Sting SF 9.8 update

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Sting SF 9.8 update

Post by lech »

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In my long-term work (project Sting) I selected the following groups of problems:

neutral checks
neutral pawn moves
neutral positions
passed pawns
trapped pieces
pawn walls
chinese sacrifices
lazy kings
opposite colored Bishops
maneuvering moves

For each of them I prepared a special code added to the classic alpha-beta engine: Stockfish 2.1.1.
All the problems and my solutions (Sting) you can check by the 80 following test ("IQ") positions.
[pgn][Result "1"]
[FEN "7k/6rp/6pN/1r4P1/3B4/8/8/K7 b - - "]

1... Rxg5 {win}

[Result "2"]
[FEN "1B1k4/3p4/1Kp5/PpP2p2/1PqP1P2/8/1P6/8 w - - "]

1. a6 {win}

[Result "3"]
[FEN "3N2r1/2K1p3/4Pk2/8/Bp5b/8/2P5/8 b - - "]

1... Bg3+ 2. Kd7 Rxd8+ {win}

[Result "4"]
[FEN "8/7p/5P1k/1p5P/5p2/2p1p3/P1P1P1P1/1K3Nb1 w - - "]

1. Ng3 {win}

[Result "5"]
[FEN "6q1/PpB5/k7/P6K/6n1/1P4p1/5p2/1B3N1N w - - "]

1. a8Q+ {or 1. a8R+ win}

[Result "6"]
[FEN "6k1/6p1/4Rb1p/p7/rp2P1N1/2P3P1/1P5P/6K1 b - - "]

1... Bxc3 {win}

[Result "7"]
[FEN "8/8/p2k1p2/1p1p3p/1P1P3p/P3NPP1/5K2/1b6 w - - "]

1. Ng2 {win}

[Result "8"]
[FEN "2k5/p7/Pp1p1b2/1P1P1p2/2P2P1p/3K3P/5B2/8 w - - "]

1. c5 {win}

[Result "9"]
[FEN "1n6/Pp1p1p1p/1P1P1P1P/4K3/2p5/p7/rpp1P3/qkb1R3 w - - "]

1. axb8N {win}

[Result "10"]
[FEN "1N4K1/1pp1p3/7k/2r3pP/p2pp1P1/P6N/8/2B5 w - - "]

1. Nc6 {draw - no gain}

[Result "11"]
[FEN "5K2/k4p1p/5p1p/1p3p2/bP6/1p6/1P5p/7B w - - "]

1. Ke8 {or 1. Ke7 win}

[Result "12"]
[FEN "k1b5/1p1p1p1p/1PpPpP2/2B5/8/2p1p2P/2PbP3/3K4 w - - "]

1. Bd4 {win}

[Result "13"]
[FEN "8/8/8/8/1kB1q3/8/1PRb4/1K6 b - - "]

1... Qh1+ 2. Ka2 Qa8+ 3.Kb1 Qe4 {or other way to get the start position for white - win}

[Result "14"]
[FEN "8/2N4r/1p3pkp/8/5K1p/2P4N/P3Bn2/8 w - - "]

1. Bh5+ {win}

[Result "15"]
[FEN "4k1rr/1R1R3p/8/8/8/2K5/7P/8 w k - "]

1. Rd2 {win}

[Result "16"]
[FEN "5k2/4bp2/2B3p1/1P4p1/3R4/3P2PP/2r2PK1/8 b - - "]

1. Rxf2+ {draw - no gain}

[Result "17"]
[FEN "1b6/2p5/1kB5/1PN5/8/3K4/8/q7 w - - "]

1. Nb3 {draw - no gain}

[Result "18"]
[FEN "N7/8/2KQ2rp/6k1/3p3p/2p4P/4PP2/5N2 w - - "]

1. f4+ {draw - no gain}

[Result "19"]
[FEN "2b1r3/r2ppN2/8/1p1p1k2/pP1P4/2P3R1/PP3PP1/2K5 w - - "]

1. Nd6+ {draw - no gain}

[Result "20"]
[FEN "8/8/4B3/6p1/7k/8/4pPKP/8 w - - "]

1. Bg4 {draw - no gain}

[Result "21"]
[FEN "r7/7k/5R2/p3p3/Pp1pPp2/1PpP1Pp1/K1P3P1/8 w - - "]

1. Kb1 Kg7 2. Rh6 {or 1... Rh8 2. Rf8 draw - no gain}

[Result "22"]
[FEN "1K3kB1/8/6p1/7R/8/4b3/8/6n1 w - - "]

1. Rh8 Kg7 2. Bh7 {draw - no gain}

[Result "23"]
[FEN "8/8/R7/1b4k1/5p2/1B3r2/7P/7K w - - "]

1. h4+ Kxh4 2. Rh6+ Kg5 3. Rh5+ {draw - no gain}

[Result "24"]
[FEN "7Q/4p3/4p3/p1p1P3/Pp2P3/3Kp3/p1PbP3/kN6 w - - "]

1. Na3 bxa3 2. Qh1+ Kb2 3. Qa1+ {draw - no gain}

[Result "25"]
[FEN "7r/K7/5k1n/p3p3/Pp1pPp1p/1PpP1PpP/2P3P1/N1RR1B2 b - - "]


[Result "26"]
[FEN "q7/b1p5/kp1p4/p2PN3/PPP5/1K6/8/5B2 w - - "]

1. c5+ Kb7 2. Ba6+ {win - no draw}

[Result "27"]
[FEN "1k1n4/1p1b1p2/1Bp1pPp1/1PP1P3/8/6P1/8/1K6 w - - "]

1. Bc7+ Ka7 2. Bb8+ {win - no draw}

[Result "28"]
[FEN "4q1kr/p6p/1prQPppB/4n3/4P3/2P5/PP2B2P/R5K1 w - - "]

1. Qxe5 {win}

[Result "29"]
[FEN "q1b4n/1p1pKp2/1p1p1Pp1/1P1P2Pp/2P4P/8/7R/1N1k4 w - - "]

1. Ra2 {win}

[Result "30"]
[FEN "3k4/2pq3p/pp5R/4P3/P6P/2PN4/1PN3K1/8 w - - "]

1. Nd4 {win}

[Result "31"]
[FEN "8/7p/6pP/p4pP1/3BpP2/p1KpP3/pn1N4/k7 w - - "]

1. Bh8 {win}

[Result "32"]
[FEN "8/6p1/p7/rp1K2p1/kb3pP1/2p2p1b/P1Np1P2/3N2R1 w - - "]

1. Ke6 {or 1. Ke4 win}

[Result "33"]
[FEN "B7/p1p5/k2p4/p3p3/P1Nb1p2/6p1/7p/4K3 w - - "]

{Ke1->h3->c8 win}

[Result "34"]
[FEN "1qN5/b1pB4/1pP2k2/pP3P2/P1P5/8/8/K7 w - - "]

{Ka1->h5->d8 win}

[Result "35"]
[FEN "8/3P3k/n2K3p/2p3n1/1b4N1/2p1p1P1/8/3B4 w - - "]

1. Nf6+ {win}

[Result "36"]
[FEN "8/5K2/3p3p/3p3P/pp1P4/rkb1R3/p1p3P1/n1B2B2 w - - "]

1. Rd3 {win}

[Result "37"]
[FEN "6bn/p4p1k/rp3Pp1/rp2BBP1/1p6/pK6/P2P4/8 w - - "]

1. Bc8 {win}

[Result "38"]
[FEN "qn6/b1Kp3p/p1pB3p/p7/P1NkP3/2pP4/2B5/8 w - - "]

1. Bf4 {or 1. Kc8 win}

[Result "39"]
[FEN "8/P7/4k3/8/5P2/4Bq2/5P2/5K2 b - - "]

1... Kf5 {win}

[Result "40"]
[FEN "8/6kP/1p6/p7/Pr6/K2B4/8/8 b - - "]

1... Rh4 {next Kg7->f6->e5 win}

[Result "41"]
[FEN "8/8/2b1N3/5p2/3B4/2K5/6kp/R7 w - - "]

1. Rh1 {win}

[Result "42"]
[FEN "8/8/4kpp1/3p1b2/p6P/2B5/6P1/6K1 b - - "]

1... Bh3 {win}

[Result "43"]
[FEN "5rk1/5ppp/p1Q1p3/1R6/q7/4b1P1/P2RPP1P/6K1 w - - "]

1. Rd8 {win}

[Result "44"]
[FEN "r7/1b1r4/k1p1p1p1/1p1pPpPp/p1PP1P1P/PP1K4/8/4Q3 w - - "]

1. Qa5+ {draw - no gain}

[Result "45"]
[FEN "3B4/1r2p3/r2p1p2/bkp1P1p1/1p1P1PPp/p1P4P/PPB1K3/8 w - - "]

1. Ba4+ {draw - no gain}

[Result "46"]
[FEN "2k5/2p5/1q1p4/pPpPp1pp/N1P1Pp2/P4PbP/KQ4P1/8 w - - "]

{avoid Nxb6+ win}

[Result "47"]
[FEN "1r6/4k3/r2p2p1/2pR1p1p/2P1pP1P/pPK1P1P1/P7/1B6 b - - "]

1... Rxb3+ {win}

[Result "48"]
[FEN "8/5k2/6p1/4BP1p/6p1/p1p3PP/6P1/1n2K2R b K - "]

1... a2 2. fxg6+ Kg8 {win}

[Result "49"]
[FEN "8/3k1b1r/2p1p1p1/rpPpPpPp/p2P1P1P/P2K4/8/4B3 w - - "]

1. Bb4 {draw - no gain}

[Result "50"]
[FEN "7b/p1p1p3/P1PpPp2/2nP1kpr/5P1p/p3KBPP/P7/8 w - - "]

1. Be4+ {draw - no gain}

[Result "51"]
[FEN "7r/p1p1p1pk/3pPp1p/2pP1PP1/P1P4P/1K6/P6B/8 w - - "]

1. g6+ Kg8 2. a5 a6 3. Bxd6 {or 2. Bxd6 cxd6 3. h5 draw - no gain}

[Result "52"]
[FEN "8/1p1q1k2/1Pp5/p1Pp4/P2Pp1p1/4PpPp/1N3P1P/3B2K1 w - - "]

1. Bb3 Qc8 2. Nd1 Qa8 3. Bc4 {draw - no gain}

[Result "53"]
[FEN "8/8/2pk4/8/p1p3B1/PpP5/1P6/r1NK4 w - - "]

1. Bf5 Ra2 2. Nxa2 bxa2 3. Kc1 a1Q+ 4. Bb1 {draw - no gain}

[Result "54"]
[FEN "1R3b2/5ppQ/6Pp/6PP/R6P/P7/7K/2q1k3 w - - "]

1. Rb1 Qxb1 2. gxf7 {win}

[Result "55"]
[FEN "Kn6/8/8/3R2PB/8/2p2NP1/1q6/2k5 w - - "]

1. Rd1+ {draw - no gain}

[Result "56"]
[FEN "1B3B1B/2B5/p6B/8/8/8/8/1k1K4 w - - "]

1. Bce5 {win}

[Result "57"]
[FEN "4kr2/5p1K/3p1Q2/1p4P1/4P3/1PP5/7b/8 w - - "]

1. Kh6 {win}

[Result "58"]
[FEN "6R1/8/2pB3k/2P4p/5p1q/5P2/4P1K1/8 w - - "]

1. Bf8+ {win}

[Result "59"]
[FEN "n2Bqk2/5p1p/Q4KP1/p7/8/8/8/8 w - - "]

1. Qc8 Kg8 2. Bc7 {win}

[Result "60"]
[FEN "8/5p2/8/8/p7/rpK4p/1p3ppr/bQ1N1bqk w - - "]

1. Kb4 {or 1. Kd4 win}

[Result "61"]
[FEN "8/8/7p/3KNN1k/2p4p/8/3P2p1/8 w - - "]

1. Kc6 {draw - no gain}

[Result "62"]
[FEN "1R6/pPk1r3/2p5/K7/8/2B1b3/8/8 w - - "]

1. Ka6 {draw - no gain}

[Result "63"]
[FEN "8/p7/qkpN1p2/8/1B1P4/PP3K2/5P2/8 w - - "]

1. Ba5+ {win}

[Result "64"]
[FEN "2N5/p7/P7/8/1KPp1p1p/3p1Bpp/3P2rq/R5bk w - - "]

1. Nb6 {win}

[Result "65"]
[FEN "5kN1/3p1q2/5P2/5PP1/2pK4/1p1R4/1P6/8 w - - "]

1. Rxb3 {win}

[Result "66"]
[FEN "2b1rk2/5p2/p1P5/2p2P2/2p5/7B/P7/2KR4 w - - "]

1. f6 {win}

[Result "67"]
[FEN "2r5/prkpR1p1/2p1ppK1/P1p1N1B1/P1P1P3/8/8/8 w - - "]

1. Bf4 {win}

[Result "68"]
[FEN "8/8/8/5Bp1/7k/7P/4pPK1/8 b - - "]

1... g4 {win}

[Result "69"]
[FEN "3k4/4pp2/n2n4/5BN1/3N4/b7/4K3/8 w - - "]

1. Nxf7+ {draw - no gain}

[Result "70"]
[FEN "8/1P6/8/1b1K4/6p1/5pP1/5P1B/7k w - - "]

1. b8R {win}

[Result "71"]
[FEN "8/5pKN/5Pp1/5kP1/8/Bb6/8/7q w - - "]

1. Bc5 {any move} Qxh7+ {Black wins}

[Result "72"]
[FEN "8/p5p1/1pP3p1/p5p1/k3p3/4p3/K7/8 w - - "]

1. c7 {win}

[Result "73"]
[FEN "q7/8/2p5/B2p2pp/5pp1/2N3k1/6P1/7K w - - "]

1. Ne4+ Kh4 2. Ng3 fxg3 3. Bb6 {draw - no gain}

[Result "74"]
[FEN "q7/7R/k7/1p6/1p6/1P2B3/7K/8 w - - "]

1. Bd4 {win}

[Result "75"]
[FEN "1q1r3k/3P1pp1/ppBR1n1p/4Q2P/P4P2/8/5PK1/8 w - - "]

1. Rxf6 {win}

[Result "76"]
[FEN "1r3q1k/2N2P1p/6pQ/4p3/7p/n6P/3B4/7K w - - "]

1. Qf4 {win}

[Result "77"]
[FEN "5nr1/2Pp2pk/3Pp1p1/4P1P1/6P1/5K2/8/7n w - - "]

1. c8N {win}

[Result "78"]
[FEN "2K3k1/1p6/R3p1p1/1rB1P1P1/8/8/1Pb5/8 w - - "]

1. Rc6 {draw - no gain}

[Result "79"]
[FEN "4q3/2r1r2p/3P3P/1p6/kP6/Pp6/1P6/KB2R3 w - - "]

1. Rxe7 Qxe7 2. dxc7 {draw - no gain}

[Result "80"]
[FEN "3k4/8/7p/2p1p1pP/1pPpPpP1/1P1P1P2/N7/2K5 w - - "]

{Na2->h4 win - gain}[/pgn]
The test doesn't contain middle-game tactical positions and technical endgames.
Here are only positions dedicated to test so-called by me quasi-intelligent abilities of engines.
Don't use such an external tricks like: multiPV, rule 50, null-move disabling, special parameters and others.
Tablebases and "Monte Carlo" are not welcome too.
The time to solve each of items should be 30 minutes for 1 000 000 nodes/second speed. It means 3 minutes for 10 000 000 nodes/second only. Of course, the going on last depth should not be broken.
The draw result means ZERO score or a missing gain.
The win result means the correct solution line mainly.
Here are rather easy, sometimes specially simplified be me, examples of possible problems for a clessic model of engines.
The spectrum of examples (80 items) and estimated time of solving are not accidental.

Sting SF 9.8 updates methods for fortress and pawn wall positions.
Maybe, I can't be friendly, but let me be useful.
Posts: 1796
Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:24 pm

Re: Sting SF 9.8 update

Post by Werewolf »

[d]2r5/6pk/7p/8/8/7P/1rb1RRPK/8 w - - 0 1

Any chance a position like this could be looked at?
Posts: 1010
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Re: Sting SF 9.8 update

Post by MikeGL »

Thanks for this update Marek!
I told my wife that a husband is like a fine wine; he gets better with age. The next day, she locked me in the cellar.
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Full name: Leo Anger

Re: Sting SF 9.8 update

Post by Leo »

chinese sacrifices ? What is that?
Advanced Micro Devices fan.
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Re: Sting SF 9.8 update

Post by lech »

Leo wrote:chinese sacrifices ? What is that?
Something, what likes chinese snooker.
Sacrifices give a material, chinese sacrfices don't get a material. :)
Maybe, I can't be friendly, but let me be useful.
Posts: 1167
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Full name: Herbert L

Re: Sting SF 9.7 skipped?

Post by Paloma »

or did I miss something
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Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:02 pm

Re: Sting SF 9.8 update

Post by lech »

lech wrote:
Leo wrote:chinese sacrifices ? What is that?
Something, what likes chinese snooker.
Sacrifices give a material, chinese sacrfices don't get a material. :)
[d]2k5/2p5/1q1p4/pPpPp1pp/N1P1Pp2/P4PbP/KQ4P1/8 w - -
White avoids Nxb6 (chinese sacrifice) to try to win!
Maybe, I can't be friendly, but let me be useful.
Posts: 1136
Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:02 pm

Re: Sting SF 9.8 update

Post by lech »

Werewolf wrote:[d]2r5/6pk/7p/8/8/7P/1rb1RRPK/8 w - - 0 1
Any chance a position like this could be looked at?
Where is a problem?
The draw result means ZERO score or a missing gain.
Maybe, I can't be friendly, but let me be useful.
Posts: 1080
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 6:55 pm
Location: USA/Minnesota
Full name: Leo Anger

Re: Sting SF 9.8 update

Post by Leo »

lech wrote:
lech wrote:
Leo wrote:chinese sacrifices ? What is that?
Something, what likes chinese snooker.
Sacrifices give a material, chinese sacrfices don't get a material. :)
[d]2k5/2p5/1q1p4/pPpPp1pp/N1P1Pp2/P4PbP/KQ4P1/8 w - -
White avoids Nxb6 (chinese sacrifice) to try to win!
Advanced Micro Devices fan.
Posts: 1796
Joined: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:24 pm

Re: Sting SF 9.8 update

Post by Werewolf »

lech wrote:
Werewolf wrote:[d]2r5/6pk/7p/8/8/7P/1rb1RRPK/8 w - - 0 1
Any chance a position like this could be looked at?
Where is a problem?

Sting thinks this is winning for black, but actually it's dead drawn.