in this test?
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Re: 'STS' Test Suite - Available for Testing

Post by swami »

Can somobody make a Pgn and Chessbase (Cbh) version of this test suite? I've been getting this request from those that want it.

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David Dahlem
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Re: 'STS' Test Suite - Available for Testing

Post by David Dahlem »

swami wrote:Hi Dave,

Thanks a lot! By the way, How much did Sage get in this test?
Here are the Sage 3.53 results on this test, at 60 seconds per position ...

Number of tests: 100
Max score: 1000
Engines score: 730
Number with full score: 63

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Re: 'STS' Test Suite - Available for Testing

Post by swami »

David Dahlem wrote:
swami wrote:Hi Dave,

Thanks a lot! By the way, How much did Sage get in this test?
Here are the Sage 3.53 results on this test, at 60 seconds per position ...

Number of tests: 100
Max score: 1000
Engines score: 730
Number with full score: 63

That's expected results ofcourse given the 2400-2500 strength of Sage. 730 out of 1000 is good score I think.

Jouni stated that this test had given him the impression that it actually rates and ranks the engine accurately based on their scores, not sure to what extent it's true. But It looks plausible enough. Ofcourse, there are some exceptions, with engines like Booot etc it could improve the great deal had the concept of undermining been implemented properly, as Dann had pointed out. I believe Sage could also benefit a great deal as well if it scores even more in future versions.

I'm actively working on the chapter 2. I'll be sending some 150 problems to Dann tomorrow, and a copy of it to Zach, Pedro...Dann will then bring it down to the selected 100 that pass his criteria. If anyone else also want to receive test progress mails from Dann, then please let me know. He's pretty good.
